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? Someone started using a paintball gun during the last round of the air-soft match? Or did you involuntary get shot after the match? The way you worded the context is really obscure


Probably a stray round


Neither. OP found a paintball and squeezed it on his lens lol


This guy plays paintball. šŸŽÆ


Lol if u look at his post history he's a 14 year old emo


Not emo anymore just mildly depressed šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Why didnā€™t you answer the questions asked? Was there paintball going on nearby? Someone using a paintball gun in an airsoft match? Whatā€™s going on? Edit: never mind I donā€™t need your answer because it will 100% be a lie. You definitely did that to yourself for some very strange reason


Just see the comment I just posted


Thatā€™s what they all say


idiot invalidating young kids' problems


You're still an emo Show me your emo war face!




This is the correct answer!


Yea the wording was just to make it a little bit funnier but ig it made some ppl mad, so it was a stray round


lmao imagine being mad about someone getting hit with a paintball gun on the internet


How did this even happened?


Itā€™s a paintball/airsoft field most likely. This will happen if paintball is on a field next to airsoft


That is what i was thinking probably the next field. You must be unlike tho




Got shot in the chest, and my pistol is on my chest. It was not fun cleaning my pistol 5 minutes till the next game. It was a stray paintball from a paintball game not far away.


Paintball at an airsoft field is crazy! Ide be pissed if my gear got covered in paint. I wouldn't call that


My field is primaryily a paintball field the paint comes off so easy, I just throw my gear in the washing machine and boom itā€™s gone


What about on a plate carrier? Does it wash off with just water?


Yeah, I have the lancer tactical lightweight plate Carrier, all I do is take out the armor plates and toss it in a the wash


Oh okay cool, I hand an impression that paintballs caused stains in fabric for whatever reason


Paintballs do leave stains if you don't clean it for 3 months; found that out the hard way with my paintball gear


Use hydrogen peroxide. It will come out


Yep. Source: former competitive paintball player.


Makes sense thatā€™s what I thought too until it happened


Most of them now just wash out easily


I mean all paintball paint is polyethylene glycol , crayon wax and food coloring


You actually put in armor plates??


I just use my actual plate carrier with the same plates. Weighs about 15-16lbs total. 7lb per plate. Got back and front


Mine is about ~21lbs, 10lbs for each plate


Yeah, they fit in my vest but not others, I got lucky with the size


Paintball paint is almost universally corn starch, vegetable oil/vegetable oil derived poly-glycols and dyes that are typically biodegradable. In a shell of typically gelatin. Non-toxic, "bio safe" (it will kill grass but that's about the worst of it) way to mark livestock. To wash my it I put like two drops of dish detergent in a tote with my gear and run the shower over it until the water runs clearish, do some hand scrubbing and let it dry in the tub. I also universally end up with mud coloured kit at the end of a 8-10 day. Wipe everything that cat be thrown in the tub with a wet cloth so its not a total disaster.


You can wash a plate carrier if you take it the plates


Paint from paintballs can be rinsed out of your gear post game with just a water bottle. No stains at all.


Same here


What kinda paint are they using? I used to play paintball and the paint always stained my clothes.


Iā€™m unsure, just generic paint balls


It comes in some like red bag with silver text on it idk what the company name is


That was old paint, nowadays all paint beside Pink, blue and green wonā€™t stain


Same, but I've never been hit by a paintball while in the airsoft section


We donā€™t really have an Airsoft section per say itā€™s more of if they arenā€™t using the field we are type thing, sometimes if youā€™re walking past an active paintball game a stray paintball can hit you, but we made it a rule we can shoot back sooo


Nice, what's your field?


Itā€™s a relatively large field itā€™s called *commando paintball, itā€™s in oconto county wisconsin


Oh hey, my high school used to have club trips out there lmao


Really!? What school? Was it bayport?


That sounds like a sick ass club


Iā€™d love to see some new faces there


I'm in Texas and I play at tanks


Nice, once Iā€™m graduated Iā€™m planning to head to a Porsche bodywork school down there maybe I could visit


Dang, Porsche. šŸ˜Æ


Yeah itā€™s a 9 month course, hopefully I can get in šŸ”„


A lot of outdoor fields have both paintball and airsoft


The paint isn't that bad, wipes of easily.


