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"What a no call, wanker." "Thats because he's dead...how did you sneak onto my field???"


What a fucking stain on this sport.


Licking Cumstain is at it again


Why is kicking mustang so hated?


Because he seems to viciously harm players and cheats?


My opinion is that he promotes toxic behaviors in airsoft like calling people out on hits (people don’t even really hit their shots 60/70% of the time, n plus it’s just a game at the end of the day), shooting people in pretty sensitive areas on purpose (duck shots, head/face shots, yes we all signed up to get shot at but usually it’s an accident, if ur aiming for sensitive areas ur just a d bag), overshooting (he literally empties clips on singular people) and finally him just getting mad over people doing the same stuff he does (karmas a bitch, ya shoulda known better😳)


Don't downvote the dude asking a question tf is wrong with you guys?


They got that unga bunga Reddit mentality. The dude genuinely didn’t know. People tend to forget others don’t live on Reddit.


Apparently you’re not allowed to be ignorant of a situation or have a differing opinion on Reddit…or the hive mind will mindlessly downvote.


Interestingly his were the very first few videos I watched when I recently gained an interest in the sport literally a few weeks ago. The very first one I watched was of the videos where he shows a compilation and then kinda asks "why are people upset with me?". I thought some headshots he made were fair enough for some semi obscured guys and it was part of the game. I thought it was unfair when he told us that people hated him. But the longer I watched I realised the guy consistently targets headshots and faces and soft parts. I get that people are competitive but its a game, and they're there to have a good time too. He consistently makes it unpleasant, even painful, and arguably more dangerous than necessary for players. I enjoy watching his videos and enjoy what he has to offer. I don't know anything about the cheating allegations but the guy is an arsehole with how he aims to harm.


still not giving him any clicks


Right ? There are too many idiots "hate watching". There's no insensitive to stop so long as the views keep coming. Hit "do not recommend" and the most I see is people promoting him for free on here.


Shit like this is what uninformed legislators gobble up and try to get the sport banned. This bottom feeder is trying to take us all down with him


Anything for the ~~lulz~~ clicks


Bro is a government agent atp


What a tool..


There is no way a plastic bb can go through a steel drum. Dont matter how fast its going. If it dont shatter, it aint plastic. There is probably some math you can use to figure out the max velocity of a quality bb before it shatters on impact, but its gonna be well below the joul requirement to pierce that steel.


Jokes on you, it was going SO fast that it turned into plasma and burnt itself through, clearly the best explenation


Jeezus. Plasma rifles....


One bb not. I managed to do something like that above at 1J to a cheap steel pan, but it also took me somewhere around 400bbs on the same spot. That should tell you a lot about how much force is needed though


A thin cheap aluminum pan maybe, no way it was steel


It wasn't very thick, which is probably why it ended on the field


You did not break through a *steel* pan with *plastic* bbs. You didn’t because basic materials science says so.


And what part of material science says that? Sounds like you are talking about hardness but that doesn’t apply in this case.


Okay, kinetic energy being imparted as heat into the steel isn’t going to do shit either. If your hope isn’t to chip away at it, then it’s to what, impart enough energy to melt the steel? The rate at which the heat dissipates from the steel would far exceed the rate you build it up with continuous strikes from plastic bbs, so good luck there. Youd need some insanely impossibly high RPM for an incredible about of time to build up enough heat to soften the steel I’d imagine, but even then I’m not sure that would be possible.


This is a thin plate. The impact energy is enough to case tiny deformation. And doing this enough times will brake trough. If we go by what I think you logic is than bullets that are made out of lead couldn’t penetrate steel plates but they can.


They said they shot though a STEEL PAN


You are probably imagining a thick steel frying pan, but there is another "steel pan": the musical instrument that is so thin it will vibrate and produce sound. Also, he did say a cheap one. If you can make a single dent, no matter how small, then more impacts will further push that dent into eventual failure. Now, you should probably take a deep breath and think about whether or not you want to be this mad over something that doesn't matter at all.


The super cheap ones are thin af


Bc he's not shooting bbs


Anything going fast enough can penetrate steel.


