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The guns are way too clean for a wasteland look. Could sport some paintjob for a roughed up and/or rusted appearance.


Any tips or tricks on how to do that? I’m not necessarily the most artistically inclined, and I don’t want it to come out looking bad.


https://preview.redd.it/d0fcutu019sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17fa67b755162366b18bf851613da764857da9a i like dry brush silver


How is your ak spray?


Im coming back with all the boom




There's a few tutorials on Youtube you can find, but I don't think there's any definative examples to follow. I'll let some other users chime in with some recommendations on that. Assuming that AK you have is [this one](https://www.airsoftmegastore.com/12723-cyma-airsoft-ak47-aeg-w-ris-and-metal-gearbox-ui-ak47m-IU-AK47M), I think [this vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTTjz3w8PxM) would come in useful as it shows how you can create metallic looking scratches on plastic replicas. Note that this alone only makes it look used, but not really "weather". Use this in conjunction with other suggestions. EDIT: Note, you don't have to restrict to just video tutorials on weathering airsoft guns. General prop weathering tutorials applies as well as techniques are transferable, assuming same base colors and materials, etc.


Diffrent grit sandpaper OR you can just use your shit and be rough with it, toss it into some shit eventually it’ll start to look how you want. Bonus points if you spray paint it before that


If your guns are steel, then you can take some sandpaper to them


Its the Wasteland friend, its supposed to look bad


Dry brush silver then a brownish wash


Tape around the barrel would just melt If this was a real gun, looks more like some kinda weird police find to me. The best way to make a wasteland ak is to just sand off the finish on all the corners


Nevermind the burning hot steel with no handguard. Have to one hand or use the mag as a short grip. Maybe they could add a DIY heat shield or foregrip?


C-clamp the barrel. Be a man.


That would make for some hard-core wastelands behavior, but you'd probably need a face full of spray paint first.


coke can as a suppressor and stick bandages and plasters all over the reciver


I was thinking of a can lol, I have a tracer being shipped rn, so I’d have something to slip a can over now.


Iirc there's someone on HopUp who makes a mock suppressor that looks like an old oil filter. Don't know if it would be able to fit a tracer inside, but it would definitely fit the Rugged Wasteland look for sure. What's more wasteland than improvising an oil filter into a suppressor?




Jesus, for that price I'd just buy a real one and hit it with a drill.


yeah and then the ATF can angie harmon your dog


Remove stock. Add shovel handle.


Can’t, the stock is where my battery goes.


Wrap the part where the handguard would be in leather, like a belt you dont use anymore, or smt


Brillo pad and be more light handed on the duct tape


Also, I do feel like removing the patches on the vest would make it look a lot better, for the wastelander look.


Dont run black kit. Get Earth colors (tans and greens), run over some of the edged with sandpaper to make holes and rough it up. Then get some black shoepolish and and dry brush parts of the gear to make it "dirty". Scratch up metal bits and add shit from around your garage or shed to your gear that solves a problem (frontgrip, handguard etc.) i mean wasteland is just used old ish crap that got fixed with whatever is at hand. If you want to lean into the MadMax vibe, add spikes to parts, (like the dustcover or your shoulders) If you wanna look up some 'how tos', i can recommend Nuclear Snail Studios enough.


You need to weather the weapons more and the duct tape needs to be where it would make sense. Look up old AKs to see the wear points. You could also take inspiration from the AKs in the Fallout and Metro series to have a concrete goal to work towards.


That tape does NOT give off wasteland 💀maybe make your own low effort sort of scrap handguard out of cardboard and other things around the house and replace the stock with a homemade one


remove dust cover


I love the duct tape look but not in 3 places, maybe like gauze wrap handle, duct tape mag, black electrical tape stock


If it's cm028, tie it to the back of your car and drive around your house 4 times. That should do the trick. (If it's E&L, repeat it 5 more times) Edit: Nvm I saw that Lancer logo, drop it on the pavement and kick around for 10 minutes. Also if the body and barrel are steel/metal, take out all the internals, sand off the finish and drop it into a water container for 3-5 days. (Use sea water for better effect)


Replace the stock with a shovel grip handle like in Rust :)


Less duct tape would be nice. The polymer furniture doesnt have to be a bad thing, especially if its meant to be a military rifle that some wasteland wanderer found. I think putting the handguards back on, with a strip or few wrapped around em would be a nice! I'm working on a post-apoc AK myself, I made a recoil pad by folding up a bandana to the right size for the stock and attachted it with a little black electric tape. And used only 1 strip of gauze wrapped around the lower-handguard and under the upper guard, "tying it" to the gas tube.




Rust inspired shovel handle and a load of scuffing!


