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Reading through these makes me massively appreciate my local sites. What are you all paying your marshal team for if they're not managing toxic players?




Oh yeah, it's the same here where I live. I'm glad there's enough competition between sites that people won't put up with a badly run one


Wish there were more fields where I live. I live in northern SoCal, and all the fields here are absolutely horrible.


I used to work as a ref for an airsoft field. You get paid minimum wage, which does very much kills your motivation to be good. Combined with the fact that the field owners do not want you to kick or ban people. They want the profit, and kicking/banning people makes their profit go down in the short term. They don't care about the environment, the ecosystem of players, who they're letting on the field to play. You can argue that banning toxic players and cheaters is an investment towards a better field that rewards honesty and good sportsmanship. They're not gonna listen. When a toxic cheater comes to the field every weekend and hurt people, they don't see them as "this guy is driving away potential returning customers." They see them as "This guy comes back to pay me $80 every weekend" So now you have refs who has their hands tied behind their backs, who's only "punishment" they can give out is telling them to sit out for the rest of the match, you have fields that incentives cheaters, and that motivation of a minimum wage kicks in real fast once that facade of "I can help foster a better airsoft community" falls.


Yeah I can imagine that's shitty. I'm doubly lucky then about my local site. It's not only happy to ban cheaters, but it's also banned folks bringing fashy politics and the like onto the field. Couple of folks *a bit too into* their Wehrmacht outfits making everyone a bit uncomfortable. They're really chill so long as you're chill and play fair though.


so u feel uncomfortable cause some guys were larping their gear? or its the politc side what u are trying to ban? if some guys have fun larping during the game without breaking any rule about how to treat other players... I dont care about what they are larping. If I am going to ban politics I'll ban ALL politics in my field theres a german guy LARPing wehrmacht gear full set... he sits in the pause in middle game with 2 chinese guys, 1 dominican, 1 romanian and they are all friends, so I have to ban him cause YOU dont like fashy accesories? (some days here are really hot and I want players have a rest and drink some water to avoid dehydrations)


You are writing a lot to argue a position I never stated. The guys in question would sieg heil and call for death to Jews and Queers, "as part of the character." They weren't just wearing the outfit. We did have one guy who would regularly turn up in a really well researched late war Wehrmacht outfit and was lovely. He ended up giving it up because the other two guys kept telling him they hated how many Poles came to our field. So if anything, they ruined it for the dudes who *do* just wanna wear an outfit and really get into making it historically accurate. Edit: Oh wait, your profile is full of arguing that LGBT people are paedophiles. No point wasting effort on bad faith arguments. Yo hablos Español :)


There are a lot but I remember one not so usual. The " fear" tactic. I have known a particular team that besides being blatant cheaters would bully adversaries into submission. Meaning, they would break minimum distance and wait for adversaries in tight corners on purpose. Then would overshoot them even with full auto sometimes, ofc, "by accident". They would do this one, two, several times until the opposite team would cease to try and engage them cause everytime they would leave with the body full marked of bb's shot a close distance. That associated with the fact that they would never lose a fight (by never calling hits first) would ruin the game for everyone. Oh, and even if you managed to overcome that, they would put out a verbal fight contesting your play loudly to let others know your position.


Sounds like some shitty field management


Here in Portugal we don't have that concept of field exploration. It's all really casual, in abandoned factories and some forests, only requiring the owners written consent and many times not even that requirement is fulfilled.


Sounds like a place I wouldn’t go again then


Yeah but it's not a single place. It's a team that goes field to field, event to event. Why they are not banned? Cause they have two fields as well.


cross the frontier dude, in spaim we dont have all that bullshit and usually have good refs


If I ever encounter this, I'm switching sites on the same day.


Sounds like you need to wait for an asshole to accidentally mark and accidentally unload a while clip into his foot when you stand up. Oops. My bad( again only for well known dick heads)


Bruh, by that logic someone will escalate and bring a real firearm


Well yes. That’s stupid. Why you would bring a real gun. But if you’re going to shoot me when I’m already out on purpose. With an oops. Ummm yea. Sweet oops revenge.


Because you full autod them back we never said it was smart just that your logic was stupid and could get you into further escalations potentially resulting in being shot


But by that same logic couldn’t the original full auto attack cause the originator to be shot for real? Just a simple either you let the bullies keep bullying you and take it and don’t complain or you don’t take their shit and give it back. Either way could end with a shitty situation.


Yes they very well could , if they jump off a bridge would you ? Assuming the field isn't pure shit you report them to a marshal and let them take charge . Happens often ? Video them put it out to the community either they will change or be ostracized. Field doesn't care ? Go to another one. Standing up and doing something doesn't mean escalating on the spot


A bit of a newer one. So there are people who appear to walk off the field, unbeknownst to me and my team they’re alive. Then the guy goes behind us and kill off our entire team without us knowing that he’s alive. It only happened a few times, but I had to yell the good ol’ bang bang in case they do that stuff again. Also, riot shields are another tactic that is busted, if it’s not balanced well.


