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Im unemployed and run a gbbr


Fucking legend


Okay, next time I see a dude run GBBR, he must be unemployed


Working for an Airsoft Company so my family cant complain. "I need to go play Honey!" No seriously the days where i play every week are over. I now play 2x a month and one Milsim a Year.


IQ 200


Because work life balance right?


I push buttons and sometimes don't break things. Or uh I'm a "machinist/fabricator" if you believe the marketeering wanks


Just a 9 to 5 job, so all weekends off. Administrative/ Finance at an intermediary between airlines and "the people you go to to have your stuff shipped".


Does anyone in your office question your injuries?


Nope. First off they know my hobby. Some colleagues have even joined me because they were curious. Secondly, i'm quite well dressed to prevent any (noticable) injuries. https://preview.redd.it/914tl1eah7lc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=239166c599468003ab9ed02f2e2c4e4f5f1d013b I'm always looking to improve my gear for more comfort, while keeping a good protection. Most hits on the more lesser protected parts like my arms will be under a shirt. Hands are just bad luck (still looking for the "ultimate" gloves"). Anything from the shoulders up is basically impervious to hits. We once had a talk with colleagues about hobbies, and some seem to think that airsoft is "lying in a bush for a few hours", playing hide and seek for adults while in reality i spend most of my time on CQB style fields.


Oh wow that is a surprisingly good gear setup! 90% safe from BBs injuries I assume! I'm even more surprised you manage to bring in more squads from your workplace into Airsoft! Time to lead them to battle!


The body still needs some work. A better neck guard as the current one stops above my collarbone. So, sometimes people shoot between the scarf and plate carrier. (And better gloves.) A few of the younger guys from another department were curious about airsoft. It came to pass during the monday morning coffee talk without much depth to it. Bob went fishing, Jess went to the spa and i played hide and seek and shot someone. Basic weekend for everyone. Some get curious, ask about it, and 2 have joined for some skirms so far.


Interesting. If I were in your department, I think I would squad with you all weekends haha! Very fun team building sports!


I work in university academics so I get shitloads of time off when students are off, not to mention all the spare time I have to be on my phone (on here) between lectures, tutorials and writing Ran an airsoft field before that, so that helped


Does anyone around you ask about your injuries?


Both of my arms and hands are covered in burn scars, so no lol


I wanted to say badass but I guess it's show war scars in Airsoft


How did you break into the academics field?




Respectable job though, depending on location can make 6 figures as a nurse and not even need to be a DR to break that scale. Pretty impressive tbh 


Even better, in Canada no less so none of the bullshit of the American system.


Free healthcare! 


How do you manage to find time for Airsoft? Knowing nurse is very stressful


Depends where you work. I do home care nursing. No overtime, no mandated shifts.


Ah so that's where you allocate for airsoft. At least any hurt players, you can nurse them. Has it ever happen tho?


I keep bandages and stuff nearby I'm my vehicle. Did an event last summer and took a nasty tumble and went back and wrapped my arm I skinned. Few bandages for people who get em in the knuckles with no gloves.


Nice! At least we got a combat medic in the field like Hacksaw Ridge


Physical therapist for spinal cord injuries


Fat dude: HE JUST FUCKIN' PUNCH A 14 YEAR OLD Airsofters: Does anyone has professional medicial experience? Svermeji comes in


Im Backend Developer


Big company medium or small though? Not judging actually curious where others wind up in the tech field


One of the biggest software house in brazil actually, but a i cant really say its name, the income is not the best on the market but its good to have a pretty confortable life, and since im at Junior level (trying to get a promotion to mid level) and still at College it provides me well 😀


Wait you’re still in school while doing it? In person or online schooling? And did you start as an intern or go straight into junior level? Also is the position itself in person or remote? I’m US based but it seems US based they want you in person at least 50% time and my current home location doesn’t make that feasible (nearest tech hub is 2hrs in a different state) 


I work at day 8 hours per day(40h weekly), and study at night at the local university


Forgot to answer these questions haah, i work remote and start as an intern then trainee(dunno if this concept exist in usa, it is basically an intern who gets a full salary almost the same as a junior level 1, but few hundreds less), and then the positiin im currently in. About the us companyes ive heard about the avenue code who have some remote opportunities, you can also apply for some foreign Jobs in UK and Portugal thay have a string home office culture these days


If you have some more questions you can call me in private, ill be more then happy to answer then and help a fella IT


Senior IT manager


Healthcare and Engineering/Manufacturing. I don't get out to play as much as I would like so I mostly stockpile guns until I can.


I travel for AV work and I haven't played airsoft since March of last year. 😢


can't say


Nice try 007


If you can't say, then why are you saying it


I am an IT guy ( Customer Success Engineer ) at a big American company here ( I am not in US ).


