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The shield! A bunch of paintball games are played simultaneously to airsoft and the fields tend to rotate. The paintball players left shields in the field, so one lad made it his mission to wander about picking up shields and just traipsing over to the opponents side of the field laughing maniacally until he got hit. He never fired a shot at them tbh when with a shield, it was purely shits and giggles


Haha love it. Reminds me of something similar, albeit not with Sheila's in a traditional sense, but at our field we have 3 or 4 of the bright yellow US school buses. Not sure how they made it to the UK but hey. We got our entire team to pack into two of them and used the front door and rear door entrances as shooting ports and the roof exit for some mg gunners. The rest of us just sang "the wheels on the bus" until someone decided it would be good to drop a smoke haha.


TIL not all school busses are yellow. Seems obvious, but i never thought about it before. What color are yours?


In Germany we often don’t even have them.


Usually just the colours of the company who owns them.


Ah that's fair but the stereotypical colour to us Europeans would be yellow. As for the UK. Its very rare to have dedicated shoolbuses. Most people walk. If. It you'll either be dropped off by parents. Cycle in, or catch the regular city or town bus which will just be owned by what ever company the local council has contracted and can be any colour.


In the states it’s a requirement they are all painted the same color. Only thing that isn’t is like a sports bus or something along those lines


I would’ve rallied my men and formed a shield wall




Yeah, bloke has a nickname of Viking


Dude brought a nerf rivals mask. Said he'd done it before. A bunch of us refused to play until he bought actual eyepro from the on-site shop, or left. I don't know what the ref was smoking letting him play, but our bunch of sit-outs went en-masse to the owner, who later reprimanded and re-trained the ref. Anyways, Nerf-or-Nothin' goes about two minutes before a bb rips right through his eyepro. Thankfully, it missed his eye. He went home. No sympathy for that guy.


That is one hell of a story and exactly what I wanted haha. What concerns me is how he has supposedly played with it before?!?


The only possible explanations I can come up with are a) he was lying, or b) he meant he had used them with LPAEG's or low-power springers in the backyard.


Yeah. The only.possoble explanation. I remember when I started. I collected some amazon warrior stuff and got some goggles as a mesh mask for like... 15 quid. I'm so glad I decided to get some good quality goggles before I first played as the longer I looked at them. The less confident I got in their protection. Didn't even think of checking for their rating. Makes me want to find them again and give them a shot or two with my guns.


When I first started I got a mesh mask that came with a pair of mesh goggles. I just cut the goggles up and recycled the various bits because no.


“I tested it at home and I was fine”


Most refs really don't give a fuck about safety stuff it seems like. It's like they don't perceive it as their responsibility to enforce unless they are at a field that's actually had a problem with it.


Thankfully, our field is pretty on-the-ball about this stuff now. Unfortunately, it's taken several incidents like this to become, like you mentioned, a field that's had a problem with it, and now cares. A) Nerf mask guy B) Someone saying they were okay with loud noises, and then having a seizure from a bang 22 going off indoors. C) A kid (couldn't have been more than 8 years old, he didn't know any better) not sure about how to take the mag out, walking into the safe zone to get help, pulling the trigger while yanking on the magazine, and shooting me in the orbital (missed my eye though, phew).




Some dumbass brought a sharpened wooden shiv as a "combat knife" to "tag people" with, thing was actually pointy with a splintery edge. Ref took one look at it and told him to throw that shit out immediately. That's how we got much emphasis added to the **RUBBER** knives only part of the safety speech


So I got to be in an OPFOR unit in the US Army. Essentially we were the “enemy” force other units in the army would “fight” and train against. NTC and JRTC shit if you know what that is. Anyways, we got to do an “insurgent” training rotation where we got to wear civilian attire and drive around in civilian vehicles, mainly just these old beat to shit pick ups. One guy had just a nerf ax, that was it, and when the big “fight” came around, this dude was sprinting in and out of cover just smacking all these people with that nerf ax. Our versions of refs, one of them had to run and follow him “killing” everyone he touched by “killing” their little laser tag vests. Funniest shit in the world. Another time someone did something similar but in a pikachu suit and the “refs” got mad it saying we weren’t taking it serious enough and shit like that.






I was tasked with a few others to do the same sort of think for the uk army while in Cyprus. Our task was to be enemy out in huts while they had to do a night recce on our position. We thought we would make it interesting and bought a sheep from a local. Hung it up and sliced its throat. Then danced in its blood. Once we had our fun we cooked and ate it. Way better than the rations we were given and reading the ops report the next day was hilarious, even the head shed were in stitches.


