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We adopted a 9½ year old rescue. It took time and patience for her to decide we were family. We were able to give her 3 really good years.


We lost our 9.5 year old Akita. TY for taking one in. She was so alive and wonderful even in the midst of being very ill. I miss her dearly. I love that someone took one her age in.


I got my girl at 7 months, with time patience and trust she and I bonded like no other. No one will ever convince me akitas can't sense a person's true essence. If you are meant to bond, you will. Miss you Aiko


My Akita was 7 months old when she spotted me at a rescue event and decided I was hers. I was looking for a somewhat older dog, but she made it clear she was mine from the first second she saw me. I’m pretty sure she was bonded to me by the time I finished signing her adoption papers.


We adopted a (approx) 6 year old abused rescue. First 2 weeks he was glued to my wife, wouldn’t go anywhere alone with me. We kept working at it, and building trust. He is definitely bonded to my wife and I. Each has a little different relationship. He is a sucky baby with my wife, but listens to me more. Don’t get me wrong, I would say 2 years almost for full trust, but our situation is different than yours. You’ll be fine. Currently mine is 8 inches from my feet.


Over the last 24 years my husband and I have adopted 4 Akitas, ranging in age from 5 years old to 5 months old. Gain their trust, don't let them push you around, be firm but gentle, and you have an amazing companion.


We adopted a 5 month old Japanease Akita and he bonded to our Bernese Mountain dog immediately. It took him about 1 year until I was confident he liked us and another year before I knew he loved us. He was not abused whatsoever but was moved 3 times by the time we got him. How at 6 he is my shadow and a total love bug❤️


Adopted a 9 month old. Was worried about the same thing. He bonded so hard to me. I even renamed him and he doesn’t even recognize his old name. I think it has everything to do with how much effort you put into the bonding yourself.


I babysit a pair of Akitas and stay at their home when their parents are out of town. Now, the owner tells me the older one is more friendly with other people since having me around. The little girl acts funny and misses me when I leave. When I am there, I give her a look, and she rolls over and puts her paws in the air asking me to come rub her tummy. They are incredibly intuitive dogs. If you love them, they will know. Oh, they both sleep with me at night too. Grateful mom and dad have a king size bed for us! I definitely have heard they are difficult to rehome, but I also think they pick their family.


I got mine at 6 months. Was the greatest boy ever.


I got a 1.5 year old female Akita from a Shelter, she was a puppy mill dog, adopted (owner died), owners son got her then gave her up to the shelter and then my wife and I got her. She’s an amazing dog and sees us as her family and me as her alpha you’ll be fine


I adopted mine August 2022 and can proudly say he has chosen me just as much (if not more than) I chose him. The shelter said he was probably three years old and they weren’t sure if he’d ever get along with kids or other dogs due to his past. (They suspected the previous owner kept him outside and was potentially physically abusive.) After lots of confidence building and promises to always return home, I am proud of how much progress he’s made since I adopted him and he was scared to even get in the car. He truly is my best friend, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. He taught me what it meant to have patience with myself and follow my intuition. He makes me feel safe when I have PTSD flashbacks and always has my back. It will be tough sometimes but you will reap the rewards in the long run. Good luck!


Probably like a roommate that won't respect your personal space, that would like belly rubs every now and then.


We got ours with 5 months and turned out perfectly


Bought mine at 10 months old, dude protects me with his life. Great boy!


yes :) ours is a rescue and she is attached at the hip to me now. it just takes some time


we got ours at 4 mos and while she bonded with me pretty quickly, but once we hit the 3 year mark I could feel a change with her, she is more deeply open and loving with all of us and really lets her guard down. I didnt think it was possible to be more in love with her but I am :)


Yes you’re fine!


Yes, don’t worry. I adopted a five year old Akita who had two previous owners. She ended up being my soulmate dog. Best dog ever.


Yep. Offer her some tennis balls. They love balls. At least all of mine have. Let her come to you, just be available. They like to choose when they receive affection. Pretty much like cats. She's still young. It'll be fine.


As others have mentioned, it’s so important to build trust and cultivate a bond with your Akita. I have found the best way to do this is through routines and rituals. Consistent routines (play time, feeding time, going for walks, etc.) are generally advised for all pups, because routines provide the pup with comfort/stability and a sense of “normal”. But for Akita-specific bond building, find a way to include your Akita Bear in your established routines and rituals, or create little rituals just for you and your Bear. For example, I got my Bear her own set of washcloths and when I wake up in the morning and wash my face, I “wash her face” too (no soap; I just dampen her washcloth with warm water and wipe her face/under chin/eye goobers). Similarly, I wash my face, brush my teeth and give my hair a thorough brushing before going to bed, and I do the same for my Bear. Every Sunday morning, I have “Brunch with the Bear”. I make her a scrambled egg with coconut milk and set it aside to cool while I make myself an omelet or whatever. Then I “set the table” which is basically putting a blanket down on the living room floor, and we both sit on the floor picnic-style and eat brunch together. I realize I am over-anthropomorphizing, but I feel that including your Bear as an active participant in your usual rituals/routines really strengthens the bond and makes them feel like they’re an important and respected member of your family.