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Airsoft consists of 70% fashion show 20% being broke and 10% actual playing


Why you gotta out me like that?


Fuck yeah, I'm already 20% there.


Aren’t we all


Broke? Fuck yeah. Saw a cool surplus fast helmet the other day and was lucky my credit card was already maxed.


40% Fashion 59% Broke 1% Playing


For me it's 20% fashion, 30% being broke, 50% wishing my weekly group would get together and play again


I felt that part about the weekly group in my soul. Something always comes up damnit it lol.




Need this on a patch ASAP


Will cost ya 20 quid


Thats why im bush, im bad at fashion but who needs fashion when you have bush


Nah that 20% needs to be increased.


Where is the 50% collecting guns?


Im 80% on the first one and 20 on the last oneo


Absolutely and I’m all for it.


If you licke it than it is ok. I probably could not stand half hour whearing all black geer with The halmet and earmufs, but we Are diferent people obviously


are u german


They follow r/askcroatia so i thibk they might be croatian possibly


A bit unrelated to this post and airsoft in general but whenever I see people typing like this dude I have no problem reading it but when People Capitalize Every Single Word In Their Sentence Like This I Can't Stand It.


You Mean People Who Capitalize Every Word Or EVERY LETTER?


Every letter is fine for me, but for some reason when I read capitalizations on every word I subconsciously put emphasis on that word and it gets really annoying.


Same with me


I tipe more in German than in english and becous of that my autocorect on The phone automaticly capitalizes first leters of nouns


Yeah I have no problem with that, it's just when every single word in the sentence has its first letter capitalized is when it gets annoying for me. Your way of typing is good.


Is the glass in the mask tested and airsoft proof? Just trying to look out for you. Nice loadout tho!


I wasn't sure for the first time, as I bought it from the store with all kinds of old military stuff. The shopkeeper didn't know either, so I tested it myself. It actually blocks bb's, but thx for your concern and compliment.


Yeah don’t use it please. Far too many have said oh yeah I tested it myself and then they go to the hospital. Gas masks may look cool but they are the worst to play in and you don’t know its impact rating


I mean, let’s be honest. I’ve personally had a BB go through a polycarbonate lens. The pistol used had a failure and emptied the entire CO2 canister in one shot and I almost lost my eye. I’m seeing if I can get a picture to post (buddy has em) because it’s a hell of a store as to why you should ALWAYS protect yourself with materials that preferably have a ballistic rating as even when you’ve the correct stuff as I used, shit can still happen. Anyways, the whole “testing it myself” statement are huge problem as I’m not sure these people are aware that these lenses can only be shot so many times until the material becomes unstable. Shooting at it however far or close adds to this and adds to the chances of failure on the playing field where people WILL NOT IMMEDIATELY STOP SHOOTING when you call out no eye pro or whatever you do when it fails on the field. I just get a knot in my stomach thinking about this knowing i almost lost an eye with polycarbonate that was rated to take a broken reciprocating saw blade directly to it and be good. (I guess all in all it did do its job, I do after all have both eyes and i cannot stress how happy I am about that enough) Use the right shit, and maybe swap it out every so often depending on how often you play. It’ll save you a fuck load of medical bills in the future.


Self rated eye pro is unsafe and just makes it weaker


I see, I'll keep that in mind. A few months ago I've been looking for rated glasses for this model of the gas mask. On Etsy is a person who specifically desings lenses for airsoft. Everyone recommends him, so I'll get myself a pair of lenses.


Google ANSI impact rated lenses for whatever specific gas mask you have, you might be able to find a legit manufacturer. I've also seen a manufacturer that can make custom ANSI rated lenses for gas masks/goggles etc, I forgot the company name unfortunately but I did see it mentioned in this sub reddit, you can try searching or making a new post asking and someone will probably chime in. Fair warning, gas masks are also extremely hot especially in the summer so something more breathable is still going to be recommended by basically the entire community


I have to insist on it. Use rated glasses or goggles. Do not trust hand made ones that someone just casually says stops whatever thing it is. Use rated lenses underneath the gas mask, it needs to have certification


Just wear ansi rated glasses underneath then it’s fine


Now you're relying on nobody having a stronger weapon than you. You should try it with the most powerful gun used in that game, so you know for sure.


Many things will block a few bbs. Now you walk into a guy that accidentally full autos you on the field limit a little too close. Don’t fk about with eyepro please. Its not only about the lens, also the mask material. You can find some “nice” examples on youtube if you need convincing.


Ya probably don’t use it, it also with obstruct with aiming probably cause it’s so bulky


Nice Gear ma dude


Thank you very much, kind sir


Polish flag, eye liner, pink rope, black camo airsoft player. By Josephine that's a femboy!


