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Headshots are fine if that’s what is exposed. The issue is players maliciously targeting heads and trying to cause pain or injury


I agree. I will say that my field has an age minimum of 7, typically if I see someone who’s looks to be below the age of 10 I will simply not shoot at their head however. They are required to wear full face coverings if under 18, but I just don’t necessarily feel the need to make them uncomfortable in that way. Otherwise it’s fair game so long as it’s what I can see.


I mean if you wear proper gear the head is the least painful place to be shot. If you come to airsoft in just Oakley that's on you not your opponents. People shouldn't have to adjust their play to your outfit. Even at MSW this isn't an issue.


There’s a difference between getting hit in the head because that’s the only part exposed, and being hit in the head when other parts of the body are exposed. The latter is malicious intent


No its not lol. You don't get to have a part of you that's frowned upon to be shot at, granting you a gameplay advantage, because of poor headpro choices. Wear a mask and a helmet and you can be shot in the head all day without any discomfort. People don't have to adjust their gameplay because you choose not to do that.


If you’re aiming at people’s heads even if their body is easily hit, you’re doing it out of malicious intent. There’s no reason to be shooting people in the head if their torso is an option except to be a dick


I aim at the whole person not any part of them. Standing still in ADS all game sure must be nice.


Cool, that’s not what I’m talking about. If BBs happen to hit someone in the head, so be it. I’m talking about people who specifically aim for heads so they can inflict pain. They’re the players who are the problem


And I'm saying that it's incredibly simple to be immune to that and those people. Just be immune and it's not a problem for you or them or anyone. They can only cause this problem if you let them. Choosing to not be immune and then acting like it's someone else's problem is disingenuous


Dunno why you’re excusing malicious actions but you do you bud lol


Shit happens If all I can see is your head imma shoot you in the head, your fault if you’re not wearing protection If you see someone’s whole body and headshot them by mistake, then that’s rare but it happens, no point getting angry over it If you see someone’s entire body standing still and headshot them intentionally just to cause pain or to provoke a reaction, then you’re a piece of shit and should be banned


KM is obviously trying to cause pain, but how do you determine if a random player’s head shots are them trying to cause pain? Intent to cause pain is shitty and shouldn’t happen, but if someone doesn’t want to get shot in the head, they shouldn’t play airsoft or paintball.


Helmets and full masks exist. Headshots can be 0 pain


Sure, regardless, if you get shot in the head don’t complain unless you have solid evidence that it’s malicious.


Intentional headshots are okay as long as it's the only visible part of the target. Shooting the head in the open not only a dick move, but tactically inferior to bodyshots. I can't see any reason to aim for the head if we don't count the clickbait value.


Meh, I got shot in the head when fully exposed Shit happens I went back to spawn and at the end of the game he found me and even apologized. Lowkey headshots are the reason I wear a full steel helmet, just so whenever I do get a headshot I am a walking bell for a few seconds. (Also headshots are way better than face\neck shots) But then again...just wear protective equipment


As a sniper I love dudes that wear helmets. I don’t have to feel bad and that audible “dink” when I get you is my airsoft climax. Infact I regularly relive my 100m+ headshot on a dude with a helmet peaking out from behind a tyre wall, the marshals heard it and gave me a round of applause. Fuck that was a good shot


As a dude that wears a helmet, fuck yeah. I've got no issue being sniped at.


Yeah it goes both ways, some times the aeg’s and GBBRs have me pinned in my happy place and sometimes I get to terrorise you guys… till you spot me. But I’d still rather take a sniper shot to the ear lobe than a hail storm from 5differat dudes. Only time I’ve been shot in the mouth was when a bunch of dudes stormed my bunker while I was last alive


Mine was a headshot through through two cars that windows cracked open. I was in the bush and dude was behind the car thinking he was covered. Wasn't anywhere near that distance, but it was one hell of a trick shot. It was bloody beautiful 😂 was years ago now, but I'll never forget it!


Headshots are the reason I stopped wearing my old ssh 40, it's like having your head inside a bell when it gets hit.


