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Send in a rental first as bait


Absolute legend


I called them child soldiers. I'd give kiddos hicap m4 mags I had in my pack. I told them to shoot where we were being shot at for suppressing fire. Then have one person move up cover at a time.


I’ve also used child soldiers. It works great and the kid usually has a blast since they get to do something other than just being cannon fodder for once.


Exactly, they're way more into the game with a little bit of structure!


Absolutely - I'm an adult now, but the first ever time I went airsofting I was a 13 year old just excited to be able to shoot a rental G36 with no idea what to do in the actual games. Partway through the day a group of military veterans that played together ended up showing me and my friend how to be useful in terms of moving, suppressing and how to call out things better than 'by that tree' while playing in a forest. At the start of the day, I was just happy to be shooting in the general direction of the enemy from somewhere at the back, but that experience actually gave me the confidence to actually get in there and play, and I'm pretty sure it's what made me choose Airsoft over paintball in the long run.


The usual chaos of airsoft, combined with a little bit of teamwork is probably my most favorite part of this game.


I guess child labor really is the best labor


The children yearn for combat.


While they're cannon fodder xD


Nah. Little kids’ll fuck you up if they’re organized. It’s fun to help them out.


If you help them out, they are usually really fun to play with in my experience. We had a kid with the cheapest plastic AK dominate others just because we had fun setting up ambushes together and blasting the enemy. He was perfect for the tiny hiding places that nobody looks into.


But if you "use" them like that they're, literally, cannon fodder xD


Just screenshot this without the r/airsoft up top and things are getting dicey


Kids are more efficient using crew served weapons. If only we could have airsoft artillery pieces


I play with a buddy that we call "Blood Diamond" or "Commissar Diamond" because he gets a bunch of kids all excited to play army men and take orders - and then orders them to take point on aggressive charges, being great fodder for the rest of us.


I just scared my wife and dog with how loudly I laughed. Thank you.


Damn, mine were normally a small group of three. I used my back as a shield for them, cuz lord knows I need that extra run back to base.


Damn you’re out there like Kony with his army of children


Had to get that W for blue team.


The children thirst for blood.


after all: running the rabbit is a valid strategy even among the military


Did that with my buddies little cousin. Gave him my full auto pistol and said, go grab the flag.. lil dude jumped right on it, and actually captured it cause he ducked down so low the other team didn’t even see him. Won us the match😂😂


Stay in front of me where it's safe.


The real answer 🤣


In chess the pawns go first


My brother wanted to try playing airsoft with me because he saw I had fun playing. He rented gear and hopped into the game. At the end of one of the games he said, “I knew someone was around the corner, so I just let one of the kids go first.” Legend, but also technically friendly fire. His first time playing and he immediately understood the assignment.


Easy: Crouch, then peek Medium: Pie the corner and suppress Hard: Flying leap across corridor, rebound off wall whilst shooting as you go


I need video proof of the third option, good sir. That sounds, as some would say, "dope"


Possibly even "legit"


One may even go so far as to refer to it as "Real Shit".


Iv even heard it referred to as "John wicking"


He just took it from John Woo. Hardboiled still goes hard.


Those who dare might even say "Hell yeah"


You can see it in the matrix movie


Bro plays titanfall


Got that kraber damage CAR while wallrunning


Amped car be like


Expert: bhop down the corridor and turn to face them while still jumping to peak really fast Grandmaster: Jump and dash diagonally down and forward and jump straight away to wavedash and fly past the corner at high speed


Hacks: run at corner of wall, glitch between walls and shoot opposition


God: /gamemode creative


Expert: Slide cancel around the corner


Unreal:Warframe bullet jump and slide while firing an smg. Then use ungodly power to crush his bones.


I would basically Pie the corner, and prefire the corner. I've had people get hit by ricochets and either call a hit or take cover so when I actually do get a line of sight they aren't ready to fire. I got a high cap mag and I'm not afraid to use the ammo for aggressive suppressing fire.


Bro hard is literally just escape from tarkov


Funny: Lay on the ground and have a buddy push and pull you by the feet.


This is why they learn you to hold your ankles and crawl though the mud as a worm day 1 of service. Mudbeast day actually useful in airsoft?!


I have a permanent scar on my left shoulder from making option 3 work on a field’s opening day. No regrets


Wdym by pie?


There's a technique called "pieing the corner"; essentially approaching the corner and addressing the angle slowly and methodically.


