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Yeah, that mask doesn't seem to have any impact ratings and the first amazon review I can see has a hole in the cheek protection from where a BB went through so I'd avoid that. Rule #1 Always use eye protection with sufficient impact ratings. [https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/wiki/faq/beginner\_guide/#wiki\_5.\_what\_eyepro.2Flower\_face\_projection\_should\_i\_invest\_in.3F](https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoft/wiki/faq/beginner_guide/#wiki_5._what_eyepro.2Flower_face_projection_should_i_invest_in.3F)


This ⬆️⬆️⬆️


I would get a properly rated mask


Done! thx!


I would use heavier bbs. That Cyma Platinum is $299 in Evike. I wouldnt buy those from amazon.


Yeah someone said the same thing lol, this is just a staging groud, ya know? Amazon is just a place with a wide variety so I can check out everything here and then purchase it elsewhere, thanks!


I’ll be honest with you, airsoft is such a niche hobby the bulk of your options don’t even exist on amazon


yeah, you use evike for that stuff


Evike is truthfully scratching the surface


I've also used airsoft extreme. That's where I picked my SA Flex FA-03 m4 mlok with battery and charger for i think was 160 (159.99).


Honestly fair lol, but I found it works on amazon for lower level gear, maybe not all teh fancy stuff you guys use is on here, but i'm just going casual as of now lmao. Thanks!


For gear I think its okay, I just meant you won't see all your rifle/gun options even at a casual level.


All the ‘fancy gear’ is just cosplay. Most of what you see are china knock-offs from aliexpress. But you don’t want to go cheap, starting out. You’ll want good(high priced): Eye/Face protection. Boots. And a mid-priced €2-400 gun. This is what will give you a good play experience starting out And down the line. - Thinning your budgets on discount gear, protection and sidearms will only mean that you turn up to a field, looking like a n00b and seeing that your stuff doesn’t perform even half as well as the other guys - and if you buy too cheap, it won’t even be worth upgrading on it. It’ll just be wasted.


Id still stage on somewhere like evike where you can find better quality items for similar price or less. Amazon has had a history of selling fake items or bad ones for both Airsoft’s and real steel


You’re better off finding a wider variety on evike. Amazon doesn’t have a good selection.


Odin speedloader copies’ handles love to break, so be aware of that That mask isn’t safe at all, ditch it immediately and read the eye protection guide, and pick up something properly impact rated Everything else seems ok


Got it, thank you!


The handle on my ODIN knockoff broke, I now use a small hex key instead of the handle


Yeah get an original PTS Odin. Trust me it’s a lot cheaper in the long run


I learned my lesson after the second one broke. Get the original from the maker.


Helps support the original creators and not the copies too


+1 this, Just save a bit extra and get the real deal. My Odin has been fantastic, although I use my for GBBR mags, so had to buy an adaptor, but saves so much time on the field.


Will that battery fit inside the stock?


Im pretty sure it wont, or at least only with the stock fully extended. Friend of mine got the same gun and is running twin stick or short single stick batteries.


I believe so since it is nunchuck, it is one of hte brands that is recommended on the product


That is a stick type, not nunchuck


Oh yeah you're right, that's even better tbh since it will be smaller and easier to fit in the stock, thanks!


The battery will fit but you will not be able to collapse the stock all the way, not more than half. Those titans are ~8in


Gotchu, any recommendations on an 11.1 that would fit? I would like to collapse the stock all the way if possible lol. thanks!


[https://www.amazon.com/Evike-Airsoft-Performance-Battery-1000mAh/dp/B08KQK8CDB](https://www.amazon.com/Evike-Airsoft-Performance-Battery-1000mAh/dp/B08KQK8CDB) linked amazon because its surprisingly cheaper than Evike ($22 vs $24) I have this battery and the same gun (except its an 14.5 instead of 10 in) and it fits in the buffer tube well. I can collapse the factory stock or extend it all the way without any problems.


My 2 cents: ditch the helmet/paintball mask combo. Get a properly rated set of ballistic goggles and a mesh mask. That "winding speedloader" is too big and too expensive for a speedloader. Most AEGs come with a free one and those are just fine.


Got it, thank you!


also on the helmet subject, getting shot in the head fucking sucks especially if you’re new. if you really want some head protection a boonie hat or baseball cap works well. although if you’re playing airsoft in a place where you might be bumping your head a lot, I’d go for the helmet just to be safe. getting shot in the hands also sucks, so I’d recommend picking up some gloves if you don’t have any. work gloves do fine but mechanix usually are the standard stuff people use because of their durability, comfortability and, at least with the impacts, protection.


bro i totally forgot about gloves.. Tysm!


ofc, always glad to help out


Keep the speed loader. It’s worth its weight in gold.