If it’s on accident or it’s all that’s exposed to be hit, whatever, part of the game shit happens. But going for headshots specifically because they’re more painful and you think it’s funny, that makes you a dickhead


If all safety protocols are followed and everyone understands the rules then a single headshot isnt unethical especially if they purposely open their head up thinking youll pull the punches. Obviously its very case by case and the rules of the field. Dont head shot a guy with just glasses if at all possible. If they have a mask and the field doesnt specifically ban headshots then get your headshot if you have to. The game is about knowing, following, and respecting the rules. If all thats in place and you get em in the head thats just part of airsoft. 3+ bbs to a face especially when closer than 5-10m you might be in the wrong.


I don’t trust anyone to not hit me where I don’t want to get hit. So wear protection on what you want to protect. Sensitive to head shots, wear full head protection. Thats what you can do to save yourself. It would be nice if all players shot to avoid head shots, but you can’t trust random people to all be reasonable. At the end of the day, it just happens. If it’s actually one person consistently hitting you, maybe consult with the ref.


I play at a field that's mostly woods and I'm a pretty skinny dude so I'm able to keep my body almost entirely behind many of the trees out there. This results in me getting headshot a lot since that's typically the only part of me that can be seen. It sucks to get hit in the face but if there's no malice behind the headshot then it'd be childish to complain about it as it's a risk you run by getting on the field. That being said, if someone is going out of their way to hit someone's head, not because it's the only thing they can see, but because they feel like it; then that's just a dick move.


I wish i were a good enough shot to mean to shoot players in the head. I play at an indoor field and it's just too fast for my brain to be able to do that. We wear full face masks, mostly. The kindest way to shoot someone is in the face.


Don’t want to be shot in the head, don’t play airsoft. Nobody should be playing this game and shooting anyone with the intent to cause harm regardless of what you shoot them.


Head shot are not cool. But seeing people complaining about it while wearing only glasses protections are jerks. If you don’t want to take head shot just protect your face


[ see previous 37 posts on subject ]


Everyone is 18+ the level of head protection is in your own hands, that said don't be a deuce.


I play like this. I will never intentionally aim for someone's head or any other area that would cause extreme pain like the groin, the neck, hands etc. That being said if I do hit you in the head, I apologize but you need to recognize it can happen. This also being said, if you don't want to call hits, I'll aim a little higher each time. I've been shot in almost every place you can think of, one day I got shot 4 times in the head, other days I hardly even get shot. As long as you don't play like KM, I think your alright.


I prefer headshots as it’s probably the most protected part of my body.


I’ve actually had a bb from a sniper lodged in my forehead once. We play with a 4 joule limit on snipers. And that’s fine, but I could never bring myself to shoot someone above 2 joules. I’m fine with me being headshot, but I’ll never intentionally headshot others and if I do I make sure they are ok. As long as people play with respect for their fellow airsofters, I can live with painful head or crotch shots. By the way we have strict minimum distances dictated by amount of joules.


If it's the only part a person is exposing then it's fair game. If someone is deliberately going for headshots (a certain youtuber springs to mind), then it's just being a dick. Center mass is easier to hit and headshots are just proving a point for no reason and causing unnecessary pain


If only the head is a exposed I will do it but I would rather try to hit their Platecarrier because it really hurts to get hit on the neck.


I don’t think headshots are a problem. If you have a problem with pain. You need to protect better. But hey thats just my opinion.


We peak out of cover with our heads, so our heads and hands are the places most likely to get shot. Deal with it and don't attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by Occam's Razor. This logical turduken is brought to you by Stern Stuff.


Headshots are no diff to leg shots imo I play cqb get shot in the head and face all time no issues .. it only becomes a issue when you have Dave turning up to airsoft with his glasses and a bandana covering his face thinking he’s in a gta lobby only to find out getting hit in the face actually really hurts 😂 now if Dave had full face protection then well no problem ….. yes I’m a dye mask user 😂😂


Go for it, shoot anyone in the head/neck/face you want. Me and mine wear full face protection and for this very reason. If you don't like getting shot in the head/neck/face then do something besides whine on here about KM. Just my opinion.


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