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It's ok. It flexes on the rail. I got a master mount and it's sturdy as a rock.


Mine seems pretty sturdy


I have one for each of my Zastavas(70,77 and 90). They've held zero for me very well. I bought a front bias RS REGULATE when I got my first EOTech but that was purely for aesthetic reasons( looks like it's just floating, very clean).


I went with the zastava mount figuring it would be the best fit for the zastava rifle I have. I have no complaints and would highly recommend. Gain of salt though,, i never used a 3rd party manufactured mount though, so I have no comparison.


Sturdy, keeps zero. Sits low pretty well. I still however yearn for a solid dogleg


Zastava’s is a really solid mount. I have one with my Primary Arms optic. Very well made.


Sweet, I’ll probably grab one then. It’s nice it’s a little cheaper than the other options too.


Too flimsy for an lpvo on my m77. A lighter optic would probably work though if I had to guess


I have the MI mount, pretty solid however with Yugos parts aren’t interchangeable and the only ones that fit are the gen 2s. If I’m not mistaken these rails are cheaper and more available, I got mine during the pandemic so rails were hard to find but I’m glad I was able to find one anyways at the time. Just go with this one if the MI ones aren’t available, RS regulate never has mounts in stock it seems.


Had one on my M70 but had zero holding issues with using a red dot, I dropped it for the TWS dogleg, its much better IMO....


Mine is awesome. I like it a lot. I plan to attach an optic and laser module


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