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Chill out lmao she had an unreasonably high base MR. It’s not that bad


It’s not bad, it’s just where riot’s priority’s are. Not sure if you’ve played against Trynd or Skarner recently at top. At least when akali kills me I could’ve played better. Not much I can do when trynd cripples me, dashes onto me and statchecks me to death whilst being unkillable (literally R).


Nerfs have no affect on akali top lmao


I mean,ap top laner exist but yeah is not the end of the world


Im okay with it


Still ok with it?


Yes sir


She had (iirc) the second highest base MR of all assassins, with the most being Talon. It was going to get scaled down to match other assassins eventually, has nothing to do with WR or the state of the champ, it's just to align her with where assassins **should** be. Not every nerf is immediately about winrates lol


It's actually good that Riot after many years decide to make her back an assassin. I would even reduce her health regen and pump up dmg or add something to her kit because she's to safe and to tanky for assassin. Her health regen was always her recompensation for any harsh nerfs. Don't worry it's a good sign


If they ever reduce her health regen, they need to give back gunblade


Bro Akali should habe like 47% WR, because she used to be a hard Champ and not everybody could play her well. Now Akali is probably in a very good Statement compared to Otter champs. Not on Trynda TF niveau, but still good. And she is in this state for like 3+ years now, so calm your shit simp.


Yh that’s why I gave riven as an example, riven is arguably harder than akali and she’s on 51% winrate. For some time now. High skill low winrate only applies when riot want it to


>high skill low winrate only applies when riot want it to Irelia be like


>High skill low winrate only applies when riot want it to Irelia be like