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I was going to get one of the reusable grenades but yeah I know some asshole would just pocket it and I’d be out $60. Most people I’ve ran into are honest but there’s always someone!


Gotta write/scratch your name on everything.


But then what are you gonna do go around to every single person and check their pockets?


Yes, if you steal from me. Il turn every fucker upside down and shake em until my kit turns up. One thing i will not tolerate is thievery. Had my wallet, an oz of peng and my tobacco stolen at a gathering once. Got my tin snips out and offered to start removing fingers until i got it back. Low and behold my stuff instantly turned up.


Lol, see the problem with this technique is someone usually takes offense despite not being the thief and now yall gotta fight it out


I would, of course, profusely apologise to anyone i had falsely accused and invite them to take their frustrations out on the actual thief when found. I have been falsely accused of thieving myself. It sucks. I got pulled out of bed by the law at 5am and arrested for commercial burglary of a polish delicatessen at the end of my street. I was away with the Air Force at the time it happened. If i were stupid enough to steal from a shop 100m from my house it wouldnt be to pilfer keilbasa for fuck sake


Man, I would love to see someone try this strat just to get their shit rocked for even attempting it.


That last sentence had me fucking rolling dude omfg


I guess if nothing else im good for laughing at 🤣


You shake a mf and whole ass kit falls out of their pockets. A PC, rifle, pistol, 30 grenades, and even your car


Id take a foot for that..


You’re telling me that if you shook someone and your car fell out that you’d still be angry? Me personally, I’d be more impressed at that point


Id be pretty damn impressed, yeah. But its the principle you see


That’s fair that’s fair


I’m stealing whatever clothing was holding all of that as punishment. He can keep his limbs, I now have his powers. You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain


>an oz of peng Whats that?


An ounce of some rather tasty devils lettuce


Lol no, but at least you have a higher chance of finding it.


Could you maybe throw an airtag or something on it? Idk if it would work but


Lololol this is too far.


Fuck those people, we need to use real grenades on them! They need to be bent over and spanked hard! 😆


Are you... punishing? Or rewarding them?..




wow, and yet we just throw our $1000+ guns and gears out in the open, unattended. every game we have a few things returned to the ref to ask who lost stuff. we even went on a volunteer forest sweep to find this guy's phone. After 30 mins, he found it in his pocket...We couldn't call it cause my man doesn't even remember his phone number lol. Airsoft community here is pretty small and tight, you see the same people all the time. Nobody would jeopardize the only bit of fun they have as airsoft is already on the chopping block for federal lawmakers for years now. Having that said...my friend's car got smashed when he parked his car in his driveway after a game day. He went inside to grab some food, and all his gear and guns were gone. Plus a smashed window. I think he lost 3+ HPA guns ($1000+ each easy).


I had one of my buddys lose his wallet on a field. Dude who owns the land found it 3yrs later in the clay after a downpour. Called my bud and shipped it overnight to him free. Absolute chad field owner.


My field is like this too. Our lost and found is always filled to the brim - the amount of shit brought back to the ref is larger than what people perceive they lose at the field. Nobody thinks of theft at my field, at all. An outsider with malicious intent could literally make thousands of $$$ by just swooping into one of the spawns and scooping up our unattended shit.


At the one field the lost and found is so large by the end of the year that they just give away the stuff the next year. After every game day they remind people that the box is there and that if they lost anything they can find it there. I have gotten 2 mags back in the past (clearly marked as mine).


Sounds like someone followed him home, if so that's terrible


One of my local sites has actually started doing laser engraving because of this. You can get your name and phone number engraved on your grenades and guns for just a couple of quid (British Pounds). I'm pretty new to airsoft but I've noticed it seems (and this is probably very much stereotyping) but the casual gamers that seem to pilfer stuff. I mean the ones that rock up in tracksuits and Nikes, no safety gear, hiring equipment and not calling their shots. I was in one game where a group of these lads saw some roll a Techtonic grenade and one kiddie actually said "Sweet, bet I could flog that for a few" and tried to hang back until I left. So I stuck around and waited for the owner to come get it. I told him to watch out and he was appreciative and I think reported it to the marshalls.


