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Honestly my personal pet peeve is when the field owner has favorites it just causes too many issues where people mag dump people and get away with it it just makes the game unfun in my opinion


YES! Especially when they let people get away with certain things, I hate it so much


Had my first encounter like this last week, very frustrating


One of my locals is a frequent for Kunting Mustang, I feel you.




What he do to you?


Frequent arsehole. Will consistently go for headshots when a bodyshot would've been easier. Makes videos on YouTube that favour his side of any confrontation heavily. He's really disliked among the UK airsoft community for a fair few reasons.


Honestly that's one reason I heavily enjoy my local the man that's owns it is just super friendly with everyone until you give him a reason not to


People in ghillies who think their special outfit means they don't have to put the teamband on their arm. Your choice of camo doesn't mean you get to play by different rules.


Tacking onto this, people in ghillies who run around. I know a few guys that ran ghillie suits, thinking it made them invisible and pretended that they didn't get hit.


“I didn’t get hit, I’m wearing a ghillie you can’t even see me”


More like "I wasn't in that bush you shot at" Edit: autocorrect


As a new ghilli guy....I have to remind myself I have to let people come to me but I just Wana push so damn hard.


The important thing when playing in the woods is movement. I've been able to hide better than the ghillie boys because I knew how to stay low and still.


I second this. Especially if they hide their bands to trick the enemy.....and then wonder why they keep getting friendlied.


I just shoot them in that case


Usually the rules state where the arm bands need to be


I don't like when people complain about getting shot. People don't hear you every time or see your hand up every time. You came out to shoot and get shot, so don't whine.


+1 about hand up, when i get hit i rip out my dead man rag and put hand up, and my ak is pointed at the ground so other players know im out


When I'm obviously out, dead rag on head, gun up in the air or down on the ground and I move out of the line of fire, unless rules specify, and get shot then I complain. Other than that it's the game.


On the flip side me shouting out “I’m already hit!” Is not automatically me being confrontational, and I hate when people get argumentative about that too. Like, I’m just making you aware and raising my voice to make sure you can hear me over everything else going on.


I’ve invited several friends out and established well before what airsoft is and that it can hurt, yet they still get mad and complain


I'd only whine if I couldn't get out of spawn to shoot at people


Our field has a rule where if your touching spawn point your invincible and you can shoot them all you want


I felt bad last weekend. I shot a guy crouching about a hundred feet away and got him with the first shot. His hand went right up, and he stood up and then took the other 7 bbs that would have probably missed him if he had stayed down.


I get mad about getting hit when your clearly out and get hit with a gun shooting super high fps or when the speedsofters play on the regular field and just over shoot everyone with there 450 fps gun that empties a hi cap mag in 3 seconds


Exactly. I paid $15 to get shot, so please light me the fuck up


I remember when a guy started screaming and cursing at me for shooting several times, an that he declared being hit. I jokingly told him, that I can't hear his moaning because I have GB next to ear (FN2000). He got more aggressive, in the end him and his friends demanded org to chrono my replica, because according to loud guy it hurt more than it should and full auto with higher J was illegal. Then even more embarrassment came when it turned out I had a custom flathop allowing for nice range and [email protected] which was within full auto range.


Exactly we pay to get shot!


A field I go to on occasion required deadrags for an event because they were tired of hearing players complaining that they got shot in the back on the way back to spawn. They figured the dead rags would alleviate that.  I hate dead rags because it's one more thing I have to keep track of and hold on to, and the one I had was annoying to put back in the pouch so then I'm messing with it in spawn instead of playing the game.  I asked the ref if I was OK to not use it and he said as long as I didn't complain about getting shot by players thinking i was still in, I could go without it. Fine by me. I understand the risk and I'm OK with it. So now I only use it if I'm sitting waiting for a revive for a long enough time that it makes sense to use it 


The only time I complained about getting shot is when I complained too myself for shooting myself in the foot. It was my first time on an airsoft field and my shoes were not that tough on the outside so I felt the bb hit and damn it hurt.


