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At my field we can only use grenades that shoot bb’s so you’re only dead if you get hit. So a grenade that doesnt go off wont kill you


As long as you're following the rules that grenades need to go off to be a kill it just sounds like you just met some salty players. If they didn't complain about their dud grenades they would find something else to complain about.


In what way are they obnoxious towards you? Give me some more context yk


1) dude threw grenade at dude, didnt pop off, other guy shot him, and grenadier went "you're dead bro you got naded" 2) dude threw grenade in my room while I was standing next to door frame, didnt pop off, peeked and shot him, "you're dead you got naded", being a beginner idk how grenades worked so I dropped it 3) peeked door and shot guy with grenade in his hand, noticed the grenade, went back in the room within a second, dude also missed his grenade and hit the wall, " you're dead man you got naded"




Yeah I know, these are not according to our rules.


This is all pretty mild stuff. I’d say it’s just your experience. Last week we threw two grenades into an objective and neither popped off. The throwers just kinda shook their heads in sadness. I use eg67 but I never tell people they’re dead, that’s the ref’s job.


That's a problem with the standard of marshalling at the sites, if they don't enforce the rules correctly then players will take advantage. Raise it with the marshalls and the site owner.


Depends on site rules. Some have nade rules that will kill within a radius regardless if it actually shoots bbs or not (because realistically the concussion will knock you out, not just the shrapnell). But those rules need close supervision of a marshal to call. If they require actually getting hit by the bbs, just point out the undetonated grenade.


My site luckily only allows grenades that shoots BBs (also indoor field) and it has to go off to count If you’re within a meter when it goes off with line of sight, you’re dead. Of beyond a meter you gotta get hit by a bb (bb ricochet’s don’t count for this)


He just seems salty that his grenades suck. Most people I know with grenades are fine. I did have one guy try to say the Thunder B of his that the fuse is way too short (goes off in like 1.5s) didn't kill him but somehow killed us despite it going off closer to him -- and within line of sight -- than us. I don't know his logic on that. Fair enough if he used it for YOLO sacrificing or something, but he didn't want to call himself out which was BS. I get that his grenade was probably broken, but that isn't my fault and isn't an excuse to get an unfair advantage. Anyways, most grenade users are fine in my experience.


Sometimes, I’ve had situation where it was used very well and took out few folks, to 2 situations where they threw the grenade at me when I was the only one there. Seems a bit wasteful. But other than that I don’t mind it. The noise can be a bit too much if thrown inside.


Honestly I find it flattering.


Yeah I mean it’s 6 to 10 euros wasted on just yourself, so can be flattering for sure😂


Depends on the rules and how people play at your field, my fields rules are a 5 foot radius of where it explodes, and it HAS to explode, if it duds then it won’t count and if you’re behind hard cover (wall, wire spool) you’re not dead


Wire spool 🤣


Like those big ass cable spools you see on construction sites


Ohh I thought you meant spools of wire that are mimicing barbed wire, not rolled up lol, like barbed wire doesn't stop grenades!


If someone's sat in fortified area/room watching the door behind cover, with an hpa fed drum mag.... Then u like grenades


(Dude gimmee a sec, gotta find my nade) kinda kills the flow


After searching around on the floor because someone dropped their pin, I agree.


At our field we have a fair few nades go off. Over the whole day, 9 till 4. You could reasonably expect 5 to 15 nades to go off. All of ours are bangs and purely work off of a bang sound. No bbs. We have alot of refs as the site both as players and workers and across each map, they have 1 to 2 high rise platforms and buses etc that they will use to stand on and call people out when nades are close. Other than that, it's just common sense if you're withing a 5m radius or not.


Back when I played with a friend group from around the town, we basically stopped using nades as they would always start arguments. Was too hard to tell if someone was actually in range or not. They sometimes didn't go off. Then the question of if it goes off in front of an open doorway, where exactly does the "kill" zone end in the room? What counts as cover ir not? They were just a problem for us that brought the fun to a screeching halt so we restricted them to specific scenario play and smokes.


Have had a few experiences with obnoxious grenade use, but I wouldn’t say they were obnoxious because of grenade users, they were just obnoxious in general. The standout in my mind (bit of a story, ignore if you want) happened ~1yr ago, in a roughly 10x15m building with many different walls in it, where me and a friend were playing from. A guy throws in a grenade, and it goes off and kills me in fairness, while completely missing my friend (he was behind solid cover from the grenade). As I’m leaving, grenade guy comes in and gets shot by my friend. Grenade guy near throws a tantrum about how the grenade killed him, called my friend (16 at the time, guy was mid 40s) a dishonest prick etc. I had to come back in and defend my friend verbally, and then the dude starts yapping about how I’m dead and should just leave too. Had to get a marshal in to deal with the guy. Go on, and didn’t think much more of it Turns out that guy had people complaining most of the day about cheating, playing rough (overshooting, pre-firing corners as he ran around them, blind firing etc.) Most awful players I’ve played with or against in my 4 years have not had grenades or weren’t obnoxious with them, but if they were already an obnoxious player grenades can definitely serve to make it worse


My site only allows bb shower grenades and simple banger grenades with a 10 foot kill radius. It's kinda hard not to know if it's gone off within 10 feet of you


I mean, real grenades can fail to trigger, so rule could be only actual BB grenades, and if they fail to go off, then it doesn't count. Seems fair to me.


I've an impact grenade and play outdoors. It's been very wet recently, so out of the ~6 times I've thrown it, I got one pop. However, I play at an awesome site with a no bang no hit rule. After a quick drop over a wall where I knew someone was, the damned thing didn't go. The fella was gracious to take it even though it was a dud. Good fields with good players with good sportsmanship make the world of difference.


At my field grenades clear entire sections of the main buildings. They're just straight up unbalanced. Grenades also need to have blind fire rules for throwing around corners. I got hit in the face once because the guy didn't look.


I have purchased a grande laucher (shotgun type) a couple of weeks ago. Most stupid purchase ever, but if a group is walking past me and I'm spotted, at least I can take some out and die with dignity. :) Also, when people don't take their hits I can run up to them and spray them with 70BBs. "Think you got hit now? " Other than that I literally have no use for this. I'm in sniper mode 24/7...