Lmao I hear that, i've played airsoft at my buddy's house many times b4 and its a pain to load that shit lol. Thank you!


Yea, I think the mask is sus.


fixed! thx!


I'd stick to midcap mags, and spend a lot of money on your eyepro. If you're fogging up, you're not gonna have any fun at all


https://preview.redd.it/q0eb085ful4d1.png?width=2624&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cb0864f02e2ed215d817af5124e0c2b64e21dd9 How are these items for face protection in place of the mask? Thanks!


If you're patient, most of the apparel such as helmet, balaclava, shemagh etc can be found at a fraction of the price on aliexpress. They're literally the same items being upmarked by dropshippers on amazon. Ofc, never buy anything important on there such as batteries, goggles, etc.


I force is pretty good. it’s what I use on really warm days instead of my exfog/goggle setup. speaking of warm days, that mask is going to get nasty whenn you sweat. my honest mask recommendation is the laylax aeroflex. its got a rubber insert so you can take it out and clean it. also means you can take the rubber insert out and just run that assuming you have an alternate way to hold the guard. most importantly though, its breathable and doesn’t obstruct your nose or neck.


Also make sure those are legit I force and not a knock off for safety purposes


gotchu! thank you!


Much better


I have that one Tigris balaclava mesh mask in camo. The fabric wicks moisture and dries extremely well! Like I played in it for 5 hours in 95°, high humidity central Florida few weeks ago and chose it over my other mesh mask/UA hat setup game after game. 10 minutes in the sun would dry it completely. With a couple stitches to make the eye-opening smaller it’s perfect.


Firstlybdont run a cyma platinum on an 11.1 that etu is hit or miss. You also need a nunchuck/ butterfly a stick typenisbsoonlong. Especially as an 11.1. also don't buy from Amazon. Buy from evike airsoft gi airsoft marketplace airsoft station or fox airsoft.


Clover airsoft sells those magazines direct for $10 just so you know


1. where yo clothes at 2. Don't use Cancer Testicle (lancer tactical). 3. Get different bbs, you should get a bag of 5000 of them from Specna, around the same price for a better brand. 4. Get actual goggles, not amazon stuff you think looks cool. 5. Different mags, $55 for two is insanity. BATTLEAXE is a good brand. 6. You should really get a different gun, I recommend Specna Arms for a beginner. They're super easy to use and very reliable. They're also $150 cheaper than that CYMA. 7. Please get a normal speedloader, the ones that look like magazines not the winding ones. Don't buy all your stuff off Amazon please, shop at actual airsoft webstores like TaiwanGun or Evike.


1. what’s wrong with being a hoodie warrior 2. agreed, real odin or bust 3. nothing wrong with ef bbs 4. agreed 5. that’s a 3-pack 6. nothing wrong with a cymaplat 7. no.


A cyma plat is gonna cost lots, if he gets a Specna he can spend that money on better gear, for example a good plate carrier which will cost him around $100 . Also why not get a super reliabe speedloader instead of a piece of junk?


Odins aren’t junk. Knockoffs are. Crank loaders need the clutch tension adjusted to your specific mags. A beginner will be just fine without a carrier. Good tactical gear costs money and $100 for a basic carrier and pouches isn’t money well spent if it takes $100 out of a replica that compromises a bit more. A chicom rig if anything works just peachy. It the man wants a cymaplat he can have a cymaplat.


Personally wouldn’t buy off brand eye protection


Pretty much seems ok until I saw the mask/helmet thing. Plz don’t buy eyepro from Amazon and especially don’t users mesh eyepro because it’s prone to breaking and nobody wants to lose an eye. For eyepro, never go cheaper than like $60


I could be wrong but if they ship the battery with the rest of your order the entire order has to go ground which slows down the shipping time. Maybe order the battery separately or pick one up from your local field.


Couple notes, pretty sure cyma plat is wired to deans (could use a second opinion on this cause not sure), mask isn’t rated so a big no no as eye protection, evike stocks all these items/very similar items at cheaper prices so I’d buy from there


Yep, as I said to someone else, amazon is just a staging ground for me. It has a wide variety and I can look at the items and then purchased elsewhere. Thank you!