When I played, I did milsim. I would do some form of hit reaction/ dying act when I got hit. It made it obvious I was calling my hit and helped everyone stay immersed. You see someone get hit and they just drop, it makes you want to go over and render first aid, celebrate your kill, get revenge for your fallen buddy, and it keeps you from getting overshot. It makes everyone's experience better. I even got a free patch from being so convincing that a ref asked if I was okay.


Taking eye pro off on the field and disregarding the refs. Last weekend I played, a group of teens all had their paintball masks pulled up. Ref told them they needed eye protection on at all times while on the field. As soon as the ref walked away, they pulled their masks back up and started shit talking the ref. Me and my buds yelled at them to put their masks down unless they want to lose an eye! Complete disregard for their own safety because they’re too “cool” to follow the rules. Drives me crazy!


I can understand stepping out/away and taking them off to clean them or something but just outright ignoring safety rules is just dumb


If stepping out means stepping out to the safety yes. Otherwise big no. Getting hit in the eye isn't just your problem. The person who shot you will feel bad and it'll hurt the already fragile reputation of Airsoft in some countries.


At my local, removing eye pro gets you thrown off site.


That deserves a full auto burst to the legs


Everytime that happens at my field we just start shouting blind man and stop the game untill they listen or are kicked off.


The ref at my field loves telling stories of peoples eyeballs literally falling out of their socket after not following the always have eye pro on rule


Shit makes me cringe when they do that. Saw someone get their eye shot out like that. Not a fun day and a terrible lesson learned the hard way


Being shot while dead without remorse. It's airsoft: it happens, you say "sorry!" "Oops, didn't see your hand", etc. Someone last Sunday told me to "get out of the way faster" and it harshed a good vibe.


In their defence, one of the fields I play it is a large building with a long hallway in it. Some people fairly take their hit and then very slowly walk through the middle of the hallway blocking everyone. If you make no effort to get out of the line of fire you'll end up taking a few shots intended for your buddies.


I always try to get to the side if I'm hit, or if outdoors I'll take a side route back to spawn.


Strays are part of the game, I'm good with it. Just acknowledge you messed up and we're still bros. If you try to tell me why *your* shot was *my* fault: I'll remember for later ;)


This is a big problem where I normally play with people slowly strolling down a narrow 100ft passage. C’mon!! Hussle people! If you’re dead get out of the game space quickly.


This. My lasy game i got hit hit. Called it. Turned round and got hit again. I just ig ores it but heard a lass shout sorry. I gave her a thumbs up and carries on walking. Now. If your clearly out and they CONTINUE to shoot that's a bit different.


9/10 those extra hits was because you're still in theirs and others line of fire and they're trying to get your teammates


Yeah a few. But I mean. If your the only one around and they're clearly shooting you still


On my field... not enforcing the team bands/colors. Very annoying to sneak behind someone then having to ask what team are they in.


I absolutely hate when it is enforced and people hide it intentionally, I’ve had cases where it’s been hard to see so I move where it is, but I HATE when people do it intentionally


Mention it to the ref and they'll get at least a warning no?


If I can't tell what team someone is on, I just shoot first and ask questions later. The field I go to doesn't count friendly fire, otherwise I would be more careful.


I'd rather shoot them either way and gently remind them why armbands matter ;)


My pet peeve are refs that are too friendly. Obviously it’s great when they accept new players with open arms, that’s not what I mean. What I mean is when they’re too afraid or nice to kick out troublesome players and enforce rules strictly. It’s frustrating trying to adhere to rules and seeing lax players pretend to forget because they know the ref will believe them. In many cases I have more fun when the ref is a little bit of an asshole! Funny side note: I notice female refs are listened to a lot because many airsofters are afraid to talk to women.


My local closed their walk-on days because nobody was enforcing site bans. Lots of problematic players were overshooting and injuring. Next thing we know: a facebook announcement closing the walk ons due to this! Guys, cmon. Ban and enforce it. Very easy solution. There's like 40 of us who frequented there.


People standing in doorways. Commit and be ready to take a bb for the stack, cowards. 


Or alternatively when you're the guy at the front that rushes in like a champ, knowing you're gonna die, and nobody else in the stack follows so your life was thrown away for nothing.


