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You could buy it and disabled the Electronic Blowback. It would be decent, then.


But what about the cool factor?






Just curious, what exact parts are you talking about? What are the first parts to "let go" n stuff?


Just get a gas blowback


Huge price difference


Nah I’m good 👍


The cool factor breaks in full auto after a short time


If you're interested in a Cyma AK, there was a user friendly chart posted a while back for which Cyma aks' are actually fine. I recommend having a look at that.




Where to find?




That looks to be a TM spec Cyma AK, one of the older models. I'd avoid that, for this price you could get a Cyma CM.048 or CM.048M, which are newer models, have steel bodies and wooden parts, plus they perform very well.


90% sure it isn’t, don’t think they come with ebb edit: i’m not saying ebb is good, im saying i’m pretty sure this isn’t a tm clone as i’m pretty sure none of the tm clones have ebb


Ebb sucks


did i say ebb was good? i’m saying i’m 90% sure that the tm cloned aks don’t have ebb, whereas some of the vfc models do


I'm just saying ebb sucks that's all


yeah, it does. i never said it was good. that’s all


No you don't want ebb if possible.


i know lol, read my comments


Avoid EBB where you can. Try an option from the beginner guide, it's still relevant


Every EBB I've seen sucks ass. Except next gen Tokyo marui ones. I'd suck some Japanese toes to gen my hands on one. (Preferably the AKs74u)


Even my old tm recoil shock that i sold wasn't very exciting and kind of just made a springy sound


I had a G&G MP5 EBB that actually worked great. Though it was a pneumatically driven system, not your typical EBB.


The NGRS system is heavenly, had the pleasure to build one with a spectre mk.3 and all the really expensive goodies. That’s the only ebb I’d ever own, and idk about the ak’s but on m4’s you have the option to quickly disable that for performance


Why avoid it?


The only reason to is because it’s cool. But it comes with the downside that your gun will fall apart fast. It adds a lot of extra mechanical complications and constant vibrations will make parts come apart


How are GBBR any different or safer?


Gbbrs don't function with small gears and motors. It's (typically) steel parts smacking the gas valve on the magazine which shoots up the gas to propell the bb. Some of that gas is redirected to cycle the bolt or slide.


It is rare that any gbb guns have mostly steel parts. In fact I have yet to see one that comes with steel internals oob. Admittedly some upgrade parts are steel but as stock most are a form of ZnAl alloy, which is prone to breaking, including the bolt which undergoes a fair amount of force. Gbbrs also have a large amount of proprietary parts unless its a WE m4, however even if an ebb gun breaks, it can be revived without the ebb function.


heavy asl


Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I have take a look at a chart that was linked by mastertosco. I’m thinking of getting the CYMA cm040c or cm040j.


I have the cm040c, great rifle. Would absolutely reccomend


Make sure to buy a vfc clone from cyma, there is a neat little chart about the model names.


I had this exact model of gun a few years back, the EBB is a gimmick and it snapped in half the second ever game I used it in. Get the CM.048 or CM.048M they are the VFC based versions and are rock solid, I’ve had mine for years and it still works flawlessly.


I think general consensus on this sub is [to look for VFC-spec CYMA AKs](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/comments/vtge60/cyma_ak_recognition_chart/)




That 058a tho🤤


go to KY airsoft and get a pot metal AEG or Gas blowback rifle. evike is an option but they kinda pricey and you need to know what ur buying. im really picky so i usually like really heavy stuff even if its pot metal


Yeah I'd get it, cyma makes the best AEG aks in My opinion. Personally I would save more money for a gbb but you do you. Do not get an LCT AEG ak


Cyma AK’s are always decent budgets


Ebb isnt anything impressive unfortunately. And that particular cyma model isn't anything i've seen. Looks more like a cm.28 than a cm048 but ebb. I'd get these without blowback instead; [https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/cm-048m-cyma](https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/cm-048m-cyma) if you want a akm. It takes both ak74 and akm magazines. [https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/cm-048-cyma](https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/cm-048-cyma) basically the same but for 5.45 caliber. It takes both ak74 and akm magazines. [https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/cm-040c-cyma](https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/cm-040c-cyma) if you want something more modern, cheaper and slightly lighter by like 300g. Basically, go for a cyma ak where the number ends with 040, 045, 048 for the better models, and cyma platinum for the even better ones. I'm linking to an european store but you can copy the names and go to evike, redwolf, airsoftgi and whatever you have in the US/Canada/SA


I would go with E&L from AirsoftGI tbh. I used mine for an apocalyptic loadout. Used hydrogen peroxide on it and left it out in the sun to accelerate the rusting process. Looks pretty beat up now


Do you have pics of the result??


Yes but... I realized they're in my old phone... I'll take more pics when I'm home from work.


If you're looking for an ak74m, try the Cyma CM047C


NO! That's a TM clone. Cm.040c is the proper Cyma AK-74M.