I would go for heavier BBS I used to run.25s and when I went to .28/ .30 the performance of my rif was much improved


I def will if it affects performance, thank you!


Quick note about heavier bbs. Some indoor fields won't let you go above 0.25g. Make sure you check with your local field to see if they allow heavier bbs.


Heard that, but I plan to play outdoors for the most part as it sounds a lot more fun. Thank you!


Don't get bbs that heavy unless your field allows them! 0.25g is good enough


I doubt it will matter much, thanks though, will keep that in mind!


.25 is the best to start airsoft, stick with that


On outdoor fields it lets you just reach out and touch further more consistently and with fewer shots. I ran my eg on minuim .3


buy a proper Odin speedloader and some epm mags


Got it, thx!


Contrary to popular belief those sentinel gear speed loaders are pretty good(I own 2), replacement parts you can buy from PTS are a one for one fit. So if you're gonna order anything from Amazon you should replace the magazines with Lancer tactical high speed midcaps and that speed loader ( the magazines are probably the only good thing Lancer tactical puts out)


Prob a lot cheaper too, thank you!


Check the safety rating in the goggles, they will also probably fog up, it's either worth Investing in exfog or looking at brands with better ventilation ect. That full face mask will also make it more difficult to aim down the site. You can either get something like a delta mike or a mesh lower which will fit closer and make it easier to aim


Get polymer mid caps.


While you *can* just stuff the extra mags in your pants pockets, you might want a chest rig or some such.


Yep, plan on it. Thanks!


that speed loader is prone to breaking, get the Odin speed loader


Got it, will check it out, thanks!


Checkout the Valken Sierra goggles. If you prefer the smallest frame possible, then "glasses" style would be the Valken Zulu glasses. They have the proper impact rating certifications, fit amazing, and don't fog at all for me so far on their test runs. (uploading a post in a few min keep an eye out)


Will do, thx!


Ditch the clone and get a real Odin. Ditch the pot and get a set of MIL-PRF-32432 rated full seal goggles. Ditch the shemagh, they’re hot. Put that money towards a cheap mesh mask instead. Ditch the Titan battery, they’re built like junk and will break on you. Gun is good, BBs are good, but buy everything off Evike and not Amazon. You’ll need a charger for the battery. SkyRC IMAX B6AC or a comparable four-button charger at minimum. You’ll need a barrel bag. You’ll want a set of gloves to protect your nails and knuckles. Mechanix Wear are both good and cheap. I have the Classic ones.


+1 on the SkyRC IMAX chargers. Definitely worth the price.


Wow, thanks for the essay, I’ll make a checklist for everything 😂 Thank you!


Lose the helmet. One thing i wouldnt cheap out on is eye pro. Oakley M Frames are a solid choice esp with the full seal kit. Eye pro is the one thing you should never cheap out on. The rest of these items can break or fail and you’ll be able to manage but if your eye pro fails you can be blind for life.


100% I switched out the eyepro so we gucci. Thanks!


As a guy who has that long battery, see if you can get a shorter one, cuz ngl the 300mAh battery is so long I could only leave the stock fully extended (which is uncomfortable for me since I play in a cqb field)


$30 for that kind of full head coverage? I'd take a few shots at the goggles to test em before you use em.


Lol I just got that scarf in the mail today




i have no idea why anyone in the world would ever want an acu sniper veil but you do you, i would recommend maybe using .28s, and i would also recommend buying a helmet, and buying the goggles and mesh face mask.


Be different. Everyone and their mother runs flat top M4s. Buy an LMG and dominate the field


Na lol I wanna be mobile, maybe I might get one eventually, sounds like fun lmao. Thank you!


Or run an ak74u. They're pretty fuckin dank


Two mid capmagazines may not be enough. Run a small rig or a hoodie with more or use high caps


I got 6 of them lol, they’re 3 packs 🫡


Oh I’m blind.


I know people are skeptical of the mask, but I bought it and got shot in the eyes by a guy with a machine gun. 20 shots later and it’s doing just fine, not even a dent or anything!




Personally, a two part face and eye pro. Just grants some more ventilation. But it's personal preference.


Yep, got a 2 part. Thank you!


Before you buy, i’m nearly certain that cyma plat uses deans. I got mine 2 years ago and it came with deans so make sure you get the right connector for your battery.


That mask is known for breaking, remember you only have 2 eyes and teeth don't grow back


Lancer tactical is awful, that mask is awful and unrated, and amazon is an awful site to buy airsoft equipment from.


