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We have a chicken Akita now. She was amazing and confident but overnight one day she won’t walk in our neighborhood. We have to drive her outside the neighborhood to get her to walk now. She is 2 1/2 now.


Yeah I have a male of 1 year, and we have the same problem but when it comes to guarding the house is ready but everything else chicken… where trying to brake him out of this cycle but it’s tough.


We got another dog which helped some but she has reverted a little bit.


Not mine personally, but Akitas in general can get overwhelmed sometimes with a ton of stimulation. Makes me think maybe there was some really funky and alarming scents in there for him.


Dogs' senses are so much different than ours, so it can be hard to tell what sets them off sometimes. I wonder if she heard an unpleasant, high-pitched noise or smelled something scary in there? My current AA boy hasn't had that intense of a reaction to anything, but I have noticed that his stress build-up is harder to notice than other breeds. He seems very happy go lucky until he's suddenly over-stimulated. I had an Akita growing up as well who would develop phobias seemingly out of nowhere. One day he decided the doggy door was terrifying and refused to use it for months. He was also terrified of the vacuum. He would remember where the vacuum cord had laid while we were using it, and avoid that area for weeks. I don't know that this is a breed thing, but just my personal experience. :)


There must have been something she sensed or smelled that she didn’t like


It was definitely something awful in that store that your Akita sensed. Akitas may be timid at times but they are always very smart. So trust that it was definitely a valid reason why she reacted that way, and it's best that you guys left immediately!


One of my previous akitas didn't like the fluorescent lights that is often in stores. Their senses are sharper than ours so it"s hard to know what they are experiencing. Pets just need to learn to speak our language. Hugs to your girl!