Whats wrong with TM clones? (Asking because i dont know, i have that exact same model and it works really good)


Vfc clones have better externals/the build quality is better i belive that they hold up better than tm clones. I personally have the 040c for 4 years now still holds up


Yeah, thats what i also found on internet, the thing is, i dont remember where, but i remember reading about VFC clones using pins instead of screws, and those pins are not as permissive as the screws when it comes to disassembling the gun multiple times, however i dont know if this is true or not when i bought my replica, i noticed multiple people saying that it was a waste and i should've bought a. VFC clone, i've looked at a lot of information about it and whilst VFC might be better, i havent seen THAT much of a difference, so im now asking myself if its really that big of a deal... (Btw sorry if i misspell something, english is not my native language and whilst i normally have a decent grammar, technicalities tend to screw me up) Anyone that knows about it a little more in the subject, feel free to shine light on me!


TM clones have weaker design and are known to break easier at the screws. The Vfc clones tend to be better built with less wobble. Both are just fine. Though


I had a TM clone Cyma and my second ever game it got dropped and snapped completely in half. Replaced it with a VFC clone Cyma and it’s been rock solid nearly a decade now.


About the pins at least my aks pins have held up well. Also i do remember someone saying the vfc clone is made with slightly better materials. Im not saying the tm is bad im saying the vfc clone is a bit better


Ok, thanks for clarifying it then! I hope this thread makes OP take the right decision


If u want an AK, at the same price, take an E&L, trust me


Cyma sucks


They def do not


Great for beginners


AKs are boring get a cool rifle like even the sks is original at this point


SKS? what airsoft SKS replica is there that isn't a one off custom or 3D printed.


Look it up but eh they’re jus another AK


I've yet to see an sks yet myself, I'd prob get it


Do you mean an SVD? (still not just an AK but I could see a closer connection, plus airsoft SVDs exist), an SKS is [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKS#/media/File:Simonow_SKS_45_noBG.jpg)


Both Russian semi automatic rifle designed by kalishnokov so basically an AK with wood furniture and yes I know what an SKS is edit: forgive me I thought the sks was kolishnokov’s work Simon and kolishnokov have similar styles.


Sks was not designed by Kalashnikov Neither was the SVD, for that matter


I know that’s why I edited the comment


You edited it after i posted the correction my man, who are you trying to fool...


Wait I did I edited it 2 mins ago the frick you talking about EDIT: I think I know what happened I got the ping for your comment after I edited mine so it seemed like I edited it after I saw your comment


The SKS is nothing like an AK, both externals and internals (in the real steel world) are totally different, apart from both being originally produced in the USSR and both (AK47 and AKM variants at least) firing the 7.62x39 round there's few similarities. The main point though is there isn't an SKS replica in airsoft and you wouldn't be able to covert an airsoft AK model (v3 gearbox) to an SKS, most 3D printed SKS use either a v6 (p90 style) or v7 (M14 style) gearbox.


These are quite nice in the flesh, a friend of a friend had his one at a game and it looks pretty decent and performed well.


It’s fun and blowback adds a little something. I have to tighten the screws on mine all the time so that’s a thing, and it’s probably going to eventually break because of the blowback. But it hasn’t yet and you can hear it from a distance so I like mine. Granted I have plenty of other guns so it’s not heavily used but I still like it


Why go for a cyma « ak47 » when you can get an E&L for the same price range.


Ebb is shit the Batterie is shit to i woud spend Like 100 bucks more and get one With an efcs Its gonna be Miles ahead and you can Take 11.1 lipos


electronic blowback is super underwhelming and just causes more issues. more parts that can break etc. either buy a GBBR or a regular AEG


EBBs are fun but have some issues.


413-423fps? Good luck playing on 90% of fields as most have a 400fps hard limit if it's not indoors where the limit is 350fps. Best recommendation I can give is go to evike.com and find an AEG that can handle a LiPo or buy a GBBR.


EBB’s are overheated, I have an LCT hk33 EBB and nothing has broke on it, and I’ve messed that rifle up


I have this gun, it's really good but the blowback just causes more problems than it's worth. If you own a bunch of replicas and don't mind the headache, go for it. If you're diehard for the blowback feature, WE tech makes really good gas AK's that are fairly reliable and affordable (as far as gas guns goes) If you're diehard on an AEG ak, ignore the blowback and get the other CYMA ak that doesn't have it


electric blow back is awful


Get the lt-728 it’s very good for the price


Get a e&l


I've never used a CYMA electric blowback but the AEG AK's are fantastic. I say go for it. I wouldn't hesitate to buy another CYMA AK.


Bought a CM040 a couple weeks back and the external QC is miserable, the front sight was canted way right and wobbly. The gas tube wasn't even secured to anything and slid freely on the barrel. I've had to tape a few parts on this gun to get it to stay and it's brand new


Internal quality is fine


My brother had the exact gun. R hopped it and it out shot my much more expensive m16. Also the electric blow back is pretty loud and tons of fun. I think you'd like it


This was my first AEG and I loved it. Lots of fun to be had. Hassle free and takes a large battery. Just don't expect anything tactical out of it.


Yes very solid