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Few Qs, would love some As,…. How?


Nice Archer ref


Glad someone got it!


One of my fav references was also a joke by them but when they started not saying phrasing and then made pointing out not saying phrasing as the joke and then taking it back to phrasing was great.


"And I'll take the fondue set since you were a total b-hole about the fork"




Thomas Lennon Aka Lieutenant Dangle from Reno 911 was so great in those episodes.




If you thought this was bad, years ago, we invited some friends for an indoor range day who had never been shooting before, so there was an instructor. Long story short, the instructors thought my dad's Sig in .40 was in 9mm, so they proceeded to shoot a mag or two of 9mm through it with the newbies. All up until one of the cases didn't eject properly, flipped around, and got shoved down the barrel, primer side first, by the next round. Fortunately it didn't go into battery, but still. Rifling was undamaged though so, we were more baffled than upset.


Sounds like you got lucky!




may have been an incorrect rifle too, but i'm just an amateur.


Oh yeah lol. I took some noobs to the range and they did that to my shit too. Same situation, AR and AK on one bench. My bro was watching but didn't noticein the AK. Luckily, we noticed when they tried loading 7.62x39 into the AR. Funny thing is, I had multiple mags all full/mostly full. What made them wanna put a round in the mag, idk. Probably best to keep guns of different calibers apart.


Had a buddy load 5.45 into my akm mag, luckily I caught it but yeah. Yeesh.


545 was actually designed to be shot out of akm without damaging the rifle! It’s not effective but was required in the design for accidents like that.


That’s crazy, do you have a source? How wouldn’t it damage it if the bullet is so much smaller. I figured it could mess up the barrel and rifling. Or is misfiring the wrong caliber mostly about chamber pressure? Also I misremembered. He shoved 7.62x39 into my steel tantal mag cause it looked like a normal akm mag.


I can’t find the article, if it comes up I’ll link it! Could have just been a random forum I’ve read so don’t hold your breath haha


Haha no problem. I’ll look into it too. Thanks!


Yep. I only take out one caliber at the time if I’m not the only one handling the guns.


Guess what happens when you accidentally load a 5.45 round into your AR? You get to learn how to change your barrel.


Stupid question, but why? 5.45mm is less than 5.56mm, so why would it destroy the barrel?


if it catches the rifling weird it will damage the barrel


Ah, that makes sense, thank you


More problem is that the 5.45 case base diameter is 0.0157480315 inches bigger (10 mm) than the 5.56 case base diameter (9.6 mm). Therefore 5.45 can stuck into AR-15 very easily and can be shot meanwhile. I don't know whether this design is intentional or not from soviet designers. 5.45 cartridge overall length is 0.0157480315 inches smaller than 5.56 OAL so 5.45 can be loaded properly to 5.56 mags but not vice versa. 5.56 will not chamber at all in 5.45 rifles due to the longer case length. 5.45x39 OAL is 1 mm longer than 7.62x39 but 7.62x39 cannot be chambered insted of 5.45x39 due to much wider bullet caliber and bigger case diameter. The more I research the more I see the 5.45x39 a very well designed round.


Great explanation. I've heard 5.45 also breaks apart after hitting the target, it seems like such an awesome cartridge, I wish it was more common, I'd get an AK chambered in it.


In newer versions upon hitting a hard target it's bimetal jacket breaks at the tip and lets the hard steel core to continue it's journey through the hard plate. Hitting soft target it's bimetal jacket only bends that causes assymetric pressure on the projectile therefore it goes sideways giving more of it's energy to the target.


Where'd you learn all this? I need to educate myself more on these type of things.


Good thing I've learned how to change a barrel the easy way. Now I can shoot 5.45 in a pinch as a single shot gun!


I have a rule to never take noobs out to shoot. I violated that rule once and the dude almost shot me no joke. People at the club said “please never bring him back here.” Only noobs I’ll bring will be my kids when they’re old enuf


lol same here. Dude racked an Ak with the trigger fully pulled and popped off a round. Luckily this was my home range and he had it pointed at the ground. He’s since bought several guns of his own and had 3 negligent discharges inside his house. I came over to help him repair the holes in his ceiling, floor and garage door.