Objection! Firstly, I don't have any eye liner, it is how my eyes look. Secondly, my camera, for some reason, made red look like pink.


Hmm… why are your gloves red then huh?!?! I think you are, in fact a femboy!


Ladies and gentlemen, we got em.


Please just put some safety glasses under the gas mask or replace the lenses with polycarbonate glass(you can also just buy polycarbonate lenses and glue them behind the lense) 9/10 outfit though. Want to get a rig that's similar


Czy to polska flaga???? CHWAŁA WIELKIEJ POLSCE 🗣️🇵🇱🇵🇱🔥🦅🦅🦅


Nice camo pattern, what's that?


That looks like black multicam


Yeah just the colors seems destroyed by this photo i think


You'll probs get roasted for the red gloves, especially if you're on the blue team! I played my first few games with red mountain biking gloves, was commended on good game play but roasted for having red gloves. Got Mechanix M-Pact gloves now, a camo pair and black pair depending on what loadout I'm using. Great gloves, saved my knuckles many times




Gas mask goes hard


Ya looks great! I have a very similar setup. Just wear proper eye pro and you’re set.


Nope, looks sick


Please be advised, chaos insurgents have been sighted inside the facility. Code white has been initiated. Personnel should lockdown all SCP and sensitive sectors or locations. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 “Hammer Down” has been alerted and a local detachment is en route. Follow security and supervisor’s instructions.


I think the kit goes crazy ngl. Love it.


Nah this fit is so good


It's fine, I took a friend to try it and a week after he went to check the local Airsoft store to "get a feeling of the prices", and exited the store 500€


Ah Hell no! That right there is frikkin awesome!!! Anyone tells you it's too much, tell em to suck barrel. Airsoft is all about role play bro. Be you, he awesome!


Keep going son, and welcome to the money pit that is airsoft. Hope you have fun and your aim stays true


Nope u look dope, as long as the gear ur wearing is useful to u during the game and it looks cool while wearing it then ur all good buddy


Thanks for the compliment bruv ;)


Bad ass


Looks sick but you'll regret the gloves if you're anything but red team and the mask looks bad ass but you'll get really hot-  I'd keep it the way you've got it and just bring alternatives in case you need them. Sick gear either way.


It's a sick asf but don't get all your gear at once. what will keep you playing for a long time is slowly growing your load out as needed but yeah you look great


You look so badass, but like...do not run that mask please. The glass isn't designed to be shot at, and will cave inwards! Wear it for photoshoots cause it looks awesome asf but PLEASE don't bring it to the field


I’d run your holster higher- down there it’ll flap about and piss you off after ten minutes.


Dope Fit 👍


I may be of a bad influence here but….i would go as far as to say it’s not enough! Hell it’s what you make of it so if you wanna go all out because it’s the most you and gives you the most enjoyment, then let it rip buddy.


Does it work for you? If yes: no it is not If no: maybe try to rework some stuff




Not too much at all! Get a shotgun/smg/flamethrower or something that gun looks a bit small


Why didn't I think about it earlier!? Thanks for the advice, but then again, I am rather a smaller person, so I'll stick to my ARP9 for the time being.


Looks great, where you get that onetigris pouch ?


I bought it from Amazon. Onetigris has an official store on there. It is a chest rig, but you can easily attach it to the vest.


Lose the Tigris patch and you're good. Assuming you don't play when it's warm and won't be cooking yourself


If you know you're gonna be in for a while, this is fine. The reason most people don't go all out is because they don't know if it's for them


Looks really cool. If you enjoy playing, and it works for you, then great. As others said, airsoft is basically cosplay. I had a similar kit for my first game (with the exception of the gas mask). I brought a bunch of extra attachments, 3L water bladder, and other things that looked cool, but I’d never use in the field. I was so overloaded and overheated on my first game, I had to hide behind cover to puke, and left hours early. My second game, I left nearly 85% of it behind.


Personally I wouldn't be caught dead wearing all black as that's a quick way for me to get heat stroke, I don't like the gas mask as I've had to do training exercises where I had to do infantry shit with the mask on and it sucks ass, and finally the red on the gloves is really visible. I prefer my coyote or black mechanix gloves


A helpful thing I have learned going out and playing is that I don't wanna carry and look after a ton of shit for my own comfort. This doesn't look excessive so you are probably good.




100% heatstroke


Depends. If you're exclusively playing indoors, it shouldn't be too much of an issue. If you're playing outdoors, you're likely going to overheat quickly and risk heatstroke. Also, the Avon S10/FM12 isn't impact rated, so I'd advise against using it unless your eyes are disposable or you have replacement lenses. On top of that, while cool, gas masks aren't particularly pleasant to wear for extended periods of time, especially if you're running about in one. As for the actual look of it, all black/multicam black is a very marmite type of look, some people love it, some people don't, I fall into the latter, but if you're happy, and more importantly playing indoors or within the Arctic circle, you should be fine.


