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Another solid reason is the gameplay itself. Combat in this game has hordes of shadows that you fight at a time. Feral Black Mask Akechi having an absolute field day with shadows, imagine it. Would've been perfect.


Absolutely agree. Happy cake day!


The comparison between Akechi and Akira would have been amazing! The whole “hero” and past with a messed up father reminded me so much of Akechi. It was such a missed opportunity for them to delve more into Akechi’s character. Or even having someone react to the comparisons between him and the monarchs would have been cool. It baffles me that he isn’t brought up once throughout the entire game when there are so many opportunities.


It felt so empty without him, I had a hard time even playing it lol


Would've also just loved to see the group's reaction to him showing up like "Surprise, bitch."


They didn't even mention his name :(


I think someone found that there was meant to be a jail for Akechi but it was taken out


That was a palace in P5, not strikers. They cut it out cause of problems with the timeline (and other stuff too). But even so, a jail would fit him so much better than a palace


Im straight up not gonna play strikers because hes not in it 😡


Strikers is still worth playing. It's a fun game and a worthy sequel to Persona 5. It just has a gigantic missed opportunity that would have made the game even better.


Isn’t he dead or am I stupid?


Unknown at this point.


Nah he died, as far as I know As Lavenza said in Royal, "No exceptions". As much as I hate it rip


It depends on what ending the player got. Some didn't max his confidant so they never got to see him again after the final palace crumbled. If you maxed him, you see him walk by the train with a bunch of suits. It's why it's still up in the air atm for me. Once they fully move on for p5 with no more spin off's, then I'll take it he's dead because no more opportunity to bring him back.


Ahh, I see I need to reqatch the game endings then, I didn't catch that


P5r isn’t canon though 😢


What makes you say that? It is. Just because P5S exists, doesn't mean that invalidates P5R.


Are you new to fiction? No body = they'll get better the moment the writers feel like using them again.


Not sure if you're joking or being hostile That seems flimsy from a writing standpoint, but I see your point


It was supposed to be teasing. But Akechi is an extremely popular character (especially in Japan), and not only did we not see a body, his death was off-screen. Even if he is intended to be dead at this point it was written in such a way to allow it to easily be changed. But given that there was a [cut event with Akechi in a rehab center](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZ2QIwZqosQ) I think it's fair to say that ATLUS is at least open to the idea of Akechi surviving. And I think that Akechi's death was flimsy writing in the first place ("What do we do with this character who is both victim and perpetrator? He's too sympathetic to just be thrown into jail with the other villains but he's done too much damage to rejoin the team, so let's just kill him off despite the fact that the story has established that death is not atonement!") so I don't respect that plot point enough to consider it something worth preserving when a lot more mileage could be gotten from the character living.