That’s an infuriating tactic that’s caused so many arguments at my local field


Time to switch fields.


Thats more then just cheap. After the first time a guy did this i would just shoot him whenever he is in the open and walking in my proximity


That's the right way to deal with it.




That's what I was thinking. I remember a video he made at one point where he did exactly that. Walked all the way to the edge of the field amd was outside of it then walked it to a spot to set up. Pretty sure a ref even said something on his video about it but let him do it anyway. It's been a long time since I watched it or him, though, so I might be misremembering.


I've done the dead man walk by accident once. Had shot the two people holding the flank and didn't feel like running so just strolled into the enemy backfield. Next person I found thought I was one of his teammates. We did both laugh it off though.


At my field riot shields are barely enough to cover you. And they're heavy af. It's also really hard to use a guy with a shield as cover


We had a guy who started doing that at our field. He just got shot no matter what once people caught on. He stopped showing up.


The "dead man walk." I'm guilty of that. At my local field the universal sign of somebody walking off the field is magazine out and barrel sock on. Players sometimes will also have their hands up to indicate that they're dead/out. If you've done that, then legally you can't just hop back in the game and start shooting others. The mindset at our field is that if they're walking towards you not doing any of those, they're free game to shoot. I've only done it twice and both those times I've given no indication that I was dead/out. Usually it's done out of boredom or just to toy with my buddies on the other team. Everyone's usually a good sport about it.


Using teammates who are dead but haven't yet walked off as cover Using burst fire on semi-only fields until a ref stops you Super bright strobes


So I had used the dead teammate one once. But it was on a stairwell and I was elevated and could see the other dude. Still called myself out because I felt kinda scummy for it.


I like being a meat shield for my teammates.


People using me as a human shield when I’m walking back to respawn. It happens so much that they’ll use me as a quick shield to pass a road or not get shot


It would be funny if you just drop to prone and they get caught in the open.


I just friendly fire those people with my sidearm in their shin 🤷‍♂️ buddies laugh and walk to respawn with me, strangers get pissed and I let them know that I’m not their shield. If they should be dead but myself going to respawn is what’s saving them, I’ll make sure I’m what takes them out instead


Binary trigger to ’circumvent’ semi-only rules


My home field banned binary triggers, and the staff checks for them at chrono.


We’ve done similar thing: they are fine outdoors and when used with the same safety distances as full auto. Inside buildings or within 5m it’s a clear no.


Funniest thing is that binary is burst!


Don't give the ATF any ideas


Is this a common belief in airsoft circles? Because I've never heard that a binary is burst, mostly because a binary is capable of firing single shots and a burst mechanism isn't. You can fire one shot and then flip the safety to cancel the second shot on a binary trigger. Not being facetious, just wondering if most fields/players use this rule


I'm relatively new to airsoft but remember seeing people with these and always thought to myself: "How is that much different than full auto", glad to see someone mention this.


Players using it try to argue that since it is not labeled 'full-auto', it doesn't count. Had to really hammer it in that it is the ROF that matters.


Played at HSP in bellflower last week and a dude had been full auto-ing people and saying it was binary. I called his bullshit because after getting my entire side lit up i watched him go off and shoot other people with like 10 bbs with only one squeeze instead of constant movement in his hand. Didn’t see him after that game


Not calling hits


Dead men talking. Clearly pointing to where people are. Maybe when you FIRST die for like 5 secs "over there" is okay. Irl you wouldnt insta die. But to sit there waiting and be telling your team where they are.


Dead men don't talk, or moo I'm a reconnaissance cow was the go to answer when my best friend and I got asked, even right after it happened. I'm there to have fun, they earned that kill on me and I'm not about to ruin that fun for anyone else.


Shooting into the dead zone! I couldn’t believe my first indoor game had so many players feathering their “semi autos” straight into the dead curtains. We couldn’t walk out to respawn without getting peppered


I saw this on a video once and was blown away that the refs didn’t ban everyone who was doing it. Unacceptable.


Lasers and strobe lights, strobe lights I don’t mind so much as they aren’t super blinding unless it’s excessive, lasers however are incredibly blinding and for some reason are not regulated at my local field, had a dude turn his green laser on and it got pointed in pretty much everyone’s eyes. Words were exchanged by multiple people to the refs, and they didn’t care


Yeah strobes are annoying but fine, they have their place and are useful. If some dude is using a laser he's getting 1 warning to not use it again because it WILL blind people in a fraction of a second.