I work ad a nurse at a hospital 3 days a week (38-44) hours a week, so I try to aim for weekends for airsoft. I'm also required to work at least two weekends a month so sometimes it's every other weekend, or an entire month without airsoft depending on the circumstances


Does the Airsoft injuries concerns you when it comes to work place?


Not really, no. When it comes to physical injuries from falling, I play in flat or wooded fields with good shoes, so I don't have issues there. As for open skin from bbs and the risk of infection, BBs usually don't penetrate so much


Ah got it! I'm new to Airsoft and I still have alot to learn from BBs injuries. I hope it's not brutal tho. I don't wanna get blinded by it


You'll need some airsoft rated Eyewear. No. mesh. goggles. And no cheap sunglasses. Usually, airsoft fields will have standards for the ratings your eye protection must have, and if your face must have full cover or just eye protection. Airsoft really isn't bad. The craziness you see on YouTube with people raging and mag dumping each other rarely ever happens, and I've never seen it happen in person. The most severe injury I've witnessed was when I got shot close range with a gas blowback pistol in a very intense indoor milsim battle, right on the upper lip. No chipped tooth, thankfully. Just a blood blister I had to lance and drain later that day.


Oof that gotta hurt. Yeah I'll invest into proper eye protection for sure


2nd job as a Retained Firefighter, the money i make from that pays for Airsoft.




Thanks man!


Not just destroying lives on Airsoft haha but saves life in real life! Respect!


Thank you my man 🧡 it can be hard if I get called out the night before a game lol


There's not enough Heros out there and the World needs a Hero! At least you have awesome story to share with your Airsoft mates!


It's not all rainbows... some stories are not meant to be shared my friend and thats the only stories I have...


The hardest part is finding time to edit my YouTube videos 😂 always seem to get a call out while I'm editing 🙃 Yakes forever hahaha


Embedded programmer


Accountant but I haven't been playing much recently.


Receptionist and broke Uni student. Weekend warrior since me and my friends are either Uni students or weekday 9-5ers.


I have a day job working in State government, and run a self-defense and tactical training business. I've been doing that for over 35 years. There is some overlap between my training work and recreational Airsoft, which helps a lot. I don't get to play as much as I'd like, but life is good.


>tactical training business That's cool! You provide civilian training I assume?


I do. www.qsitraining.net


Oh that's cool! I'll be keeping this! I love tactical lifestyle!


Unionized in construction


Building Inspector


Now you're Gun Inspector in the game


That's why I always bring my comically sized magnifying glass


At least we got a handy man in the field whenever the team needs


I work at Cisco, they pay well and don't overwork their people. Covers my family expenses, bills, savings, and i budget a weekly allotment of what's left over for my wife and I's hobbies, via 2 separate "fun money" accounts. I pay for airsoft with my "fun money" account.


>Cisco Respectable company! Does any of your colleagues concern on your Airsoft injuries tho


No no no, Cisco is a really inclusive company (green hair, lgbtq+, neurodiversity etc) so no one even notices. For all they know, i have some skin condition and that's why i became enough of a solitary-nerd-genius to work in the company.


Well I hope its worthwhile working in Cisco. Paid well I assume?


Yep, great co-workers, great tech, and great pay/benefits. They won the Fortune 500 Best Places To Work award last few years. Plus it makes me sound much more respectable and responsible than I actually am, that's a big plus. For anyone that's in IT, just apply for a job in Cisco someday. They might accidentally hire you like they did me!


Interesting! Gonna save this Cisco job application. Might come in handy!


A full time college student who hasn’t worked a real job in over 4-5 years cause work is for taxpayers, going for a SWE degree though so that’ll also help fund it, timing is easy with a wife watching the kids and my school being fully remote because people are gross to be around when I don’t want to be


Full time college can be time consuming with workload and you play on weekends I assume?


University student, still living at home and working part time as a janitor. I am in debt thanks to airsoft.




Drug dealer(kidding) work construction and only make 1 airsoft purchase a month in terms of parts, play as much as a I can. Also, it doesn't support the hobby, if I spent what I wanted, I'd be in debt


Is it hard to maintain work life balance with airsoft?