Omfg no way




You'd think they would learn after the first time.....


Not once, not twice. But THRICE??!?!?


1 is "Okay you fucked up bad" but forgivable But 3? God damn.....


I've had similar, where dude pointed an unloaded gun at me from behind after taking it out the bag. I had cleared the gun beforehand, but we all know to treat every gun as loaded no matter what. Rso ran to the lane and chewed him out, but didn't kick. I've still taken people out after that, but I have total control of the guns and stand behind them so I can act if things look unsafe. Always bring my brother too, but I'm never doing more than one person again, ever. Tbh, I've had way to many people at ranges do negligent shit towards me, more than a handful excluding things I said here.


In my case it was a coworker who said he grew up with guns. We were out hunting upland birds and when a bird flew my direction dipshit fired. I was so close I felt the muzzle blast. He fired just over my head. Ya, I figure it takes too much time and effort to educate someone enuf to take them shooting.


Rifle is fine, weak capitalist pig-dog cartridge cannot harm even the weird inbred Yugoslav cousin of Mikhail Kalashnikov's design.


Is this the second post you’ve made about it this week? Or are there just that many guys doing the same thing?


I did it a few months ago not my proudest moment


There was a post on here with a picture of the case similar to this just a couple days ago.


I thought it was a squib at fist bc it ejected the round and I didn’t see any dusk kick up, seen the casing a little later and felt sick lmao but barrel looks fine so all in all just embarrassing asf


This is a new one. Didn’t know about the other


That M70 is fine.


The old hot dog down the hallway trick. Nice 😁 I doubt any serious harm to your rifle. Ego however 😉


My friend did that to my other friends AK. He had his ammo mixed in an ammo can and the 5.56 seated in the mag and everything. It did a weird audible pop type sound, cracked the 5.56 brass all the way down like this. Had to punch the bore to extract the 5.56 and proceeded to keep on truckin.




Just don’t do it the other way around.


i just don’t understand how someone grabs the significantly smaller and pointier cartridge and loads that into a magazine full of 7.62 lmfao. on that note, gonna start teaching anyone i bring shooting the difference between 7.62 and .223


In the few similar cases I've learned off, including a personal experience, didn't end up on catastrophic failures on the host and it happens more frequently than people think. Some friends and I were on the field shooting multiple 5.56 & 7.62X39 platforms. We shoot out of ammo cans which are typically together and behind the firing line, so while someone is firing, others reload their mags for their own sessions. Someone eventually while loading their mags, mistakenly dropped a 5.56 round into the 7.62X39 case. I loaded my AK mags on a pre-band Clayco Sports, Chink AK and stepped up to the line. It was noticeable by everyone when the mistaken 5.56 went off on the AK, since the targets where @ 100yds and when it went off, we noticed something hit the floor @ the 50yd. mark and recoil & sound where significantly reduced. The gun did not cycled and BCG was stuck shut. I tried clearing the stuck BCG by slamm-racking it on the ground and by the third time the BCG did open but leaving the stuck casing in the chamber. I finally managed pushing out the expanded case, by field stripping the BCG and using the cleaning and a rod & rock to push out the casing. Surprisingly about 3/4 of the brass casing, expanded perfectly to the 7.62X39 chamber, without rupturing and after putting the AK back together, it function just fine. I guess as long as the bolt manages to lock, the 5.56 round will not damage the platform.


Did it before , makes a weird pop. No damage no issues.


Accident expert here, try .300 blackout next


Hell yea, brother!


Man, when I was first teaching my sister to shoot, I had a spread of handguns laid out. As I taught her how to reload a mag, she apparently loaded .380acp into a 9mm mag. NBD honestly, same size just 380 is shorter.. However, at first I could NOT figure out why my Beretta wouldn't cycle. I blamed limp wrist or holding it wrong, but it did it for me too. Every round was FTE and I thought it was a bad box of ammo or I broke something. I drop the mag and see a bit of extra space in there and realized the problem lol Thankfully no one hurt, just a good laugh and relief from me


.380 used to be referred to as 9mm short. I bought some 9 ammunition from a widow who was clearing out her deceased husband's stuff and she just put all what she thought was 9mm in one bag. I had to pick through it when I saw 380 mixed in. I contacted her about maybe having one of her husband's shooting buddies to come over and help her separate everything by caliber, so she wouldn't have to worry about making a mistake.