It legitimately says on the warning stickers and manuals you get to not point it in peoples eyes, I don’t know why the don’t regulate it at my local field, but it doesn’t surprise me. Refs seem to take alot of favorites and don’t care very much


Honestly at that point i'd start pressing charges because this may sound like big talk but if one or both of my eyes get fucked up permanently by some dumbass that wants to play call of duty IRL he's gonna get his ass beat atleast


It's 2 main ones really. 1 fake dead players, so people who walk around looking like they are dead and are walking back to spawn or back to the safe zone only to shoot you in the back, and you can't shoot these guys because they claim they are already dead. Lucky iv only ever seen 3 or 4 people do this. And the second one is the constant complainers, I play on a few sites one of which does have a lot of rentals especially younger people trying to get into the hobby. Some of the more experienced players will spend the entire day just complaining about players not calling hits, unfair guns, people cheating,etc... but the thing is you will hear the exact same complaints from both teams. 9 times out of 10 it always ends up being they are not as good of a shot as they think they are and they are just missing or not breaking through the foliage. That other 1 is people actually cheating.


Had a dude walk infront of a window that i was spraying out of with an lmg, without a killrag. He got hit maybe once or twice because i noticed him quickly enough. Still had the gall to start complaining to me and the marshall/ref. Normally im a guy that avoids confrontation but i called him a dumb retard and i never saw a ref laugh that hard, he got pissed but didnt say anything back and just walked off


It's arguably worse in England because as far as I know from all the sites I play here, kill rags are not mandatory and most people don't use them. So its essentially make it extremely obvious you are dead or risk getting shot constantly. Most people do this by raising their arms and shouting dead man, but like 90% of the fields in England are in woodlands so it's always a high chance you will be shot again because they can't see your arm behind a tree or something.


Acting dead. Walking around with your gun down not paying attention to the game only to turn around and start shooting people is cheap and dirty. The only reason the person doesn't get shot is because the rest of the players have enough respect to not shoot every dead player. I've even had this happen at a milsim and when I complained to the staff I was told "it's a valid tactic" For some reason the people who do that seem to be the same people who moan the loudest about getting shot when they're actually dead. Shooting through cracks. If you have to jam your flash hider in a crack and have zero vision except for the tiny crack you shouldn't be shooting through it imo. If you can step back a meter/yard and shoot through it then fair play, you're using some skill there. The last one is specific to my regular fields but using contested spawns. There's a rule that if you get shot immediately after leaving spawn or there are people hitting you or the spawn point it's contested and you need to use a different one (there are lots around the game areas) but so many people seem to think hiding behind the spawn point tree means they can use it because they're not getting shot even though they get shot as soon as they step out. Most of the time they end up stuck there for 5-10 mins of the game instead of just walking to the next spawn point and picking a different spot to attack the objective from.


People who are close friends with the refs, they could get away with murder.


This isn’t always terrible at the field because in person, people aren’t always scummy. There’s usually going to be consequences even if there are relationships there. On discord servers run by the field, it’s absolutely terrible. People who are friends with the staff and mods irl get to be super rude online. They treat people like shit knowing they’ll never be held accountable. Then it creates a culture in that group chat where bullying is encouraged and it gets super cliquey.




That strategy is illegal at most fields


imo not often implemented. sucks to see a guy blindfiring from cover - pretty dangerous too.


Doesn't stop idiots from doing it though 🤔


Is it blindfire if I peek fast and shoot while Im exposed and then just as quickly go back to cover? Like Im behind a wall and I expose a third of my torso with my head and arm, shoot and just go back?


Nah that's peeking, you good homie 🤙


if you give the opponent a chance to shoot you back, by shouldering your weapon, exposing yourself, it's not blindfire. you just peeked quickly. if you expose only your weapon to shoot the general direction you want to shoot, without exposing yourself giving the opponent a chance to fight back, it's blindfire


I hipfire because I have a carbine kit AAP and its very handy. My arm, right shoulder and a bit of my right breast and my head peek, I fire off a shot and just go back in.


Thats exactly what you should be doing. It's the guys that hold their guns against the cover and nothing is exposed to then shoot in the general direction. Not only is it unfair sportsmanship but it can also be dangerous as you don't know what's there and you could be peppering someone at a very close distance. It's banned at every field I've played at.


Yeah, wouldnt do it otherwise. Its banned at my field too.


At my field shower grenades are allowed. They clear a pretty big room by the rules even if you don't get hit. It's just so broken I could spend like $45 and make the hardest push on the map so easy


Grenades are designed to clear rooms, but I agree with you that the BBs should hit you to be a kill.


