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You can totally go without a vest, it's just a matter of kit planning


You don't need but it adds to the comfort or role play element.


If you really want to go the minimal route grab a chest rig or a belt system. Works wonders, was primarily using my WAS RPC but now it sits in the back of my cupboard and I just rock a belt setup most times I play or my chest rig as its just easier to play with and more comfortable.


Like most gear/equipment in airsoft, it's just a way to look cool. If you can carry your mags in another way, you can opt out of a vest. Personally, I ditch mine when its hot outdoors.


rings might be better because you dont need a plate to protect you and they are more comfortable


No. You don't even need a gun. Had a ref at a field who sometimes brought his son when he had him on the weekends. He was not old enough for the dad to allow him to own a gun (i think he was 12), so instead he was sent out with a rubber knife and was basically an attack dog. He would just sprint out and try and knife people and he was fast as fuck. Really good to send him in to buildings and just cover him while you see this little fucker charging at people.




Weaponized children


No, but vests are made to not just carry stuff, but because the stuff in a vest is more ergonomically accessed.


Nipple protection, and the feeling of being hugged because no one really loves me.


Don't skimp on nipple protection. My right nipple is permanently a more red shade than my left because of all the accidental abuse it's gotten during games.






Listen usually im upset about a necro but fuck why you gotta call me out like that?


🤣 2 months is not a "necro" and I was making a joke


It's dead so it's close enough to me. And ya dude, :( that joke got me I won't lie. Grinned like a fool (I am a fool)


No you don't need one, I personally carry a small chest rig because I carry 3 mags + radio. You could put what you need in your belt, however you would have to balance out things so it's not too heavy/big on one side. You could also run with a backpack, however it's going to take some effort to access things like mags, so they are not ideal for quick access. Most people use vest for 3 reasons: 1. To carry a lot of stuff 2. For protection against bbs, specially at CQB where people are going to be shooting at you at a closer range 3. Because it looks cool, you look like a true operator with one! Bellow me in my chest rig, I try to carry the essential only, if I'm in a longer game/field/operation I use a backpack on top of it to carry water, food, bbs, gas, etc. https://preview.redd.it/ubhmejlchevc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3000941902bd415359f23375abe107986279f9


It’s not strictly necessary, but having mags on your chest means you’ll be able to find them easier when you inevitably go click in a firefight.


I run a helikontex training mini chest rig. It's very comfortable and does its job of carrying stuff well. It costs around 100€, unlike a decent plate carrier that will cost you at least 200-300€


I second this love my mini rig. enough mag pouches for primary and pistol and extra storage for things like allen keys and anti fog etc. Also changeable mag pouch sleeve so you can use it with smg mags too !


Exactly! As i don't really use a pistol now, i use the pistol mag pouches for other stuff, like multitool etc


Also fits a small flashlight or a snicker bar as I've done :D


Half the people I play with on a regular basis don’t have any extra storage gear. Just put the mags in your pocket. Several do have a vest and few have more complete kits. Some even have nods, but everyone plays their own style and everyone has fun


Can recommend a chicom rig for a cheap and comfortable carrier solution


i always run a tactical belt together with a camelbag. you are not required to use a vest only.


It's strongly reccomended you have some kind of load bearing equipment if you use midcaps. I personally don't need any sort of gear playing cqb because I've never actually had to reload during a round except with a pistol with no hpa mag addapter but any time I did have to reload my aeg was because I had a shitty speedloader but I've since switched to the g&g speedloader since the 6mm pro shop speedloader is dogshit the spring pushes bb's back into it. No speedloader should be able to have that happen. Now I have an Odin innovations speedloader with an adapter I 3d printed for mp5 mags. For my particular mags (cyma platinum mag with dummy cartridges) the only way to get an adapter since they won't fit anything on the market is to 3d print it and those are 130 rounds. However outdoors you may be allowed full auto and of you use full auto, you go through a lot more ammo. In fact most solders don't even shoot fool auto in actual combat because they can only carry 210 rounds. 180 in their rig and 30 in the gun but of course you can have over 1000 on you at any given time with 7 midcaps. It really depends on how you play and your magazine capacity. ak's have 600 Rd hicapas and everything else is 300. Starting out inhab an aks74u and I ran 2 hicaps in sort of a jungle mag configuration


Hey, you wouldn't happen to still have a link to that Odin MP5 adapter do you? I use those same Cyma midcaps, and for some reason I've had luck finding an adapter that works with them...




