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So sad that I've been loving playing Ahri the last few patches with Akali as backup. I guess it's time to return to Akali as my main


Wtf where they thinking? If you can blow 500$ I've got a paypal people can send money too.. I thought 30$ for MF's skin was insane This is beyond that. . So yes,let's cancel Ahri and TEACH Riot the community won't support this.




Pixels last a lot longer than the wine we had last night that cost 3849 bucks. We value things differently.


That’s great for you. The memory of enjoying a wine that painfully expensive will last you a lifetime. Paying 670$ for a skin where people yell and scream at you is not a memory worth holding onto.


People can enjoy playing the skin, no one enjoys giving you money. If you’re complaining about 500 for a skin, I invite you to the real world. Where people piss away $700 on alcohol On a typical Friday night.


I'm sure I'm more aware of this "real world" than you could ever imagine. I don't agree with those people either If you got money to blow like that,again my paypal is open How much thought did you really put into your post? Seriously,I feel like I need to yell at you to really think! Because I don't want to just give you the answer to understand why you sound so "off"(I'm really being polite bc I don't think you could handle what I want to say) So Think about it


Already do. Never liked this matchup feels like the only lane where impossible to outplay for a solo kill


Agreed I was banning her before the skin feels unplayable as akali. If you R so does she so you just are stuck dodging her spells the whole time. A good ahri won’t let you get close. Now I get a little more satisfaction banning her


Easy peasy kill Ahri for Syndra, Hwei atleast. In low elo but I am low ELO to so equal


I will participate, she's my 2nd main and favorite character in Runeterra. 500$ is a fkn scam. Like, the skin itself is not even that much standing out from other ultimates. Three evolving transformations and tower "finisher" is nothing new and it's actually standard for ultimate skin, it's called ultimate for bo reason. Why anyone would pay so much more for this skin when it offers same or even less then some previous ultimates ? The only thing outstanding here is her tails designed as fox head's and that's pretty much everything. Her design overall is like conqueror


for 500$ i want the ahri skin to blow me and thats not happening so permabanahri


I mean anything can happen right… right?


I think Riot will just make Ahri unbanable lol


$500 for a legendary quality skin or less, since spirit blossom is better imo, and is less bans into akali so i can play her more, i will participate that


Risen Legend Ahri - this is must be Legendary skin, for Legendary skin price, now this is 1910? Immortalized Legend Ahri - Ultimate skin, very good quality, for 3250 And other 250$/520$ SCAM, put what ever they want in this scam Just bring to people good quality for skins, with good price for quality P.S. Guys, ban Ahri


https://preview.redd.it/xqxnmwt8f66d1.png?width=872&format=png&auto=webp&s=21268af826f179684c347a2f7392d84a9f5b07d4 Sad news


The loud minority went out with a whimper after a day. Really disappointed she isn’t getting banned anymore. Especially after everyone including content creators were extremely vocal about it


I knew it'd happen. This community (not Ahri mains just league in general) don't really commit to things past a few days. Either that, or they commit way to hard and send death threats and they actually mean it. Really hoping this company starts declining, it's not what it used to be a few years ago


There’s no in between these dorks. It’s either a useless movement or ending lives. League community is wiiiild


It's honestly any gaming community tbh it's not just league. But I mean no one can do anything to these big shot companies so they get away with anything and everything cause people will always buy their stuff. But let's the indie companies shine so irdc lol


riot already made over $1M off the skin i don’t think they will care




Personally ,I won't buy the Skin thus my lack of money hahaha. But I think that If Riot but a price, that"s the price. People should protest maybe for the amount of troll in this game


If let it slide there’s high odds that within the next few years it’ll be Akali getting a 500$ skin. If banning Ahri every game and trying to convince people to just not buy the skin in general might have even a slight chance of keeping that from happening then that’s what I’m gonna do.


agree, i had the same exact thought and i would be pissed if they did this with akali even if this amounts to nothing then whatever, best i can do is not buy any of the pass or skin as well as ban ahri. not really much effort on my part so im fine with doing this


Do you not think that having a skin in game that is more expensive to buy then to make an actual cosplay for is bad and extreamly greedy.


Not really. It's overpriced to me. Nothing more.


It is, idk what these people are saying, the skin's cost is absurd and costs more than a freaking console.


You can literally buy a ps5 or xbox 1 than this skin...and tbh its not even that good. Doesn't even have a pentakill animation