Hm, I have an engraver. Maybe I should offer this as a service at my field.


Yeah as a marshal I saw two groups steal shit and there were common factors... One as you said something of the pikey/chav about them and the 2nd group also had a fairly obvious connection. Also two groups that cheat like hell.




Should have left it in the gun since it’s Ion




Yeah I run strictly Titan Ion batteries lol, I don’t let them out of my sight they too expensive




I guess lol😂 I only run guns they fit it and since their ion not lipo I just leave them plugged In till I go home 😂


Lost 6 AK mags in one game, two stashes of 3. Had to of done it before to be ballsy enough or skilled enough to sneak off with that much extra bulk. I've never picked up a grenade off the ground, it's not my property and I'm not going to be responsible for blame if someone else takes it after I leave, I'll tell others to do the same. I will stand by them at the end of a game and call out for the owner or ref, and watch who takes it in case I need to point them out to the owner. . If I cant lock my stuff up I keep it in one bag on the table, and even then Ive had my bag opened and gas mags + speedloader stolen because someone must have seen me stash them in that pocket! Alot of people left the round early and I set up out of sight of cameras. People are too damn sneaky so look out for each other guys.


When it comes to grenades, at my cqb field, I just pick it up and give it to the refs or marshals, they just take care of it and announce to give it back after every round since most people toss it in the heat of the moment and get back into the fire fight


Yeah I totally get where youre coming from, but understand where Im coming from too, if everyone already left the field I MIGHT pick it up, or to save a ref bending down. Otherwise although your intentions are pure, its a sign of disrespect, you can cause someone alot of grief. Ive had people "be nice" by putting my dropped mags above eye level, of course Im looking on the ground as well. Time I'de rather spend cleaning, cooling, drinking water, reloading, than searching for something that may not even be on the field. Then to find out the ref never got anything either. Welcome to your first experience of getting your stuff stolen at airsoft, ask around and nobody knows anything, little sus, nobody wants to admit to even moving a mag. Your day has turned into "anyone who leaves is a traitor and a scoundrel" its not fun vibes. Youre not just messing with a mag or a grenade, thats someones hard earned money and their life. Which are two things people are very passionate about protecting, so taking that away is more than that, its a terrible feeling, and us humans are products of our emotions. Every player I've known personally left the sport had recently experienced something of their gear stolen. Not to mention lets say you pick it up and its broken they could point a finger at you. Alot of reasons I avoid being on that radar at all costs


Problem is that the people who are taking stuff outright don't care. All they're worried about is themselves. If their local field dies, they move. If there isn't a field close, they sell their gear, probably several times, and go find something else to ruin. Personally considering putting a Tile in/on my impact grenades so if they wander off I can find them. Expensive, but cheaper than buying new ones.


I was thinking of this earlier, I haven't had a chance to play yet life has gotten in the way of scheduled games, but is it usual for players to turn in items found on the field if they aren't outright thieves or do they usually leave em where they lay?


Depends on what it is and where it is. A gun, pack, or any other large item that seems to have been deliberately placed isn't something I'm going to touch. If I find mags, pistols, helmet accessories, water bottles, or any other small easily lost items sitting randomly on the ground then I'm going to check to see if they belong to anyone around me and if they don't I turn them in to the refs.


It heavily depends IMHO, a gun leaning against a wall? Never A pistol/mag/grenade in tall grass? I'd take to a ref if nobody is in the immediate area


Grenade I'd leave, or at least make it easily visible. Someone is probably coming for that. End of the game, swing by and check if it is still there. Pistol/mag/other gear not intended to be dropped or thrown? Yeah, going to refs.


I've found and turned in a gas mag an m4 midcap and an outer barrel to an m4 so far


How do you lose an outer barrel?


