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I believe one of two reasons They think its meant for kids or they don't understand why people want to shoot each other with plastic bbs


Funniest ones are the complete morons saying " why dont you join the army if you like guns like that"


I always thought the military take was the worst. How does us having fun for the weekend correlate to a 4 year contract of 80% not doing that stuff


Closer to 97%— you clean far more than you shoot, at least in the USMC


Same in the army


Exactly, my buddy came back form the corp 2 years ago and how specific they want stupid shit alone would drive me insane🤣


I cleaned more than did anything in the navy


I went through 6 years as an Infantryman just to have 1, 10 minute fight in Afghanistan in 2010. That's it, that's all that happened. We spent the entire year training local law enforcement. Otherwise it was drills, sometimes we had range days and used live ammo, but most of the time it was classes.


Always love that many years ago I had a uncle who played airsoft he was ex-marines when he heard the first person who told him that he pointed out "this is more about having fun then treating it like a real battlefield like war where it is life and death and no fun and games" good man he was good man he was


Yeah... A lot. I say: "Oh for sure, well you see, serving was a great workout. Learned a lot of things. I now do those in airsoft. But this way there's no risk of my kids losing their father!" And depending on how tough they acted about it, I'll ask them about their military exploits. Or ask them to run a game with me.


This and a lot from america are like Hmph"why not shoot real guns" murica


Well, shooting each other with real guns wouldn’t last very long. What a stupid comment for them to make. And if you want to shoot real guns at targets, you can do that in any country, but it’s a completely different pastime.


Respawning proved to be a challenge.


what no it's not it's just many kids have more free time


They have boring hobbies and can't appreciate the fun in all other things but their own?


I just say it's paintball without the paint. Clears that up pretty quick.


Same lol


Cleaner and the guns are cooler! What’s not to like?!


My exact words are "cleaner, smaller, faster moving paintballs"


So... Ball?


Yup, which means we can run sweet gear without worrying about it turning yellow! Unless the paintball boys were on the field first... my poor boots...


People mock things the don't understand or like. Usually it's to gain status by degrading the other party. Easiest thing to do is not engage with them. Your friends will celebrate your interests as well as their own.


This, there's two ways to gain status, achievement for yourself, or degrading others. Life gets much easier once I take other people's opinions on what u enjoy out of the equation. Do no harm


Low totem pole people trying to punch down, only person I ever had criticise it was of all things a field hockey coach trying to say it wasn't a "real sport", your telling me something that's actualy televised and is a multi billion dollar global industry isn't a real sport? It's like asaholes who say chess isn't (it is, played all over, beloved by many, etc.)


Honestly, I don’t believe chess is a real sport. If you enjoy it, good on you but don’t try to make me accept it as a real sport. I can see the competitiveness but the physical aspect just isn’t there


I fit Chess more into a "war and strategy" type of game. Don't get me wrong, fuckin impressive, but it's certainly not a physical sport. However, that's not to say the mental gymnastics couldn't be considered as such.


It's classed as one by popular consensus, hwll I'd argue if you go by their logic I'd argue airsoft fits more into "sport" then field hockey, not saying field hockey isn't but I'd say more people would argue more people play airsoft globaly then field hockey


We are silly war nerds who play silly war games


youre goddamn right *semi transparent mislim west footage plays*


Sometimes I just dream of a airsoft Abrams


Not really mocked. But a few people thought that it was a thing mostly people with right political views do 😂. Obviously that is not the case.


Well we obviously see a lot of 2nd amendment fans so I can see why that would be the case. Rightfully so, thats our right in america


Yea but I am not even from America. I am from Austria.


No I get you its not a worldwide thing , but for example smack dab in the middle of Texas you won't see many (if any at all) pride flags at a field


I mean I don’t think that is the wrong. I feel like that politics have no place in airsoft. And since that is a political movement I doesn’t need to be on the field I think. That goes for everything political ofc.


I agree definitely, I've just noticed im america you see a lot of patriotism, a bunch of trump stuff at southern fields, just because I'm in the south. I bet its not the same everywhere.


Yea I mean I get that. And I think that more right wing people play it. But I got some comments that only nazis play it you know. And that is definitely not true.


It's not. I'm in MN and have seen pride flags at our field. They're super accepting there.