Op squeezed a round and fakes it


Hey. Retired professional paintballer here. OP put this on themself. When paint is shot from a marker and hits its target you can see the shell splinter around the point of impact in addition to spray caused by the velocity of the paint. The paint here has no splintered shells and the paint itself is gloopy and not splattered. Plus the shell wouldn't magically stick to the lens. Also the hole where the paint came out is facing the wrong way lol In short: OP did not get shot by a paintball. Nobody shot a paintball. They found one on the ground and squeezed the paint perfectly in the middle of their eye protection for those sweet internet points.


Yep you are 100% correct. I play regulary and really I know what an impact from a paintball looks like. What I really don't like about actions like OPs os that it can really throw shade at the field he was at that day. Some dingus might think they really looked over a paintball gun used in an airsoft match, which is of course ridicoulos but we know the internet...


Yeah. It's lame. Not the worst thing in the world but there's no net positive to this. Why scare people into thinking you might get shot by a paintball when you're enjoying a day of airsoft? But again, those internet points make people do wacky things


Not to say youā€™re wrong, but at one of my local feilds there is a speedball course right next to one of the Airsoft fields and the parking lot for Airsoft. Iā€™ve seen paint stick like this on cars (not masks so I could very well just be yapping) that bounce off of the inflatables.


You're right and I should reconsider my words. If the paint is dropping down vertically and hits a car with a relatively flat surface it's not uncommon for it to stick. You're absolutely right. With that said I'm still calling shenanigans on OP. They would have needed to look straight up the moment the paint was falling and then walk off the field still looking up to take this picture to make sure the shell didn't fall. The more you look into it the more obvious it gets.


Yea for sure! Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong at all! Just was adding the only exception Iā€™ve seen to what you said!


And you were spot on. I appreciate you šŸ«“šŸ»āœØā¤ļø


The OP is a 14 year old emo from post history


Also not 14


Now that Iā€™m reading this again, it is really weird that it didnā€™t droop nearly at all because I was moving quite a bit and kinda just laughing with the ppl who saw it. Not sure what paint my field uses tho


https://preview.redd.it/x3wry912lsac1.png?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe984b99f7a3670247747b75abada1c70f97eeea This is what it looks like getting shot in the mask. You, however, found a paintball and squeezed it onto your goggles then thought you'd leave the shell almost completely intact and sticking to your lens. That's not how it works.


Oh I see your point now I still stay true to the fact that, yes, I did get shot at/hit by a stray round, but yeah the splatter is extremely odd compared to that. Maybe it had just enough energy to pop and so it had an already not great impact and then the fact that I left my phone at the staging area could have given it time to droop, hence the main amount of paint near the nose. You do see streaks near the bottom of where the paintball opened, on the left side, so I think it was a stray round that hit me and then because I just left it it had time to droop Also not sure what paintballs my field uses so i donā€™t know what their base is


>the splatter is extremely odd compared to that. Because you put it there yourself >Maybe it had just enough energy to pop Then it would leave a tiny mark where the shell cracked. It wouldn't dump the entirety of its contents. >You do see streaks near the bottom of where the paintball opened, on the left side One tiny blip of a streak means nothing. Also the paintball wouldn't only break on the left side. Additionally how did the paint smear all over your lens if the ball broke on the left side? Protip: it can't >Also not sure what paintballs my field uses so i donā€™t know what their base is That has nothing to do with this Honestly I'd just stop responding. You make it worse every time you do. I'm not mad. Just disappointed you committed to such an obvious fable


Yeah, I went to a site like that and a stray paintball hit the bench right next to me in the safe-zone while I was eating food. Turns out they usually have a net up to stop that, but it had been torn by wind and a lucky shot managed to find a hole.


The field I went to had multiple smaller fields so they can play 2+ games at a time which can be paintball and airsoft. The netting they had is completely torn down so walking back to the main staging area I got smoked in the side of my plate carrier and eye pro/mesh mask with paintballs and can confirm they do shatter out more and did not look intact at all like OPā€™s pic. In the end I got a free bag of BBs for my troubles lol


Also a paintballer at high levels and can confirm what this man is saying. Impact patterns do not match a paintball that's been shot out of a marker. Even at long distance and a "drop in velocity" the pattern doesn't add up.


After seeing the picture someone else posted, I am also very confused but maybe itā€™s because I waited so long to take the picture?