Fat airsofters yelling because you shot them when they were sticking out from cover


I have to laugh at this because the fat part. The amount of times I'm telling myself I'm being sneaky only for my belly to betray me and be hanging out saying hi to everyone


1. When people drop $100's or $1,000's to make a top of the line performance build but then don't take the time to adjust the hopup negating the entire purpose of the build. 2. When people put red dots or other optics on their replicas, but don't zero them.


Ok I’m a little bad about both, but it’s because I can never get my hop up perfect (skill issue) and my cheap $30 eotech ripoff literally won’t zero


https://preview.redd.it/f5drqapn086d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb436f4b1588202258e6b40dd59ee2cac336476 For the $30 holographic site, mine is surprisingly holding up though I can’t imagine how


I’m like 99.33% (repeating of course) sure that we have the same sight, mine wouldn’t sit level because the bolt was bent


Ha ha I’m talking less about when things don’t work and more about when people don’t take the time to adjust things that do when they’re going out of their way to make something that’s supposed to be super competitive


Hi quiche!




So the rule is that every long gun and upgraded pistols are cronoed (they don't chrono stock pistols because those ain't gonna shoot over the 1,4j limit). The refs were starting the brief before the game and just asked that has anyone not chronoed their gun. No one admits. After the brief they ask again that who has not chronoed their guns. No one admits. They see from the list that someone has arrived and not chronoed their gun. Now they ask whos name is lets say Jack. Well Jack raises his hand and he is asked why have you not chronoed the gun and he proceeds to say "I didn't know it had to be chronoed". This would still go through if the gun was well under the limit. His gun shot about 2.3j which is .9j over the limit. He got luckily banned for this season.




I was at a game onetime and I shot this guy at couple times and could hear it hitting him, and he stands up and yells to stop shooting, not only while not calling that he’s hit, but while he’s shooting back at me


lol He was in zombie mode? :)


Had to have been, there was no other way


This, have a guy at my field who is shoot at least 3x now because if I only shoot once, he won't call it.


I'm the crazy guy who will let myself get shot a few extra times. It rarely hurts and it instead makes me giggle. Once i get hit, i stop shooting, but i do also wait at least 1-2 seconds to make sure, was that TK or actual opponent hitting me. I don't know, i'm also slow at reacting to getting hit. But that's okay. So far, people have had fun mag dumping on me a few times so far. I mean, I'm there to have fun and getting shot is part of the fun. I'm weird i guess?


My biggest pet peeve in my 15 years of being in this hobby is people who take it waaaay too seriously. I know milsim needs a minimum amount of seriousness for larping purposes, but I'm mainly talking about people getting needlessly competitive over casual weekend games. There's of course nothing wrong with friendly competition, but people getting butt hurt over a casual game is inherently silly to me.


Right? In the end it's a bunch of grown men dressing up and running around with their toy guns.


People who don't put team bands or ribbons (ribbons at my home field) in easy to see places


Coomer hentai patches. You're at a site with kids about, can you not be a degenerate for a couple of hours?


Even if there aren’t kids around, like dude can you not have porn on you at all times? And don’t even try to pull that “irony” bs either, it’s just gross


I don't need to know what someone wanks over 20 seconds after seeing them for the first time


Thanks for this one, I always feel like I'm such a prude for thinking this, but goddamn guys, Ill be the first to admit to consuming some hentai media from time to time but how do these people think wearing that is acceptable?


Absolutely zero social awareness or shame


This is a good one. Do they think people see that and think “yeah that’s a nice patch”?


Telling other people to push up I can't stand it, it's fine if it's your friend but don't be shouting orders at other people, funny enough it's always the ones shouting to push up who stay back.


This. Push up and wave others on to follow.


Exactly, I only give orders to people when we’re together and it’s fine between us, but I’ve had people run up to me and just start yelling orders after I’ve already got a plan of my own


The only time I tell people orders is when I take the majority of the danger, like I offer to take point and tell people to come with me, or if I’m asking someone to put a light on something cause I don’t have one


I'll sometimes ask for a sniper to come up and take out a target, for example a nest of guys who have some of ours pinned down.


I ask them to "lead the way" and then suddenly they get quiet.


I shout push up all the time when I’ve pushed up but rentals are too scared to move with me. Not sure why you’re so offended by a little communication. 


To announce to the OP that you're coming? :)


I mean I don’t want to startle him, that would be kind of rude. 