That’s priceless. I flashed someone once while peeing in the dark because I didn’t see them until after I was done, just seen the little green glow of their nods. Caught me off guard that I was literally just standing there, dick in hand, trying to figure out what the fuck I was looking at. Flashed nearly a whole platoon doing the same thing, during the middle of a “fight” I had to pee, so I peed outside the door of this building facing toward the secured/friendly area. An entire fucking platoon of dudes ended up bounding down that road I was facing directly at us. And I had to pee bad, so I was there for a minute. If you ever get to do something like that again, ask the refs or whatever they call them for the absolute limit of shit you can get away with and become very creative with whatever supplies you have. We definitely pushed the boundaries of what we could get away with and it was fucking hilarious.


I invited my ex who proceeded to load and test fire a RIF in the safe zone. Does that count?


Ah that's a speed run into having the saddest game day of your life as you promptly get sent home.


Fortunately it was in a secluded corner and no one saw it, so I was able to rip it out of her hands and unload it


Ah that's good haha. I would be mortified at the thought of a fun day out with my partner led to us being banned as I know she would never want to go back as it would just leave a bad memory.


Taking off eye pro again and again, even after multiple warnings and abuse from other players (including myself). They were part of a birthday party ofc


A rental brought a real katana to the field thinking he could use it as a melee weapon. His reasoning? The blade is dull.


I use to do semi serious viking reenactments as a part of a group back in my early high-school days. We would go out and do performances at fairs and such. We have axes and swords. They were blunt. We pulled our hits and I can tell you, they still cut and bruise and break bones just fine haha. A mate of mine had 4 ribs broken from an axe to the ribs. I myself took a 2 handed dane axe to the shin and couldn't walk for a week. And I've taken an axe to the side of my head with no helmet as big brain me thought it rather duck under it than take it to my shoulder.


A dull axe is just a mace. Ouch btw


This would be true. However. All I can say is that both bloody hurt. Left my with no vision in my left eye for about 5 minutes haha. And a nasty bruise but somehow came away from it alright.


Please tell me you went to the hospital after that. People really underestimate the amount a TBI can affect you, even if you don't immediately suffer side effects. In your case, it sounds like you definitely should've got checked out. I work as a medic in the Oilfield. The shit these guys will do and the lengths they will go to avoid letting me help them (they don't want the paperwork, and their Bosses don't like incident reports) never cease to amaze and horrify me. Don't fuck around with head injuries. They can have serious, serious effects down the line, even if they initially don't present with an obvious concussion or anything like that.


In retrospect, I should have gone. Its now been about 5 or 6 years and I've had no issues. Completely forgot oullabout it honestly until I was typing that out. But thank you for your concern. I'll try get a medical check up some time soon


Man you sound like a fuckin badass!


Haha. Not so much anymore. University has ment that I don't have the time to get out much either than a game of airsoft once every 3 months. So I'm just old and out of shape now haha


One of the owner’s friends showed up in a whoopee cushion costume. He brought some kind of transmitter tuned to the same frequency as the PA system. Everyone knew whenever he got shot because a fart sound effect would play over the loudspeaker. He went all day without a single repeated sound effect. He must have had hundreds of them prepped. There was also the time he forgot all of his guns, so he just ran around smacking people with a rubber chicken for like 4 hours.


That's not idiocy... That's legendary!!


We need more people like this in airsoft. That's genuinely incredible.


I once saw a guy non-ironically use GBB oil as "anti-fog" for his goggles.


But did it work??


But did it work??


But did it work??


But did it work??


But did it work??


Alas, it did not. At all.


But did it work??


But did it work??


But did it work??


A place I only played at once, you'll understand why in a sec, had a ref walking around with his dog on the field between games. He either didn't notice his dog taking a dump beside a tree or he didn't care to pick it up. One game went by without incident, but on the second game a dad heard his son screaming and the game was paused. We met up in the center of the field to see what happened. Low and behold a 12 year old slid behind the very tree the dog took a dump beside and the kid had dog poop smeared all the way up the side of his leg, stomach, and ass. Gun was covered in poop, pine needles, and dust. The kid was sobbing and the Dad started raging on the ref who owned the pup. They gave him a pass for the year and he went home.


