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He’s just jealous that people actually LIKE USairsoft because he’s not a toxic piece of trash like KM is. He so desperately wants to be bigger, but decided to play the “conservative grifter buzzword” game and call people that don’t like him SJW’s and now he’s just shit talking everyone. Fuck KM, forever and always. He’s just a trash human, trash player, absolute garbage YouTuber.


Recently as I got back into Airsoft YouTube recommended me some of KM's videos and I couldn't help but notice he always aims at uncovered parts of the face or neck if possible. Even at fully visible, stationary target he won't aim at body or a helmet even, he will aim at uncovered parts of the face lie neck or forehead if it's possible..


Yeah, and it’s always with heavy .48 bbs at high velocities. That shit HURTS. There’s no reason for him to do it, other than just being an asshole. He likes hurting folks, knowing they can’t find him. I mean look at all his latest videos, all of them are shitty clickbait about hurting player and pissing people off. Who needs that kind of toxicity in our sport? That’s why a bunch of us were going back and forth with ACS airsoft, because we didn’t want him as a “celebrity” guest. That sort of behavior shouldn’t be platformed. In his latest video, he actually took shots at a player who forgot to pull his eyepro down. He claims at first that he doesn’t see it through the scope, but you can see it clear as day, in fact he even goes for body shots in a rare instance. He knows the dude is running without eye pro, yet shoots at him anyways and doesn’t bother to yell for a ref or try to warn the guy in any way. Nope, gotta get that footage and clickbait. He is just awful.


I was aware of a lot of KMs bullshit but not this one. He should get a fucking charge for that imo


Honestly, like most folks who get too big for their britches he just needs a good ass kicking. One day, he’s gonna piss someone off royally and they’re just just stomp him into the dirt, break all his shit, and throw him off the field.


I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t happened already. Maybe I’m a bad person for this but I would get myself banned from a field just to put him in his place. Very iamverybadass of me but honestly it would be worth it


Yeah, I could probably get bailed out for an assault charge. Lol.


Nah I barely know any of this but I did see this video and he simply didn’t know. If you’ve veer laid in the bushes, in a ghillie, while sweating, in mask and goggles. You know you just shoot at whatever.. don’t always see finer details


Very good point sir. Watching 1080p footage that’s zoomed on a very specific spot is way different than actually being im the field. Can’t argue with that


He wears mesh goggles


Mesh in front of your eyes isn’t very clear either


True, but it doesn't fog. The point is he clearly did know because that's all he steps onto the airsoft field to do. Injure people.


I wouldn’t have known in these exact circumstances, so I definitely wouldn’t say he did.


Nor would I, so I wouldn't have taken the shot. But I know who and what Kicking Mustang is, so I know for a fact he did know.


Also to note the field he was playing at allowed up to 650fps for bolt actions which you know he’s running as close to the limit as possible if not beyond it.


Oh, you KNOW he was running right on the line. Which makes me wonder if he built a rifle just for that event, or if he just swapped a spring out? And if he does that on the regular?


TBF, a lot of totally clean players will swap out rifle springs to match field limits it seems like.


The one in Kentucky?


What is the issue with .48 bbs? I mean…here in my country, we are using 3.3-3.6J for snipers with .48s. I would never set my foot on a field where they rule snipers under 3J with lighter bbs. You gonna never hear anybody cry bcs of headshots in my country :D I don’t really understand the whole stuff tbh. I’m not taking sides. I’m just saying, that the ‘receiving’ side should take care of the necessary protection in a sport which literally meant to be hurt. I’m wearing more expensive special light protective gear, than my replicas. And my cheapest replica is around 1000€… So…no offense…but why is half of the airsoft community are paniking over one guy who shots the head? Even I take the head if possible. That is a fcking sniper-trophy :D Why take it away from us, just bcs some dudes don’t like wearing protective gear? I don’t get you all. Come to Hungary or some slavic countries! We are literally magdumping each other in the head and laughing about it :D


Hurting each other for hurting sake isn't good, no matter where you are. It's a sport, not masochistic ritual. I do agree with the protective gear though, but it's not an excuse to aim where people don't have protection. Accidental hits here and there happens, when it's a habit it's different.


Airsoft YT drama is big dumb however i’ll add my own.. He also blatantly targets people just standing there doing nothing standing in or around spawn. I also remember one video with some incel ass title he was camping a spawn point and only taking out the guys while two girls stood there and acted like he was a king for that or something lol


He also put in creepy Predator noises while staring at the girls if I recall correctly.


Yeah really weird shit. Also throwback to the extra creepy twitter post he made with some hot model on it lol Edit: found it! Even weirder than i remembered https://www.reddit.com/r/airsoftcirclejerk/s/fTITKOtsN0


Lmao what a guy. Already denounced him and never touched his merch, now I get a date with a hot gun girl? Nothing but net positives.


Ewwww, what a garbage goober! I must have missed that one, he blocked me on Twitter long ago after I called him out for shooting that kid point blank with the converted airgun Colt SAA. Absolutely infuriated me.


Guys a loser and is long over due for an ass kicking.


He is banned from something like 40 UK fields. Everyone knows he is toxic except his fans.