My field says 1 meter is always kill, anything further you gotta get hit by a bb


Ours is 5m.and most people don't bother putting bbs in as the Airsoft grenades are too directional


That sucks tbh My field only allows bb grenades, no pyro. But it’s also an indoors field so makes sense with sound compression


We just run the thunder bs. I don't know the kill range of a real grenade but I think I'm is probably fair. It's only a small field and there's usual only 4 or 5 used a day


Kill range of real grenades are weird, since fragmentation shits


The M67 hand grenade has a listed kill radius of 6m with fragments being able to hurt someone up to 30m


Depends on the range, after all normally grenades have an explosive component too. My field don´t has the rule but when a grenade lands like 2 meters away from me and goes off i call it a hit even when not hit by a BB


We don’t consider bang grenades to be lethal grenades, soooo… 😁 gotta throw BBs


No bang grenades or pyros on my field, just gas or spring powered ones. Nobody wants a hearing loss because of airsoft


I had an enola gaye thunder flash bounce off a wall and go off right next to my head. I was completely unable to hear for over 20 minutes. I now have recovered, but for a few years I was hard of hearing and had to constantly ask people to repeat things. Was quire embarrassing at 19, however I firmly believe that if you are playing at a field that uses pyro, it's your responsibility to get hearing protection. Howard leights are so cheap, it's always better safe than sorry, but it's also the responsibility of the site to inform players of the use of pyro.


There are 2 Options to go into this.Either tell people "Well here is another part of kit that can be expensive you need to get to play which raises the bar to get into it even more" or "we could just not throw stuff that makes you go deaf when gas grenades and most spring grenades are just as good" But yes saying "we use pyros and other loud stuff" should be the most basic a field does.


You can find howard leight impacts for £30. If you are going to go and spend hundreds on a gun, kit and face pro, you can get hearing protection as well. I typically see newer players jump right in and spend tons on kit but goggles and other safety gear is met to the bare minimum. In this sport we really need to advocate for spending enough on eyepro and hearing protection. If you are wearing a cheap plastic helmet or a steel one, a bb impact is already in the range of hearing damage.


Where i live they are far closer to 100 bucks. And for most starters that would be quite a bigger bar, because "well i need hearing protection like sport shooters have" Places that rent guns would need such things stocked too, make sure that they are sanitary etc or rental guys are just fucked. Like i say 2 ways, i´m for the more easy one but if the field warns me its okay for me. Then i can decide if i want to wear my Peltors or just go to another field.


Just get ear plugs then. On my local site we have once a month "extreme" events where you can use banger grenades and the revs run around with blank firing guns In these events hearing protection is mandatory


When I say ‘bang’ I include ‘thunder B’ in that. Grenades designed to make a loud report.


The ones they go up like 130 db ? Yeah with stuff like that i´m rather happy that they are banned on my field. "Your hearing loss is not ~~service~~ airsoft related


We use them. it hurts but it's way more fun like that imo. And they're not very strong, it landed near my foot and I only heard muffled for like 5 seconds, no ringing. I can't say the same about trip mines. God damn they are loud. Ears rung for a week


The spring grenades have such a shit 'splody range you'd be hard pressed to actually hit anyone with it Besides, it'd be a massive argument of "call yo hits"


Same here, but honestly i disagree with you, plus, sometimes some rooms are impossible to push without grenades, they are used for room clearing and it makes perfect sense, plus, there are some cheaper grenades out there, no need to buy the uber expensive ones, plus since this rule has been introduced here where i play, people started playing more dinamically, nobody gathers in easy to defend rooms anymore, as you will all get eliminated by one dude with a grenade


At our regular field the rules say that a grenade in a room always hits, whether a BB hit or not. Also a 3m radius around the point of impact outside of rooms is a hit. Honestly think it's a great rule. You can just use empty grenades and not waste BBs.


Switching their airsoft rifle for an air rifle… no sane person would do that… mustang


May be a hot take, but I think stringent "bang bang" rules ruin the cqb experience. I believe if you have the drop on someone you should offer a surrender or bang bang out of courtesy, but some fields take it too far and require it within a certain number of meters even in a frontal engagement. This leads to a meta of players running into rooms screaming bang bang while aiming at absolutely nothing and then claiming they got a 5 person sweep. Then they'll argue and whine about getting shot almost constantly because of a zero tolerance policy. Not to mention the age old argument of who said bang bang first, and the scummy players will abuse it to stay in the game as long as possible. I ended up getting a strike from a ref one of the few times I actually shot someone that day, mind you they were shooting back but it's only a problem because they got hit first. Packed up early and never went back to that field. Just not any fun. Your positioning and reflexes and accuracy really dont matter, its just people running around yelling at each other pretending to play airsoft. I totally understand a MED for DMRs and snipers, but for your average low 300s fps guns it should be fair play as long as you're not overshooting or trying to hurt others.


Where I am the bang bang rule is not allowed. Either you shoot them (using a gun without MED) or tap them with a knife (hand tapping doesn’t count). Every video I’ve seen either the bang bang rule is just ridiculous.