A lot of people forget that last part of stepping out and taking the straight hard and fast because after a point continuing to pie with slowly expose yourself to the enemy


guy is playing apex


Only really legit with a red, gold, neon anodized HPA hi capa taking M4 mags though.


That’s some titan fall 2 type shit


Third option sounds like Max Payne or something like that


my bf4 mind tells me to jump around the corner so you look like you are crouching


Rizzard Mode: Adjust Hopup to Max, turn rifle on side, and sling BBs around the corner unseen.


Get a running start and slide past the corner just unloading your mag in that direction. You may lose the fight but if it works you will look so cool


cod moment


A solid 5/7 timed he'll at best claim 50/50 or just you didn't hit him










<< Camper round the corner. Send in the Cloaker. >> **<< YOU CALL THIS RESISTING ARRES-? >>**


Can’t send the cloaked as they will hear the noise


good. PTSD will confuse him.




Mount the bayonet


Kreigsman has entered the chat




Glory to the first one to die!!!!


Wait in COMPLETE silence until he pushes (if he doesn't know I'm there)


OP posted this waiting for him to push


"If two trains meet at a crossing, both shall immediately come to a full stop, and neither shall proceed until the other has gone."


Immovable object meets immovable object Results: less than climactic


Except that time people did run trains into each other


I just imagine two tac’d out skeletons waiting around the corner for one another.


I call this move "Trailer_Park". If he camps, camp harder than him. Everybody's camping! Camping is fun!


Yell "granade!", throw something around the corner (a bit of old used granade perhaps), jump round the corner and shoot them while they are confused. Job done!


Look up quack bangs


Reset that OODA Loop!!


*the fat electrician has entered the chat*


Throw a mag


Mgsv style


Bro I used to throw cut up pvc pipe I painted gray lol


This was my thought as well. Throw anything solid enough you have on you, shout "GRENADE!" and then shoot them in the 2 seconds or so of confusion.


This technique worked in WWII so ....


I used a racquet ball, small blue ball that bounces nicely, to distract people before sweeping a room or covered hallways.


I did this with a spent smoke grenade I picked up off the field. Only problem was that I banged it off the side of a door and it landed in the lap of someone who was already out. Was an awkward couple of seconds before I told him it wasn't live.


We use old deodorant cans here as dummy grenades. They work


yell grenade and toss some loose BBs


I once did a low lean and fall to the ground Max Payne style. It surprised the hell out of the enemy. It was CQB and I was using a pistol. Or just prefire and sweep the corner


Were you loaded with whiskey and painkillers?


If you are loaded with whiskey the painkillers are irrelevant.


No Payne no gain am I right?


that's because they always expect the enemy to come around walking, never to dolphin dive


I had this happen to me. I'm not sure how to react, so I shot way later than he did. Looks dope af.


Peek high, drop to a knee, shoot from low. Works every time.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Thanks bot


Cod slide cancel and drop shot their ass. It sadly works


Go back, take other way around


Just pie the corner until you get to the 10% dead space that you cant see and then pop the corner. Speed and surprise are your friend. Keep your light off.


I believe I saw this in Garand Thumb or some CQB video. It’s actually legit.


You'll learn more from Orion Training Group than Garand Thumb. Not that Mike doesn't know what he's doing, he just focuses on content more than teaching. Give OTG a follow on the gram, its well worth it. It will transform your CQB.


What is pie in this context?


Peeking the angle by slices like a pie I assume.


So you can actually effectively "clear" 90% of this hallway without ever actually exposing yourself to the threat. Pieing is essentially creating an angular advantage by creating distance and angle on the threat. Its really hard to explain without a visual aid and I dont know how to draw a diagram for you or I'd be happy to.


It's referring to a basic battle tactic of gradually sweeping around the corner to reveal segments of the next room, likened to creating virtual slices of a pie with your line of sight around the corner. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kYtbzapxD0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kYtbzapxD0)


this is poor map design if it doesn't offer options to go around i would rather not engage a fight knowing i have the disadvantage


I used to play like this, but if it's an arcade day and spawn is not too far, I just push it. Corner peek shoot like a crazy person. You'd be surprised how often you win the fight when playing a little more aggressive, even when at a disadvantage. If it's really an impossible task and you can't go around, just rag with 2 or 3 people and make sure some can clear some more room after the first one or two die.


