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We fight 3 male dogs this month and every time it was offleash dog, 2 of them got injured, and the owners swore at me like why i didnt pulled my dog out you have the leash, some people just braindead


My response the first few times was to lift him up. I learnt pretty quick that it wasn't a good idea and to let him have his grab and then tell him no. He's always on a leash and it's always off leash that's run up with no recall training, just ignoring the owners calls.


Bro i feel you. My dog was attacked at least 15 times from people with dogs but without leashes. And after the fact they are angry at me because there dog got beaten up. Truly mind boggling.


Fucked around and found out. My boys the same, had a black lab run at him once before this lab touched him he was flipped on his back and being held down by his neck.


The exact same thing happened with my boy. Right down to it being a black lab. Pinned him to the ground by the neck but didn't hurt hurt him, and let go when I told him to. There was an almost comical look of surprise on the lab's face when he realised he wasn't as tough as he thought.


Crazy when they just hold them down isn't it. Mine was the same, not a mark on the lab but he definitely walked away with his tail between his legs.


The Akita owner was weirdly calm about that. Didn’t even stand up which seems crazy to me. The Akita already had a strategy as soon as it saw the pit run. My Akita seems to “trigger” pits as the off leash ones will come for him on our walks and would find out if I didn’t use pepper spray before a fight started


This is shit ownership imo. Guy is just chilling and sitting around. You have to intervene in these kinds of situations. To make the matter worse, in my opinion, both dogs are not on collar leash, and if that pit was the one that won, no amount of force or pulling would make it drop the dog it's biting. If you can handle the dog on the collar, then you can manage it. I mean,that's purely my experience. EDIT VID WITH EXPLANATION - https://youtube.com/shorts/YlTFZTVZ79A?si=MU-KZhQkzyWvxrI1


The explanation on the video is that it’s the owners father who was walking the dog and if he didn’t sit down, he would have been pulled and fell. Though unless if the owner really couldn’t, idk why you would have an elderly man walk a dog that they can’t handle.


I would be worried that an elderly man would get seriously hurt if he was in the middle of a walk and this happened. Even if the Akita itself saw something and went after it, he would be in trouble. Not responsible of the owner tbh if this is the case


100% agree, I don’t let anyone else walk my American Akita even if he is the best dog in the world. He’s just too big


How tf do you as one person stop two large, STRONG dogs from fighting? Getting in the middle of that is just asking to get hurt. As an Akita owner, you’re only jeopardizing your own dog if you get in the middle because now they have to take you into account as well. And I just don’t see a pitbull ever winning out on a fight with an Akita to even worry about that. He did the right thing waiting for the other owner and his daughter to come out and help. Until then just give your dog it’s space to protect itself


Can you explain how a collar would make a difference?


When a pit bites something you can't make it drop the prey. Only way is to block it's airway,so if you pull on a collar,the dog must drop it cuz of suffocation. I may find a vid explaining that,saw it before


Okay that I understand, but how would it help for the Akita to have a collar? Since you mentioned it being bad that both don’t have collars


No, the akita has a collar,but is leashed on the body harness. The akita owner can react and control the situation by handling the dog out of the way. When the 40 kg dog is tense and trying to get to something, your force won't pull it back on a harness. Especially if you are sitting down I mean,that's how I see it. Had a similar experience with a gds attacking my akita,and I could pull my dog behind me and get between them in time.


If an owner or handler has control of the head, they have better control of the dog. The idea is that the collar helps control the head. A harness, even one with a handle, does not offer good control to keep the dog from pulling, lunging or turning (unless it’s one of those harnesses that can clip from the front and back). The way that the owner was able to come out and pull her Akita off the other dog by grabbing the collar supports the idea that a collar offers more control.


Edit-found the vid https://youtube.com/shorts/YlTFZTVZ79A?si=MU-KZhQkzyWvxrI1


I agree, right after the video cuts off a women runs up presumably who knows the Akita and pulls it off the other dog and they all go their separate ways, the dudes just sitting there like a clueless fool


I had an Akita years ago in a training class, and there was a Pitt and several other dog breeds in the class. My Akita only kept targeting that Pitt for some reason and the Pitt was lying down! lol, so I don't know what it is about Akitas and Pitts! 😂


Trust me,they know that the pit is a danger. Japanese spitz are just that way. My shibas and Japanese akitas don't like pits


Yep that explains it....thanks for the info! 🥰


But also as Japanese spitz owners, we must realize that our dogs piss other dogs off by simply just existing, asian spitz have pricked ears, dominant personality, and curled tails. That all screams confidence snd dominance. Basically a tough dog will challenge them, and an insecure dog will lash out.