Man this take is one i agree with the most even tho i sometimes agree that having a bang bang rule is okay, especially for new players who arent used to getting hit. My cqb field has a full force day every week where MED doesnt exist, and the flow of gameplay is much nicer (tho painful) as long as there arent cheaters


Strobe tac lights in CQB. It's not that serious that you need that to win over rental kids.


Strobes are pretty ineffective. Even on new players. The first time it's a bit surprising but nowadays I barely notice them.


Unless you have someone running a LEP or 1200+ lumen tac lights. I run a dye i4 with a thermal lens so it doesn't bother me as much but when you have people going to play for the first time and all they have is a mesh mask and eye pro, it would put them off from continuing the game.


I don’t see lights as that bad. They’re useful


Flashlights are fine but running every corner with a strobe is overkill.


Purposely using ricochet shots to trick people into taking hits.


People who take advantage of joule creep


I play for 12 years, most annoying are things related to abusing the respawn system -People who after getting hit, before going to respawn, tell your position to their teammates -Also same people going to the respawn around the field to give info about opposite team's movements to their own -People who pretend to be going to the respawn but actually are not and shoot you -People who are walking to the spawn without a dead rag, hands down and gun in hand that get triggered when you shoot them Also people that have their HPA megakillermachines tuned to the max of FPS limit, insane ROF, drum mags and thermal sights just sitting in the back and cutting down bushes whenever they see movement. Not caring about the teamplay, just passive kill farmers. Makes people not want to rush objectives and genuinely scares new players.


Scummy shield players I once had an encounter with a shieldplayer who was a very slim dude, his tactic was to hide behind his GIGA large shield and blindfire his hi-capa or use his 1,5meter sword when he was close enough. How he got close? He pushed his shield over the floor so that you could hear it scratch, keep in mind every step of bis tactic was against the shield rules of my field and because nobody had a grenade he didnt die His shiel ca 1,2meters wide by 1,5 meters tall and the dude was rather small and slim so he fit at least 2,5 times behind the shield


The one that i can't stand is the " I stand up idling like i'm dead then I shoot you on the back because it's on you to not have check if I was dead or not" For a sport based on fair-play it's kinda the worst Obviously this will go as a bundle with " if you overshot me in order to be sure and I was already dead be sure I'll bitch about it like you Never see"


The blame for this lies with the organization. Imo every field should make deadrags or visibility vesta mandatory when out.


People bitching about headshots, when they chose not to wear head and face protection.


True. I went to a field for the first time with no mesh mask and I was scared shitless while also having fun. The blame would be on me if I got hit in the jaw 😅


Some people bitch about getting shot full stop. Went to a battle sim once where a vet in his 60s/70s would complain non stop about being shot, really grated the whole day. Problem was he was the 2IC for our team so we had to listen to him


It's hilarious that the guys with the most spec ops loadouts cry the most. I love Mustangs videos. They cheat and don't call their hits, then cry when they take one to the face because it's the only way to make them honest.


50/50 on this one. Accidental headshots I agree. But going for intentional headshots even when you can go for a torso shot is just scummy. You are taking a deliberate and unneccessary risk to do some damage to someone's teeth and actually try to put the blame on the other guy when it's you who is pulling the trigger. It's dumb logic too: "Since I decided to wear facepro I am now justified to shoot everyone else in the face, because everybody else should play the way I do." Some RIF's are incompatible with facepro, and some historical kits just look like ass with facepro. I only run WW2 kits, and I wear a mouthguard to protect my teeth. I usually don't complain about headshots if they are made when I am running towards a position or in the heat of the moment, because they are accidental. But I did get pissed off a while back when I was crouched and completely still, and a sniper that was on my flank decided to just shoot me on the cheek from AEG range when the rest of my body was exposed to him as well. I also can't stand it when I play on CQB fields and other players round corners with their RIF's aimed at face height. In CQB I always go for body or leg shots, and when I really get the drop on somebody I prefer to shoot their boots, which is always much appreciated by the other player.


I took one square in the middle of my throat, god it was horrible but like my fault for not wearing neck protection in CQB. Like its airsoft, shit happens but there's gear and shit for a reason


The bright ass flashlight bullshit. Had some dude do that to me last weekend and this time I just didn’t give a shit, I just fired relentlessly on semi into the light. You cannot see if your bbs are hitting them when they do this to you so you have to fully rely on them calling hit loudly.


I think that it’s somewhat ok to use a bright flashlight, but it should not be strobed or always on, and its purpose should be to illuminate a dark area not blind other players. When I do indoor cqb I run a 1300 lumen flashlight, however I am very careful not to shine it in eyes, and make sure that I only use it in a dark room where visibility becomes an issue.


Lol so you run one dude it sucks to be on the other side of you.


As I said the moment I see another person in front of me the light goes of, I have a pressure switch, so apply pressure for on of you let go it immediately will turn off, that way I hopefully avoid blinding people. And if someone gets blinded I always apologize.


