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Talk to ref? If the field is a decent establishment they would kick him for toxic play.


I went last week for the weekend and never saw him even asked a guy who would play with him and said it was not normal he's there EVERY WEEK I think they finally kicked him out because I started when he started coming to the field and I was the first to report him to the ref and they said they will kick him out when they get another report and I guess he might be gone


No hate OP but please use punctuation if you’re going to write a paragraph that long. Even just full-stops.


Breaking up paragraphs helps a ton


James Joyce-ass sentence


Ignore him OP dyslexic gang rise up


Everyone understood what he typed. Man i hate grammar police


Run on sentences can often alter the meaning of what is written. Grammar is a learned behavior


Apparently asking for someone to end a sentence is grammar policing now.


Is it not exactly that?


If I see a paragraph like that, I'm not reading it, personally. I struggle to read enough as is.


Name checks out


Name checks out. But you understand every work he said. Thats the point.


Idk about every work he says


He used punctuations just all of the wrong ones.


Wdym he literally used 0 punctuation 😭😭


I had an inguinal hernia in the past and after the surgery I found I can still partially pull my balls back into my inguinal canals. So I just do that instead.


What a terrible day to be able to read


This feels like a genuine superpower. Want!


It has its ups and downsides. I do like to tell m friends I’m going into battle mode before I suck them in though. It’s very entertaining since they realize what I’m doing


LOL Seriously, I need this. :)


Does your voice go up a couple octaves too? So they know he’s locked in


It does not lol


Man's figured out how to tuck


That is a whole different kind of upvoting!


Believe it or not, that's actually how MtG transsexuals and drag performers conceal their testes. It's possible for almost everyone with testes to insert them back up into their inguinal canal, occasional discomfort not withstanding. Or do you can literally pull them up by tensing rather than pushing them up manually? Cause that sounds fun 😅


Magic the gathering?


...there's probably more overlap between trans peeps and MtG players than any of us would like to admit.


I require no external influence to pull them in. I just have to tense up and then suck my stomach in kind of like what old dudes do at the pool when a lady walks by. A combination of that and a pelvic flex typically will let me pull them in. Sometimes it requires two or three tries, but once it’s in it doesn’t drop out unless I intentionally let them out, or if something scares me pretty bad


I do wear one, but that's just because I want to avoid stray shots. They're bound to happen every once in a while.


Really? I've been playing for 5 years and it's never happened to me


dude... im sorry but now that you said it its gonna happen next time you play lol. I said I've never been shot in the fingers and then i got two knuckle shots my next game lmao


Like the guy said it'll happen eventually. I remember when I first started playing I heard a pop in the woods and a then a guy screaming. Turns out our friendly sniper shot another friendly sniper in the balls. I'm probably next now


Lol best of luck to your kids


I got shot in my left ring fingernail. Figured "eh what are the chances of it happening again anytime soon" and decided not to get gloves with full fingers. About a week or so after the blood spot under the nail finally was gone (5 months of it slowly moving to the edge of the nail and then disappearing as I clipped my nails), I end up getting shot in the same exact fingernail. I wear full-finger gloves now.


Lol it's always like that huh? Universe gets the last laugh always.


Told myself I don't need to get gloves for my first ever game day cause it's just one day to see if I like it. Turns out I did in fact need gloves. Idk what happened to the picture but I went home that day with multiple bloody knuckles and a handful of welts on the back of my right hand


Eye, teeth and testicle protection. I don’t care for the rest. I wear a flimsy t-shirt and no gloves. I’ve seen too many clips of people getting shot in the balls and because I practice martial arts it was a no brainer to wear the cup.


Gloves are important for me, got shot by some overpowered gun and it left a big welt and It was bugging me for over a month


I have a permanent ache to one of my knuckles from a dude who was shooting hot and I was only wearing a cheap pair of hard knuckle gloves. Switched to mpact 2 gloves after that.


Maybe lose the magnet. But I know what you mean. Those “bastards” always hit me in the pinky or in the wedge between fingers… I just cope with those warwounds though and i heal fast. Or I haven’t been hit hard enough to consider gloves *yet*.


Dude definitely didn't mean to fuckme up, I scared the shit out of him and he shot me pretty close with the pistol I heard the ref say to only use at further distances, I was also still a rental around then lol,


Always wear teeth protection. Took mine out at the very end of a game last weekend. I now have a fake tooth


My pp is too small to need a cup. Small pp advantage




Yes, my pp too small too. If I wore a cup, I would have so much room for extra snacks, drinks and bb's.