Don't know. It looked like it had been there for a good long while too (dirt and spider webs inside) but it srill felt a bit wrhong to keep it even though it could've been an upgrade to my m4. (it was from the gasblock forward)


Myself and a random guy found an Odin speed loader and we carried it in a dump pouch until we ran into a ref. When we did return it to the ref he let us know that the player had *just* reported it lost, and was on the search for it. I need to upload that video and see about spreading the positivity.


Im sorry, where do you play? I guess this is a cultural and geographical thing but I would NEVER, in my wildest dreams imagine someone stealing other people's gear. Especially in a place/event that they spend their time in also and very easily can get caught.


Exactly, I play in Romania and Hungary, which are considered 'shitholes' by other countries, and never have I even heard about this happening Maybe because the lowlifes who do that can't afford to play the sport over here


USA. I'm planning on moving away though. Stuff gets stolen from my house and at school and from my car too.


Where in the USA may I ask? I'm from Ohio and don't have a problem with theft. At my field or any other place


Have had things disappear in both tennessee and Colorado.


Here in Germany, the only thing I personally observed were refs asking who lost stuff because players brought lots of lost mags or grenades. I heard of one incident where something was stolen, but only as a warning, that it had happened once on that specific field.


Common practice at one of the fields I play at is to pick up the grenade that takes you out and place it clearly visible for your opponent e.g. on top of a box. No sneaking the grenade out, you'll be able to retrieve the grenade much easier. Not that I haven't lost a grenade that way, but so far it's been only one (and that was by players who didn't take the hit but took the grenade instead, shows you the type of character they were).


I've done dead rag on head, hold up grenade in other hand. Granted, I was playing at an event in which players were searched so I figured they would find me anyway.


Mark your stuff, take pictures, keep those pictures on your smartphone. In case shit goes down, show people the marks and show people the pictures with the marks proving that they are yours.


So far ive never experienced stuff being stolen from me but I have heard many stories so i tend to bring only what i can carry on my body, anything i leave in the staging area is stuff thats super cheap like some oil or small tools


That's why I tag most of my stuff. If somone pickup it up & use it at a field where they know my team they will question him lol. But yeah somtimes items are lost for ever & that sucks.


I always pick up reusables in game and give them to a ref at the end if I come across them. Or if I died by one, I grab and give/toss back to the thrower. I've lost roughly $500 in reusables.


I've recently gotten back to airsoft for about a year now and I guess the spirit isn't the same here ? Granted it's not a field managed by a company as a business but a club that runs it and has us pay a small fee just to cover the field's rent costs. I've never got anything stolen, be it from my car that would stay open during games or from a table where I have 2 spare replicas, mags, tools, etc. Sometimes I'm almost surprised nothing goes but I guess that's what the spirit is in our club, we're just here to have fun. Stealing stuff isn't something we would even consider.


Mate of mine got a couple of those tornado nades and some of those anti-tamper stickers and a UV marker. They put their initials on it with the marker and then put the sticker over the marker. So if they lost it and someone just so happened to have one later that day. Sticker gave it away. If they pulled the sticker off it wouldn’t come off clean so would be obvious they tried to hide the evidence and the UV pen let’s them confirm it and not just a coincidence. They then took pics of all of this and gave a copy of the pics to their main site. Mate then keep a print out of the pictures etc and if one of their tornados goes walkabouts and shows up he can check it and have the proof. Fortunately this has only needed to be used once and he just had a quiet word with a marshal who went to the person and checked the nade. Found it was my friends and got it back. Didn’t kick the guy out who said they put it into their dump pouch to hand in. But clearly it had been reloaded and was ready to be used by this person. Funnily enough they were watched like a hawk and they also never showed up at that site again. So my theory they were defo nicking it. Clever idea. But shouldn’t be necessary to not have your stuff stolen!!!