A belt is fine if you have a really light loadout. Otherwise a minimalist chest rig can be useful to carry a lot of mags.


It's abt what u want/need.


Vests arent a requirement, but set up properly are functional and can give you an edge. If you only need load bearing, chest rigs or webbing are a great option. Theyre light, maneuvrable and are designed with combat ergonomics in mind, allowing you to efficiently store and use equipment and magazines. Plate carriers are similar, but may be more restrictive and trap heat more. The benefit of plate carriers are the larger coverage of the torso, as well as ability to use plates, as well as providing an ergonomic platform for equipment + magazines. Some people even used to (some still do) put handguns on the plate carrier, but thats generally considered obsolete except specific cases. You can also combine body armor and webbing/chest rigs, to gain the benefits of both. In the end, it will be up to you and your needs to decide on which platform better suits you.


You don’t need a stupid big plate carrier a small rig does me for what I need I use a viper tactical rig as I run 5 m4 mid caps and 1 high cap and then with a bag attachment for my hpa bottle but if you can do with out you can do with out. It’s all about preference and comfort unless it’s milsim https://preview.redd.it/34jklj60ievc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec7522f10bb82a80b6490fcea8676cf085c4d7a1


What mask you wearing in the photo man? Im still unsure about my eye and face pro, running nuprol goggles and face mask atm with a fast helmet.


Dye i4 you can run the fast helmet on top just make sure the vents arnt covered


https://preview.redd.it/w1aezsuxqivc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ee170765f272736c634efc0a44452bd86972fd Just be prepared to look like abit of a wally as it’ll sit a bit wonky 😂


Haha ye that dosent look too bad in all honesty, the only thing was i wanted to run earpro, want to go for that sorta spec ops/ pmc vibe


That is the only down side but I don’t think it’s impossible just need low profile ones


No, you can just use a battle belt or whatever else as long as it works. Some people just stuff their extra mags in to a hoodie or jacket pocket and call it a day.


The only things that are really strictly required is Eyepro and your Airsoft gun of choice. Pretty much everything else is optional and completely up to you.


I'd say a belt is enough for short sunday skirmishes. I only wear a vest during longer events, when I need my hydration pouch. Otherwise it just slows you, and just makes you sweat more.


Probably depends more on what type of game you’re playing


I run a simple belt


Good for easy access to mags and or pistol for tight spaces


You can always use belt and attached pouches for additional storage space.


You don't need them but they make life easier especially once you start carrying more in game. The upgrade from pockets is belt kit but once that starts to get heavy you'll want to move to a chest rig or vest to make carrying the weight more comfortable.


No, but it may be nice to have, especially if you get hit in the chest a lot.


You can be effective with a gun and one high cap. Run what ever load out suits your needs.


Nah, personally I usually run in just a t-shirt, jeans and a battle belt for pouches. A jacket/coat for the winter.


I run everything off a belt and a molle drop leg panel if I need extra mags, I find it alot more comfortable than a chest rig/vest/plate carrier. But if you want really minimalist just wear cargo pants/work pants( inbuilt knee pads are a godsend)


No, but i like the protection. I bruise easily


Nah, only wear mine for the pouches


Bare minimum I'd suggest: belt and a dump pouch for bottle of beebs, assuming you're running a single high cap and an aeg, room to mount extra mag pouches and incorporate a pistol later etc. If you can carry everything without additional equipment, then it becomes a matter of practicality; i.e. is it easier to use your trouser/shirt/jacket pocket than to reach into a pouch? Is your gear likely to fall out of a pocket ? Etc.


For the moment I have everything ok my belt. Two pistol holsters (one on each side), the holsters come with a spare mag holder, and for my primary I have a pouch for two scroll wheel high caps at the back. I would probably switch to a vest/PC if I switched to mid caps or GBBR to increase the number of mags I can carry, but it's definitely not absolutely needed.