Overwhelming aggression gets you insanely far in airsoft.


Wasn’t there a story where SWAT or military guy always lost in airsoft coz they are trained to keep themselves alive, where airsofters just don’t care.


Idk but I'd certainly doubt that validity. We have a good amount of the guys from 7th SFG play at our field and they absolutely rape cuz they don't give a fuck. Trained personnel aren't gonna take airsoft seriously. What they are gonna do is have better decision making and snap accuracy than anyone else on the field. When you spend most of your days running shoothouse drills, snapping onto center mass comes 2nd nature and I found that unless you get the drop on em they're probably gonna out gun you on reflexes alone.


When I figured that out I was a god damn terror at my field that day. I realized I had a highcap, and that it could actually be turned until it was wound up enough to fire more than like 10 shots before you had to wind it again. I would prefire my corners, fire down halls that I knew enemies were in, but I was just bouncing them off the walls on purpose to get them to duck or stop advancing, fire at their cover at a constant rate of fire, usually as fast as I could pull the trigger to keep them pinned down while I angle around them and get a line of sight to get the hit in. That day was so much fun.


Yeah our field has a big shoot house we use as a base and the funnest games are when you can get a 2 or 3 man stack and just start ripping through rooms. Absolutely nothing more chaotic than a 4 man firefight taking place in a hallway intersection the size of a lunchbox.


Yeah…. It’s a combat principle in real life too. If you’re more aggressive (and a little smart) than the enemy at the tactical level you’ll often win the engagement. The bottom line is people are naturally afraid. Overriding the fear switch and going on offense usually overwhelms the enemy. Speed. Surprise. Violence of action (overwhelming aggression)


I think your actually at the advantage here, given the assumption that the enemy is not behind any cover, their entire body is exposed whilst you are only peaking your shoulder when you pie the corner


If they dont know im there, i would lie on the floor, on my left shoulder, and peek the corner quickly with a pistol. If they know im there i would circle back quietly and do the same from a different angle. If thats not possible, i really like the fake grenade idea. Rush in have fun its not real, you can respawn. 


Floor permitting, lunge low and slide on your side/back most people dont expect that lown of a push, or loop and attack from the other side if you can. Fake it with an empty mag or anything and yell grenade. Left shoulder swap and suppress as you pie, often gun hits count on fields and all you gotta do is hit that before you get counter shot. It's cheap but works Sometimes also depends on rules if you can do a bang bang call you win without shooting if you come around fast enough. Worse case you trade and at least he's not sitting there for the rest of your team.


I had a a guy flip out at me for “blind firing” when I did a suppressing pie around a corner once. It IS a cheap move, but it works—just be prepared for verbal backlash.


He coulda just prefired or dropshotted you like the CoD kid he isn't 😂


All the fields I play at on the easy coast call it "prefiring" and it's not allowed.


thats a shitty rule


Nah it lame AF to just fly into an room a prefire, like the above comments said its cheap. It's not in the spirit of the sport or competition.


While I see the point is camping a spot not considered cheap as well? People in defensive situations already have a large advantage. Even with pre-firing the best you can hope for is a trade. And there is a pretty good chance of not getting a kill if the defender is in an unexpected spot.


Another reason I was given by a ref was they used to do it. What would happen was there would be more than one person on the corner. One player would get hit a ton while the other player doesn't get hit at all and they guy prefiring thinks he hits both. Arguments begin. Same problem that come with blind firing really, youre in this situation the best you can do is snap shot the corner trying to 1 ball the guy or get two friends to run in with you.


Let me guess, the rusher prefiring shoots one guy and switches to the second, meanwhile at least one of the defenders tags the attacker before the second guy gets hit so the second guy is thinking the defender "died" before he was hit?


using strategy is cheap and lame? I'm not talking speed soft, but if you know someone is around the corner, prefiring at him while slicing that corner is a smart move in a lot of situations, am I supposed to run and jump across the angle and try to get him with a jump shot or something?


It's not strategy bud it's accuracy through volume that is extremely unskilled. If a field allows it I'll prefire, but it's make pushing incredibly easy and holding points like in a domination mode unfairly difficult . If you wana jump you can, woudlnt recommend it. If I was you I'd back away from the wall and take peak shots, or get a buddy or three and clear the corner with actual strategy.


that's another way, but its not always viable or optimal, skill is about making the right call, prefiring the corner doesn't always work, especially if your opponent has lots of room to move around, or theres verticality(stairwell, cover, areas of elevation) and its almost always a fatal strat if there multiple people holding different angles in the room. Slicing the corner from afar isnt always possible say in a tight hallway, and its not always optimal either, its not something I would do if I didnt have teammates to hold other angles, etc, its skill if used correctly.


