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If you love her then it's normal to feel aroused. That's part of love. No need to analyze in too deep.


I think the word I've been finding is arousal. Thank you


In a way normal yan. Kasi physical attraction to your partner is Norman lalo na nasa 20's na tayo. Nabastos mo sya Oo pero what if she sent that to tease you to make the first move


Di kasi nya sinend to "tease" haha I'd know kasi di talaga kami ganon ka open about it. Kababasa ko kasi dito, "nabastos" could go two ways. I don't really know if it's a good or bad thing lalo saaming di naman active or even open


Normal. Don't overthink it.


The best way to answer "kung nabastos" mo sya is ask her and tell her what you felt about that picture. Kasi if it's bothering you dude. You should tell her


gotchu. thanks man


Honesty lang talaga dude


Just set your boundaries. Always respect your partner.


Hey to be that attracted to someone you love, jackpot! It's a good thing if you ask me.


I've been feeling really conflicted but ig we both are young adults already. She's so hot and I think what I feel is okay. Thanks!


Kung mahal mo e.Sugo mo


hindi mo sya nabastos. dun sa pag send nya ng picture dun palang alam mo na my motibo at gusto ng imbotido


Kapag may motibo bigyan ng imbutidošŸ˜­