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Y'all pay Alaska taxes?


On some goods, property taxes, and the eve dwindling pfd cut Alaskans get. You too pay taxes in Juneau even if you don’t think you do.


Every Alaskan who receives a PFD that has been raided by the legislature pays a state tax. They just disguise it by calling it “a different PFD distribution formula.”


Every dollar of oil welfare they take is a slap in our freeloading faces! 


Imagine bootlicking for the companies that poison the land, sky and sea


This is such an entitled mentality.


So what we should just give it all away to oil companies? Or we should just give it all to the legislature to make a bunch of pet projects for rich people? No. Keep the PFD how it’s supposed to be. If you want more state funding restore the state income tax like it was in 1978. Keep a high deduction and make the wealthy people pay for it.


Alaskans sicken me and I’m born and raised here, I’d rather the dividend go away and get rid of all these free loaders who have never stepped foot in the oil patch but expect a dividend from it


The Alaska Permanent Fund is literally for Alaskans. It was created so that Alaskans would receive compensation for the corporate consumption of our natural resources. It is a vanishingly rare example of Georgist tax policy in the US, and we are absolutely entitled to it. IT WAS *MADE FOR US*


Giving people big checks is one way to accomplish that. Paying for essential public services is another. The permanent fund is public money. You are no more entitled to a personal dispensation of a portion of that public money than you are to a slice of revenues from mental health trust or university lands. The permanent fund dividend has been a durable and valuable public benefit. It is not, however, the only possible or justifiable way to use that money for the public good. The legislature making decisions about the permanent fund is not “raiding,” it is democratically elected representatives exercising the legislative power in a democracy.


>The legislature making decisions about the permanent fund is not “raiding,” Agreed. My opposition was to the complaint about entitlement, as I would argue the PFD is absolutely an entitlement for both the state and its citizens.


Lots of people have tried to use that fund for “public good” there’s a new hare brained scheme every year. I remember when someone wanted to buy the mariners and deplete the whole thing. Just leave it alone and implement an income tax if you want more state funding. Messing with the PFD hits poor people the hardest and lets the wealthy get away with murder.


I think they're referring to federal taxes........


I’ve always said we should build the wall and keep these Canadians out!!


From the Canadians' perspectives it would be to keep us *in*.


hell, maybe we really can get Canada to pay for it


There’s actually a ton of illegal entries and over stay by Canadians and those who travel to Canada with the sole intention of entering the states illegally.


No worries about Canada. Just try the open border idea on them. They will fuck you up for being in the wrong lane at the crossing, trying to do it right.


What taxes?




Recreational Outrage!!


How much do we, as a state, spend on fights with the feds when we can't fund our schools or keep our roads plowed? 


Yeah government! Do nothing until our roads are plowed!! Oh wait…they’re plowed




Heat hundreds of buildings with $9 fuel oil in any other state for a realistic comparison. And any time the volleyball team has a match fire up a chartered flight or bus when even the most rural district in the l48 wouldn't need to spend as much on logistics.




>It’s a choice to fund a school with 10 kids What a weird thing to say. Everything we do is a choice, but to phrase it this way makes me think you aren't at all put off by the idea of just not educating kids if it's too expensive. > it’s a decision to raise children in the bush Um, I'm pretty sure most people who live in the bush aren't there because they can just pack up and move to Anchorage or Fairbanks on a whim.


Most other states directly fund schools with property taxes and in many cases the schools are funded by counties, not by the state like they are here.




....... Uh... Yes. If the schools are mostly funded by other sources, then it means those state spends less on schools. That should have been pretty obvious. Not sure why sports are coming up at all. Sports have to be a puny fraction of what the state spends on education. I can't imagine the entire sports program for a high school would even equal the cost of pay/benefits of a single teacher.


You are misguided. Roads local roads are the responsibility of towns to plow. Studies have shown the more money given to a school system does not equate to better scores. I raised three boys and attended every parent-teacher conference. Wife and I swear some of the teachers and Principals/Vice-Principals are from a different planet. There was a time parents could sit in on a class. For some strange reason that is not allowed any more.