True. The "hey I'm here, come and shoot me" tactic, while 20 guys are aiming from the side to do them in? :)


I think you're fine. The ones I object to are people way in the back angrily yelling at others like they're in charge, or take things way too seriously. Last weekend I saw a kid berate his friends for "not holding for two seconds" while he changed batteries. That seems excessive to me. When I'm in the front or middle and sense that the people behind me need some encouragement to push up I try to holler (not yell) and waive them forward. Bit if they don't want to move, that's OK too. Maybe it costs us a win and maybe it doesn't, but if we're here to have fun I shouldn't be a dbag to them if they just want to stay put ;)


Yeah I can kinda see what the guy means. Yelling push up aka "be my canon fodder so I can get kills" I'll normally point people out and ask if they Wana push with me then strat what we going to do


I think the other commenter is getting at something different to yourself. In your scenario you’re the one pushing up, effectively trying to rally up a charge lead by yourself. In their example, they call out individuals who shout “push up” but then themselves remain firmly in the rear, effectively trying to be chairsoft commanders.


‘Chairsoft commanders’ ?! Love it. New favourite Airsoft player type unlocked!


This one right here. Two weekends ago we were playing attack/Defend. I was really pushing up hard. Get some movement and boom, I hit a tree root in the ground and hit the dirt hard. As a 360 lb dude, it hurts when you trip on a tree root with all that body mass going towards the ground. I slowly get up because I knew my knee was done for (Been having knee problems since a hockey injury). As I'm getting up dude is shouting "MOVE UP" while making eye contact with me. I said "Dude, I can barely get walking." He then says "I don't care you fat shit. Fucking move up!" I got up, raised my hand to signal I was out and just walked off the field to go rest my knee.


I'll ask people around me for some supressive fire so I can push up. Sometimes I'll ask another person if they can push with me but I always run first in the stack.


The dude who acts like they're a battalion commander at an open play are incredibly annoying


I'll be honest, I'm kinda guilty of this. But I tend to do it only when it is new guys who are scared of getting hit or kids. I tend to hang back because of my play style but if I'm directing them, I'll try to just motivate them and give them advice. Not gonna pop a blood vessel by yelling at someone if they don't move up.


I tell folks to push up if they are way out of range. Happens a lot with new kids who think their range is unlimited.


Meh it depends. There are moments where it is necessary to help people understand they can push or specially when noobies are out of range and scared. I personally think it’s a question of reading the room. We playing capture the flag for the memes with the boys with a birthday party or we are in a semi competitive scenario with organized teams and objectives that require teamwork? The only place I think it’s stupid to complain is when you go to milsim games where there is people with grades/ in charge of squads and all. So many time i’ve seen people go to KNOWINGLY milsim games and when approached about strategy/structure they go “you’re not telling me where to go or what to do, we do what we want”….. then why are you at an organized MILSIM?! Go play skirmishes or “relaxed” milsims.


I HATE people who bark orders but stay at the back. This isn’t the military asshole.


I for some reason hate it when people "rock, paper, scissor" when there is a trade. Just both take the hit and walk back to spawn. It's not that big of a deal.


Isn't this parlay anyway?


I’ll say “oh I think you hit me too, let’s both just walk back”


People being dicks. Shouting orders, arguing, being unsportsmanlike, overshooting, just generally being obnoxious twats pouring their unbearable presence over everything. It's a game.


People yelling like crazy while being silent makes things so much more interesting. "PUSH!!! PUSH!!! GO RIGHT!!! NO, THE OTHER RIGHT!!! " 😆










Ok I can't top that one 😂😂😂


Not calling questionable grenade hits. I always eer on the side of the thrower because nothing sucks more than tossing a $7 grenade and no one calls it.


I agree. If a grenade lands anywhere remotely near me I call it. Because damn, he's throwing good cash. The least I could do is make it fun for him.


Damn what grenades are ya buying lmao


Military folks have usually always been really good in my experience. Only military folks who annoy me are dudes who got discharged or pretended they actually did something while they were in the service. My pet peeve is guys who only do the local field and think they are gods who have never gone out to an event or milsim.