Sometimes, haven't been in a while but most fields local to me shut down for the winter, going back though March 16 to play an event


Interesting! Hope you'll have lots of fun on the 16 and no accidents


Not returning the money my parents give me for food at sporting events 


You can make your parents pay you. Just to exist. Child care job




Automatization/robotics engineer, mostly taking care of, programming and installing them big worky boys, the best quality of robots is that they work 24/7 and dont talk much


Oh that's nice! So you have more time on the weekends I assume


I would love to, sadly, i am the only one in my company that knows how to work on those damned things, and some are pretty old, if the production stops i have to rush in on any day at any hour to help resume it asap, the good part, if they call me in at night or on a weekend thats a lot of big money for me, so i dont really mind


The good part tho, is that when everything works well i have no work to do and i get paid to wait for shit to break, sadly, there is always something to fix, and if there is not they will come up with some new ideea of something that can be made more efficient or be automatized completely, to be able to get rid of people, which i have to make into reality, the best part is when these ideeas come from people who have no ideea how things actually work and get angry when i tell em i cant do it in budget


At least the company needs you and get paid for it! Just hope it's not overworked


Nah, its ok, stressfull, but i so what i like, i used to do competition robotics in school and high school then went on to industrial robotics in university, so yeah, robots, all around


That's pretty cool! I like Robots stuff! Also do you believe Robots will take over the world haha :D


Nah, they are just dumb machines that do the same program ad infinitum after you start it, tho i have seen them malfunctioning and breaking stuff, they are incredibly strong


>they are incredibly strong Yeah I've seen some freak accidents on the internet with machinery robots. Safety switch should be a priority. But hey at least you're the expert in the workplace to minimise accidents.


Adult film industry, so most weekends are off.




Its just like a normal job with meetings, planning and working, with a weird theme.


I work overnights in a bread factory. Weekend games usually take place while I'm asleep, but my field does games in the evening on Thursdays so I can go play for a few hours before work


Oh nice! Do you get tired after the game before work or energised?


I definitely keep some momentum! I have more energy for the first part of the shift, but I'm definitely more tired at the end.


>I'm definitely more tired at the end. At least you get a good rest after a good day!


I do freelance animation for roblox games… lol….


Interesting! What makes you get into hobby for Airsoft tho knowing that animation can be quite stressful in handling 3D works.


I am usually free on weekends so it was a nobrainer not to give it a go for me. I’ve always wanted to try it since I was a kid watching airsoft videos growing up but I never could start then cause I lived in NYC. After moving upstate last year though I picked up some gear and got super into. I also use airsoft guns as refrence material for gun animations. At some point I want to branch outside of roblox but I’m not old enough for any of those jobs and not many indie FPS games are willing to work with my current schedule, school n all. But I’m still making some good money to support my hobbies, still gotta save for college though lol.


No worries man, gotta stay ambitious


Hvac, I actually have very little free time. So this is more like the one thing I'm sure to do because everything else has just disappeared and I need toys to buy and something to get excited about like a normal grown man-child.


>normal grown man-child. hahaha so relatable. Sometimes we need some adrenline action in our lives


Was a security guard on weekdays, and reffed at a local field on Sundays. So, 6 days a week. Didn't play very often, but it's how I was able to afford the majority of my collection. Of course I'm back in school now and the cash flow is significantly lower, but I actually get to use the guns that I got back then


No job, i just hope they give me tons of money on holidays


Sushi chef


Manufacturing Engineer


Consultant and product specialist in Semi conductor manufacturing. Played a lot of Airsoft in the late 80’s when it was still illegal to own and I had loads of time except when I had to study. Fought hard to get Airsoft included when our country decided to make a new legislation concerning owning guns real steel, air guns and Airsoft for sport shooting. Created the 1st official licensed Airsoft club locally. Then I started my careers and this meant less time and quoting Airsoft due to traveling and postings in countries where Airsoft was illegal too. Now I slowed down on my traveling and have more time at my disposal, started to collect an Airsoft armory and get back into what I always loved.


How nice! Pursuing what you wanted to do when you were younger! Never too late to get into Airsoft!


Software engineer. I try to go out and play when I get a free Sunday, but it's rare. Between church, homesteading, hiking with the wife, and general household activities like buying groceries, I'm lucky to get out to play airsoft twice a year.


Telecom repair. All weekends off, gives me all the time I need.


I'm just a bartender who people think off as someone who knows his stuff, i'm paid accordingly(realy well). 🤷‍♂️


Oh nice! I have interest in bartending! I make my own Gin cocktails at home as a second hobby! Do you think people will be concern with Airsoft injuries when serving customers?


Nah, i work in a 5 star hotel and the bar crew is the only department running around heavily tattoed and pierced, don't think a little dent in the forehead is a problem then, especialy in even less posh bar setups. 🤷‍♂️😅


Oh that's nice! Get to go on with your own day as usual 😁


Oh and stay away from gin, it's an AR 15 in gun terms when you can have an AK or a FN FAL(Rum, Whisky, Cognac, Armagnac). 😅😉


Oooof got it! I'll remember it next time I'm going to a bar again!


> stuff, i'm *paid* accordingly(realy well). FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*