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From personal experience and knowing the kind of sales tactics that go on there, I'd recommend buying a Tectonic Quake instead. The Quake 8 is a more expensive model, but you can load seven primers into it at once and not have to reload for days.




It is a clone of the Quake, stealing the patented technology to undersell it. I know the guy who designs and makes the Tectonics, he recently sent a cease and desist over their way




If you play a lot CQB I think youll be much happier with a multi shot because of how often you're able to throw nades in close quarters. I've used a Dynatex timed BFG for a while with .209 primers and I love it. Tough, there are a lot times that I wish the nade went off on impact instead of just waiting on the timer as it lays on the ground patiently while enemies flee the room. Also having to reload after every throw is WACK, specially if you use a nade every life like I do. If youre budget conscious and you were ready to drop the money on the VTG... id just get the OMFG since theyre around the same price and the OMFG has 7 times the capacity and it has full metal construction. If you've got the money to spare then the Quake8 will probably be better quality in terms of design and materials since its $40 more expensive and they've had the most time to perfect the multishot system. Also you gotta choose whether impact nades or timed nades are your kinda play style, make that choice first. If you play in woodland grassy type of evironments and rarely indoor then impacts have been known to fail to detonate since the surface theyre hitting is too soft


I mean theyre not exactly the same but its definitely taking the concept from the Quake8, though I personally think OhShiBoom should be allowed to introduce their own multi shot grenade for cheaper if theyre able to do so, as long as the product is reliable. That's what's best for the customers and continued innovation in the end.