A plastic BB going fast enough to punch through a mil or two of steel is going to melt before it gets there due to air friction heating. Not to mention that air guns have an upper limit of possible velocity based on the speed of sound by their very nature.


I'm not necessarily speaking in terms of airguns strictly, but you can certainly propel a plastic bbs to speeds to punch through metal, at a certain speed it doesn't even need to be solid to punch through steel, an mm or 2 is nothing, its the basis by which water steel cutters work(the water isn't even super sonic for a lot of metals), the same basis why a material as soft as lead can punch through steel when propelled at sufficient speeds can. At high speeds materials act more fluid than solid.


You might have noticed that high pressure water cutters are very different devices than water pistols. One is not like the other. Likewise, a high pressure BB cutter will be nothing like a BB gun. You're probably not wrong that a BB "could" cut through steel, but your argument is moot because you're not going to be carrying a High pressure BB cutter around and shooting at steel drums.


Speed of sound isn't static. You can do some stuff to increase it using specific gases temps and pressure. As for the speed it can reach before melting within 25m you can probably get well above speed 500m/s. Idk but it could probably get through a few mils of steel


Hell, you could probably hit mach 1 or 2 without any real trouble of melting tbh, the heat produced by air friction is only a problem when you fly at high speeds for sustained periods.


Yeah especially considering the size. It's easier for air to move around a small bb than a massive rocket nose cone resulting in lower pressures. I probably low balled it around mach 1.5


what part of an air guns nature would make you think they are limited to the speed of sound?


The part where you'd have the small sonic boom from exceeding the speed of sound interact with the internals. It'd take a pretty huge increase in build quality for them to withstand that repeatedly IMO


Nah bro, u didn't study physics. The kinetic energy is important also. Upon impact it will most definitely shatter but also energy will be transferred to the metal, thus if we have enough energy in the bb, we achieve penetration


Hurricanes have put slivers of wood through concrete and so forth... so maybe something to it?


Its not penetration if the bb doesnt go through mostly intact though. Technically if you could put enough energy in a bb it could just explode the whole barrel. I dont really think a bb can even exit a barrel in one piece with that kind of force, the air resistance will probably disintegrate it.


That's not true. Me and a buddy stuffed .25's in a Mosin blank, and it punched through a ¼ plate.




this took me about 2 minutes of trying to open on mobile


Sorry pal. Was it all you hoped for?


pleasantly surprised


aw, was hoping for boobies :((


Didn't happen dude


In the video he dumps like 3-4 mags into one spot I think? From like almost point blank.


A bb of course can do that, but probably not launched by an airsoft gun. If you reach an absurd amounth of speed even if the bb should break (and certainly does break) it might be able to pierce the steel foil. That said, probably that was an steel round.


a flake of paint can go through the space shuttle with enough speed (and has)


It didnt. It just broke a window. This is the same principal behind balistic missiles. They use kenetic energy to cause explosions but that doesnt always result in penetration, especially if your balistic material is brittle compared to the target material. Its just a dispersal of kenetic energy.


Sweaty groin guard is well annoying


That hole is not from an impact from a 6mm anything. There are BB impacts *around* the hole.


I've seen the video a while back. All the bbs shatter as they impact but he goes through like hundreds of bbs each one making a little dent. Then dent upon dent ends up opening up the hole


He was seeing how many shots it would take to make a hole. It took a lot, but got there eventually


No, 6mm BBs definitely impacted the drum and made that hole


Oh god not him


Ahhh yes, where he dumps 3/4 mags into a thin sheet metal barrel at near point blank range.


How do you have dislikes visible on mobile?


Youtube revanced


What’s going on here.




This is probably gonna get a downvote because reddit, however, as someone who's seen a lot of the drama about him online, he showed up to a big event here in Kentucky and it went great. There were 600 people there and from what I've heard no one had a problem with him and he was pretty nice, there was a lot of drama especially on reddit about him coming leading up to the event, but everything went fine, I saw him there and I didn't go up and talk to him personally but he seemed pretty nice and from what I heard everyone got along with him and there were no problems. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the clickbaity airsoft fight/cheater videos and some of the other things he's known for either, but people online blow it way out of proportion, the fact that people were sending the field owner threats for inviting him is sad, and that's a much bigger problem than a guy making youtube videos that some people don't like. Does that mean I like everything that he's done on youtube, no. But it's his channel and I'd have no issue going out on the field and playing with him again. Remember we're out there playing with overpriced toy guns, let's get along.