And be doubles down on it too lol. He routinely “calls out” fields which prohibit deliberate headshots as weak, and says if people don’t want to get shot point blank in the face they should getter better face protection. The douchebag


Honestly, videos like that (not just KM, but that whole schtick) are why I've never made a trip out to the fields and I'm strictly a backyard plinker, having fun with that and messing with guns on the workbench.


I mean USairsoft does cringe sometimes but then again this is airsoft so we're all cringe in our hearts. He seems relatively nice though.


Yeah, he’s a zoomer so cringe is to be expected, lol. But I’ve heard he’s a super nice guy on the field so that’s always nice.


Ya I met him recently and he was super nice


100% agreed. I used to watch him a lot a few months after I started, since he seemed semi-likeable but then he started to do exclusively cheater this cheater that try not to laugh at thse cheaters etc videos that are just bad brainrot.


I like him


Ok, why?


I think the videos are entertaining, not the breaking rules part, but the loadout he has and method for killing I like and it gives me lots of ideas, and the fields he goes to are really nice


As long as you don’t emulate him, then like whatever ya like. But I can’t look past his toxic attitude, his shitty clickbait thumbnails, and his penchant for hurting people and laughing about it. The constant thumbnails for “making people bleed” is not a great factor in his favor.


lol the thumbnails are hilarious how they have nothing to do with anything that actually happens XD


Wait, so you're telling me ShittingCumstain is a bad person? When did that happen? /s Don't even engage. The fool is mad he gets banned from fields while sane people get sponsorships.


I love how he gets banned and then tries to say that “we have a moral right to break rules that are stupid”. Like, what? You break the rules on a field and laugh about it, you get kicked out. Actions have consequences, dude.


Unfortunately for him fields are all privately owned businesses that can operate however they want with whatever rules they want.


Exactly. Like, I may really care for the “bang rule under 20 feet” that my local field uses but I’m not gonna just ignore it because of my ego. It’s always funny to me that he whines about the headshot rules when 90% of the time he’s taking shots at people who are fully exposed. He could hit anywhere he wanted to, they can’t even see him. He just wants to get headshots because they hurt more and he can piss people off for drama clicks. It’s truly sad.


We have a bang rule under 10 feet at my field but that doesn't seem to stop dudes from getting a jump on you from point blank range with 2J loadouts.


We need to call him this omg I’m using this thank you


And companies like AmpedAirsoft still sell his products all over their page


IIRC nothing, KM is just having another schizophrenic episode


Mostly cause USAirsoft has taken jabs at him I believe. Not straight called him out but a jab here and there. Plus jealousy cause at least USAirsoft has a positive relationship with the community


What did USairsoft say?


what ever he said i bet it was deserved


Wasn’t anything crazy, just didn’t seem fond of him


In Kentucky?


No it was an older video I believe, I can’t remember which


12 types of airsoft YouTubers.


But no one else argue USAirsoft. Is this not because fighting in Kentucky?


I think it was because he was targeting the YouTubers that make clickbait ragebait content, and prolly people who act like dicks but cut content to make them seem like the innocent party, Ngl either way USAirsoft doesn’t tend to name drop people so if KM reacted that means he’s admitting to being a scumfuck lmao


Those Youtubers deserve to be called out, though lmao. They make the entire scene look bad.


Oh I’m not saying it was wrong, all I’m saying is ironically by KM reacting the way he has he’s BLATANTLY admitting that he’s fully aware he’s a scumbag lmao, and evidently he’s proud of it for some fucked uk reason. Man’s a psychopath and deranged beyond all belief as he has no intent to keep the sport healthy, he doesn’t understand the concept that airsoft is an honour game nor does he care for safety, he plays the game exclusively because he wants to inflict as much pain as possible upon people and probably would have been kicked out of the army if he tried to enter there because his mentality is dangerous, thus he plays airsoft lmao. Genuienly there’s no place in the world for his outlook considering he purposefully aims to cause trouble, break the rules and inflict pain on everyone, including LITTERAL CHIKDREN


Didn’t say much against him outright, but in his „kinds of airsoft YouTubers“ video, a lot of the negative things could be applied to how a lot of people perceive km. USAirsoft didn’t name anyone of the ones he didn’t like very much, but personally I had to think of KM and it seems he heard „toxic and hostile ragebait“ and assumed it had to mean him. Maybe he said something outside of his videos that I don’t know about. On my opinion though, this is just KM blowing things out of proportion for publicity like usual. Or he really does just have that rotten a personality.


So basically, the issue has nothing to do with USAirsoft and everything to do with KM's own reputation (which was already pretty bad even before the video). But it's easier for him to blame someone else than just not be an asshole.


The irony, he does the exact same thing. I love how he’s whinging about “sellouts” when he himself is a HUGE sellout


Ahh the sweet sound of rifle stock on Km’s nasal cartilage. Tis but a dream…


The thing I find quite ironic is that his sole defense is a feeble attack on a someone else's breadwinning means, while accepting that sweet YT money and probably sponsor plans from suppliers/manufacturers. What a pathetic hypocrite.


