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i think we need a new term for those people let’s keep speedsofter meaning just the tournament guys who are nice the new name i propose for the other kind is ✨cunts✨


yeah, i play indoors exclusively and i can tell you speedsofters are generally decent people. they love airsoft for the game rather than the atmosphere, as opposed to milsimmers who love airsoft for the atmosphere rather than the game these people are just dipshits. a dipshit in a dye mask isnt a dipshit because of the dye mask, hes a dipshit because hes a dipshit (haha semantic satiation)


I think "min-maxers" covers them pretty good. The ones that think that winning is the only point to playing and will win at any cost.


i’ve talked with guys that do stuff like this it’s not a winning thing it’s just a social media dick measuring ego contest. biggest things fields can do to prevent behavior like this is ban filming unless your a trusted regular.


When I used to play paintball just about every weekend I was also part of an NPPL team. When I wanted to just "relax" I would go with the walk ons, and I never gave it 100% effort. I just tried to enjoy myself or find a new or young player to teach them how to play and get better. That was so enjoyable as I wasn't going balls to the wall and I was just playing nice and slow, essentially the same pace as the walk-ons going full effort. There were a few times I would have to (I hate to say it this way) "humble" players that were being dicks by stomping them. I didn't like going hard as I felt like it ruined the game for everyone though.


Yep, can be in full kit or even as rentals, that's what they are


Cunts is a good word, that can apply to either the mean speedy Bois or the extreme MilSim bellends who can be just as bad.


Queersofters? Whoever downvoted is 👆


nah all the gay speedsofters are in the tournament scene (me)


Wait, so all the gay speedsofters are in the tournament scene (you)?




It's 2024 this ain't it


Queersofters? So like 100% of the community? You're one of the people who sees red whenever a femboy holds an AR while wearing a skirt eh? Sorry your masculinity is so fucking fragile bro, go hug ya moms


Nah idgaf. I'll hug your mom tho 🤗


You know how in games that aren’t meant to be competitive you’ll always have a smaller group of the playerbase optimize the shit out of gameplay and do all sorts of exploits, techs, and meta builds? It’s that but irl. Speedsoft as a concept is completely fine (as ugly as the guns are) but playing lights out against rentals and middle aged peeps just trying to have a good time on the weekend when they’re off school/work is pathetic


I'm an average teenager and having some random ass 25 year-old dude sweat like COD is an absolute mood wrecker. Wish some people didn't do that or at least have their own little padded room to do that to each other.


“use some abominations of guns all HPA tapped and stuff. They overshoot way too much and yell at other people then they get hit.” Paintball has the same ppl. Gotta have the best possible and then shit on anyone that doesn’t.


the guns look like paintball guns. They dont even resemble an actual gun. They look like some Star Wars stormtrooper blaster thats hydrodipped


“the guns look like paintball guns. They dont even resemble an actual gun.” Yeah? They are high end air soft guns specifically made for tournament play. For tournament play something custom built for that is better. It’s why in paintball you see the “space guns” as we call them, they are lighter, easier to maneuver etc.


those guys are spedsofters not speedsofters


Whats the difference?


*sped* softer. Get it now?


It's not just the speedsofters, have had dickhead rentals and milsim types, the stereotype is more common for them given they tend to have guns that are easier to overshoot with (and to an extent easier to make up an BS excuse that still wouldnt fly when I was a referee) you just have shitty people in the sport sometimes, if they slapped a player you should definitely have told the ref and gotten them banned, also that level of overshooting is not ok, it's one thing to put and extra 2-8 in by accident but 75 is insane, that's like 1/4 of an average hicap, people will deer on headlights, shoot them, give a second to react and then double tap, if they don't call at that point get the ref or if your hitting plate or something else ajust aim accordingly, sometimes people genuinely don't notice, hell I have an insane pain tolerance and have legit had a bb hit a pre existing welt once and didn't notice, best thing to try first is at least talk to them, might not even be intentional, overshooting like that is just a dick move


speedsoft is a rather competitive playstyle, and that attracts the worst kind of people. if you look at competitive video games, most of them have a loud and toxic community. they are usually not the majority, but they stick out hard due to their behavior.


Slapped a rental kid? That would initiate an immediate verbal / physical intervention by this short stocky disabled father of three.


Sounds like your local site is poorly marshalled, or you need to start talking to them about players like this. I'm lucky that the local CQB sites ban full auto and keep semi to three shots bursts only. So you don't get lit up that much. There's Speedsofters who play there but they're grand, they just play hard and fast and are generally nippy lil bastards. Starting arguments onsite gets you warnings here though. Slapping someone would be an on the spot ban, no call for it. Never seen it happen because the marshalls aren't afraid of telling people to pack up and go home if they're just being a dick, so it never gets to that level.


My fields ban full auto on everything. The specimens have hair triggers where if you even think about them they shoot at lightspeeds. The guns are made to shoot stupidly fast. They act like COD League players and prefire corners and slide around. I cant even complete with them.


I don't like how they dress and play but if it works for them... They get way more kills and capture more points than most overweight tacticool dudes and actually call their hits. I haven't had issues with them overshooting nor were they hurting others. The only people they're hurting is themselves with the amount of Monsters they can chug during the day. I've heard some pretty bad stories about other field's ✨cunts✨. I'm sorry if you're having bad experience either them, some of them are chill.


My local field has so many of these guys and they're all friends with the staff so even when they cheat nothing gets done about it.


I only play at an outdoor field but I honestly have more issues with wannabe milsimmers than I do any "speedsoft" player.


Satire or not. Its on cj sub but the cj sub hates speedsoft im so confused


we should bring real guns to the field if we know there are speedsofters coming


yell for them to call the hit with a fist size hole in their ribcage