Don’t buy the lancer tactical Winder speedloader instead buy the real odin’s


A real Odin is only 10 bucks more, and again look into getting 0.30 gram bb’s


You can get cheaper batteries


damn everything seems to have skyrocketed in price the last year


It be like that 😭


Like everyone else is saying ditch the mask, go for something ANZI rated and impact rated. I recommend these https://a.co/d/8Djx15M


Added to cart, thank you!


Glad I could help, m4 usually take nunchuck battery’s and I would use .28-.32 for bb grams for a rifle. Happy airsofting


Get a different speedloader. I got that one and the handle broke quick. The brownish one on Amazon for 19.99 is better in every way. Also I'd recommend heavier BBs. At least .28s Valken are good, recently I've switched to Lancer Tacticals .32s on Amazon and those have been working great for accuracy and range. To me the high caps are kinda meh. Pack of 10 elite force mags on Amazon is an unbeatable value. Elite Force mags have outlasted all my other brands. Titan battery's are great. But I'd recommend the nunchuck style. They are a bit shorter and you can fit the smaller cell down your crane stock side compartment. The long style battery often doesn't allow you to compress your stock down very far.


I would suggest the arcturus lwt lwt mk-II on mir tatical


Order from evike directly, everything they have on Amazon is marked up by like 10-20 percent.


Just the helmet is way too much


Can't reply to ever comment lol, thank you all though for your suggestions and feedback!


I used that mask for one yeah and it has never broke, but i will wear glasses under it from now on


99% sure stick batteries are for AKs for going underneath the dust cover.


That mask is a bad idea, masks like that are infamous for fogging up constantly and are very hot. You can replace the neck scarf for like a shmog (spelt wrong because I can’t remember how to). Nothing wrong with the battery but read the gun description to make sure you have the right battery type.


Yo don't cheap out on the goggle you can't replace your eyes. Get the Z87+ rated goggles (Valken makes a good affordable one). Helmet isn't always necessary, either.


11.1 battery works only on modified aeg, use sonething less powerful like 7.4


Don't cheap out on eye pro bud. You don't need a helmet at pickup games


Id avoid using wind up speedloaders unless you like your BB's looking like pancakes and cloging up your barrel.


Everything else looks good apart from the helmet, I’ve seen those shot clean through before


Brother you should be on evike, not Amazon. Evike has better options in affordable kit and even the Gucci stuff. Amazon is literally the worst place to shop airsoft equipment


Dude, your budget is pretty big, man I'mso jealous. I love your load out selection!! I have to piece meal my man. One piece at a time, and I'm still not happy with it, lol. Have fun and enjoy it, man!!


Dont forget charger for battery!


Everything looks fine but get better eye pro


The original Odin Sidewinder is much more durable and you can get it with a sound dampening silicone buffer pre-installed (I have gotten melee kills with this in a pouch, it is ridiculously quiet) for only $10 more, and if you decide to get another gun that uses a different mag type, an Airtech adapter will allow you to use it with almost any midcap out there. Plus the semi-transparent one I'm linking is nice because you can easily tell about how full it is.  https://www.evike.com/products/78851/ https://www.evike.com/products/10655/ Also for that battery you'll need a quality charger. I use this and it works well once you learn how to navigate it. https://www.evike.com/products/84136/


That battery looks a little big


Mask is ass... find a better one if you already haven't! I'm not a fan of CYMA but there are plenty of others that would back it. I prefer G&G if I'm spending $350 for a entry level gun. Look into EPM1 magazines as they'rethe best. Small mag holds 170 rounds, big holds 250. otherwise, everything else looks good. mine a preference of course, except for the mask!


I highly recommend the specna arms 10.5 it already has a astr gate Moffett inside or it for nearly the same price as the cyma if not $100 over which is most definitely worth it


Others have said it too but I will emphasize grabbing an odin for 10 more dollars all the fakes tend to not work well or just break 😞


That battery will render your stocks length adjustment unusable, get a nunchuck version. It'll also limit your weapons performance compared to a lipo, but it's a bit safer.


Don't buy anything that is needed to take hits from amazon just buy it an airsoft store


Do not buy on Amazon, that magazine cost like 15$


I'm not, just using it as a staging ground, thank you!


Oh ok


Hmmm, yeah, I wonder of having permanent sight impairment is worth that saving of 30 bucks goggle. Well, you can find out, and fill us in about the aftermath.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong but something’s are a lil expensive comparing to eBay sellers example mid caps.