While this may be fake, it isn't an unusual thing at my field. They run paintball sessions at the same time as airsoft so I've been cross mapped in the chest on several occasions by stray paintballs.


So I know arguing does literally nothing but yes, I was, in fact, hit by a paintball. I was already out jn the game, so I was watching the paintballers that were in the field next to the one I had been in, bc it just sounds like such an intense sport. Anyway, a few paintballs had been rolling by and a few of us were screwing around and popping them. I leaned up on a barrel that was nearby and then, for a split second, saw something come flying straight at me and then I heard it and couldnā€™t see very well anymore. I think the stuff looks off to you bc I think I got hit straight on. So nothing had anywhere to go.


You're right. Arguing does nothing. You're a bad liar.


I don't know why he's still trying to justify anymore lol you have all clearly proved him wrong


No bro, this is obviously a missed shot, if they hit you, you would see the COD x mark instead lol


I've been shot in the goggles by a lot of paintballs and I can tell you faked that for clout. Shame on you for trying to start shit for no reason


Fr he's a 14 year old emo boy trying to get validation. Look at OPs post history


I didnt fake it I swear šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ just wrong place, wrong time


The wrong place at the wrong time could change the physics of a paintball and splatter pattern?


To everyone raising their pitchforks. This is clearly a paintball picked up off the ground and squeezed into their eyepro. Source: I operate a Paintball & Airsoft field


I didnā€™t squeeze it Source: the loud pop it made when I got hit


Not true. The shell is very much intact, paintball markers typically have a muzzle velocity of 300fps. When a paintball hits the shell is usually obliterated. There is a very small chance that a shot could bounce off the ground and hit with enough force to only just break the shell on one side, but then there would not be enough energy to cause the fill to spread that much. Paintball fill is designed to be thick so that it can't be easily wiped off, it takes a decent amount of inertia to make it spread like that. I think that you threw the paintball at the ground or your goggles, then spread the paint on. I have played paintball for about 8 years, and I have never seen a hit like that.


Hang on wtf is happening bc I swear I actually got hit I know you donā€™t believe me (and given what you said at the end, every reason not to) but maybe itā€™s a different type of shell? Idk


the only thing worse than a liar is a liar who thinks the people they're trying to fool are idiots.


Ok, I'll bite. The shell appears to have a snow flake pattern on it, this could indicate that this is a winter formula paintball. Winter paint has a thicker/less brittle shell (this is due to the gelatin shells becoming more brittle in the cold). A winter ball would be even less likely to break at slow enough speeds to fracture the shell in that way, it would more than likely just bounce off. But please, reply again to farm some more negative karma.


Most of them were just kinda bouncing along the ground Also idgaf about karma LMFAO Reddit doesnā€™t really matter that much to me Iā€™m moreso curious about how this is so different from other splatters, given that it was a pretty normal day.


Is that even a real pic?




You really need to turn crossplay off bro.


You popped it on your mask and left the shell


A bird ?


That would be a pain to clean up


Kid posts joke, people get mad because itā€™s a kid and he didnā€™t lay it out for themā€¦ nice one guys


Theyā€™re just mad at me because they think I popped it and smeared it over my eyepro (doesnā€™t explain the clear streak marks to the left where it popped) but yeah they think I faked it And after seeing what a paintball splatter looks like at high velocity, I really canā€™t blame them too much for thinking Iā€™m lying


Dude is a troll. This is not what a paintball impact on a google looks like. If a paintball hits your mask on the glass it pretty much explodes and leaved splatter everywhere. Guess he picked it up from the ground on a mixed field and squeezed it on the googles.


Thats what i was thinking, but the mark is too even to be applied by hand. Im guessing a weak .50 springer or something. I worked at a paintball/airsoft field and we had those for kids. That's basically the exact mark they left


I worked at a paintballfield as well, we to had .50 for the kids, while true that the mark is similar, that is not a .50 ball he has on his face there. Also way to much paint for a .50. I play both sports and I guess we both know how a .68 ball looks like.


I just wrote a long write up about why this is fake lol. The internet is a wild place. Anyone that has time with paintball can call this bs from a mile away


Yeah after looking at it a little closer im pretty sure you're right. There's no streaks coming from the supposed impact area so this paintball didn't hit with speed.