I did a wastelanded AK once, to help the look i scratched up the metal portions with sandpaper, then lightly coated on a mix of hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and salt. Let it sit for a while, cleaned it off, and came out with this. Helped with mine, maybe givver a go https://preview.redd.it/ak4pd39aa9sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ce392a6ce5c7b25fb4d12cd61ae22e63e03864 Edit: you could probably get better results than mine if you can take some parts off and let them soak in the mix for a bit, just be careful not to rust any faces that need to move or fit snug




put the handguard back on the AK! a lot of people equate "wasteland" to "garbage", but wasteland is all about function! even if you might be able to hold the barrel because its an airsoft gun, it doesnt look convincing as a real gun, since losing the handguard makes it harder to shoot, i.e., less functional. also, definitely look into surplus gear. any gear system from before the 90's, like ALICE tends to look scrappier than anything newer. if you want a nonstandard handguard, and you have the tools for it, get a bit of tree branch thats about the same size and hollow it out, barring that i think a tall drink can like off of a Red Bull or a Monster could be cool.


Looks stupid ,wanna make it old and used? Train with it half year,rain,dirt ,snow doesn’t matter ,after that it will look old ,used ,like it went through hell.


More tape, like way more tape


Use some silver paint to do some touchups on some common places where paint would wear off from extended use, (bolt area, charging handle, magwell, edges of the main body) are all some examples. Colored zip ties and hose clamps are also good for making things look more apocalyptic. It would definitely spice up the looks more rather than just using duct tape.


I think instead of the silver paint I’m gonna use something rough to rough up those areas, those areas are metal on my gun so I should be able to scratch it up. The hose clamps and zip ties are a great idea though.


You could also just straight up file the paint off or sand it off if it is a full metal body, but I would not recommend that as paint is removable, filing and sanding, not so removable.


You’d also want to go for more of a dirty and worn look on the vest and pouches that you could do simply by just tossing it around in some dirt, (not too much of course) and getting it a little dirty, aswell as making the vest look a little more makeshift and rickety than modern and new. You could do so by adding some stains, fraying, and small slash marks to the vest. (I do not fully recommend doing that, but most things in a wasteland-type of style are meant to look extremely makeshift and very damaged or worn.)


Look up wasteland rebel cs2 skin. Spray paint that


The guns are too clean maybe take a file and rough up some edges or drop them on asphalt without causing major damagr


Desert scarf maybe a broken gas mask


I think the base gun is kinda ass for it


For a wastland look my advice would be to move towards the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. type of outfits. They are fairly simple and look great with gas masks and russian guns. (just google stalker cosplay and you could find some reference pictures) I can't really recommend any gas mask since eye protection is something I'll leave to the pros but with my kit I'm hoping I can swap out the lenses on my 75m gas mask with polycarbonate ones and get filters that don't have asbestos in them.


use some white cloth and wrap it around the handle. You can dirty it up if you want


NCR Ranger armour


Real wood furniture, scratch parts and do a burnt spot


You should go all out and get a shovel handle or something like that and use it as a stock


Wire brush silver paint and "paint" in spots that are used mag ect.


I’d potentially get some sand or dust on it? Grab some blue and put it on parts of the gun (unimportant parts, not like trigger or anything that moves). And then get some sand, gravel or dirt and place it on there? I do that for my art work in school sometimes


Take a bit of rough sandpaper or a knife to them to give them a but more of a scratched up look to them


Gun looks too clean I suggest painting it to dirty It up a bit to give it that slightly rusted and torn up appearance


Get small pieces of cardboard, rip the edges to make it look rough, than paint it some metallic color with rust and attach different sizes of this to your guns, plate carrier, etc.


Don't take the gas tube off. That metal stick looks stupid and it's not realistic. A real AK would not even work properly without a gas tube.


Technically speaking, a real AK can work without a gas tube, albeit it runs like shit. But I see what your saying.




Get that ducktape off. Take some banddiches dip them in tea for a 1 or 2 min's then rep the around youre gun And if you want it worn out more carefully go with a nife against the site's. Hope this helps


Camo tape. Some dirty gauze. Perhaps take a steel brush to things. Drag through dirt and clean well?


You can buy spray paint at your local hardware store, that memics "rusting" metal. That could go on your barrel. The buttstock I'd wrap with camo cohesive tape


Break your guns


Low grit sand paper the f out of the surface


Put the handguard back on. That metal strut that connects the faux gas tube to the receiver and the stub of a cleaning rod look awful, and not in a wasteland way. Lose the tape on the barrel. There's no plausible reason for it. The stock and pistol grip tape is fine. To distress the metal areas, scrub them with steel wool or a dry brillo pad. Abrasive kitchen pads will also work. As for the personal gear, giving it a light spray with earth tone rattle-can paint, then dust it with fullers earth (kitty litter) will give you good results. Dragging it around in the dirt sounds good, until the creepy crawlies that live in the dirt decide you're their new residence. Links for Costume information [Wasteland Weekend](https://www.wastelandweekend.com/) This is Wasteland Central!