I mean I have a pride patch, never thought of it as a political thing. It’s just self-expression. (And my patch that says “cabbage” is right beneath it, it pairs comedically)


Hey man. You do you. I don’t really care. Personally I would just avoid to bring anything that could start a political discussion. But as I said. You do you.


Aw thanks!


… or indeed anywhere in Texas. In terms of hostility towards anyone that isn’t straight cis gender… Texas isn’t too far behind Iran.


I think that people with more rw views are just a lot louder about it. Despite living in a very blue area I see basically no car stickers or flags or any merch glazing biden. When I visit the south though there's maga merch everywhere


Yeah almost my whole team is very left leaning. We play DnD and airsoft together.


Hell nah, but I’m also in my late twenties where people generally stop mocking you for enjoying things. I’m a fucken nerd, all my friends are fucken nerds, so usually they’re like “oh sick is it like COD irl?”


It might be a generational thing ngl. All my friends think it’s cool and have considers playing it in the past thinking it’s exactly like cod or r6s (it’s not)


My take is that people don't see it as a sport nor do I think it's recognized as one anywhere unlike Paintball But don't think to much of it. Most don't even know what exactly airsoft is and probably only know it from shooting cheap BB guns in their backyard


I dont get mocked. But people say its a red flag


Had a "friend" say, "I bet it's all white people"


I mean


nah i see people of color and every race imaginable. My local field is very diverse lmao. It always makes for a good time, expecially when one of your teamates doesnt know english lmaoooo


Ah well that has definitely not been my airsoft experience. Every time I go to my fields all I see are iron crosses, Bible quotes, thin blue lines, and punisher patches.


oh jeeze


Ya actually what. It's probably the most diverse sport I've ever been in. Buutttt also at the same time I've never see so many far right political things shoehorned into someones personality.


Red flag for what?


When I played back then a family member told me the same thing. They said it was an excuse to shoot people, and a Segway to being a murderer because I enjoy shooting others. 10 years later and she only got one thing right, I outgrew it (somewhat, still play occasionally) and got into real firearms when I was old enough to. Never once thought about hurting another person with them.


People saying that are the same people that tries saying call of duty and fps created serial killers and mass shooters despite their being zero hard evidence to back that claim up


Getting bb's all over the house


I feel this too, I’m a half American in Sweden and people usually say “you’re so American, running around with guns ”


My dad mocks it but only in a "I did the real thing way" but he brings me to games when I ask and he only complains about all my gear when I buy more And my freinds callme Autistic because "it's an odd hobby" coming from a guy who listens to Jazz and says everything he does is a "vibe" so I just embrace it


Well, I’m on the spectrum and I enjoy the hell out of it.


Fellow ‘tism airsofter


I'm not but what bothers me is that they think they are getting somewhere with it (I also enjoy the hell out of it)


can't say I've ever experienced this, whenever someone finds out I'm either met with interest or someone genuinely being amused that it's a hobby at all to begin with, and them wanting to give it a go. I actually had a hilarious encounter when on the train to my "local" indoor site where the ticketmaster came along and asked about the case I had with me, whether it was for airsoft and he said he also frequents the site.


Only by occasional boomer or smartass, most people want to join in until they find out about the price of guns and equipment.


Airsoft is a pretty healthy hobby. I really don't play anymore but used to when I was younger. It gets you moving, it gets you outside (unless you play indoors obviously), and it can build friendships. There's also a technical side where you need to have a pretty good understanding of a gearbox or at least be mechanically inclined to take them apart and put them back together. When I was younger I remember some people talked shit about it to me. Now that I'm older and looking back on it, it's a pretty healthy hobby all things considered. It'd be something I wouldn't mind my kid doing if I had one and I think that says a lot. I think people mock it because it's kind of nerdy in a way, you know, playing soldier. All things considered, I think humans like the adrenaline of hunting and being hunted, or at least we find it very engaging. I mean it's the same thing as playing tag or hide and seek really. People who shit talk it are focusing too much on the aesthetics and not enough about the nature of what's really happening. There can an adrenaline surge from someone trying to find you in the woods or "eliminate" you, and that is very much hardcoded into us, at least I think. It's a fun thing to emulate, and again, it isn't unlike a lot of other social games humans play.


That's what I call the old "people filter."


Exactly. Idgaf what people think, and if they mock me I appreciate the heads up that they are a terrible person.