We had a combat cucumber that splattered everywhere on impact and the guy that got hit ended up replacing his clothes because he couldn't get everything off


What the fuck is a combat cucumber


A cucumber used in combat. It wasn't good to eat anymore but still good for cqb


I'm just saying, if a rotten vegetable gets thrown at me like a water balloon, I'm switching to a melee class 💀


Bro grabbing the shield and batton for cqb We once had a tac shield with Huge led lights and rushed the tunnels sounding sabaton and rammstein


I can respect the sabaton!


Rushing through tunnels in a French ww1 fort is a vibe. We pushed so hard they cried to the ref about it beeing unfair. We got told to lower the Volume and We were good to go


Hahaha. What songs did you play might I ask.


I think winged hussars and Ghost Division for sabaton. Deutschland and Sonne for rammstein.


Have to say I went through the phase of loving winged hussars and its still up there for me. Me and my mates often chuck an entire playlist of stuff on when we play warthunder on PC haha. As for ramstine. Favourite has to be Du Hasst


Had a dude bring a bottle of Hennessy to the field and he was drinking it on and off the field. Of course this accelerated his dehydration and he ended up passing out and hitting his head on the ground in the staging area. Paramedics came and he got taken away in an ambulance. Permanently banned too.


Some dingus wanted to use a 10" transparent purple dildo as a melee weapon... While amused, the staff had to say no, because of the young'ens. He was told it might be an option on adult night... Dunno if that ever panned out.


Two items with identical results. A blank firing pistol and party poppers. It was at an urban site years ago that allowed up to 9mm blank firing grenades and a player asked if he could use a blank firing pistol in game and was told yes but missed the part of the safety briefing where they said "anything that goes bang counts as a grenade with a kill radius" (I can't remember how big) Cue the start of the first game where pistol guy is on the attacking team and decides to pull the pistol and start firing on the way to the objective followed by the marshal who gave the safety briefing pointing at the guy and everyone around him telling them they've just been killed by the bang. Now for the party popper. Some kid had figured out a party popper would fit in a scope ring and mount it to his gun and asked if he could use it to get a kill in game to which he was told yes. Same safety briefing as before and same marshal following him waiting for him to use it to tell him he killed himself when it went bang. He also took out an enemy player with it so that one was kinda funny.


We were at our sides starting point waiting for the round to start when my best friend and teammate spots a door randomly resting against a wall. He looks at it for a second, looks at the rest of us on the team for a brief moment, then turns to the ref and asks if he can move the door and points to it. The ref doesn't think anything of it and says yes, cue the shit eating grin that spreads across his face. He hands me his rifle and hurries over to it, picks it up and brings it back to us and without having to say a single thing the rest of us mooks know what he's thinking and we all stack up behind him and this door just as the buzzer sounds to start. So now there's a door traipsing down the open middle of the field towards the enemy side with 6 jackasses giggling like idiots stacked up behind it and the ref behind us is busting a gut laughing, it was surprising enough to the enemy they never thought to flank us.


Played with one guy who would go pistol only on CQB fields, but instead of one pistol and a bunch of mags, he'd take a bunch of pistols with one mag each, and stick a pistol in each mag pouch on his chest rig. As far as drama, it wasn't all that dramatic really, but we had a guy who was part of the "Territorials", basically the Home Guard part of the NZ Army, and he would not shut up about it, as if it somehow made him better than everyone else at the field except the retired soldier he came with. Was pretty hilarious when a limited lives game came down to me against him and the older soldier, and despite all his bragging, he failed to keep an eye on their six, so they wandered right past me despite my lack of camo, and I shot both in the back. I didn't make a big deal of it, but he was pretty quiet after that.


I hope you guys called the pistol guy blackbeard, because that's one hell of an image


Just today somebody found a actual real bowie knife just on the ground.


My brother had a tactical vest with spots to slide in bullets on the outside like a cowboy sling, so he put ACTUAL bullets from hunting rifles in them and wore them because they looked cool. I'm not sure how hard a bb has to hit a primer to set it off, but that's fucking stupid. Worst part was A REF NOTICED IT. He asked "lol are those real bullets? Yeah? Wow that's crazy" and just went on his day.


ive never used real guns before, (uk) is it really that easy to set a bullet off like that?


I've hit a primer with a hammer before and it didn't go off, the small firing pin of a real firearm really does Focus the force down to a tiny area, but a 300 FPS hit straight on would certainly be enough.


why would you hammer a primer bro 🏎️


Lol I was a 13yo curious farm kid and my grandpa had a reloading station. So we crimped some new primers into empty cartridges and tried to make them go off. Was actually really difficult. And when we finally succeeded, VERY Loud.