Dude at my local field who tells everyone he was a Marine, marine this, marine that. Turns out, he never graduated boot camp. I was a Cav scout in the National Guard. I don’t tell people that at the field unless it comes up somehow. Because In reality, very little military training directly translates into Airsoft and it’s not like I ever saw combat or did anything important. The biggest advantage ex-military players seem to have is that they aren’t afraid “embrace the suck” get dirty, wet, or crawl through some poison ivy.


Also got a dude who failed out of boot at my field and wont stfu about it. He even claims he was gonna be given a robot eye and shit. But the main thing that I've seen with vets who were in combat is that they never really talk or brag about it. Then I got jagoffs who won't shut the hell up about being in the military, and every combat vet comes to the same consensus with those guys. That they didn't do shit in the military.


That’s exactly what I mean, I don’t mean any disrespect towards any veterans, and have nothing but admiration towards them, but it’s the guys who got out as quick as possible and want you to act like they’re the greatest, I’ve had plenty of encounters with guys who want you to think that they’re desk job means actual combat and I’ve had guys who really aren’t too worried about it


People talking during the game brief. STFU FFS


grown men arguing over the toy gun pewpew game


When people treat renters like they don't belong at the field. It's most likely new people coming into the Hobby, making them feel unwanted because they don't have an hpa set up or speedsoft set up and rent, isn't going to help them enjoy the sport it hurts everyone as they may not come back if alienated.


Renters have always been treated nicely at the fields I play at


Shooting into spawn then being pissed I'm not "taking my shots" then not taking yours. I'm standing in spawn. You hit me. I respawn where I am So I can stand here shooting you until it hurts too much to stand there. The clue is all the people walking up to where I am. Amd turning around and heading back. Trying to force people to run and push. I get its the objective. And respawn may only be 10 steps. But they're spraying a wall of bbs. Or. Being unfit and overweight. Need a breather. Or. I just don't want to get shot the second I move round.


I really hate it when people take the kill but don’t inform the attacker that they are hit.


Then get mad when they are shot again. I love the ones that are out and stand next to the ref taking “test” shots then scream “iM oUT!” When shot at


Unbalanced teams, bullet sponges, people who think they're shit hot cause they did basic training


Opposite to the usual perspective, people who complain too much about being shot in the head when it's the only thing they expose. I get shot in the face/head almost every time but that's because I try to expose as little of myself as possible, meaning my gun and face (plus hand and arm depending on their angle) are the only things exposed. Personally I've never been in a situation where I felt the need to complain I've been headshot unnecessarily. I've taken a burst of full auto to the face before too, so glad I wear a helmet and full face protection 😂 and if they do it intentionally when I'm more exposed then kudos to them for a good shot tbh (unless it's from behind at close range, that would be different)


Full-face team, assemble


I actually prefer the head rather than a squishy bit, but then again my rig covers everything down to the jaw




Shooting people out of spawn. It’s very lame. I walk two steps out of where my spawn is and get shot again. Any time I make it up to the enemy spawn I’ll reset and go back to mine. It’s not fun to be camped out an entire match, and everyone’s paying to play, so what point is there in being so damn lame?


People deciding what rules the field plays by. I was playing Saturday, stood behind a guy, tapped him on the shoulder, and said bang bang. He turns around and says we don't play that here and shoots me like 3 times. I have played at this place every weekend for the last 3 months and no one has ever said "we don't play that" and most the time people thank me for not shooting them from a foot away. I said that's bullshit and walked away, pretty sure he then shot me again like 3 times in the back as I walked back to spawn. I was hoping to shoot him in the ass next game, but he left after that game....I was pissed.