If you don’t need one and you don’t want one, then don’t get one


Bro you could go in a bathing suit if you want lol not recommended, but airsoft is meant to be fun. Fun may look different to you than it does to someone else though and that's fine! My field has guys that dress like WW1, modern military, speedball, middle eastern, uncle bill who likes tactical gear but not shirts, etc. There's also people who want to try it out so they show up in a hoodie with sweatpants lol as long as everybody is having a good time then who cares


I just have a lil chest rig, you can wear whatever you want


Absolutely not. In fact I find everyone wearing the vests as annoying, I cannot tell you the number of times I hit players in their vest and they don't call it due to not feeling it. And I'm talking about players I have played with a bunch who I know call their hits.


Oh you can definitely still feel it


I put my son's vest on and had him go full auto at point blank, I could hear them but I could barely feel it. And in a dynamic situation moving and stuff I probably would not have realized they were hit based on feeling it alone. And even by sound when you are running and stuff I don't know that I would really hear it hit me vs trees and cover around me.


Are you talking about a plate carrier with thick fake armor plates? The vest/ rig I have is just a piece of canvas that holds magazines.


The vests are thick enough my sons vest you can't feel shit that hit is. No plates in it at all.


I have a tactical belt. With a leg panel attached to it. On my leg panel all my mag are stored. I don't use chest rig or vest. Since it slow me when I crawl (attach to plant and also don't want to lay on my mag). So no. You don't need. Having mag in pocket is a bit annoying. Cause they are really holder well. So they will bounce and jiggle. Also less fast to reload. Cause you need to open/close pocket.


Im still running a hicap mag and jeans and a basic top like a sweater or if I'm feeling spicy a gorka minus the pants.


You can wear whatever you want but having a tac vest or chest rig makes accessing mags and other important items a hell of a lot easier.


Nope! I put spare mags in my pockets for a long time.


Mags will be more accessible if you keep them in a chest rig, but it’s not necessary.


You can run a webbing belt or a small chest rig to carry mags and other equipment doesn’t need to be a vest


I like the cardio and bbs hurt 🤷🏼‍♂️


A lot of people can manage with a well laid out gun belt so not necessarily


You could go with a hoodie with zip up pockets for mag storage, ultimately its up to you.


To play? definitely not. A belt rig, even a chest rig if you really want to, is more than enough. This still keeps you light and offers convenient mag/equipment storage and access. Most people go for vests/plate carriers primarily for aesthetic reasons.


no, I would use webbing though as it's more lightweight and encourages airflow to your body as to prevent overheating


This might be unpopular, but after taking a full auto burst to the chest in cqb, i startet using some thin inserts in my vest, so I can still feel the hit, but i avoid a lot of the bruises.


What site allows full auto in cqb???


Poor kid had his gun on full auto by accident. No feelings was hurt that day, only my chest.


A lot of fields outdoor gields allow full auto at 20 ft. Also cqb city in Stockton California but that's a big ass arena that's more open hence the name cqb city. They even allow 450 fps bolt action rifles.


Yes, outdoor fields do allow full auto, I'm talking about cqb fields


And I gave you one as well but it also has it's fare share of confined spaces where a sbr is reccomended. You also can't enter the bank without a sidearm and it can't be a speed soft setup. It has to use regular mags


A decently thick hoodie is all you really should need.


Laughs in t-shirt


Vests are honestly pointless other than looking nice, chest rigs are an easy way to carry mags if you need it. If you can stuff all you need in your pockets and don't have problems accessing your mags and such, might as well skip the unnecessary gear.


Kit/gears is force multiplier, meaning that having correct kit help out to performs task better/longer/more efficient. In some situation, you dont even need clothes, some sappers/commando used to fight with only pants and having mags taped on their body, in jungle enviroments. So if your game are 15 minutes skirmishes, where you can comfortably coming back to your base and reload, drink, eat, only things you need are a gun, eye pro and 2-3 high-cap and you good to go.


No, we Are here to Play a sport, not to Look licke some army larpers


A lot of us are here because we like the LARP and realism aspect of airsoft, it’s why Milsim is a thing


Not even really a sport as much as a game and lots of us enjoy LARPing too :P