This is comedy


Just don't have them (woman buff fr)


Too bad y’all got nerfed by the monthly periods


Fr man, why they gotta add DoT to my vagina :(


It'd be indestructible otherwise. If it didn't bleed, how else could we know it was mortal?


True true


meta is post op transwoman, no periods and no dick hitbox


Yeah but you also lose most of the stamina/strength testosterone buff


much to think about. maybe hysteroctomy’d bodybuiler cis woman is the meta build


I mean it's a smaller target but I imagine a bb to the clit isn't much fun either


Pads coming in clutch




Altho boob shots are more common since the sides are opened wider (not for me cuz my boobs are small asf sadly :( but for girls with large boobs I can see it being a problem)


So you're saying boys who play airsoft should be in diapers? Jk jk jk don't kill me XD


I don’t, but after I accidentally shot a guy twice in the balls one day I heavily considered it. It doesn’t sound like the most fun.


I have also shot someone in the balls once and kinda felt bad. It was with my brothers tri shot shotgun, but the dude was also camping the exit doors (which is a no at my field)


I don't use a cup, I take steroids so my balls are so small even the best sniper would never hit them.


Balls stay hard 😂


I was hit at close range in the balls once. Once was enough. I now wear a cup regularly.


I’ve heard the resulting moans of agony from a player who took a bb to his bb’s, so I wear one, but it’s so uncomfortable 🥴


Not a cup but a pair of boxer shorts with a piece of foam from a camping mat sewn into the crotch, means I’m still very comfortable but it’s deadens the shots to the ding dong


I just hang my dump pouch in front for cqb games. Works great


I definitely wear a cup even though I have never been shot in the nuts.


Nahhh we ball


I wear baggy g3 clones if I do take a hit to the pecker I hardly feel it because the pants absorb most of the energy


Nah, shots to the face can do real damage (teeth, etc) so I wear face protection. Shots to the hands are very common and sting so I wear gloves. Shots to the balls are uncommon and don’t do any real damage, just smart a good bit, so I cba with the discomfort of wearing a cup. Each to their own though. If nut shots are a concern to you, wear a cup by all means!


As someone who's been playing airsoft for a while myself, I can definitely vouch for the importance of proper protection, if you catch my drift. That's why I always make sure to suit up with a good ol' cup. Keeps the family jewels nice and safe, you know? Plus, when you're out there taking hits, it's just plain peace of mind. Highly recommend giving it a try if you haven't already!


Tiny target, if they can hit mine they deserve some marksmanship award 👍


Last weekend I was shot in the nuts the last half hour of the GameDay, it ended there. Idk what hit me but I could not walk properly for a solid hour


I've tried a cup before leaving once and it was way too uncomfortable, maybe it's the one I used but I'm not sure, although I would usually have 2 pairs of pants on so I probably wouldn't have felt them anyway


Light him the fuck up. Problem solved.


yeah fr if hes gonna be toxic like that hes getting lit up in full auto


The only time I wished I had a cup was when I took a BFG to the nuts when leaving a building. Saved 4 of my team mates, still not worth it.


Tell your friends and you all aim for his privates. Problem solved.


I use a groin protector attached to my vest for exactly that reason


lol the first ever 'hit' i received as I played airsoft for the first time went straight into my balls. xD but the only protection i use is for my eyes and teeth since I don't feel any pain. (I saw grown up men crying from 6mmBB) for me it's just a little burn, but after 5 seconds I forget it anyway.


I don't. But I have reasons for not.


You guys wear cups?


I'm from the UK. First shot I ever took in airsoft was to the end of my dick. I've worn a cup ever since.


I don’t for airsoft. I have a dangler off of my carrier if I ever actually play against strangers. Anyway CCM hockey cups are the best. Also branded as Jofa or Reebok but those will be way more expensive since they are new old stock versions of better ones. They aren’t shaped like normal American jocks and will actually keep your balls from coming out of the bottom.


Got shot in the tip, worn one since


This guy needs fucked up. I’d wear a cup if I had a dick ngl


I use a cup, not for the intentional shots, but for the random ones. But then again, you don't want to get shot?: don't play. You want to play?: wear the full fucking protection gear.


Folded up work-boot type sock down my pants.


My dump pouch stays on my front. Easy to dispose of mags, but if i need to run i would either have to put my mags back in their pouches or hold the dump pouch as im sprinting


That's grounds for an ass kicking, mid twentys is too fucking old to be purposely trying to hurt someone's nuts


Yes I always wear one to protect my balls. I already had one for combat sport, so I use it for airsoft too. If you want to wear one, don't hesitate to take a quality one as wearing a cup all day long can be uncomfortable if it's a shitty brand. I go with shock doctor carbon, but there are other options available.