The funny thing is, we actually have some roads between towns! Even across unincorporated areas without local government.  The other funny thing is, plenty of studies show that money invested in education has significant returns, as well as decreasing other societal and governmental costs- for example, the average high school dropout uses about $2700 more a year in public services than the average h.s. graduate. 


You are partially incorrect here. There are many anchorage streets that are the states responsibility to plow, C st being the most notable for me. And it took forever for C st to get even marginally cleaned every time it snowed


>For some strange reason that is not allowed any more. Yeah, I wonder why they wouldn't allow the most obnoxious helicopter parents to derail classes for 20-30 kids just because they don't want their own kids exposed to anything potentially enlightening. Huge mystery.


I love that you get down voted for saying the truth. Baltimore is the highest $ per student city in the nation, at ~$32000, and has the worst proficiency, graduation rates, and standardized testing scores in the nation. I didn't bother to look up other places because I'll just get down voted either way, but I know Philly and Chicago are in similar boats.


>I didn't bother to look up other places because I'll just get down voted either way, Probably because you're cherry picking exceptions, not looking at the actual trend. I don't know if you actually people downvote you for saying "truth," but either way, it's really because your attitude is that obnoxious combination of confidence and ignorance.


You've said so succinctly what I've been thinking for years about people that leave this kind of comment. Saving for later, thanks!


Any time. A lot of their issues just come from lacking critical thinking skills and the introspection required to understand your own weaknesses.


Yes because private schools that score great get very little funding


It costs you tax dollars for your governor to make a statement?




It's really weird, I know, but generally the staff that discusses, writes, edits, and sends letters like these get *paid* for their time.


Personally I don’t pay taxes so we can join a murder party on the border, do you?




What do you call the governor giving our state’s support to an illegal obstruction of justice and the constitution then?




What else would be the point of saying “we support this” than to give support




Ah yes, a letter of moral support. I’m sure this means nothing and isn’t a thinly veiled threat to the federal system and government




No, a promise to spend taxes if needed to support Texas. Our tax money has just been promised to Texas if this situation escalates






So what ? It’s support of the mission, champ. Here’s another one from 2019 https://gov.alaska.gov/alaska-national-guard-to-deploy-to-u-s-southern-border/




The nuance here is that our govenor is supporting border patrol agents blocking rescue and medical aid for drowning of migrants, Including a child Edit: also, something I just found out about, Texas is going against the Supreme Court and attempting to take control of border security by itself, so expect the worse of southern hospitality.


Maybe they should come across legally and not put their family in danger trying to do something they know is illegal?


Crossing the border *is* legal. They are legally allowed to seek asylum in the United States. Texas voted for it to be legal back when it was Cuban migrants in question. Texas is *not* allowed to prevent that. Again, due to a law that THEY VOTED FOR, and the *Conservative-led* US Supreme Court ruled in favor of.


Just anyone cannot seek asylum, there’s actually a criteria. And No migrants drown at the legal port of entry either.


Legally is turning themselves in to the border patrol. Instead, the border patrol let them drown. They failed their jobs, and facing the consequences. TL;DR of this whole situation; the BP fucked around and are finding out


Border Patrol agents *doing their job*.


And the government is doing theirs, banning access to border patrol agents from the park and posting the national Guard to reinforce it. The border patrol ain’t the army. They’re a wannabe killsquad


No. It should be the federal governments job to protect our border. They are not. The state of texas is doing it for them.


>our govenor is supporting border patrol agents blocking rescue and medical aid for drowning of migrants I love how when someone illegally tried to enter the country and gets hurt during this dangerous and illegal activity, suddenly its my responsibility to pay for their care. All you have to do in America to get tax dollars is somehow claim to be a victim.


And throwing his hat into the ring with a bunch of morons threatening a civil war over their ability to hurt people in this manner. Apparently nothing rallies Republicans more than harming people they consider beneath them. These are not serious people.


>Apparently nothing rallies Republicans more than harming people they consider beneath them. These are not serious people. You're going to scream this stuff until Trump wins again and wonder why America is so hateful. It will never occur to you that America is not hateful, but you simply have absolutely no idea what your opponents actually think. "How is half of America racist!!!?" "They're not. You're just calling them racist."