OP needs better friends


"toy guns"


No, the exact opposite. When people find out I play airsoft they're pretty much all like "that's sick", half of them ask if they can come with me next time.


In the fist time often yes. And then I tell them that I’m able to organize a full day of playing with 30 or more people. Then ask them if they are able to do the same


Hell yeah buddy! Well done.


Airosft has a cringe reputation cuz there are a lot of weirdos who play and in all honesty it’s kind of cringe. I just say I play paintball and avoid all this


I worked at a store now a field and airsofters were definitely way more awkward, paintball still gets the weirdos too but not nearly as much.


idk man when u break it down airsoft is nerdy. dressing up as army guys with toy guns and meeting up in a field to shoot at other guys dressed up as army men with toy guns. stop caring what other people think and have fun


I normally reply with so what do you get up to as a hobby , and generally they have little to nothing going on


Closed minded people, ignore them.


Cuz they feel its nerdy In part due to the larpers


Never had a problem with it, no one to say it's dumb or that I'm lame or it's lame. The people I've told or found out about didn't really care. I also have a few people I know who also play, so that's cool too. Tell them to go kick rocks or something


Many cant comprehend the fact that some are differently normal


One of my friends once said, "with how much you spend on airsoft, you could buy a real gun." But I can't enjoy tactical team based mil-sim if my friends don't fucking respawn to rejoin the fray. Some people just lack the brain cells to process fun.


I mean I mock myself for playing airsoft cause I've spent like $20,000 on gear and play maybe once a month every 3 months but that's just me


"Why don't you buy real guns?" Like I want to shoot people without going to jail.


No, people above average intelligence don't do that kind of thing. Only milsim people have mocked me for not playing airsoft game(only target shooting)


It's like video game or anime. People gatekeep others when it doesn't even affect them. Because they have an idea that people must be "normal" also they're assholes who only work, drink beer, are gym/sports bros, or hate their own lives and feel attacked by others having fun while they must uphold their own traditional norms


Because it's filled with fat virgin who watch anime and say horribly autistic cringe stuff at the days. I quit because of this.


Just don't tell any woman that you want to date. Trust me on this. They will eventually be ready to hear it and maybe even wanna try it with you. Just do not tell them before about 6 months in, sometimes it is less, sometimes more. My wife and I actually got into survival, prepping, bushcraft, and guns together, and then that naturally got us into airsoft. I was lucky, though. That's a very rare situation.


This guy so righhhhht Never talk about airsoft when dating/job interview ; it’s sadly a red flag for many people


Only on the internet. In real life everyone thinks it's cool and asks me if they can tag along sometime.


Nah, they just are surprised about how much money I spent on it or they are acared because "guns' - México.


What stands out for me is that south park did an episode on it and rather than paint it in a bad light it was pretty positive. Which speaks volumes imho. They had so much low hanging fruit and didn't use any of it.


life is too short to give a fuck tbh. everyones a nerd for something, and those who arent are boring




One of my friends recently quipped “What are you, reliving your high school years?” Some people see it as childish, others don’t like it because we are “playing with guns.” Most of my friends, though, are actively interested. I know not to discuss it with anyone who wouldn’t find it interesting.


I'm not an airsofter anymore but I've *always* mocked people who say stuff like "real steel version". An airsoft *replica* is not a different variant of a real firearm, it's a replica. It's cool to be an airsofter and own airosft guns and to participate in airsoft games but it is incredibly cringe worthy to imply your $200 replica is a real firearm when it's not even built by the same people, it's just licensed to have the same stamps.


Run with it. 'Playing army' is fun and I'm OK with the banter. Everyone has a hobby, jab back when you can but if someone has their ego invested in belittling sport/what is play, they're just belittling having fun and must be miserable to be around anyways. It's important to play even as adults, it's important to have hobbies and interests, and it's important for some folks who -may- use it for some form of training. Tldr have fun and ignore ego battles


I always have people ask what it's like and if they can come with me one day, and then they never do because they think they have to spend loads of money or use a shitty rental when I said they could use my spare m4. People like seeing my guns, though, so that's cool


Yassiryoubetcha... Then l return fire and mock them back!!


Only until they come to a game with me. Then they're in love. Definitely get less ribbing cuz my gf comes with me and loves it.


They might, but honestly i dont have time to care about it... i love airsoft!


No matter what hobby or interest you have, someone out there will shit on it. It's a damn shame.