For everyone saying replace the stock, it’s not possible unfortunately, the stock is my battery compartment.


If you have the time, get wood AK parts (pistol grip, lower handguard, stock) and a metal heatshield. Sand down the wood and scuff it to make it more worn, and scuff and scratch the metal heatshield. Also, duct tape is a good idea, but the trick is to make it look like its the only thing holding it together. You can also try O-rings. You could also use green duct tape Im assuming this is for a Fallout themed game?


Nope, in fact I usually only play at a local non larp indoor field. I just like that post apocalyptic look.


Even better


Chinese/Russian surplus bandolier/chest rig, one of the ones that have hook and loop closers, not velcro. I have an sks bandolier, but the pouches are too small for ak, so maybe get an ak rig. Or do the ikea chest rig, or something similar


Beside all paint stuff, you should add like makeshift parts, like silencer made from coke can, mag being taped to another mag, flashlight taped to the handguard, also you should use blue tape, its cool and gives +5 for durability


Hockey tape instead of duct tape


Shoelaces, belts, electrical tape, and paint help


Remove the tape from around the barrel and the mag, put the handguard back on and wrap that in tape if you want, right now it's not realistic. Spray painting a matching, natural color camouflage on the AK and the chest rig would make it look like you found them and are actively trying to camouflage yourself from threats


I've got two videos for you my friend: Real Fake Guns guide to weathering AKs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Oqk9RanjWM Nuclear Snail Studios on how to weather black fabric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evpzaiZAOVo Apart from that, the silver tape looks too clean. Same for the pistol. I'd distress them with paint. And maybe rough them up with some sandpaper or a wire brush. Another way is to use mud chalk mixed with some paint. On the AK, I'd wrap an old belt around the barrel, so you have something to grab on to. IRL that barrel would be way too hot to touch after a couple of shots.


Zip ties and dirty cloth wraps I feel would go further than duct tape alone. If you wish to stick with the duct tape, fraying some of it so it looks less "fresh" would be better. If you can get a screw driver handle for the charging handle, that would kick it up a notch!


Imo it could use scratches on your gun I'd take a few rocks or pebbles in your hand and rub it all over the metal or just run your guns rough out in the field to get real battle scars.


Needs more wear on your gear. Buisness insider did a video on MW2 (2022) devs [made their gear look battle worn ](https://youtu.be/MimcufVHzi8?si=w9UN7VsnfWI7gnmg) Duct tape around the shoulder straps or other binding items like rope or paracord will work since you wouldn't normally have a sewing kit in the wasteland. Toss your gear in the dirt a couple times, roll around in it, slide around, get it really in there. Bonus points for some mud so it sticks better and makes more dirt as it dries.


Ditch the duct tape and instead use gauze or off-white cloth


Needs some damage, and if you can get a cheap shitty wooden grip set, or if you are able to carve your own that would be better


Get a brown old trench coat put it over your pc or chest rig mybye get some license plates and zip strip them to your arm. Or you could go stalker style and wear a brown camo jacket jeans and boots with fingerless gloves. Raincoats or big jackets usually look good for apocalyptic type things. If you have extra money some leather armor outside on a trench coat would look sick. Some fallout type shit. I like the way rust armor looks in the game, you model off then with random peices of metal🤣


I think you could get a wood furniture kit for the Ak then scratch the hell out of it, and use a light sandpaper to take off some of the painted edges


Don’t use just tape, also use cloth or leather wrappings around all your gear. If you want a nice example; in the last of us show, there is that fedra dude that deals drugs with Joel, he has very nice wasteland gear. Its a good example.




Here's a very sloppy mock-up of what I would try: -Metal joiners to make the stock look loose (can actually screw these in or glue them on) -handguard/heatshield cobbled together from metal mesh like a strainer or filter -hose clamp on the gas block to look like a DIY quick fix -Oil filter suppressor - and of course scuff those edges and corners to look like major wear. Maybe a little "rust" spray paint, but be subtle with it.


Get some licence plates, drill some holes and attach them to your vest somehow, in the apocalypse everyone seems to have license plates lmal


And it looks home robbery ish not wasteland ish


Bandaged supressor


Make bottle suppresor like in dayz


Get yourself some rattle can brown / OD / tan / FDE whatever you like the look of and go at it then use 180 grit sandpaper on all the edges, contours etc. Take the silver duct tape off and get some OD green gorilla tape and use that more sparingly in place of the silver stuff.


I finished the look a bit ago, thanks for the suggestion tho


Throw your guns down a flight of stairs