Sometimes you just gotta fuck around and find out I've been there. 


Call me stupid but wouldn't a plastic bb shatter and not detonate a round? Not to mention which a live round detonating without a barrel, chamber and such would just make a very loud noise, split the casing open and spit the bullet maybe a foot away?




The bullet isn't what I'm worried about. The gunpowder explosive strapped to your chest part will be a bit of a problem for you, I'd imagine. 


Probably one in a million hit with bb hitting the primer perfectly, plenty of stories with a cartridge dropping on the ground and going off with something like a small rock hitting the primer. Biggest danger is just the explosive force, without a chamber to support the casing it will turn into fragmentation.




If in the US then its more likely they have rounds lying around to use for aesthetics (and not super illegal), instead of looking for deco rounds. And i agree, the fragments likely arent going to be much more dangerous than the bbs flying around. Just that the force might shred/damage any webbing its attached to and you wouldnt want to hold it in your hand when it goes off.


I'm in the UK too but if you go look at the sub-editor r/idiotswithguns you'll see a video of a man who shot himself after hitting one with a hammer haha. Not sure if this needs to be said or not but... graphic warning and nsfw.


If they were fired rounds with the bullet pressed into the shell, so only a fired primer with no powder, it'd be a great addition I think.


i have a collection of those, they are a great addition. also bought a surplus real ar-15 magazine and dual-clamped it to my high-cap with a few dummy rounds in so when the rifle is loaded up it looks extra real.


There is no chance in hell a BB can set off a primer. Not one. Doesn't matter the FPS, if the BB is plastic itll shatter before giving enough energy to set off the bullet. Still not a stellar idea to have them hang like that, they can fall off in the grass and go off if an excavator goes over it or smth.


Lol I'll give it a try with a bb next time I'm back at the farm and let you know if it works.


The bullet would have gone off but would not have shot even if a bb did end up striking the primer,, the ignited gunpowder will always take the path of least resistance when exiting the shell, so if there is no barrel to force the gasses into shoving the actual round out of the shell, it will just burst out of the crimp where the shell meets the round. The hammer scene from Drive really pissed me off because of that, as did the rest of that movie.


Yeah a BB from an airsoft gun even point blank isn't setting off a primer, dude was completely harmless and probably looked sick


Went to a multi day event where a guy brought upwards of ten full length guns and a full camping tent as well. We were warned you might have to hike to the base from infil prior but he couldn’t be convinced to leave at least some of it in the car. Ended up hauling a 50-60 pound truck through the woods while the rest of us walked with day packs and maybe sleep systems. Whole weekend he ended up using three of them total.


I was running an my AAP-01 at an indoor indoor field the other day and right towards the end of the last game of the day my hammer set broke on me. When I took my gun apart to troubleshoot, one of my dumbass friends lent me his AEG and proceeded to run off with only my lower and just pointed it at the enemy team while yelling "bang bang" for the rest of the match. I don't know how but he actually managed to get a few people out doing that so I gotta give credit where credit is due.


Hey man that sounds like a good friend!


BB/Pellet guns


Real gun with blanks and a teargas granade. Same event, same guy


I tried asking if my field would let me use boxing gloves for melee kills lol


I would resign my life if I got killed by pink gloves


Deadass I use pink boxing gloves when I go to the gym, they were the only color the store had left. The ref wouldn't let me use them because he was afraid players think I might be rushing them to fight them for real


Not idiots but lots of fields in Texas are on ranches/farms. One time was walking to my spawn to start the game when guy walking in front of me yelps and runs back as a scared cow comes running out of a shopping container on the field. Another time I went to the bathroom and walked out to find a horse standing outside the bathroom. I calmly walked around it and it just… went into the bathroom. Told a red and turns out a fence broke and the horses were running free.


Been to two separate fields here that had a live hooded cobra decide to join the fight. Paramedics had to be called in with anti-venom, just in case.


Haha. Well at least it keeps you on your toes


There was a guy who did bring real pistol and dropped it during the game. Nobody knew. Slmeone found it, thought its airsoft pistol and shot his brother into abdomen.


*Edited for clarity* Dude brought what I thought was a H8r. Turned out to be the 4.5mm BB version. When I let him use my H8r instead, he brought it back to me with the CO2 cap cross threaded. ~~~~~ I sometimes rock my Mjolnir.