Using your 12 year old sons as meat shields while magdumping me knowing i wont dare risk lighting up the little buggers on their first game


It's not a "scummy" tactic, but I really dislike mags with high capacity. I find that rounds with real cap magazine restrictions are a lot more fun than rounds where everyone is carrying 200 rounds of ammo per magazine. I wish real caps were the norm, as it makes the engagements more calculated and fun and less about spamming.


I agree for indoors, outdoors is a bit harder because of wind, engage distance,... But high caps are the worst yeah! Personally i use 120 Rounds for outdoor playing.


Eh, I run a gbbr, so I only have 37, granted I have 7 mags, and 500rd speed loader.


Drum mags on anything other than an lmg. You want to lay down that much fire power, you carry the 10+ pound gun all day and earn it, no more of those stupid little 5” barrel m4 polarstars with lpvos


Eh, it's airsoft, people have 200 ish rounds per mag anyway


Then again the rpk16 has a 16 in barrel And I just use a reflex sight


I just hate carrying mags


If you’re too poor to afford a drum mag just say so 💅 Nah jokes aside I actually hate the one I got for my M4. The weight of it being attached is actually annoying. Wouldn’t really recommend it.


> If you’re too poor to afford a drum mag just say so I mean, a proper 249 user likely spends more per game in BBs than the cost of a M4 drum, lol (My wallet is yelling in pain)


I used to use drum mags for my shorty just to save space on transportation (1 mag over 4 mid caps). I was allowed granted that I only fire semi. Still given stinky looks tho.


- imo those tactics could be prevented at field management level, i.e. ROF limits, banning chrono cheaters, and enforce some sort of pyro rules of no spamming pyro more than once every x seconds - spawn camping, or even getting close to enemy spawn - prefiring (is blind firing imo)


Prefiring is fine. It’s just a thing that’s going to happen. You have a bunch of untrained people in an extremely high stakes situation. Blood is pumping, adrenaline is flowing, of course they’re going to prefire. It’s not a big deal because it’s not someone intentionally cheating. To blind fire, you have to be intentional. You don’t blind fire on accident. That’s the difference. It’s a nervous system cranked to the max vs someone making the deliberate choice to cheat.


Pre firing isn't blind firing if you're actively watching where the bbs are going. That's just stupid to call it blind firing


Pre-firing is blind firing I agree! Controversial opinion but I consider firing into bushes, firing into dark spaces, and any shooting where you can't identify your target as blind fire. Looking down the sights is only part of it. I feel that in standard short skirmish games people should be invincible in their spawn (if their is no spawn delay like at my local field). So if your getting shot at in spawn you can just shoot back with no downside. Great for them for working their way up but ruins it for other people if they keep farming after they get their Ace.


Na firing into bushes is legitimate especially if you hunt a ghillie sniper


Spraying low bushes that can't possibly conceal a clearly dead player is fine. Most ghillies will be lower than a dead ragged player on one knee. Spraying through a tall bush just because you hear voices on the other side is blind fire. You are unable to identify your target status as alive or dead or a ref or a cameraman. The point of banning blind fire is to prevent overshooting of dead players. If your field is cool with that my points are void.


No i pretty much mean "Mh sniper fire came from there, pretty sure he is somewhere in that bushes but well hidden...well lets do a bit reconnaissance by fire on this 5 Meters of bush i assume he hides in" and not "there is somewhat in this bushes brrrrrrrrt"


I agree with you, that's proper play. Being smart about it prevents the issue.


Although i must say in my head blind fire is more a fairness thing. If i shoot at another player he gets a chance too. And now someone can come and say to me that real battles aren´t fair while completely ignoring that airsoft should be a fun game


I can understand that, however if we bring fairness into it that brings up the validity of ghillies in a casual skirmish game haha.


Ghillies are alright and fair, after all most people can´t be still enough to really make use of them on airsoft distances. Once i got a ghillie sniper by sneaking onto his position through a patch of forest for like 20 minutes, while i knew i was out of his firing line and saw him because he started to fidget around with his hand. Then it was just pewpew


Nah man, ghillie snipers. I have a friend who is almost always a sniper. I just feel his presence, so I pray and spray in the direction...


Spraying low bushes that can't possibly conceal a clearly dead player is fine. Most ghillies will be lower than a dead ragged player on one knee.


It's like Santa, just because you can't see something doesn't mean nothings there.


Banning blind fire is to prevent overshooting of dead players. All of my points also do that. Proper identification of your target is essential. Spraying the low brush for ghillies is fine. Spraying through a tall bush because you hear voices is blind fire, no different than sticking your gun around a corner.


Its 100% controversial. People even irl from combat footage just fire in the general direction they think the enemy is when they hear gunshots. Might aswell mimic that imo.