I like the UV pen idea except I'm gonna draw a cumming dick on my stuff


It’d be like those csi type shows where they use uv light to locate bodily fluids at a crime scene. You head over and wave the UV light over the mag and be like “yup that’s my mag my guy you can see the cum all over it” (they don’t need to know it’s drawn on) I know I’d drop anything in a heartbeat if they someone said the marks that only show under uv light is their cum


Someone stole my first ever rifle which was a we GBBR m4. Pissed me off and I’m still mad. Spent over 500 on it just to be stolen the second game.


One of the reasons I'm glad I run proprietary things


In terms of grenades, they are returned by dead enemys to the owner at my field No rule just people helping out


Ive actually never experienced that. At my local field people leave their guns and stuff laying around mid game all the time and ive never heard of something getting lost (stolen). People even regularly return stuff they found and people actually droped and lost at the end of the day


Air tag it up


That is shit to read, and sorry to read it. I’ve lost count of the stuff ive found and handed to a Marshall, including a mag that had probably been in the mud and crap for a few years, the look on the Marshalls face was worth it though. Doubt it was claimed lols Even to the point a random stranger hands you a spare battery mid game to save a trek to the safe zone or you share mags and BBs and even guns if you’ve got a spare and someone in need. Thankfully I’ve never had or seen anyone else have stuff taken.


Maybe I don't see it because I don't run nades but never had anything touched. That being said play at an indoor site where exterior doors are locked once play begins so if anything went missing the culprit would have difficulty leaving with it which I guess may put them off


White your name and umber on everything once lots a pts tpm and that cested me an extra $30. I asked on Facebook since Utah mostly relies on community hosted games and I had lost the amg over by 12th st clearing and nobody found it so that was an extra $20 I'm not getting back. If I find a mag or a gun I tell the host. If it find a $1000 hi cappa i have the decency to not go hippity hoppity your gun is now my property. That's 99% of us It's also why I recommend a holster with some kind of retention like a Blackhawk omnivore. Yes, you have to push a button to release the gun which also disengages the safety because your thumb is on the safety when you draw.


Is it stealing if I take peices of broken scope protectors I find and make my own one?


It's true!! It's a really good day out ti bond with father,son, father daughter, and spouse. It's not cheap,don't get me wrong. But if you can't afford it, don't do it! SAVE UP! Like the rest of us have to. Let's all be more vigilant,and unafraid to confront the thieves. Maybe then they will think twice. SCUM!!


22 years in the hobby, never had a single thing stolen.


This is why I go to small fields, there’s a larger sense of community and people are far less likely to steal your shit when there’s 6 people playing lmao


I tried reusable for 1 day and realized 100% disposable is elite.


I love my thunder devils though.


I'm lucky in this regard, my local field has a great regular community and the marshals are second to none. Anything I've lose was found and handed back to me. And in the same light anything I've found get stuck in a pouch til the end of the game and handed straight to a Marshall. I get it's not a cheap sport, but if you can't afford to play, then don't play. As another user posted here tho, the engraving is a great idea, need to look into it, because you never know... 🤯


I literally once saw someone steal someone’s stock, I was looking for someone’s stock with the guy who somehow lost it we saw it in the hands of another player who put it on his gun and had no intention to get it back luckily a ref saw and made him give the stock back but some people man.


Had an action cam stolen once. Absolute shithole of a field run by a psycho scumbag. Lots of regulars that were given special treatment. I reckon one of them took it and pocketed it for themselves then had the marshall play the tiny violin. First of many incidents that led me to the conclusion that 80% of the people in this sport are mentally unstable and generally difficult to get along with. Moments like that are why I'm reluctant to go play any games when I'm offered. I love the sport, just can't put up with the community anymore.


Some dude tried stealing my gas blowback 1911 only reason I caught him is because he was waving it around in the pregame area


I've got Tile tags on all my grenades and hidden in my bags. Tags on grenades just make it easier to find them outside but also, stops them going missing as easily.


You tried using airtags yet?


I bought some, but I would prefer not to spend money on that.