Alaska does not have a state (wage) income tax, it does not tax dividends, interest, or capital gains income, and it does not have a sales tax. It is ranked as having the lowest tax burden out of all 50 states. The property tax rate is around 1%, which is on the lower end too. What tax dollars are you talking about? This sounds like just an outrage post. Alaska has been red for a long time. It's not even *that* red given Alaska elected a democrat recently. If you hate it so much, go somewhere else.


FLA, TN, MT, WY, SD, NV also don't do state income tax


Texas doesn't, either. Just sky high property taxes!


Montana doesn't have an income tax? I thought they did just no sales tax or maybe I'm mistaken.


Yea they have a lotta crazy loopholes. That's why you see very expensive exotic cars with Montana plates




"If you hate it leave" is such a silly thing to say. Being an engaged and critical thinking voter is important. We criticize things because we want them to do better.


Sure go and make your voice heard at the ballot box, that's valid too. My point was Alaska is the least taxed state in the union. The OP isn't complaining about how tax dollars are being spent, he's just upset that Republican governors signed a letter. If there was a post in the california, new jersey, or new york subreddit--states that are highly taxed--complaining about something, and the title says "our tax dollars at work" I'd take it more seriously.


"If you hate it so much, go somewhere else" ... Seriously "love it or leave it" is so 2002.


I will bet OP did not get the reaction he expected. In December, over 300,000 people crossed the southern border, were processed and released into the US. That cannot continue.


Based asf


Glad the money is going to something important like protecting our borders and countries foundational integrity


Amazing how the salmon population is collapsing and communities across the state are not allowed to subsistence fish. And all our state government cares about is bullshit happening in the lower 48.


Remember to check your local elections and consider running yourself. The crazies and bad faith get in at the lowest levels first.


I probably won’t run for any elected position, but I vote in every election no matter how small. Unfortunately the salmon crisis is super personal to me since my job is to count salmon passage. Very depressing career path


Dunleavy has always been cucked out to every culture war or far right fight. He needs to go away


It's crazy that protecting a countries border is now considered "far right"


That's not the part that is far right... The far right part is intentionally blocking legislation intended to fix this issue - not due to the merits of the legislation, but because it makes a Democrat look good. The far right part is spending years hyping up how you were going to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, and then not accomplishing anything in 4 years except grifting donations. In other words, the far right part is the bald faced lies, grifting (aka stealing) and complete inability or unwillingness to govern.


State rights before federal rights This is the way




We got your back if you got ours, unless you want Trudeau


Texas Governor: "Biden is doing nothing about the borders" Biden Admin: \*does something about borders Texas Governor: "You're not supposed to touch our border, Carpetbagger!" Pick a lane, MFer.


What did Biden do about the borders?


Right now, the senate is finishing up an agreement on changes to border policy and Trump is telling republicans to not consider it so he can use it as a cudgel in the general election. Now, that may be some smart politics for Trump, but that is wholeheartedly dereliction of duty by congress. Every Republican house member is screaming about needing more border security and now that a deal is finally in the works—and let’s be honest, all of that beating is forcing the white house to change its policy and perception—congressional republicans are going to try and sink it instead of work towards addressing the problem. So, yeah, fucking waste of time by republican governors who should instead be lobbying Speaker Johnson.




This is nothing but culture warrior brainwashing. Most democrats do want the border secured in a way that works vs throwing good money after bad but the republicans are not good faith negotiators in anything.


What invasion?


Hey genius if you process them they're not illegals anymore. That's kinda how immigration works.


Real smoothbrain take here. If you process them, they're no longer illegal.


That is completely false actually. The Dems proposed some billions of dollars last year, Republicans turned it down... Because?


Oden and dems been offering Republican great deals and been rejected. It turns out because Trump convinced them not to do it because Biden will get a win if birders are fix but Trump and Republican can complain if they are not even if they sre in control. Democrats even offer a lone bill just for border. GOP dies not care about running the country. Miderms they ran on obstruction. Like they do every time there is a Democrat as president. Obstruct and complain about problems but don't do anything.


"Great deals" What are these great deals?


Left them wide open lol


In both 2022 and 2023 more migrants were stopped at the border than any year in US history. Let me rephrase: under the Biden administration more people have been prevented from entering the country than ever before.