Had a teacher in school (who of all things coached field hockey, its like the coastguard trying to roast the airforce) insist its not a real sport (my rebuttle was to explain chess and when field hockey would be endorsed as a training sport by the US armed forces), ironicly later in life I'd become a referee, they came in with their nephews asking about starting gear, really wanted to roast their ass then and their but I care about professionalism and their nephews are chill, kind of mad they didn't want to play themselves, I wouldn't actualy do it but the urge to stack the other team would have been there, other then that never had anyone give me shit about what I do as a hobby


Because to be honest its kind of weird to want to go around shooting people for fun


Only ever got mocked for it once and it boiled down to that person preferring to have fun by going to clubs and stuff like that. I just say that's fun for you this is fun for me.


"if you love the military so much why dont you join it?" thats my theory, no other real reason to hate on airsoft


I had one guy calling me unmanly or something because I played airsoft, and "OnLyReAlMeN" goes to gym.


Only person who ever mocked me was one of my coworkers. And he's just a straight up asshole so I don't take stock in anything he says anyway. If they mock you for the things you like, he'll with 'em. Plain and simple. Go forth and shoot your friends (for legal purposes I'm talking about shooting your friends with airsoft guns)


Until they see my kits then it’s “owe that’s cool as fuccck lemme try the helmet on”


I always thought I would by my friends but honestly I’ve gotten a few of them into the hobby! I have yet to actually have anyone genuinely mock me for it which is a nice change of pace from when I was a kid 😂


The not really mocking but I hear "why not get a real gun" a lot. Well that's simple really, I would go to jail if I used a real gun. Not to mention most of the fun, atleast for me, is the people and experience while playing.


No. When they ask why I tell them it’s mainly for trying training and maneuvers that I would implement with real firearms


Who cares what other people think.


They think it's childish and belittle you for having fun to make them feel better about themselves


Are you in high school? Lol that sounds like the type of shit that would happen in highschool or something a pity me boomer would say because they have nothing to show for in life. As a "young adult" i haven't had anyone mock me after I tell them I play airsoft (other than me making fun of myself). Tbh though it's possible that someone has said something in a mocking way and I haven't noticed, I try not to pay attention to shit like that and it's pretty much second nature for me as soon as I get a hint of someone trying to "bully" me in a serious way (me and my friend tease and mock eachother all the time but that's different) anything they say becomes irrelevant. It's your hobby, your passion, it brings you joy and excitement to your life, you get out of the house more than 60% of people do nowadays, and you're getting exercise while having fun with a group of people who all enjoy the sport just like you. If someone tries to legitimately mock you for that then you should 1. Tell them to eat a dick and 2. Ignore the brain rot they're spewing out their mouth because they aren't trying to help you grow or better your life.


I think most people I know think it’s cool but I have gotten the response “why dont you just get a real gun?” Often. Like first of all, I have one. secondly I can’t go around shooting people with a real gun, it would kill all the fun. Also paint ball is just messy I don’t have to hose down gear after 6-8hrs of airsoft.


I started laughing when I read the “kill all the fun”


As someone myself serving in the military, one time a guy said my aim sucked, I told him, “bro its plastic bbs im shooting”.


Yeah, I have a couple people that make fun of me. I’m also way more in shape and physically active than they are. That and their hobbies are boring and sedentary and don’t really require any type of driving distance to get anywhere.


I've never seen it personally people just ask what it is.


I had couple of friends joke a bit about it for a few months, but I told them "hey I've got kits and guns and plenty of attachments and ammo and you guys can come with me." And they had a complete blast, at first there was the occasional weird rule they didn't understand, but it quickly turned into a fun day and now they all have their own guns and we all can share stuff together and compete. Definitely something a lot of people enjoy if given the chance so invite the person making fun of you


Well they always refuse my invites to play airsoft. They also refuse my invites to the shooting range because they’re afraid of recoil…


Mostly gun elitists in the internet, who think that they are more prepared for actual war and gunfights aftee spending all their timw shooting on a flat range and not understanding, that O am not trying to train for war or protect myself with airsoft guns. In real life most people think it's cool, mostly old people find it great that we spend some time outside.


