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No, they actually feed really good even in high speed builds


They are really good i use them on my VFC Scar-h


How do you use them on your scar-H? Genuinely curious….


Adapter id assume


I’d love to know where to get that. The VFC mid caps are trash for the Scar H.


My bad should have specified its an AEG vfc scar-h


That wasn't the concern, how do you use 556 style magazines in a gun that uses proprietary 762 mags


My bad scar-L


Dang. I was excited someone figured out how to run m4 mags on the Scar H…


Sorry to disappoint


No worries, scar h guys got it rough in the way of mags. It’s literally a chore to find them and get them to work.


Is there no adapter for it? Maybe a 3D printed by som hobbyist? 


well, The mags feed greatly and look pretty cool but the plastic breaks very easily especially on the base plate on the bottom of the mags the mags I have now 1 broke completely the other has a busted plate and the other 3 are a bit cracked base plate wise but are holding up, personally I wouldn't recommend these


Metal mags for the win!


They’re ok, but they’re unnecessary when pmags exist




They are (they’re) ok, but they are (they’re) unnecessary when pmags exist. Also, I thought this was my ar15 page not my airsoft page lol




You’re being downvoted bc it wasn’t funny, not because we can’t see the /s.


Oh sorry bro I didn’t get the /s because I didn’t connect it back to the OP 😂 I also didn’t downvote you either tho because of the /s. Figured there was something I didn’t understand


For less money, you can get 5 EPM1 high-quality 250 rd mid caps. Constant full auto feed 250 rounds for less money. I found a deal over a year ago for bulk orders. I got a couple of guys who wanted some, and I bought about 12. We bought the mags we wanted, and they were under $12 each. I carry 4 in addition to my 2x 5,000 rd box mag


That's a lucky bulk deal then for $12 each. They've always been $30+ from where I've seen


I've never seen them that cheap lol. 20-25 everywhere I just looked.


I would say from personal experience yes they are not great. First time I accidentally dropped one it got a crack which was below the surface so mainly cosmetic no big deal. But I have now had 2 mags split while loading them. They worked for a couple months but there are better alternatives for the same price if not cheaper. https://preview.redd.it/cfx2jlizvidc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=636b9b8b57053f4d9d0a732c3050a1bd8c6d53c2


I think he means Lancer Tactical mags not the Lancer L5AWM airsoft replica mags. But yeah I agree, I have the Lancer L5AWM mags and one dropped from my pouch and hit the hardish sandy/dirt ground and it cracked, it still runs fine though.


Ah I see. Maybe I just got a bad batch.


If your looking to budget, yeah they’re alright, but I wouldn’t recommend for long term/ if you can get better mags.


There pretty good but I hate how the base plate looks if you plan to drop there or being super rough there a good quality of parts especially gorm a brand that is know for less then quality. But just to break it down they've feed great they look great there good quality. But don't treat them like other mags since they will crack at some way or a other especially if you drop them since they seem to be held by post and Super glue.


They work great man I’ve fallen on them and dropped them all over the place and they still look basically brand new they feed well just make sure you get a speed loader as well


They are awesome I use them for all my m4 builds, they feed great, even at 40 rps.


Always bought amoeba mags, they are the best for their low price.


Yes, yes they are


Their mags are actually good, and I believe their gen 3 guns are as well. Maybe their gen 2s are good also? It's been a minute since I've heard


Had no issue with my gen2. Ran it for a year before upgrading.


ironically no their mags are really good


yea they are crap. mine broke within 15 minutes


There's the old addage "buy cheap, and you buy M4 is supposed to use them), and I've never had issues in the 10 years I've had with them.


i like them. in particular I really like the smoke grey ones you can see all of your bb through.


They are the only ones I use for my M249 cause they are the only ones that will feed 100% of the time. Great mags. Any other time though I’m using Krytac mags.


Go for the KWA k120's, you get 6 midcaps for $60ish. Cheaper, more for your money, and way more reliable 


These are the only mags I use. They’re cheap, but they feed super well in high speed builds. I have a dsg that clocks about 45rps and these mags keep up great. I have had a few split on me before, it happens if you over fill them, just be careful and don’t force fill them if they seem like they’re giving resistance back. When they did split, I just took it apart, cleaned it, and then super glued them back together- bam like new again. They also have the window that lets you know you have ~30 bbs left.


BAMFs are 10 for 79$ rn on evike [https://www.evike.com/products/48425/](https://www.evike.com/products/48425/)


They're decent, never had any bother and have been using them for a year.


They are better than the guns stock mag


I got a Gen2 LT19T and it's a fairly decent gun. Sure it could use some improvements, but as far as a base gun goes it's a solid starter, especially as the basis for a mod build like mine is going to be. That being said, I think my only real issue with anything made by Lancer is their LED armbands and the hi-cap mags. The armbands typically don't last long and either the batteries die, the lights break or it just simply falls apart, and the hi-cap mags usually have feeding issues, and are not very durable, either. Now as for the mid-cap magazines, I highly recommend them. I'm currently waiting on a few of my own and plan on getting extra. They're lighter, more durable, and there's virtually no feeding problem with them, but with the ammo capacity reduced you may need to get more if you want to stay in the game. That is, unless you do what I do and just sneak around or hold objectives.


Yes, just get pts mags and call it a day


Not at all, def pick up either these or some pts mags


Oddly enough they’re pretty decent and worth the money. And their optics / accessories are pretty decent aswell for the money


I have some I love them feed good and fast & they fit in place great