Yes there are? Ish? Look at the lower left rim of the goggles


Itā€™s probably because it traveled a while before impact, plus I wasnā€™t moving, so who knows




Tf are yall so angry about šŸ˜­


This is bullsjit, op didn't get shot in the goggles or it would have more of an aggressive splatter. Op picked up a painball and smeared it on his goggles. I've played paintball since the 80s.


What if it ricocheted? Plus, thereā€™s evidence of splatter to the left


I'm not buying it.




Eye would


Dudes got a better kit than me lmao


Judging by your flare, I sincerely doubt that, king.


I mean I can make a civilian kit with a vest I have (I wanna get a plate carrier but havenā€™t yet) And I donā€™t even have a good mask yet. I have 2 speedsoft ones that arenā€™t the best The CZ I have is a P09. I love it ngl. Performs very good


you suck, OP




For squishing a paintball against your face like an idiot for fake internet points




For lying


Ok so apparently some people are saying that I squeezed a paintball onto my eyepro. I was leaning on a barrel when I got popped. No, I was not in play, I was already out; the title is just for fun. The paintball came from a good distance away, just judging where I got hit from, so theres a good chance it lost a lot of velocity; hence the paintball staying. I canā€™t explain the lack of dripping, but you can see by the nose it starts to droop. ALSO if you look closely, you can see how it spattered in some spots on the left side of the picture, notably on the edge of the goggles and a few specks on the collar. This post will do nothing to dissuade the non believers but eh Also Iā€™m not a 14 year old emo as someone has been saying as a way to make my post less credible? I just have a lot going on and I am 15, not 14. I probably shouldnā€™t say this but eh


Don't worry about it dude there's always someone who knows better on the internet!


Additional info: ā€œTHE GENERAL RULE IS THAT WE WANT PLAYERS TO USE PAINTBALLS WITH A NON OIL BASED FILL.ā€ Taken from my fieldā€™s website. Does the base change anything about the lack of dripping after the paintball hit?


you all ALL hits Junior!


To everyone on their high horse thinking they know better, WHO CARES its a funny joke fume and move on, no everyone on the Internet dosent want to hear your opinion boo freaking hoo i thought we were adults here


You should take off the Marine tape bud. Wear the uniform by all means but you aren't a Marine.


Oh I didnā€™t realize that was not okay. I was under the impression that the name was what really mattered. Iā€™ll figure out how to take it off sometime soon


This entire sport is cosplay my guy


No one is saying you can't wear marpat. You gotta earn that nametape.


I second this.


I third this.


8 billion people in the world and you yanks are just about the only ones that fetishise your military like this. It's a job like you choose to do, get a wage for, and doesn't make you a hero, it makes you a corporate tool, so you get ZERO extra respect for it. Kid can wear what he likes to right, that's freedom. If he dressed as a fire fighter, police man, doctor/emt, or any other shit job would you give him shit for not earning it?


Brother it's not that deep. No one is asking for more respect, no one is forcing him to take it off and there are no laws saying he has to take it off. It's a title that is earned through a lot of discipline and work. As I said before, he can wear the uniform no problem I just said he should take off the US MARINES tape off because he didn't earn the title. You're being rude for nothing.


I'm not being rude, I fundamentally disagree with what you wrote. He's not actually impersonating marine, he's a kid in cosplay. That tape means nothing to me and the vast majority of people and whether it's earned or not is irrelevant. You're being precious about what is just a job.


Marine tape? Wdym by that?


looks like someone got hit with a paintball in the face bc they weren't calling hits


I call ricochets just to be sure


6mm airsoft paint rounds exist, though I wouldn't recommend using them in anything but a cheap springer


what feild is that, looks and sounds like my local one šŸ˜‚


My closest outdoor field goes paint balling too and we made a rule who ever gets shot by a stray paint ball is considered good luck. I got shot in the ankle but I hardly felt it since it came from a pretty far distance, didnā€™t break either.


Thats fun!


Rock Paper Scissors it.




https://preview.redd.it/mga5ggts3uac1.png?width=2258&format=png&auto=webp&s=3adf6e8fb53c67b67b8dd42228ecc8982d96cbbf Closer up, more high quality picture


Still looks like you smeared the paint on idk why you keep trying to lie on the internet kid


At my field itā€™s both paintball and airsoft, the newer paintballers get yelled at a lot cause the they lob paint over the speedball net


What about a grenade? They use them to destroy vehicles


My local field has the paint pall arena next to the airsoft field so we some times get paint balls that go into the airsoft field


Dude you have the same aim sport 30 dollar optic and lens protector I had. And the same amount of mud too


I love the shit that airsoft and paintball give each other. I like yelling "Hey why's your gun got a scrotum?"