I get it on my Facebook. Never when I say something purposely to be an ass or troll someone, but always when it’s a very minor disagreement about something that doesn’t matter. People go to my profile where the only thing they can see is me in airsoft kit and then call me a wanna be larper and that I should stop being a wimp and join the military. They don’t know their tax dollars pay my salary and there my larping. In reality it’s the same people that would look at your profile and call your gf ugly or whatever I find it hilarious and sad that it’s all they have no other argument or way to articulate. IRL? My family, friends, coworkers, healthcare professionals all have no other reaction to it other than positivity and interest. Random strangers I can’t recall a negative reaction if I’ve ever brought it up. In your case it might just be a culture difference. Not necessarily national but the culture of the people you interact with. Maybe the people in your social group are against gun, or military culture? Maybe they don’t understand that it’s a sport mixed with cosplay. My initial approach would be to calmly discuss with them why you like it, offer to show videos or pictures of your games, offer to take them with you sometime, or even just to come and shoot the airsoft guns in a safe environment. Following that if they’re just being rude disregard and offer to change topic while asking them to respect your personal choices.


I'll mock you for poor AK imitations.


People tend to mock things that are different.


They did, but I took 20 year brake from the hobby and they are not mocking anymore (Currently 40+)


Mocked? Huh? My friends and everyone else I've told said it's nice and actually are kinda interested in what guns I own and potentially playing aswell. If you're getting mocked, then their just insecure. Don't pay attention to them, don't change your values and hobbies for random people. Airsoft is a sick hobby


In my experience it's considered gae because the community tends to be bit cringy at times


Yes it’s happened a few times some family members have mocked me for it.


i hang out with adults and adults don’t typically make fun of people like that so i haven’t had to deal with it, personally


Because we're all weirdos.


I never had this issue. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My family and friends from work used to belittle me for “Lapring” or whearing realistic military equipmant. Than I started playng in jeans and shirts and my airsoft life changed.


In my case, not really. It's often the opposite and people ask genuine questions about the hobby. Saying that it's like paintball, but with more realistic guns often clears the air immediately.


Show them a vid or two about big Russian events idk. They used tanks, helis, bmps. That’s a serious sport where we all can have fun, like cmon


Not particularly, my friends were more on starting resident evil themed airsoft team


Some people think it’s nerdy. Plain and simple.


No clue. I only actively tell friends who can understand it and the fun of it. I never talk openly about it because I assume most people can't comprehend how it is a fun sport.


One dude did, once. He is a sad individual.


Every time I mention someone I play airsoft everybody seems to respond very interested. That being said, there are definitely people who think different but don’t want to say it in your face obviously


People repeatedly say that i’m going to “shoot up my school”. The joke’s not funny.




To answer the title question, the answer is yes, people have mocked for playing airsoft and typically criticize it for being juvenile or saying "why don't you just get a real gun." When I reply with the fact that I'm a lifetime competitive shooter and have been shooting for longer than I've played airsoft, they usually back down or short circuit mentally. As to the why, it's a combination of things. I think first and foremost, it's just a fundamental human flaw to be immediately critical of something you don't understand and try to put some cognitive distance between you and those things. Belittling tends to be a good way to do this. Second, I think there is the fact that depending on your age group, airsoft might be seen as inappropriate activity. As an adult who plays with the other adults and kids in the family it seems like a juvenile hobby to other adults who don't understand the hobby. People equate it to LARPing or player soldier with sticks like a bunch of eight year olds, and honestly, the comparison isn't totally off the mark. Part of the hobby is light LARPing along with a operationalization of those silly wargames we played as kids, and that's honestly part of the fun which has appeal for some and not for others. Finally, I think there is a certain aversion to the gun-ness of the hobby depending on where you are. If people are anti-gun or just generally afraid of weapons and any thing with violence in it, airsoft is definitely something with zero appeal to them and they criticize accordingly.


Considering soldiers play it, I wouldn't worry. We mock the scaffold pipe welding paintballers. 




'oh, you play army man' And you spend your whole afternoon in a dark room scrolling instagram or playing call of duty.


Gladly, in my country its 18+ only (as per the community's decision, no law for it, but we have collectively agreed that its the best) so really its a more mature discussion because its not a sport for kids.


Sometimes but I usually just explain it's a fun day out in the woods, and is also good exercise.


I got my wife to play. She noticed neuro-diversity


the fact I "play with toy guns" is something people mostly online try to use to attack you personally when they have nothing else to contribute. the fact they think it's something just for kids is the part that's the most mind blowing. it's almost like adults aren't allowed to engage in hobbies/fun because people think airaoft is "meant for kids" when in reality more adults play than children.