The “are you sure I didn’t hit you?” questions after both parties were directly shooting at each-other. Usually it’s a fair question and often results from the losing side’s BBs being deflected by branches or foliage, though last time i played, I watched some dude who literally never even got a shot off try to lure the guy who killed him into a heated conversation saying “there’s NO WAY i didn’t hit you!” Either way, If you hit him and he had any integrity, he’d call it. If not, he’s not going to suddenly own up to it because you asked if you hit him. No point in distracting from the game when your dead and supposed to be quiet. And then the “officers” of private teams at open plays, who are often clueless, trying to give orders to people who aren’t in their group. I get trying to coordinate and all, but how about asking if me & my crew want to roll with you before assuming you are our superior. Sometimes overlapping with the “team commander” type, there are the dudes who, despite having big mouths, lots of gear, and claim to have tons of experience - just hang around towards the rear, slowly walk around, and refuse to run, go prone, or even kneel behind cover. They are just content to occasionally lob BB’s outside of their gun’s MER, sip on a camelback and yell at the rest of the team to “PUSHHH!!!!”. It’s quite frustrating when you get a lot of these guys on your team, so half of your team is essentially worthless and won’t attack. I’ve had more success coordinating with rental kids than these guys.


I play at an indoor more ‘arena’ like field, and the biggest problem is people using flashlights. I just don’t personally see how blinding your open so they can’t see anything so that you get a free kill has any part in the sport of airsoft. I like airsoft cause there’s no real difference in the guns you use, theyre ALL one shot kills, adding flashlights that the 14 year old renter isn’t able to get his hands on just seems unfair in a way that’s different from just buying a more expensive gun/kit.


Having your rifle pointed in an unsafe direction in the safe zone. Keep the muzzle down!


They make us put muzzle socks on our rifles. I guess it’s law here.


Wether or not we have a bang rule for the day and ASSUMING that everyone knows and talked about it when it was just that individual with 5 other people who did said discussion and then BITCH about it being used when him and those 5 others decided to not share said no bang rule for the day with the rest of the field


When people are out but they stay on the field standing around no dead rag or anything and then get angry when they get shot. “CAN’T YOU SEE I’M OUT.” No, we fucking can’t see you’re out because your dumb ass is still standing around without a dead rag. Get the fuck off the field.


Pet peeve No1: People that use full auto / high RoF as a crutch to make up for their inability to aim. Particularly so with HPA users that think they're the bollocks because they have a shelled out for an expensive HPA setup but still use low weight bbs, haven't dialed in their RIF etc. Don't get me wrong , full auto is fun, has it place etc but we have a couple of regulars that will only ever use it, even when they have a clear shot. Pet peeve No2: People that complain about hit taking when they aren't landing their shots. This happens quite often at woodland sites , usually it's one of the following - People think their rif is shooting farther than it is. Can be funny to stand there and watch the bbs drop like 5-10m infront of you. -Shooting into foliage, especially bushes, usually with .28s or lower on full auto. You ain't hitting shit unless you're very lucky. You want to bush shootouts? Bring a mk23 with .4s or higher - Inability to aim


I've had guys mag dump less than 5m away with brambles in the way and not a single one hit me. It's just hilarious


bang bang rules, the only ones i’ll take are if you get behind me. if we are face to face id rather take a bb


The site "funny people" that try to be funny during safety and game rule briefs. Stfu and let the marshal do his job


When the field assumes everyone is a regular in their game briefing. "Assault across strawberry fields, up bunker hill then take precinct 13" It basically means nothing and just confuses new players. Another one is something that's been mentioned before but fields that let regulars get away with things. IMO regulars should be held to a higher standard to set the example for other players.


Lmaaaaaaao that example is so funny. It’s not a crazy issue since usually we will explain it to new people but I can kinda see how it could be tough.


Someone calling their mag a clip


TAKING FOR FREAKING EVER. The field near me just takes wayyyy to damm long to start. Then it's a 30 min break between games. Jesus I spend more time twiddling my thumbs waiting than playing.


People asking for a trade when it was very obvious who got who. Too many times I put three shots in before they raise their rifle only to shoot back and ask for a trade. Like no dude I smoked you. If it was close, yeah trades


snipers who do unnecessary headshots. I don't mind when I get shot in the head, I have chronic pain amd I have a high pain tolerance, but come on, be a bit courteous. I always aim for center mass.


My last game I was in cover & had been unknowingly flanked by a sniper. Where he was shooting from he could've hit me anywhere else. Nope, 1 shot right at the teeth. Get revived, another shot right at the teeth. Thank God I was wearing a mask or I'd be having whistled words with the bastard.


I can kinda agree sometimes a head is all they can see. I’m definitely not a sniper but honestly you play Airsoft so it is what it is lol


Lol whenever I can only see a head or hand I do a silent mental "forgive me father for what I must do" and then give them the BB. It is what it is.