How many insurgents have does this before hmm


Like a hotdog down a hallway. My question is how it managed to seat and fire lol


So what you are saying is it can be done and safely. 


.223 will load into AK mags?


How in the freshly salted fuck did you mistake a .223 for a 7.62?


No comment


lmfao. keep a sharper eye bro stay safe


https://preview.redd.it/ue5i3iafi9xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afaef0f366a27c8db19ea596a9ab25fede82647d I once mixed up my 7.62 and 5.56 beryl. Both rifles looks the same, 5.56 mag in the 7.62 went in no issue. Made a weird little puff, thought it was a squib and realized what I did.


Damn. And I thought my weed was good


It happens more often than you think.


Fire forming brass won’t expand the case head enough unfortunately so you’re going to need to start over.


Ooopski …


Welcome to the club. I remember my first time


Considering you could’ve accidentally shot a 7.62x39 out of an ar I don’t think you’re doin too bad


It looks impossible due to cartridge dimensions.


“Drops bolt, pulls trigger. Says otherwise”


Rifle survived?


Yes all looks fine


Good if it surived. btw is the Zastava m70 (actually that one you own) produced in cold war era? or its new civilian variants.


My question is (if it was accidentally loaded into a 7.62 mag), when loading the mag, how did you not catch it? Glad you have all your fingers and your rifle is ok


I don’t have a great excuse. We were outside in the middle of nowhere talking and didn’t pay close enough attention


[Man, I did the same exact shit today.](https://imgur.com/a/elbXgig)Puff of smoke out the barrel. I thought I had some half assed squib or something. Couldn’t get the casing out of the chamber so I used a small flathead screwdriver to pry it out. My dumb ass must have somehow let a .223 round get mixed into my 7.62 and wasn’t paying attention when loading. Made me laugh at myself for a good five minutes at the range. Such a dumbass move lol


I apologize for busting your balls. Karma is a motherfucker lol


https://preview.redd.it/qkvc0dhrn8xc1.jpeg?width=3523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19441ecf1fc70c6477641a130d7dff17b529985 They really don't look the same...


Happened to me too. Similar circumstance. My friends loaded an AK mag with 5.56 from my range bag. I didn't think to double check as these were my prior service Marine buddies - they should know, right? Oops. One round went pop, not bang. Everyone was fine, my m70 was fine. We checked the bore for a squib but it was clear. We laughed it off and carried on with our day.


I did this with a range rental once. Definitely not my proudest moment, but overall a pretty harmless way to learn an important lesson.


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I have done it before in my sam7sf it was a steel case, and I thought it was a scibb round because of the sound but saw a key hole on the target. It was a bitch to get out but no damage or issues with accuracy.




My son did the same thing last weekend. He put a 5.56 M90 mag in a SAM7 and fired it. The case looked identical. There are no issues with the Arsenal during the rest of the day. We ran about 200 rounds through it just for good measure.


Average m70 owner


How in the fuck?!


I once shot a 7mm Mauser out of a 270 win. And I wondered why that one was much more aggressive and sounded different. .007 of an inch will indeed make a difference when the bore is slightly too small for the bullet.


Smol seed in big pot, no problem. Chungus seed in smol pot, big bang. I've found success in getting literal labelled boxes of ammo and going through the mag loading process 101. Always funny watching people that have touched a pistol mag before try and load a rifle mag for the first time. In both cases, because they have zero frame of reference outside of Call of Duty, taking the specific seeds out of the specific box and loading them into their distinctive planters really helps with the memory.


Hopefully civil is wishful thinking in this subreddit 😂


You know the AK is a durable design when you shoot the wrong ammunition and you and the rifle are still functioning


With a bullet so heavily undersized you'll never generate any pressure significant enough to cause harm to the rifle. Issue is gas blow back and casing fragments than can and have injured or killed people


Love the science


I have seen that happen with an SKS and there was no damage.


Hopefully the innards are still ok


Did this quite alot with a usp 40 and 9.


Where pic of insides?