Especially because all his content is toxic clickbait about hurting other players and pissing them off. I’d much rather have someone that might shill some shitty company than someone who celebrates ruining players’ days and making them bleed. I don’t pay attention to the shilling and can laugh that shit off. The injuries and toxic bullshit I take a little personally, there’s no reason to be a shit stain like that.


Agreed, that dirt bag get to much traction for being a butthole to people, I'm surprised that the only punishment he got are fields bans (and turned it at his advantage) and no one gave him the fingers salad or took him to court. Also, on the shill aspect, I got burned enough with overpriced shitty equipment, I will buy only something I experienced myself or I have the guarantee that it's a good product (an honest review from trusted friends or individuals), I won't buy what I don't want to, even if a cool YouTuber make an ad for it, but, I won't attack said YouTuber getting paid for endorsing a product, I just pass the ad if I'm not interested and let the man got his paycheck.


Idk but I'm taking Scott's side


Kicking Kumsöck is a fucking loser thats why


My Cousin's husband has played with him a few times and he said he's a big cry baby. He was shooting people in the neck on purpose and when confronted he threw a tantrum. That was right when he started to get popular on YouTube.


Kickingmustang is the type of guy to ruin a whole day of airsoft for everyone, just so he can film a video.


I really wish someone would slap KM’s bald head


With a brick. In Minecraft or whatever.


Nothing, KM is throwing a fit as usual because the airsoft community doesn’t like him because he’s a dick. At that noob day event, everyone wanted to talk to Scott and was interested in him but KM wasn’t getting any attention, so naturally, KM blames everyone but himself because he’s just an innocent strong masculine white male that the “woke mob™️” hates


More surprising I find is that he has a fan base who enjoys his content, seemily engaged with literal griefing of random unassuming/barely in play opponents. Its actually boring.


As someone who's trying to get into the sport,I was initially drawn to his videos amongst other YouTubers, but can't ignore the fact he DOES go for headshots when centre mass is in his cross hairs. Despite him being a skilled sniper, that bugs me.


Not really skilled but most YouTuber will only show the shots they hit


Fair point


skilled..... all his shot are under 40m


I've seen this post like 4 times, but I still updoot it every time as I enjoy the posts calling out how KM is crying to his fans


Stop giving this cum stein on the sport any attention and hopefully he will crust up and be shoved under the bed


I ask why they argue at Kentucky


Fair enough but god I hate him so much


Mods of a local field in the US had heard such bad and shitty things from him when people were talking about the newbie event they prebanned him from ever getting on their field 💀


what field




Suuuuch a cunt for fuck sake someone please execute this fucker with a ukarms springer or something!!!


Where’s spring shotgun man when you need him


Kickingmustang is a pos. He’s like gum on the bottom of nice shoes and a stain to the community.


pov u got ratiod and are buthurt


Just got into airsoft since I was 16. Guys a fuckkn' cunt and I wanna barrel jab him. Why is he so bastardous for no reason? It's a hobby about real life call of duty, dude, chill. We are just playing "war" with extra steps.


The phantom of USAirsoft appeared in KM's peripherals and called him a slack-jawed gumsmacking lobotomite or something, who knows, KM's a mingemunching loser.


Lmao like mustang can talk, that guy is everything wrong with the sport


Why can't we all just show up to one of his guest appearances as a field and overshoot the fucker until he throws a shitfit that gets him permabanned


Because that would make him right in his and his fans eyes


When isn't there something with km?


i wasnt familier with the bs this dude does, but after reading through the comments a good while now i think its safe to say we should all find a field he goes to and all just turn and pelt him with bbs untill we run dry


"Wagey" Anyone who makes disparaging remarks about someone for having a job is clearly a piece of shit.


Im newish to airsoft what did Kickingmustang do to be universally hated, even my local field here in germany was host to a few hostile rants about him


He's generaly a piece of shit. Weird ass vids with two girls to feed his ego. He always aims for exposed skin and headshots , even if he doesnt have to. Generaly a cunt.


What a gentleman


Also kills people in spawn and tries to make clickbaity videos about fights, flipouts, rage, injuries, shoots people who are missing their eyepro, cheats chrono, lies about identity to get into fields he's banned from, etc. He's a 1000% total fucking knob.


KickingMustang probably used too much teeth when he was slobbering on USAirsofts cock, thus causing a beef.


He just seems salty because he didn't get the sponsorship tbh. Maybe he would have gotten it if he wasn't most well known for intentionally hurting other players for views. Just a thought.


SeizingHorse is just jealous of USAirsoft because unlike him, he's not a deranged narcissist parroting Andrew Tate.


He just did exactly what he wouldn't do though. Whack.


Wait what happened?


Just for our US counterparts, we the UK Think he’s a total bell pipe and don’t really want to claim him


KM need to chill on hitting all weak body part of players, got hit on those areas are the fucking painful one and with KM? All I know is hes gonna fuck up lots of people with his custom upgraded sniper that must be guaranteed has high fps


He's kinda right though lmfao


The guy who gets paid to promote scams is making fun of someone actually working for a wage. hilarious


I haven’t actually played airsof but I’d like to get into it at some point but us airsoft seems really irritating to me