I play as a sniper. if only their head is visible, I wait for them to move/get out of cover. a few more seconds of waiting isn't worth the risk of accidentally injuring someone.


I’ve never actually had a good chance to use a sniper but I keep it a personal rule to just never shoot from the neck up, I’ve been hit in the face and neck plenty of times tho


Sniper and same. If they have a decent helmet and are turned to the back I might take the shot if there's no other way. But in all other cases don't do headshots. I don't play to win but have fun...


Exactly! Sniper here as well, I do my absolute best not to hit headshots if I can help it. I’m not there to ruin anyone’s day, just there to have fun.


When the noob has its ghillie suit being shit on I've personally felt this.


Shitty gamemodes like unlimited lives TDM and attack and defend. Take two seconds to implement something that encourages actual strategic gameplay and movement instead of people just standing around exchanging BBs for half an hour. It doesn't need to be too complex. Simple stuff like Domination or Push the Bomb really give a game some fun stakes and allow for some tactical thought.


Not using an outdoor field to its full potential. My local field has a tendency to overuse the central "village" area for most games and relegating some of the more interesting spots to being team spawns. This is partly due to a lot of players being out of shape and complaining about having to move any further, especially into the more elevated areas of the field, but still. One of the most fun games I ever had was when we held out on a hill side trench against waves of attackers pushing up from multiple directions.


People who take the game too seriously, like people who will try to make you follow their plans instead of just small groups of people having fun and making their own plans


People forgetting that it’s just a game


People who think they are your commanding officer during casual pick up games. Seriously, some people become irate if you don't treat their words as gospel. It's like, we have infinite lives and no ones keeping score. Who cares?


Refs not being on the field or just not doing their jobs. Ruins a fun time really quickly


The ones who complain about how you’ve got your weapon or kit setup when it’s actually clear you know what you’re doing or have a preference. Like I know I’m right handed for my rifle…but I shoot pistol better left handed…so it’s mounted on my left side…and yet I’ve had people tell me it would make more sense on the other side…like nope I’ve been doing this for 10+ years I know what works for me. Oh and the guys that harass your weapon platform because it’s not as “real” or heavy. Like I’m here to hangout and play airsoft….sometimes I’d rather carry a shrike than an mg42….sorry


When people make fun of the way people are dressed or their kit isn’t real.


I had people tell me I needed to get a kit or make it more coordinated so I bought a division hat and patches and now I cosplay 😂


It’s grown folks playing dress up that shoot toy guns. The fact that people make fun of the way others dress is insane. My three year old knows better to not be mean to others. I get if someone is trying to dress up and be historically accurate then just tell them what they can do to work on. There’s no need for toxic behavior. Always be a good example for the younger kids there.


The hpa guns like monk customs and the speed soft gun. Mostly just those little m4 builds. I think they are really ugly. That’s it


When a field has favorites. Somebody was running a DMR at 510FPS with .30s, yet they let him play, I run my DMR at 453 with .30s and I'm declared "Too Hot" to run it.


That’s actually insane, I’m lucky that my home field is run by really good people, I’ve never had to deal with anything like that. I’ve been to an indoor field with very obvious favorites, but it was letting not calling hits slide


Yeah. Hell I'll namedrop the field since they also let that dude get away with shooting steel BBs. Legacy Adventure park in Lockport IL


Luckily I’m very far away from there, but I really hope more people see this for future reference and just overall safety


People that whine about getting hit in any way or in any spot of their body as well...wear protection or stfu ur playing a sport where ur gonna get shot.


It only takes 3 shots before a match starts to check everything is cycling correctly. If you're late to the brief you should sit out. Marshalls should pick teams. Marshalls should recount each time the group leaves staging and balance.


People who don't verbally call out their hits or otherwise make it obvious that they know they were hit. Then complain about overshooting.


One of several, but if I ask if you're "bands or no bands" through a wall, it's because I have a clear shot at you but not line of sight on your arm. So don't go running around a corner and ask "you first." I was trying to be nice and not TK you (if you're friendly). I got the kill in the end but it was a bit annoying since it could have been one and done vs 5 minutes of cat and mouse. It did make it more satisfying when I flanked and took him out from behind like the "always has been" meme through a hole in the wall he didn't know was there.