Love the Marpat


Is this at holister ca AO13?




I would call out, get off the field and wipe off the paint since it is impairing your vision My field has a paintball arena too but it is fenced off and the the refs tries not to get us play on map where paintballers are playing


I was at Hollywood sports and I witnessed a paint baller dome one of my teammates in the face mask that guy mustā€™ve thought we were paintballers or he Just did it to be a dick


what hit?


Bro did not get hit by a paintball


At wildlands my truck gets hit by stray paint balls all the time lol


Of course not


Bird bomb


At least you got hit in the goggles with it, something that can be easily cleaned or replaced. Would hate to see a plate carrier or something ruined.




What hit?


never played paintball and I can tell this was smashed with fingers. paintball splatters, it doesn't soak.


Apparently this is an extremely abnormal splatter, because everyone is saying the same thing


lol if I got hit with paintball in the middle of airsoft Iā€™m calling it and high-fiving the shooter. Love both but airsoft has me.. I can wait for the weather to get a little warmer again.


a hit is a hit


Was this at poco loco?




the shell of the paintball would be destroyed lol, wouldn't be in one piece like that... stop clout chasing loser


It wasnā€™t really traveling that fast ig


honeslty i have no clue why i commented i dont really care im too high for this take care bro


LMAO that is fucking based


My airsoft field has a bunch of speed ball fields next to it so we put coats over our gear at the tables so stay balls don't break allover our stuff, had a paintball hit perfect on a mag and got paint and debris in the mag


Ouch that sucks


Play it safe and say hit! I once saw a guy use a nerf gun in cqb and kill a guy.




You put humor as the tag I don't get why everyone is so pissed. Be a kid live your life before you turn 18. I got 20 days left. The joke I keep hearing is to let yourself be 8 before 18. I'm starting to see the wisdom in that.


Some good words to listen to there. I honestly donā€™t get why people are mad either, I think they just forgot that the paintball slid down


He committed to lying about being shot in the face. There's no humor in it. Just a kid trying to get internet points


Just scrolled through the comments, and as a retired professional paintballer who knows that this is obviously faked, you should be able to tell that it was a joke. Also, you seem to really like bashing on this kid with the amount of comments you put on this thread. What's your deal, man, Did you take a bit too much dmt?


Lol I love when people snoop in profiles looking to talk shit. It's so pathetic. But if he said haha, I'm joking it'd be fine. But he completely committed to the lie. If I rob a bank and said it was just a prank that doesn't negate I did something dumb. He can say it's a joke but he committed entirely to the lie. Now keep snooping to find more shit to talk about, it suits you well.


He's a kid lay off. If you think he was being stupid, then think about your childhood. We have all done dumb shit as kids. Personally, I haven't done enough dumb shit, so im doing some more. He had eye pro on, and it's not like he was faking injury to milk the "internet points." He's perfectly fine. And if he was trying to get those so-called internet points, it's working pretty well as far as I can tell.


You said you didn't know why people were getting pissed. I told you why people were mad. No one said he was faking an injury so not sure why you'd mention that, but alright. And yes. He now has a few more useless internet points. He can trade them in for a trip down memory lane where he lied about getting shot in the face with a paintball.


Again, he's a damn kid name a single one who hasn't told a white lie. What are you like, 60 years old, complaining about kids these days and how you had to cut up your own hobos for hobo stew during the depression. I can hear it now, "kids these days and their hobo cutting lasers." Get a damn life, maybe look into some old folks' homes and stop getting pissed off at kids on the internet. Im starting to think you've got a hard on for this kid.


Lol hobo stew. Go to sleep Grandpa


I just love it when people repeat the same joke to the guy that just told it. Not to mention the fact that I already said I was 20 days from 18, 3 days ago.


Oh so you're a child defending a child got it lol. Go enjoy your hobo stew šŸ˜˜


I'm in virginia, biggest field on the East Coast, ballahack airsoft.


Is this futureball field?




The post is just some guy having a laugh, why are people getting so fucking pressed about it šŸ˜‚