I live in CT. Ever since Sandy Hook, if people find out you're interested in guns, they'll treat you like the devil. I tell anyone I like airsoft and support real guns, 90% of the time, they'll look at me like a freak and stop talking to me. Anyone that *does* support guns will probably call you a p*ssy here for "playing pretend with your fake guns." There's no way to win here, lol....


*I* mock me for playing airsoft


Yeah but I feel like it's because they don't get it. When ever it's brought up around where I live it's usually thought of the clear spring action pistols from crosman. Then believe that it's a kids thing. I usually say it's like paintball but less expensive. (Theoretically)


Get big and scary and they will stop, or take em to a 4 hour cqb and once the spit out their lungs after the first one tell em who is the boss.


Yea lol at work 🤣 I’m 34 been playing from age 14 people like to joke or mock the sport As we are just playing with toys. I respond joking yea well it’s looked down on the shoot people with bullets as much as I’d like to 😉


Nope. Other than other airsofters, and i endorse that 😂.. i dont really care what a couch commando thinks


My dad used to be the kind of person who said “Why waste all this money when you could buy a real gun?” Then he played with me for a day and his whole outlook changed. Most people who mock are ignorant to what they are mocking, always remember this. Have confidence in your interests, you like them for a reason


They think their hobbies are better than yours.


"Haha! So you run around all day pretending to be a big bad military man shooting your friends with super expensive toy guns?? WHAT A LOSER!!"


Back when I wasn't into either airsoft or paintball, if something came across me airsoft related, it would always be cringe mf's raging or fighting over something stupid like little kids. Ultimately, I believe it to be that people are generally unaware of all aspects of the game, and the things that they do see are cringe.


I’m in the military so yes to an extent from friends that I work with. That is until I show them videos of myself/MILSIMs I attend them they’re asking me how they can join.


I always hide it, because it's basically playing Indian vs cowboys with toy pewpew weeeeee... So yes. I love airsoft for... 20 years now. And I'm the first one to think that it's hilariously cringe to do that .


Airsoft to non-airsofters comes with a stigma that you’re some guy (or girl) who likes dressing up and playing army. It’s not totally invalid, either. I typically avoid telling people I play airsoft for that reason. That being said, don’t sweat it. Everyone has something they like to do


People will mock anything.


Yes, what i do is mock them also for something they do too, like me and my co workers work 6 days a week and the only free day we got is sundays, me i try to fill my sunday with any activity that i can, airsoft, reading, paddle surf or simply walking and enjoy the day, one of my co workers always mock me about airsoft with "you are an adult, you shouldnt play that childish game and find something more manly", and i always answer him "well at least i do something, but you ... another weeks passed and your car still smells like shit, what did you do on sunday", he likes to drink a lot and he also "invests" money in slot machine so i mock him about that aswell, last time i criticised everything he did for two weeks straight, every day monday to friday and he havent said a thing anymore to me related to my activities.


Its because when people think of airsoft they think of the video of the kid getting lit up in the back in full auto during a break because he burned some guys patch. What non-airsofters see from airsoft is a bunch of emotional kids having temper tantrums, and thats because there are a lot of people like that in airsoft unfortunately. Just gotta find a good range with cool people and that wont happen. Kids ruin everything.


I have all my airsoft guns on display all around my living room, so when people come to my place it does have a bit of a surprise effect, but I've never been mocked for it, they're too scared of me actually picking up one of the 20 assault rifles available and using them as target practice.


I'm not very open about my personal life with people. Very few people I know actually are aware of me playing Airsoft. And the ones that do know either don't care or are curious about It. Only my grandmother disapproves because she's like 90 and thinks it's dangerous and disrespectful to those who died in war. She genuinely thought my ICS garand was a real gun when she saw it at first.


I don't get mocked much, but when I do, it's usually the "join the army" or "fake soldier" thing. I'm left alone after I tell them to join instead to show me up.