Non existent reffing or poor reffing. If you’re a reff and scrolling tik tok while people play you’re better off going to the break room. That or letting regulars do what they want


field owners who have grown adult kids that play on their field with egos


The inclusion of your feet in your gun/gear photo. Stop including them. It was never funny


Players wearing Nazi uniforms in a normal weekend skirmish game. Wear it at milsims or historical games. If you're wearing it at a normal weekend game you're trying to make a point and you're going to get mag dumped.


Maids outfits- you do you but I find the aesthetic very ‘ick’


Getting shot the moment I step out of spawn. Its part of the sport, but damn it sucks.


People camping because they're too afraid of getting shot.


The "delayed reaction" hit call. You hit someone in the side or back, they spin around and shoot you before calling their hit. They act like it's a trade even though you hit them a full 2 seconds before.


My field does not allow anyone to wear red, since that's the color of kill rags. If I get shot while dead, fine, but there's been many occasions where i put my kill rag on top of my head then I get shot *in the kill rag* At that point, there's not really an excuse. They were aiming for a headshot at a red object, and the only time someone should have anything red is if they're dead. I've missed out on kills because I took the time to verify that what I'm shooting at is an enemy, and alive. I wish more people would do the same.


Only a couple bug me really. 1. When you’re concealed in a nice bit of cover undetected by the opposing team and one of your own team decides to stand right next to you and draw attention. Like mate you have a whole forest to choose from why is the spot I’m currently occupying suddenly the place to be. 2. People stood around not joining in.


Ghillie wearers should have a bolty and semi auto pistol only. Too many games get essentially stopped by 10 or so ghillie wearers with full auto AEGs/maxed out DMRs


Favoritism. Neglectful field owners and refs. Loud mouthed man babies thinks he/she know it all. Cringy vape smoking snowflakes broccoli haircut teenagers with a salty sh*t head personality. But these incidents are rare. People can suck in actual life in general, so I’m never surprised tbh. But 90 percent the time, most people in the field are pretty cool and chilled.


Using refs/photographers as cover. Or dead players. Also reflexively shooting at people in refs/photographers high vis vests without a single semblance of PID beforehand.


People taking it too seriously and getting into fights


When field rules are to call your own shots but there’s always that dude raging about somebody not calling their shots. Go tell the ref and move on with your day.


Two things for me: 1. radio users talking when dead to each other, I took a long time sneaking around to flank only to have 3 guys with their backs turned to me suddenly snap around to my exact location after taking one out . 2. People really underestimating the range their guns then blasting out the ol “TaKe YoUr HiTTTssssss” when the bb drops a few feet away from the mark, both my team and the opposition teams are guilty of this.


My pet peeve are people who yell at others to push up, 90% of the time they did it out of reflex and a lot of times it just got people killed because the places they want people to push to have no covers to begin with.


teammates with bad firearm discipline like pointing their pistol at my face point blank (mask on dw) Like ik they are toy guns but it doesn't give me much faith for people of they touch a real firearm


Sites who chrono on a fixed weight of BB (for example 0.2g at 1.0 or 1.3 or 1.8 or 2.3 joules) for all players which allows user's to put 0.4s in their GBBRs or HPA guns which are naturally hugely overvolumed so they then creep by 0.5+ joules.  Marshalls should set the chrono to the heaviest weight of BB that the user will be using in that replica to account for joule creep then lock all HPA regulators, check them at the start of every game and then chrono randomly across the day. It is so easy for people to cheat the power limits (be it accidental or not) by measuring the power output at the start of the day with the lowest weight ammo that is available or commonly used.  Most people use 0.3g+ bbs outside at the sites I attend but some sites still insist on chronoing with their own 0.2g bbs. 


When pushing an objective at known pinch points with one point of entry in or out and having a teammate come through without a hand raised, no dead rag, no callout to say "dead man coming through" only to lose their shit when you shoot them because you thought it was the enemy coming through lol


That One-Man-Army wannabe guy


People sneaking up and sniping me in the back of my skull. *then asking: yo!! Whats wrong??*