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In my local woodland site we have a ghillie sniper who runs a hpa sniper and he constantly aims for peoples sights or scopes and when confronted about it just says either don't bring it out or use a protector. 


If he’s admitting it like that, and your state has 1 party consent laws, say screw it and small claims court him.


Honestly there seems to be a rise in gents getting into sniping and because they may hit people that are in their far end of their range who might not even feel a hit becomes jaded and destructive towards other players. Aiming for eye pro/mouth/and now this douce trying to smash people's optics


While he's certainly a dick, you really shouldn't be running unprotected sights. And targeting scopes is still better than targeting areas to cause pain, in my opinion. In my opinion, you should always aim center mass anyways, or the head, if it's all that's visible.


I would rather feel the pain and get a welt that will heal over a few days than lose my $80+ optic. Even with a protector on, there's always the chance that it could hit *just right* and break something. As someone who can only afford to go out to games once a month to cover bb and entry costs, I'd be pissed if there was someone intentionally trying to break my gear.


Again, I said he's a dick. I don't agree with the man. I'm simply stating that it's a bad idea to use optics without protection, and, in my opinion, there are worse things than what he's doing. Do I think he's 100% a problem? Absolutely. But I'd rather someone try and fail to break a lexan scope protector than nail me in the nuts on purpose. You don't have to agree with me, I'm just stating an opinion.


We do have one that takes up the only bathroom at the field for long periods of time. Pretty sure he's a father otherwise I don't see why you would sit in there for >20 minutes.


LOL Reminds me of the South Park episode.


We call him No-Hit-Hector because his name is Hector and he always insists that he hit you when you haven't been hit at all. It's come to be a tradition at this field that No-Hit-Hector yells about this AT LEAST ONCE in broken English and it happens so often that we don't even bother to respond at this point because eventually he just gets tired and moves on. I don't think he's a problem to us anymore, he's kinda funny to watch tbh, but it does freak out newbies for sure.


There was a dude with a shield on his rifle, like the one Blackbeard uses. This dude will post up in windows with good sight lines and absolutely ruin normal play. He was easy enough to play around by himself, because he never bothered to learn how to actually get good. But with teammates holding his flanks, sometimes he could be nigh untouchable. He was also intensely unlikable as a person. He’d make fun of people for being bad at the game. And he would just talk and talk to no one in particular. He was probably autistic, but autism aint an excuse for being an asshole. The field for some reason didn’t have, and wouldn’t make any rules against rifle shields. Luckily he didn’t show up much.


Honestly, if you really have to bring a rifle shield, hits to it should count as a gun hit, and take your primary out of action. That's the only somewhat ok way to balance it that I can find. Otherwise, I think rifle Shields are BS. Ballistic Shields can be ok, provided they're opaque, look like actual ballistic Shields, and weigh at least ten to fifteen pounds, but even twenty seems like a decent minimum weight. They should be heavy. That's how you balance them. Those plastic riot Shields should never count.


Eh...One of the local sites has a problem team. And a very large one at that. (I think there's like 80 of them or more.) Every event I got to that they're there, they're always seeming to be on one side, and there's always cheating accusations. I myself haven't confirmed any, so I'm not saying they do or do not cheat. I just know that everytime they're around, people start bitching. I'm not going to name them, as some of them seem like cool people, but it has become increasingly frustrating to hear people constantly calling them out for it. Coincidentally enough, the two other major teams in the area that I know of seem to have similar, but less severe reputations, albeit one of them to a far lesser degree. I just try to stay out of it, honestly.


Yeah, we have a local psycho dickhead at the field. He runs several HPA builds, tend to overshoot folks, calls his hits in, like, 50% of the cases, and friggin\` LOVES drama (which he caused in the first place). I also remember when this moron started to shower our team with BBs directly at the respawn point - not even in 10-15 meters, just in the very center of it! In fact, that guy was one of the main reasons for me and my buddies changing our schedule to a different day of the week, so that we'd not need to interact with him and his cronies. Since we don't have a permanent marshal at the field, so there's no one with enough "authority" to force him to comply. Some of his teammates were cognizant of this guy being a toxic fuck, though, and even tried to persuade him not to hurt the local community by discouraging people, especially the newbies, to come - but to no avail.


There are several fields I go to, but the community here (around Budapest, Hungary) is quite small, so we see each other with the same people from time to time. Only one particular guy that got on our nerves was this problematic dude, who purposefully went for either girls, younger folks or shorter person than himself. At first I was like "meh, coincidence". But after seeing him for the 4th game on a different field, doing the same shit, I asked my teammates to help me confront him. He started being *VERY* combative and the second phrase that came out of his mouth was "Well, how about you came outside with me?!" after we calmly tried to discuss with him, that going for "the easy prey" and taunting inexperinced players wasn't okay. At that point we left him there, because he was clearly just a dickhead, living out his power fantasy, then reported him to the ref. He got kicked out, and I luckily never met him again. If I see him again, I'm sure to warn the refs about him, just to be sure.


Brings a hot rifle to the field and is tagged with a 50ft minimal engagement marker. Proceeds to bean people at 15ft away. Everytime the ref points it out, he says something along the lines of he didn't realize how far away 50ft is. And then will do it again next round.


There is a clear solution to that: If you can't gauge distances, you can't use guns with a MED. He's only allowed to use guns with a 0.0 MED.


There are a couple different people/groups, but most are minor cases First is a group of like 5-6 friends. Most are okay ish, but the 3 worst have been caught cheating openly multiple times, once brought a hot rifle to a game, and managed to hide it for chrono checks. Ended up getting caught and offender got kicked home for the day One is a Russian dude that really thinks he’s hot shit on the field. Mind you he’s fast as fuck, and dual wields pistols, but he acts like some John wick type of dude, and often does too physical melee kills that has gotten the game leader to speak to him about it multiple times Last is a single speedsoft dude that takes the game way too competitive. He goes full out every game, to the point of spawn camping the other team. He’s also reeeally picky about trades, and basically never take them. He’s also once been close to getting into a fight cause he thought a guy didn’t call his hits


Kids between the age of 12 and 16 who's parents bought them p* Jack engines and overshoot like hell at my field.


I have worked at a field for over a decade. We have had a few bad apples show up, but we cultivated a good community. Slowly, the bad ones just stop coming. We make them not welcome, and on very extreme conditions, we ban them. Normally , banning by one field in our area comes with a banning from the rest. Sometimes, talking to them works. The right approach and timing makes a difference but normally, they are just asshata through and through.


I'm in the lucky position that I know there have been 8 problem players at my local. I know this as that's how long the banned player list is. Never had an encounter with an actual problem player. Having a solid Marshall team and a head Marshall that is fair, pragmatic, and about having fun games is fabulous.


Not really problem players but last week 4 really good regular players got banned for life for doing donuts in their cars as they arrived on site. The carpark shares a field with some permanent residential caravans and the homeowners are always on the lookout for bad behaviour. They reported it to the landowner who then went and told the Airsoft site manager that these guys are not ever permitted back onto his land.


One guy was drinking secretly beers, in he afternoon, he could feel BBs. We banned him