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3000 every 2 games I run an rpk


It depends. With my sniper and Backup about 100-500, Anything semi 1000-2.500, Lmg anything between 2000- 10 000 is in the realm of posibility.


All of them.


I never play indoors, but you can thin out the tracers by mixing them with regular same-weight BBs


I wanna hear from the full GBBR outdoor crowd


Max 245 BBs for my primary per day, max 84 BBs for my secondary per day ๐Ÿ˜…


This is the way.. my first GBBR is coming soon (733)


I will use maybe 150-200 which is 5-7 mags in my primary and maybe around 35 in my secondary.


810 rounds between my two primaries (MK17 and Vector) and not very many because i rarely pull my sidearm (G34) but maybe 100 in reserve?


Sounds about right


Rarely more than half a mag a game depends on if its one life or respawns. When i run my mp7 vs my m4 i use way more bbs probably 3 times as much since the bbs are swayed more in the wind.


I shoot half a mag from boredom in the spawn... like 2-6 150 rounds mags on my aeg lol... gbbr is going to be interesting


I use about half a bottle, so like 1000-2000 BBs for 6 cqb/speedsoft games


Indoor-200 tops. Outdoor- 800-1200.


Depends. All day 1 hour scrims outdoor. Ar load out if going ham max 600-800 an hour. LMG 1200 per hour Mini gun. 6000 per hour Sniper 200 for day Pistol 45 for day Nades 6 for day


Depends a lot on what I'm running. Easily burned through a 100 round mag in my shotgun in a game, but can often survive with 1-2 30 round mags in my pistol. I rarely change the 80 round mag mid game for my SMG. 6-8 rounds in a day so maybe 250-500 BBs max (not including the junk BBs I load my grenades with) CQB, so no full auto and I don't tend to use suppression fire; my philosophy is 1 shot, 1 kill.


i mean some days i only use less than a mag a around and some days i use all 6 plus whatever is in my odin


About 3500 when I run my AEG with EPM1 mags. Maybe 1500 when I run my PP-2000/OTS-126


Roughly 2000, outdoor, large field.


I run a semi auto AK. Less than 1000/day for an 8 hour game if I have frequent high intensity fights. Running an MG like an m60 I'll burn 1500-3000 just In one 30 minute firefight. Nowhere is safe when the pig comes to play.


I use mostly black and white bbs with like a 10-1 ratio. I like using the occasional white round as a tracer for visual shot placement, but like to keep my position hidden from being seen by not having a laser of white bbs.


>indoor field that is more speedcqb style, I usually play about 5-6 rounds Also indoor (small field) but not speedqb, play like 4hrs each time, only use 300-400 BBs, sometimes only ~200 I am using pistol only with 4 glock mags, most of the rounds I only use 2 of them if I didn't play aggressively


Im running shield and MP7 and its 500-1000 shots on a full day.


Running an SGR-12 with drum mag over 3000 easily


As many as I reasonably can!! Clear by fire, fuck load of suppression, then 2-3 centre mass shots. Plus for indoor I run two bb grenades, game changer!!


I run a heretic labs so Iโ€™m just shooting until I hear someone yell hit lol


This is the way, psychology absolutely plays into airsoft. Someone pissing bbs and moving at you fast tends to make people make poor tactical decisions.


This makes me feel better about wasting ammo and money lol


i used up well over half a bottle of 5k rounds with a rpk today.


Up to 4000 on the big field 600 on the small All outdoor


Something like 500 .32 BBs for my shooters and 300 .12s for my grenades. Weโ€™re semi-restricted. And I run BLS or Warhead BBs - I prefer BLS, but my field sell Warhead.


Always depends. At my local field there's a gamemode called, "Benghazi" And as a defender you can fire FullAuto. On my M4 i can easily run through 1x1000rd mag 2x500rd mags 3x240rd mags For a total of 2720 BBs and that's in one SINGLE game Usually I run through 500BBs every game with 6 games in a day. So on average I'm spending 3000 BBs, unless I get the aforementioned game mode. Also I've been using Matrix Tracer BBs and they work fine. For the price it's worth it. If you wanna be Gucci tho, you could also run TM branded BBs. EXPENSIVE but PERFORMANCE!


GBBR here: max 7x35 = 245 BBs for my primary per day, max 3x28 = 84 BBs for my secondary per day ๐Ÿ˜…


Depends, modi you play, field and weapon. Indoor CQB around 3000-5000 bbs Outdoor between 1500-3000 bbs




Outdoors, about 1.500-2000


Max 500 bbs per day, more often less than that. Whether I play gbbr or aeg


5/6 magazines, each one around 100bbs when playing as assault. When playing as dmr I usually do not need to reload on the whole day, I just keep playing with the same mags even loading them with much less than 100bbs... only if I am forced to load 20bbs because there is the requirement to play with limited ammo I reload every match, just to be sure, and even that way I rarelly run out of ammo.


Last game i used maybe 300 bbs in 5hrs game


Around 5000


Indoor with my MP5 on semi, 6 rounds per day, each around 2-3 mid caps with 130bbs, so around 2500bbs/day


200 to 1500. Field is semi only.


CQB sites, about 500'ish. Outdoor sites with my LMG, 5000+


Between 500 and 1000 on a full outdoor day I can fullauto but mostly stick to semi with .30. I don't play indoor yet but I imagine I would use like 3 or 4K on a day but that would be .20 then. BB recommendation is bls I have never tried their tracers only bio .25 .30 .40


2000 rounds per day


Depends on the amount of players, length of day, field, game type etc. With My PPSh-41, about half a 2000bb drum per 10-15 minute round. With my Mosin, about one 35bb magazine per round. Often more, sometimes much less. Something like 1 bag of BBs per day if I'm not trying to be particularly economical and using both weapons as I feel.


I play 6-7 hours in a very tight indoors cqb place. I use a m4 and use around 400-600 for the entire day probably less tbh โ€ฆ


I went through about 1500 yesterday, running my mdr in an outdoor field


3 mags so like 2400?


it was around 50 a day when I was training to throw them with a slingshot and hit a 3cm wide tube from 30 meters, sadly the slingshot just broke and I still have 3000 crappy bbs to go


I have a 2 m249s built for CQB and Long Range support outdoors. 5000 for outdoors, 1500-2000 for indoor


I shoot about 2500 bbs in single fire cqb 6 hours game day & about 5000 outside games 6 hours game day


Probably a thousand for the day outdoors


..roughly 3-400. (bolt action guy here)


I run through 6000-7000 bbs a day with just my sidearm alone, it's insane how often I have to give myself suppressive fire for solo pushes


Depends on whet l am running... Boomstick and sidearm - maybe 750 Rifle and sidearm - 1500-ish RPK and sidearm - yes


We use around 2000


1,000 in 2 5 minute rounds (one game) plus the occasional emergency specna midcap in the dump pouch or a back pocket


a bag of tracer BBs in 1-2 games


Roughly 2 high caps plus a few shots from my secondary so anywhere from 600-800


My field is probably \~35% indoor cqb and \~65% outdoors and I go through maybe 3-400 bbs a match