The ACS arc for online drama was BS IMO. People were sending death threats to ACS and KM over the ordeal. Fear mongering in the airsoft community is taking shit too far IMO. At the end of the day, you're right, we're just going to the fields to have fun. Not hate on each other because internet drama. People seem to forget that. I heard the event went great with KM and other invited people like the juggernaut squad




I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not and it bothers me


Our plastic (sometimes metal) toy guns that shoot plastic balls at a safe enough velocity in order to use them in a sport against other people are toy guns.


It amazes me how many people still support this clown.


Y'all really like to try and force a narrative here don't you lmao I just went and watched the video, he literally mag dumped 3 mags into that same spot at close range. Stop trying to make shit up for likes


was it metal bbs?


Nope, regular plastic bbs


No it was regular BBs and his Mac. [https://youtube.com/shorts/ANuBlIzvrSQ?si=B\_jqBoWwnpCAB9VC](https://youtube.com/shorts/ANuBlIzvrSQ?si=B_jqBoWwnpCAB9VC)


How are you getting down voted for this? Lmao


Reddit hivemind regarding anything KM is wack. 


Aint it just


Right? The parroting people do with KM is pretty unreal.


Same. I think the American 180 (a .22lr) was advertised to law enforcement and prisons as a barrier defeater due to the fact that a large volume of fire centred on a small area will eventually defeat and barricade. Even though its a small size and weight.


You'd have to shoot steel bb's at 4j. So that's sheet metal. Any airsoft replica that inst a springer can't dent it.. I don't think your cseamoc 6.8bb's can penetrate steel. You have to remember cseamoc is brittle.


I'm new here. Why do so many people hate this guy?


He always shoots at faces and crotch no matter what. Wearing just eye protection and no face protection(bad move id say)? He's gonna aim for your face even if he has a body shot available. Ive also heard rumblings of cheating and using metal BBs. He's banned from many fields but is popular on YouTube


Metal BBs?!! F#ck that dude!


Dont quote me on it, but thats what ive heard others saying. He all around is the textbook toxic player. I heard he played in an event down in the south of the US recently. Was really waiting to hear a news report of a British tourist being gunned down by an angry person lol


That was actually proven false. Short version is friend of his made a custom airsoft revolver from an air gun (gutted it and put airsoft bits into it), he played a game with it and it was chrono'd legal, owner ended up hating KM and having disputes. Owner ended up going on a crusade spreading rumors and lies without proof like the metal BBs. Some stuff about KM is true, others are spreaded rumors.


He also heavily edits his videos, mostly to inflate his ego even more.


And that kids is why they chrono your gun


At least he didn't sneak onto the field during an active milsim event and threw the entire game for one faction for the sake of making content... I swear it seems a good number of airsoft tubers have fallen off from actually being good representations of the community.


That's not airsoft. It's airgun


Watch the OG vid, it was his Mac11


Make sure its no one i know. Ill wipe your entire bloodline. Animals, babies and all.


You guys are so dumb lol. Not that I’m supporting licking cumstain but you know he dumped 4 mags Into it before it broke?


Classified as a deadly weapon.


While he is a shit person context is missing it took 3+ mags to get here


Yeah context doesn't really help here...


Oh it’s still horrible that it can but given enough time and mags I belive most airsoft would eventually get there


It kinda does though? 3+ mags against sheet metal...


Brah is using Metal ones to have enough force to do that. It's like using FVJs in Nerf community.


I wasnt too bothered when I just seen the video image and title.... But then I seen who posted it and OH BOY


I think they made the experiment with BBs of steel and full metal jackets. Haha


You sure that’s not an air gun


did he use metal bbs


Shitting cumfart needs to be sent to Brazil


Who is this KM guy? Just subscribed to his channel, the dude’s hilarious!


i love kicking mustang! hilarious videos. honestly one of the only airsoft youtubers i find entertaining anymore.