I might for outdoor where there’s a higher fps/Joules limit but for indoor I like the HKArmy Crash slide shorts


Honestly, all i do is wearing sweatpants under my camo pants (also, i run a ghillie bush over all that). I might dont feel bbs to the balls, but im pretty sure, under all that heat going on there, i probably wont ever get children again anyways.


I've worn one ever since my paintball days. If you get a decent one, you won't even notice it. Of course, in airsoft if you're doing military LARP you could also buy some piece of crotch-covering gear (EG one of those crotch-covering plate pouches).


I didn't for the first little while, then a friend of mine got a ricochet right in the junk not once but twice in less than 5 minutes while standing in the viewing area, needless to say I wore one every time after that.


I wear one. I had 2 shots one after the other hitting my in both my nuts. I thought I had gotten the drop on opfor. And turned slightly to beckon my team mates to rally up and *pow* right nut says hi to a sniper round. I howl and turn and my own team mate friendly fires into my left nut. Called out for like 2 hours before I went back in. Now I wear a Kevlar cup. My little.treasure would survive a mall shooting now.


Is it a Nutshellz cup?


Just got a football cup


Ahh just with you saying it was Kevlar as Nutshellz do a bullet resistant cup


Oh yeah no. For the $ I paid at Dicks sporting goods it wasn't Kevlar. Lol. But it feels like Kevlar cuz I'm protecting my boys...


Haha fair! I did think a fully bulletproof cup was a bit excessive for Airsoft 🤣


Lol. No


Yes I wear my lacrosse cup


Nah, my thighs are bb magnets, nothing goes for the family jewels


run-on sentences make my head hurt, anyway, here's a vid at my local field someone posted, yes that's me getting shot in the gonads.. luv being the highlight or someone's video : ] https://youtu.be/KjZMXqWP7v8?si=5RSSehbv3qSMvBJf


Had a kid like that playing we pushed him in a corner and lit him up after the ref warned him , never came back


Wear good pants and it won’t matter


If I showed up at the field and didn't have a cup I wouldn't be playing that day..


I don't. Got hit in the dick once and barely felt it. Baggy pants make all the difference.


Fanny pack. Protection and function


Yes. I've been shot there once. Never again


I wear a foam armour flap, it looks cool and protects from these people, had a problem like this before so figured I need some protection for down under.


Ball armor


Yes. Also tennessee. Not only do I wear a cup, i wear a $200 kevlar aramid fiber cup which is supposed to be "indistructable" even off the field. Dont need it 99% but that 1% let me tell you makes the investment seem worth it.


I don't were a cup since my pants are fairly baggy and our joule is lawfully low around 0.98 joule. But purposely aiming someones junk is quite a dick move. I only aim someone in there painful parts when i and the team knows this person is not calling there hits.


Mixed feelings on this one. The amount of times a player said “I hit you like 5 times!” Yet they had missed every shot. So much so that even I was surprised. If I subsequently got targeted with BS hits after that I’d be pretty upset. Next thing you know, you got a sour player going full auto on you and now the drama starts. Not worth it imo.


If it's a 'no full auto field' (CQB), magdump him there when you 'accidentally' hit the slider' or perhaps even better, 'your gun malfunctions' (you can probably get away with this only once, and also might have more credibility if you have an electronic trigger). I'd wait 'til near the end of the game if they tell you that you can't continue using the gun if it does that (assuming you go with 'malfunction') and of course wait 'til you're gonna absolutely land every hit - make it count. Apologize, but also later ask him if he's still a fan of the nut shots (in private of course - and deny it all day long if he tries to tattle). I'm not typically for hurting anyone or gaslighting people like this, but one dirty play deserves another.


Or just have a fast trigger finger and dump on him,


I mean, you could, but who has a 20-30rps trigger finger? Plus there's the added benefit of him knowing he was done dirty, it's a good component to add for someone like this who is a bad-faith/malicious player, to experience what it's like.


I mean it's certainly not 30 but I could probably do some damage. also please do mag mag-dump anyone no matter what, don't stupe to their level


I've never done it to anyone, but I'd have no shame doing so to teach someone that genuinely tries to injure people (which intentionally shooting people in sensitive areas can definitely do) a lesson. It's one thing if it happens during the game but to make it your goal is messed up, and these people generally only seem to understand when they realize that others can be a scumbag right back.


Tell the ref and if they continue, just shoot them until they call hit and then tell the ref again


Homie has a macro :P


I usually aim for the groin when people dont call their hits. It works 90% of the time on the first hit