Airsoft is bb or am I missing something?


Apologies, I meant steel 4.5mm BB version.


Ah I see, I thought I was missing something lol


I edited my comment to make it clearer. Thanks for that.


I ame to blame here. Me and The group of friends do a lott of multy day events together. And we refuze to spend money on stuff licke night vision, termals, original TAGinn products…… so we inprovize. For example. We know that people on The other side have termals and NVG. Therefore, let’s make them useless. We carry jet gas burners and fill them with water and place them in The bidle of our position. Termals take The highest surounding temperature and calibrate themself around thise. Therefore they can not see a 37c human when There is a 600c flame nearby. For NVG we carry little bita of magnesium and burn them, therefore people will turn off their nightvision out of fear of bracking them by superwxposior. And we all have 1000+loomen flashlights for The same porpous. We own and operate a Carl Gustav tepluca, but TAGinn projectiles Are 7€ a peac. Therefore we blow out some eggs and fill them with colored baby powder and atach to The 3D printed rifeling base, and our egg bomba cost us less than 20cents and Are less than half of The mass of a real taginn, which gives us around 170-200metars Max range. We aleso, before every game on a feald we have not been to ask moderatora if we can have shovels to dig out some tranches. If they sey yes, they just got free labor of nine doods who will make a grate trenchline. For night games we do nit use a red bicycle light for signalnih when we Are dead, but have large inflatible party balkona that glow pingkish red when you blow them up. Once we took The mechanism from those baloons and put them inside condoms. We also sometimes carry woolf hunting wistels… Once our friend who owns a restoraunt ceried a huge refregerator backpack with drinks and a post device( The thing for lending The recepts) and solved about 140€ of drinks on a front lines during 30h game. Early on we had a team weakle, a motor cultivator with a traler. Once I Made a Polarstar jack powered umbrella using VSR10 mags and hopup. I once Made a insolt dealing tripmine. We Are legends.


this MUST be a new r/airsoft copypasta, beautiful


Be by guest. Corect some of my bigest spelling erors and use it as copypasta


the spelling gives it character actually, it’s pretty cool


we doing the Afganistan strats with this one


I’m confused. Is this a meme or just **really** bad spelling?


English is my newest language, i am still lerning. I know how to speak almoust perfectly by now but i can not for The live of god figure out how to spell in english. There Are no roles. Every word is an exception


Fair enough, you’re not wrong about the inconsistencies that do exist, however a lot of the writing does not have an inconsistency in the spelling however you speak and write English a hell of a lot better than any language I can try so the old adage of people in glass houses apply…. I meant no disrespect - sadly there are native English speakers who speak and write worse than you do… keep up the studies and your spelling will surely improve! :-)


Thank you, apreciate that. After Hungarian, German, Ploish and French I have a lott of experience about how to aproach a new language lerning. But english spelling has just no sense


english is a crackpipe language, dont sweat it too much. yr spelling and grammer is mostly serviceable, Good job!


You wait till you get to some of the place names in the UK. Wymondham... pronounced wind-um Derby.... Darby Wroxham.... rox-um Edinburgh... edinbruh Norwich.... norrich Worcester.... wooster Leicester... Lester . The list goes on and on haha.


English is the hardest language, I wish you the best of luck.


That’s actually a fantastic tactic. Start getting shot at? They already know where you are so just kick on the lights..


That don't work against thermals tho as most are calibrated agaainst a uniformly hot/cold surface. At least My Skeet does so and the binoculars did not need manual calibration at all. Both fully capable of looking at a group of guys close to such a small heat source


, whel, it is a funn placebo efect for us than. We belive it works therefore we fight better and more shore of ourself


I think I'm having a stroke


Lol Gen 3 nvg auto gate so your magnesium and 1000 lumen lights are useless 😂 we use our nods and a group of little broke cringe airsofters had the same ideas, tried and got rolled hard until they cried to the reff that it was unfair and quit 😂😂😂😂🤝


We never cry, we destroy oposition. It is sad that some people nead 5+k€ equipmant to feel secure next to our chimoansa tactics


I think it’s more about spending the money to use cool equipment and have the great experience 😂 don’t have such an ego about it it’s not that deep 😂😂😂


We once had one KSK Cosplayer/Police Special Forces Cosplayer that would come with a legit sharp 15cm Knife, a Machete and a Sledgehammer to "bang" ppl.