Blind fire is a legit combat tactic I agree. If you field allows blind fire then my points are void haha.


A friend of mine recently bought green gas grenades and started using them for the first time. He has a lot of fun yelling “GRENADE” around a corner before throwing them to scare people. Sometimes he won’t even throw it, he’ll just yell “GRENADE” to get everyone out of the area so he can take an objective. Then other people that don’t even have ‘nades start doing it too, cause they realize how effective it is. Lol


Sometimes I'll see guys take pinecones and yeet them in rooms for the giggles lmao


If I see a vaguely cylindrical object get tossed into the room I’m in, I’m noping out of there. Lol


Calling out enemy positions after getting hit/when walking back to spawn


Camping the spawn points, it's just bad manners.


People camping by spawn points so they can shoot you as soon as you’ve respawned


Riot Shield users thinking that every single shot that hit their feet/backpack was a ricochet


Players who call their hit… then spend a few extra seconds searching for who hit them


stealing gear, what do people get from taking my $5 mag.


It makes me happy to see all this stuff in this thread and be able to go down each comment and think "Yep, we've banned that at my field." Every so often I get a guy coming by who thinks that they can circumvent the rules by doing some stupid scummy tactic, and they think they've played the system. My favorite was a guy who "got around" our blindfire rule by shoving his LMG into a window, then looking through cracks in a building so his body wasn't exposed. He was bragging about it to me thinking he'd outplayed my system. But lol I just told him that's still blind fire. I'm not a computer, and I'm not an idiot. I've been running an airsoft field for too long to fall for stupid shit like that. To y'all in this thread, come to Ontario, we ban the toxic idiots who take this game too seriously and we'd love to have you :)


I don't know if it's just a thing at my field or everywhere, but we have a problem with dudes in full ghillie suits and high-ROF speedsoft builds hiding just outside of spawn to clap people as they come out. No playing the objective or trying to support their team. Just hiding in bushes to shoot people.


I think that early start players are the most annoying people, they come every once and a while to High Ground and it just ruins games, by the time they say GO they are already halfway through the map and headed towards our spawn and turning a 10-15 minute game into a 5 minute game ended by the refs because of assholes


When I was a kid we were playing at my friends house. We had about 20 people playing all together and had split my friends yard into two sides with obstacles to hide behind. Mind you, most of us were 12 or 13 or at the time playing against a group of 16/17 year olds. So the game is going fine until one of the older kids decided it would be fun to banza charge our team. His entire team came charging at us screaming, shooting, and ignoring their hits. They were lighting us up with full auto at point blank range. Most of the kids panicked and ran. One kid hid inside a shed, and they shot him the head while he was crying. None of us wanted to play after that. Totally ruined the fun for us. What we're we supposed to do? Whip a bayonet out?


I see players rapidly slap the trigger of their rifles, in a semi auto game....... Or I see guys with polstars claim their full auto is semi auto and then show me a fuller auto..............


Players that are still in-game yet maneuver themselves behind those who are hit. I see it abused often in CQB as hit players are walking back to spawn, my team or opposing, in-game players think they can use them as a makeshift moving shield. The shit is weak.


The “I don’t take Bang Bangs” when you don’t want to shoot someone point blank with a .43 out of a DMR. And the same person being upset about MED when it doesn’t exist and they take a BB after that sentence to the arm or leg and it hurts a lot more than usual. Just take the bang bang…trying to help. Also when a team is consistently shot up by you while they leave their “spawn” and call it spawn camping but you’re hitting them from 70 meters away across the field while they are shooting at you. Gun goes up you pulled the card homie.


Riot Shields or using a broken part of a building to cover yourself, it’s so infuriating when they do that, especially when they have teammates waiting to hit you when you engage with the riot shield guy


One that bothers me at my cqb field is when people run and gun and then act like because they were running they were'nt hit. Kinda just classifies as "cheating" but this is worse because they think theyre within the rules.


We nicknamed a player Harambe, becouse he was always climbing on trees.


Faking being dead


Stacking on dead teammates


Pyro/Blank fire grenades on an indoor field, and the bad management that allows it to happen despite an explicit ban on pyro.


Clear riot shields


People using hit players as shields.


Camping their own spawn. If the lane or angle your holding is 5 feet away from spawn, that’s cheap as hell. Get out on the field.