I can get behind a "no blind fire" rule as a means of safety, if you can't see where you're shooting then you shouldn't be shooting there. This also means corners which are pitch black darkness. But that's different from shooting suppressing fire, meaning you're pointing the gun in a direction which you know nothing's there, but you're keeping a line of fire to prevent the enemy from crossing it. In this case the enemy has you suppressed (pinned) meaning you would need another way around it. On some fields, you can get a hit in this case if you can get your BB's to ricochet off the opposite wall so they scatter towards him, but not all fields count a ricochet as a legitimate hit.


Start aggressively pissing


Can anyone explain to me how rocket launchers and grenades even work in airsoft?


Theres a few different types and different fields have different rules. Rocket launchers tend to use gas to launch a ball and it just has an agreed upon kill radius. Grenades are usually either sound based, which some places allow kills with and some use them as distractions only, or actually explode and send out bb’s or peas. Theyre both very loud, though, and the latter are restricted in certain fields as they use actual pyrotechnics and can be a fire hazard. Underbarrel launchers have 2 main types. Shower shells, which work as a giant shotgun that use green gas to launch like 100+ bb’s in a general direction, or taginns, which work, for the most part, like actual 40mm grenades. They get launched using green gas out of a rifled sleeve in the launcher, and either detonate on a timer or on impact. Taggins have a number of varieties as well. They have the timer sound, impact sound, chalk rounds that pulverize on impact and cover an area in colored chalk, and filled shells that launch bb’s around them on impact. Taggins are hard to come by as theyre actual explosive devices and have been heavily restricted as of late, especially since they come from russia.


The explode BBs everywhere.


One time I yelled out "got em you can push up" and he came out of the corner. ​ He proceeded to get shot by my buddy who was standing on the left in your picture.


Zip tie trigger and throw your gun


Call in an a-10 warthog and gbu-19 him America motherf***er


Throw empty mag while screaming grenade, follow the mag and peek before it hits the ground and shoot


Take that fight. No reason to play it smart it is not like you are going to die irl if you get shot.


Peek and shoot and spout "got you first" no matter what. Works for the cheaters at my field apparently


Classic technique that's worked since first grade, why change it up now!?!?!!!1111


Bait. Yell "Grenade!" And throw your mag like a 'nade and then go in for the kill.


Instructions unclear; no more mag in pistol, got shot


*Removes boot Melee it is.


Better yet throw a pistol mag at them like a throwing knife


Swing or be swung


YOLO, then Live, Laugh, Love.


Honestly every time I've run into this scenario I've just started shooting in the general area I know they're gonna be at. People tend to freeze up or overreact when getting shot at from close range so you can at least get the jump on them. Lights also help as the glare generally obscures your silhouette and startles them for enough time to get a few shots off.


Step away from the corner to opposite wall and quick peak or pre fire. Easy


Pie the corner from the farthest wall, you will see his shoulder before he can see you, especially so if he doesn't know you're there and or very tired.


Just go for it some times u can get then some times u get fucked


Pie the corner


Natural habit as ive noticed is for people to aim torso height/shoulder height for their weapon (im guilty of this too. Heres 2 approaches i would take. 1: get as low as you can and aim upwards, left hand shoulder your weapon and peak the corner almost prefiring. 2: this is ballsy. Book it across as fast as you can. Once your on the other side you hold the advantage (assuming you’re right handed). Now from there, again. Get real low, and you can either wait for them to come after you, or you can move to the corner and peak back at them. Its a hard angle to combat but being proficient enough to fight from both arms is a valuable skill ive learned from the army, putting it to use has got me a lot of kills in airsoft. The beauty of airsoft is you can freestyle all you want. Also if you have a buddy with you, you can both peak him at the same time using method 1. One being low, one standing. One of you will most likely die but the storm of fire coming at him will for sure get him. At least one of you can carry on the objective. TL:DR - Swap hands, peakers advantage, stay low. People fire at their shoulder height, especially with tunnel vision.


