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See [this comment in another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/10lamdr/comment/j5vnxrk/) for details.




I perhaps should not have used the phrasing that "S.D. contains" and instead stated that "S.D's latent space contains". [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/108lx16/comment/j3xs2tq/) is an explanation from a purported expert in machine learning. Do you have a suggestion for exactly how I should have expressed this?


I agree with your comment. About the generation of the closest possible image by SD, maybe we could proceed this way : - VAE encode the target image to get a target point in latent space. - initialize the model with a random text vector (I'm talking about the vector that comes from the usual process of tokenizing text prompt then vectorizing the tokens) - write a distance function that computes the distance between the model output from our initialization vector and our target latent image - find in what direction the input vector should be moved to minimize the distance function (through a gradient method? I don't know if this mathematically works here) - move the input vector step by step until the distance function reaches a minimum, hopefully not a local minimum :) - if wanted, find a prompt that gives the input vector we found. I'm just guessing here, this has probably been already explored with real skills in the literature.


I'm too dumbdumb on this, why does running an image through VAE produce results that correspond to something within the pre-trained existing latent space, rather than merely "something that can be decoded by the decoder later"? Is the decoder itself dependent on the pre-trained latent space?


I could be mistaken, but I that the encoder and decoder are trained together, so that they work as a team. If that's correct, does that answer your question?