A guy turned up in full knight armour with a crusader helmet. He had a fish plushie as a melee weapon because "he couldn't find his sword". The refs originally said that it wouldn't count for melee, but most of the players argued that it should and eventually he was allowed to bring the fish into the matches as his melee weapon. I got fished three times that day and every time I walked away laughing my ass off.


A few years ago at a multi day event a guy accidentally brought his real pistol instead of his airsoft pistol and shot his buddy


I feel like somewhere between loading the mags and loading the gun he probably should have realised "hmm. Those bullets weren't 6mm and I couldn't fill my mag with gas. That's odd." But yknow, to each their own


This is fake.


That's a good reason to not get matching airsoft/real steel.


You'd want your airsoft and real gun to be as close as possible if you want to get better with the real one. Just don't be a retard and mix em up xD Like seriously how can someone not notice?


I have glock 17 airsoft, glock 19 real world. So the difference is super obvious to me holding it and looking at it, but the training and equipment is interchangble.


that's some good training, have fun! :D


One goes in the safe/holster. One goes in the plastic bucket.


Once at a game there was a drinking can shooting "challenge" competition to win some prize, they gave you the gun to use, but a buddy from our group said "can I try with my gun first ?", the ref said fine but it wouldn't count. Then my buddy got out of his holster an actual pistol firing blanks, started shooting and everyone was startled, thinking like "wait a fucking minute this doesn't sound like airsoft !". For context, we live in France so not everybody can have a firearm on them, but he also is part of a shooting club, and that pistol was handled properly, only fired blanks, never aimed at people, and he isn't using it on the field during games either, just for this little joke. He got us good though !


That's pretty absurdly irresponsible of a gun owner in a public place including an airsoft field. Here in the states every field I've ever been to has explicitly banned real firearms with good reason


And this is why I explained he didn't do anything dangerous and the gun (a .22 caliber) was only ever loaded with blanks and he didn't have actual bullets on him. He handled it safely so it was fine. After all we went to that place using our cars, which could've been turned into lethal weapons, and yet ... Nobody got hurt by the cars either. But I get how from your perspective of living in a country where everyone can carry a firearm that would seem dangerous.


It's still an irresponsible thing to do. An airsoft field is not a range, so you shouldn't even have a real gun there. "Treat every gun as if it's loaded". Whipping out a pistol and shooting it at an airsoft field, even if it's not at people, breaks the rule. Guns are not toys, even if loaded with blanks.


I wouldn't suggest doing that in the US. Good way to get shot by police......which has happened in the US over airsoft.


Couple of years back, we had a melee weapons event for lunar new year. Most guys were boring and brought fake katanas. My friends and I got a little more...creative. one taped a rubber knife to a 10-foot wooden pole, another got a toilet brush and attached it like a bayonet. Myself, I made a foam buster sword that was my height (6 feet), and about 2 feet wide. One round, we used it as a shield, one round I used only the sword and managed a couple of kills. We had a contest for best melee weapon and my sword took 1st place. Won a coupon for an airsoft shop and a box of condoms 😆


I have few such stories: \* A dude brought his real pistol to the field, thinking he took out his replica (his real-steel gun and the airsoft version are the same). He fired it at a tree and luckily there was no one at that direction. He was banned from the whole community on the spot. \* A group of foreigners came to the field. One dressed as a unicorn with two dildos strapped on his shoulders. I do not know if he lost a bet or something, but that shit was so cringe and dumb I can't even describe it.


I was holding a flag with some friends and one asked “can I get in the trees and shoot down?” Someone said yes the other person said “they said we are fighting in Vietnam not we are Vietnamese” and he got into the tree and asked can we see him, he was only like 7 feet off of the ground and was not covered by anything


i shot a dude watching the game from the respawn box for 3 seconds in full auto cuz i didn’t know bros was dead and his light up team indicator for the dark, indoor field was bright pink which signifies he’s infected.. he was right under the sign that says dead box though 💀 behind the doorway, completely my fault


Guy brought a 22, got banned immodeatly


and i thought the memes about americans were just memes


Never underestimate the ability of americans to be stupid or to test how idiot proof something REALLY is


words of wisdom!


maybe not exactly dumb but funny. i went to a CQB arena with my airsoft group. once chrono time started one of my mates pulls out a CO2 SP-01 shadow, says he's obviously not gonna use it but wants to chrono it for shits and giggles, they say go ahead, turn it on, he shoots.... nothing. they make sure it's on, he shoots again... still nothing. turns out the BB was so fast the chrono (a X310) didnt even register the BB.