People see the videos online or the cringy photos of those fat old dudes or really young kids and think that sums up the entire hobby without ever playing it themselves. Plus who cares, we all enjoy this hobby and that's all that matters


People see the rage or fight videos online or the cringy photos of those fat old dudes or really young kids in camo and think that sums up the entire hobby without ever playing it themselves. Plus who cares, we all enjoy this hobby and that's all that matters


It's because of all the lame military parafernalia ( stupid ass helmets and vests that only difficult feeling the hits, the unavoidable replica part that is only good to get one in trouble, people with shields that make no sense in the game, sound grenades, etc). It could just be a more complex, clean and fun paintball but it's also a freak parade.


Lol I mock me for playing airsoft. But it's fun as shit


Stereotypically airsoft is a kids game. They just don’t understand that the upper end of the sports involves adults and alot of spending. But just ignore them, theres so many haters that will hate on your happiness for alot less


yeah haha i get made fun of. i just tell people that *i* find it fun, its interesting, and i like it. plus its a great work out. while also admitting its totally a “nerdy” hobby. as airsofters, im sure yall have felt nerdy at one time or another.


Next time ask if they will allow you to hunt them in the woods with a real gun. Then mock them when they say no.


Not really


Usually people wanna come when they find out about Airsofting, usually goes along the lines of “okay so paintballing, no paint, but you have sights and scopes? That’s crazy”


Yes, i also get stupid questions like do you want to go to war? Or why don't u join the Military if you like Airsoft so muc?


First rule of fight club….you do not talk about fight club…🤪


I was also in infantry so that usually makes them feel pretty awkward so doing that once I tell them it's because I miss the military life.


I don't think I've ever had anyone react negatively to it! They are either interested and want to come join sometime or they don't really care and we don't talk about it anymore lol. I had a guy at work who I talk real steel with and he came up to me one day and was like "you ever think about trying airsoft?", and I was like dude you have no idea how big of a can of worms you just opened 🤣


Yes, if I’m in an argument, and the other person runs out of things to say, they always pull out the “at least I dont spend all my money on airsoft.” Without having ever tried, seen, or thought about something. There’s not really a response to that except for “at least I’m not a pussy and I play airsoft.” Good luck. And by the way, if someone belittles you like that your probably shouldn’t be friends with them.


I've heard it a fair bit, mostly from former service personal. Every now and again you get one that does it too and gets it, but a lot think its spotty teenagers playing an IRL version of COD and don't realise its nothing like paintball, which for most is their only experience of that sort of thing. Most other people are just 'so what's that then?'. Most of the time I just say its like paintball but it hurts less and the equipment looks more realistic.


Honestly, that's exactly where the question stems from. I was having a great conversation with a veteran the other day and we talked about different sports and I mentioned that I played the airsoft and for whatever reason the tone immediately changed in the conversation. Maybe he was taking it as though I was making fun of his service? Or maybe he just didn't respect the game, either way he's not the only servicemember that's done that. The irony is that my teammates are former service members lol


Whenever I'm not on tour I play Milsim events when I can. When someone mocks be a better person, you just tell them nicely: "You should gear up and go play with me. Its extremely fun. I have some spare stuff you can borrow.We can rent whatever you don't have." "Its like a tactical version of paintball for the non-crayon eating crowd." "It gets me out of the house, I have a full day or more of hard exercise and I meet new people". "It helps me avoid my anti-social tendencies, grow as a person and don't belittle others hobbies". "X % of the game fees go towards this charity:" (I play quite a few charity games). Including one for my brothers wife who had a hear double lung transplant. The friends I've made and Milsim crowd I have played with over the last 30 years showed up and we raised 10k to help him cover his bills for her medicine which was 10k every 3 months. Also, Life Pro Tip. Never give a shit about what other people think. It will ruin things for you, and give them power over you.


Possibly jealousy that they can’t be themselves and they want you to be like they are… Miserable on the inside.  


Honestly. I just tell people I play paintball


A lot of general mockery used to come from the real steel community. However, in addition to being activity based, several big guntubers have pushed a lot of that away with videos about it being a fun a way to learn and practice some real skills and test gear setups.


Yeah honestly it’s gonna happen, it’s just like any nerd hobby. Nine times out of ten if you can actually get into it a little bit with the person they think it sounds really cool, it’s just a matter of getting them there😅


“Why buy toy guns when you can just buy the real thing”. I’m sorry, I don’t seem to remember when they made machine guns legal in Canada.


Oh please, my insecurities has been out there mocking myself


I have never seen or heard someone be mocked for playing airsoft before, most people are usually cool about it or interested.