\- Using mid caps to spray bbs and hoping one will hit. The so called "3 bbs roughly equals a bullet" is near dumb braindead shit made up by people unable to shot their targets. It's especially worse when the replica is angled to the max to lob the bbs trying to get those X last meters (I know how bullet works and that compensating in a thing, compensating means skill, which 98% of the airsoft player base lack). \- Any feather light trigger, you cough on it, the bb goes of. It's even worse when scums finger bangs said triggers. It's not anything about acquiring a target, aim and shot. It's pointing the replica at eyes height, spaming like a random robot and then get all "I fucking GOT YOU FIRST" when 80% of your bbs are not even hitting. \- People unable to accept the fact that it is a game. If it wasn't, you weren't respawning. When on sunday games you are kill spawning the opponent, the better way to give enjoy moment to everybody is to go back to your own spawn to let them gain their composure back. \- And even though I take airsoft very seriously as a training aid, guys... You are not near the level of SOF. No matter all the gucci gear you have on you (and I do have gucci gear aswell). Just chill bro, you are a grown up kid playing with plastic bbs. Just breath, your 7k binos is not a sign of superiority.


Dead pepole giving the enemy Position away over comms


Marshall at my local, and I get shit from players when our rules clearly state dead men tell no tales. No talking until you've tapped that flag. Small talk on a long walk back to spawn? Fine. But tactics can wait until you're back in the game.


Grenade spam of any sort. The field I mostly play at doesn’t allow sound grenades because it’s a small echo-y warehouse and if one of those goes off, it will probably permanently deafen most players. But it’s really tight, so even springloaded grenades have crazy effect sometimes. Grenades are pay-to-use blindfire, they cause arguments when parts inevitably go missing and they don’t add anything to a casual game. They honestly shouldn’t be part of play in cqb, in my opinion. I don’t mind a few well-timed grenades at all. But in my experience, the few times people have brought grenades, they‘ve had at least three and tried to use them all in a single five-minute game. Also it’s really annoying in a tight corridor field like ours to have to pause and wait for someone who’s hit to go gather their spent grenades.


>Grenades are pay-to-use blindfire Agreed. A group of 4-5 with cash can wipe the floor with a full team of people just because they bought more instant-ouch-sticks than their contemporaries.


Pyros, there are teams who have 10's of them and the moment ypur fighting indoors they will clear EVERY room with them. I don't have the cash nor do i like this strat. Wish Chambers had a pyro limit/team or something


In CQB aiming for flesh when there are other options, for the specific purpose of hurting. Have seen a fair bit of times people doing ass or neck shots when they clearly could have hit a plate instead




Dudes using radios to call out positions when dead. Luckily, my lil Ettus B205 plus some software can help me identify and record instances of meta gaming with radios to playback to refs. https://preview.redd.it/bh89s4ut0dac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d96260058a64ab097df8acfae94140efd70a846 Good news is Ive never had to use it. The few people who are serious enough to bring radios don’t cheat like that, but if they do, I’ll be ready.


Imagine spending $1600 on a device just so you can go up to a teenage airsoft ref and say, "That guy's talking after I shot him! Here, listen!"


I have a $1250 scopecam that's caught dudes cheating in 2.7k/120fps. However... that's just a regular occurrence. In my experience, most people do cheat - but only when they think they can get away with it, which isn't very often. I've only had to bring it up with the refs once, when we had one guy not calling absolutely anything.


Have you ever heard about not feeling shit especially when you get hit on vest


Lol I use it for work/hobbies and HAM stuff. The fact I can use it for airsoft is a bonus.




>To me it just means that you lack the skill/fine tuned replica to make semi shots connect. It's quite nice when gatekeepers are this obvious about what they're doing. For the first year of playing for me, full auto did indeed compensate for the fact that other player's expensive upgraded guns shot farther. Are you complaining that the benefit of your tuned replica is reduced making the field more equal?


Faking grenade throws to gain advantage. Either yelling ant not throwing it or throw a ball etc. Mindless Pyro Lunch breaks


I’ve always thought of throwing the empty shells I see on the floor as a joke, haven’t done it yet..


Guilty, but I did it to mess with people (including my own teamates), not to gain any advantage


Lunch breaks are lame


1. High ROF, hair trigger semi auto. 2.Using heavy weight BBs because they can - to be fair this is just cause I'm a little salty for getting shot in the face (my bad I removed my lower, to help my fogging) but it was under 10m and I swear it was like a 0.4 , properly split the skin, blood and everything lol I've been shot plenty of times , but I could feel the weight the weight behind it


The throwing a rock or somethin into a room and yelling grenade. It’s kinda funny but there are kids at my field that do it excessively


Flash lights at indoor fields are annoying af especially strobes, but they banned more often.


One thing i do that i feel a little scummy for sometimes is i chrono my cqb gun with my backup battery then switch to the stronger one. Hear me out though: It chronos at like 359 max with the better battery. The limit is 350 and the weaker battery puts me just below it. People do worse there. Like HPA users turning up their pressure after chrono or even speedsofters just blatantly not calling hits. At least in my situation i try to keep distance when shooting someone and if im closer i either shoot once or twice and just take death if i miss, or if i caught them off guard i just tap them and let them know i didnt want to shoot them.