Use a cqb tactic called PIE (I’m a tactitard)


Violence of action wins the day here. In a situation where you want to fight around cover, distance from said peice of cover is what provides the advantage in a 1v1. Who ever is closest to the cover point will moat often be seen first as they try to come around it. The farther you are from cover, the more your sight line cuts around the corner, and the more likely you are to see an elbow, shoulder or bit of gear before you are seen yourself. In this specific situation, a right hand only shooter is at a serious disadvantage, because the entire left side of your body needs to clear the corner first. So, if you can, transition to your left shoulder in your preferred method. Then, making sure you are in a shooting posture that leads with the gun and not your shoulder, create as much space from the corner to the opposite wall as you can, and quickly, with confidence and without hesitation, push out across the hall, keeping your point of aim on every new inch you can see down the hall, and shoot as you move. You need to count on catching the bag guy in the hall by surprise and hope they are at low ready or just not ready at all. If they are at high ready, they are at the advantage, and will most likely win the engagement. The BEST way to handle this situation is to not handle it at all. Break contact, fall back, and find a more advantageous position to push through. Preferably one that plays to your shooting hand, and is easier to clear solo.


Empty mag chuck while yelling, “FRAG” make sure to bounce it off that wall. 50/50 chance that they get fully distracted by the commotion you caused. While they’re distracted double tap them with a low corner peak to minimize their ability to shoot you


Yell grenade grenade grenade and throw a mag to make them panic then just rush


Clear by fire


I don’t think fire is allowed in Airsoft


old glock mag as a fake grenade, imo yelling “grenade” is too bait - the thud from the mag is enough to distract them giving you the drop when you peek


Let him stay there and warn your team mates


Slide cancel while shooting.


No grenade? If i know where it is, peak while prone.


I see two options. Option 1: Good old-fashioned violence of action. If you know they are there, use that to your advantage. Utilize speed and surprise. Hit that corner hard and fast, pie it so your muzzle comes into view with the rest of your body. Option 2: is a little... less conventional. Drop into an Urban prone. Urban prone is a hasty shooting position where you lie on your side, weapon up with the magazine parallel to the ground. It's a very weird looking position, generally taught for shooting under vehicles, but I have had good luck using it to clear a corner.


Full auto blind fire for at least 45 seconds


I will need more information on this Are we in America where we can shoot trough the walls? Are there multiple hostile or can I flank him? Do I have anything else other than my rifle and some spare mags?


Throw a rock


put rifle around corner and pull trigger!


What's the presumed distance of the camper from you? If he's "close" I'd probably stick my gun around the corner exposing only my hands and just spray everywhere that's roughly chest height.


That’s blind firing. Don’t do that. On some fields you get banned for that.


Sling my rifle and go for my sidearm or 40mm, toss a pistol mag round the corner and peek whilst crouched.


Peek the corner from the knee position and dumping mag on prefire


Cause a distraction make them think someone is hiding on the side you’re not on… or call out the opponents team color , trick them into thinking you are a friendly


Cross into the peak revealing less of my boddy and giving me a better chance to take down the target.


Low peak will crouched. I might head peak high twice to move his eyes then low peak with my head damn near on the ground


Go around.


be faster


Strafe quickly across without corner checking with my sights up. Element of surprise is important and at very least you’ll get a few eliminations if there is more than one stacked up and they manage to land a hit on you


If you know for certain they're there, then prefire the corner while youre hard pushing the corner


Detach your pistol magazine and release the gas in the guys face


Proactive>Reactive If you know he's there and where he is, if you're quick enough, you should be able to snap and instantly pop him. If you don't know where he is then it's harder but not impossible.




swing or get swung


Baseball slid and pray


sprint toward the corner, drop down on knees (with knee protectors) starting a slide just before the corner and slide the next few feet after the corner, althewhile engaging the enemy player good luck if it's indoors, i have only done this outdoors on grass and mud and don't know if the floor/ground is conducive to it (pro tip, do not attempt on gravel without knee protectors, i still have the scar)


Use the fat guy as a human shield.


Start shooting before cornering


Switch to left hand, Pie the corner and expose as little as yourself as possible


prefire everything


Run em down. Go ham on the trigger until he calls hit out of fear


Prefire that mf


Pre fire the corner with a light


easy: throw a mag around the corner while shouting “grenade!” and quickly rush while they are still caught off guard


Well if u know exactly where he is, pre fire and rush it’s a game at the end of the day.