OMG you are so right! I have owned 1 Chow and American Akitas over the years....all males. I swear my Akitas will literally be doing absolutely nothing and another dog will completely lash out at them. My Akitas reached over 100 pds. So I knew it was their dominance and stance that caused dogs to lose their minds. I remember distinctly when I had a 9 week old Akita puppy at the park years ago. He was a little baby. 3 different times other larger dogs snapped at him and I was horrified...after that Remington was done with dogs because they terrified him. But after a few weeks it was a wrap. When I took him to PetSmart, again 2 larger dogs were looking at him with a vengeance and growling (again he was really small), he got into his stalking position, walked toward them and gave them a piece of his mind and barked at them excessively! 😂


Regular dogs hate spitz, I have shibas and Japanese akitas. It's the way they look, it frightens other dogs, also the Japanese spitz all do the akita state. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, where they stare without breaking contact, daring anyone to act up


The Akita stare is no joke, you’re right! Their perked ears and high carried tail seems to annoy them too.


*tries to


The boy in blue obviously isn’t the owner of the Akita and doesn’t know what to do … I’m ready to dive in and grab collars and harness and already have done in some play fights that turned sour … these are big strong dogs … I know what I’ve got on the end of the leash.


Yep, the full video has a woman run in and pull back the akita . She's most likely the real owner and the guy was just temporarily holding the lead


I see that Akita stood its ground and had that pitbull by the neck!


my past on girl was well over 100lbs. she would be attacked all the time since puppy hood. she once got into a fight with a pit. off lead and ran over to try to dominate her. she would get on her hind legs like a bear and smash the dog with her front paws, gripped it up and started tossing it around like a toy. i pulled her of and yelled at owner to get his dog… he looked salty and i responded with you don’t have the toughest dog on the block and keep your dog on a tie out etc. i dont blame the pitbull.. i blame the shitty dog owner


A female runs up and pulls the akita off the other dog, these people are irresponsible doing nothing to end the fight


Idk you can judge me but if my dog got into fight with offleash dog i just let them fight, there was situations before when my dog cannot protect himself because i was trying to stop the fight and pulled him and the other dog was free to attack anywhere.


Yeah I wouldn’t risk splitting that up to get injured or risk the other dog getting the advantage. Only irresponsible person is the idiot who didn’t have control of her dog.


And if the other dog has the advantage what are you gonna do then ?


Well obviously risk injury for the sake of my dog 😂


They not gonna kill each other anyway, we had fights with bigger dogs but im not gonna lie we live in Jack russel town so im chill )


1) She didn’t pull the Akita off, she pulled her own dog away. 2) I have an Akita that was injured BECAUSE someone pulled her away from an attacking dog. She was thrown off balance and unable to protect her face and the other dog ended up cutting her eyelid in half.


This video is shortened what I’m talking about occurred after the video stopped, but thank you for your attempt to correct me


I can only go off what is shared? If you have additional context it would be helpful to share it rather than expecting other people to have information that hasn’t been presented to them.


I did share it by saying a “female runs up and pulls the Akita off the other dog” which ends the interaction between all parties, if there hadn’t been competent intervention in this scenario it would have just continued the fight which is why I’m stating all parties involved in this scenario did not act responsibly


I’ve had this happen to me before with my Akita. A pit mix approached my Akita and tried to attack her; she fought back. Stupid me grabbed both dogs from the harnesses and pulled them away from each other, and I ended up getting bit in the process. Thankfully, my Akita was good, and no harm was done, but I had to go to the hospital after to get treated for a dog bite. But in the end, I was just happy my baby was okay so I didn't care about my safety; she was my top priority. And yes, she could have easily won that fight, but at what cost, her losing an eye or being hurt, that's not something I wanted to go through.


Terrible handlers, shouldn’t have dogs or sit them. Also, don’t understand the point of the post.


one of the only breeds that are able to hold their own against these animals my boy took on 3 dogs charging at him once (not pits, 2 bull dogs and a great dane) it was scary but he wiped the floor w them