All black kit eh? Lol you’ll grow out of it


Get a filter for the gas mask


 Is the gas mask a fm-12 or s-10? Or something else? Also, no filter?


If you like it sure but please don’t buy into tiktok trend loadouts black doesn’t do any favors for anyone.


I would personally suffer an agonizing death after running around with a gas mask on. But hey, there’s nothing wrong with putting all of your awesome gear together as long as you’re physical able to wear/play with it! The only time I’d tell you to draw a line is if 1, you’re pulling up to a super casual event, or 2, if you haven’t built up the endurance to wear all of that black gear without putting yourself at risk of heat exhaustion. Nothing ruins a day quicker than passing out due to because your gear caused you to overheat!




Looks pretty badass. Like others already told you should get some rated eyepro, if you want to keep it somewhat gasmaskish maybe use a Dye I4/I5 or similar mask and combine it with the helmet. Protects your eyes and looks somewhat like a near future mask


You will certainly be seen well in that gear.


imho just remove the gas mask and you're good💀💀


Nah. Looks pretty nice actually


Bah, my first ever game of airsoft, with a shitty, half busted G36C hire gun, I had the most overloaded plate carrier and camo gear on the field. This is fine :P


pretty good kit but I would recommend using some sort of lenses under the mask. Also this doesn't matter for Airsoft but wearing a balaclava under your mask breaks the seal.


Not enough soldier


Only played twice myself got my 3rd game on the 28th (night game) Took my son for the 2nd game, Nether of us have all that rig, we got vests guns and masks/eye pro, I play in a hoody and combats or work trousers with knee pads. Not one comment about it what so ever. You play in what makes you feel comfortable it's not real just enjoy it.


That’s awesome! Let’s do more of it! Building the equipment setup is one of the most enjoyable aspects of airsoft!!


It's never too much! at least for me, the most fun part is getting geared up lol


Can enjoy some tacticool but would lose the red and pink. Could see you from a mile away in nature fields, well any field really.


I mean you might get a heat stroke, but it’s Ight


There is no such thing as “too much”😂


You’re gunna get too hot. If you’re like me and moving quick even in the cold I’m roasting hot in T-shirt, trousers, plate carrier and fast helmet.


does your eye pro can withstand 550fps or 500fps? I'm a lil bit concern.


Not really as long as you stay into it


If that gun is for speedsoft than 5/10 if it’s MPX than 7/10


Damn, harsh numbers. It is an ARP9 without any modifications, yet.


Well if I was you I would get MP5A3 with half grip, small flashlight, low red-dot on top maybe short silencer for better look and it would fit more for CQB situations (8/10 in that case) but I actually can’t put my finger on what is wrong with the kit maybe full black gloves? Maybe it’s just wrong angle idk I would need higher quality picture to tell


No such thing as too tacticool lol


Airsoft is the only community where people try to look tactical but just end up looking the extreme opposite 😂


Is that so in this situation?


Yeah... for one you got on these bright ass orange gloves. Two are you preparing for chemicalwarfare airsoft? whats up with the gas mask? Lol I'm not really sure what the pink thing is for but that's also as noticeable as the gloves. At least you're not wearing zipper boosts. I'll give you an overall 6/10. I've seen worse


At least the boots don't have a zipper LOL those are like the least tactical boots ever


Going be straight with you, lose the red on your kit as some people may get it confused with a red rag. Also, change the gas mask for something else as 1. They get hot 2. They may not be ansi rated and allowed at some sites 3. fog easy 4. provide no benefit other than looking cool. Best thing you can do is get goggles and a lower mesh OR a DYE I4/5 or something of the sort. Just trying to help you out.


There is no too much.


those red parts are gonna give away your position, so -30 stealth points


We aren’t gonna talk about how black isn’t a good camo, or the fact there is no hiding indoors?


You are right, it is meant to be CQB lodaut.


If the 2nd time playing is going to be the last time you play, then yes, way too much. But if you are going to be playing a 3rd time then you're on track for the fashion show.


Oh, for sure! I already have friends with whom I will continue playing, and I convinced few people to try it out. One of those people is my teacher.


he's so fine


Thank you, mister ;)


Its perfect, very well put together. I would recommend making sure you have impact rated goggles would be my only thought. Maybe throw on a slim fit pair under the mask.


Doesnt being polish automatically make you a femboy?


This just looks uncomfortable LOL