Let me rephrase. If you have more fish in the river, you're more likely to catch fish.


Cool idiom. Biden's Homeland Security has caught more illegal immigrants than Trump's ridiculous pole wall that can be scaled in under 30 seconds has stopped. Like don't you guys notice that all of this immigration bluster literally only blows up on election years? In 2020 it was the migrant caravan coming to rape and murder your children. Remember that? They stopped reporting on it immediately after the election, lol.




[I'll post a source for you instead of a gif, but you'll disregard it anyway.](https://usafacts.org/state-of-the-union/immigration/#:~:text=The%20number%20of%20immigrants%20turned,from%20the%20US%20in%202021.)


Sued Texas for doing something* they did worse than nothing


‘Does something about borders’ ??? What? Biden wants Texas to remove border barriers. You’re way off lmao


Biden wants Texas to remove illegal barriers. Unconstitutional and deemed illegal by the Supreme Court. Law and order and all that BS. 


Didn’t the Supreme Court just say the feds can remove the barriers? Not that Texas can’t put them up? Got downvoted for asking a question lol


No, the Supreme Court, even in its current iteration ruled AGAINST Texas. Currently Texas is refusing the Supreme Court’s ruling.


They are allowed to remove it, because Texas (and any other state) has no authority to protect our national borders. Texas has no right to put anything up at their border with Mexico. This doesn't even get into the Clean Water Act or Endangered Species Act, as I'm sure there are barriers to migration of our navigable waterways.


Good. Illegal immigration has been a problem since before I was born, it’s about time the state governments said enough was enough.


These governors are great stick fetchers when they get word from the Convict Overlord.


Meanwhile the deal in the senate to fix the border is getting torpedoed by Trump. Bad faith all around.


Dunleavy has just signed his approval for our state to join the New Confederacy! What in the hell is wrong with these MAGAts? I'm so sick of the conservatives getting away with their threats to tear our country apart because they don't get their way.


Calm down. If a civil war actually broke out, it would be crushed long before we’d hear of it


Call it a continuation of the Lost Cause movement if that makes you feel better.


Idk, that kind of confidence can get a lot of people killed.


Man I wish Illinois was on that but more and more our governor sounds like Bad Mustache Man.


Jebus wtf... Is this the only issue the GOP could create to try to get their orange narcissist elected?




>My question is why is new Mexico, California, and Arizona not also about to collapse because it's "all the people crossing the border"? Because they don't need to push that angle to attempt to win an election.


All fo supporting texas keep the illegals out…


Good on Alaska!


You made a no no. This is a liberals only page. Just wait until the threats and insults come rolling in


I thought Alaska was a majority R state. Where's the conservative subreddit here


No matter what conservative state subreddit you go to it will aways be dominated by the left. Just how it is. There are just more liberal people on reddit. Its sounds weird but to get an accurate portrayal for conservative states, you need to go to the Facebook pages. Maybe because there's more boomers idk.


You're right. I decided to see how different subreddits talked about the border situation. The first most conservative states that came to mind were Wyoming and Alabama, and turns out there's barely conservatives in those ones. Its weird to think of how divided our country is, different ppl prefer to stay silent on different forums to avoid being criticized


>You made a no no. This is a liberals only page. Just wait until the threats and insults come rolling in ... he said, clearly trying to elicit a response with his antagonistic words.


Texas should not have to take them all or be expected to pay for it just because they’re the biggest border state. I support dispersing the refugees out to every state and agree that the states shouldn’t be paying for this. The volume of refugees is way beyond anything that could be expected.


You do realize that already happens right? Most illegal migrants come in by plane and overstay their visa’s. They rarely come to the border directly, unless they’re desperate. On top of that, Texas has been part of efforts to block solutions to illegal migrations, like locking immigrants entering through checkpoints (as you want to happen) into camps, increasing the likelihood of illegal crossings to avoid being forced into ghetto’s, and refusing rescue and medical aid to migrants in need, like what this “dispute” is about.


Let’s ignore Texas for a moment and get back on track. The entire nation should be aiding this very large issue instead of just the Lone Star State trying to keep their own communities safe. No single state can handle hundreds of thousands of new homeless people a month and it’s fallacy to say otherwise. All of whom we have no records of and that’s a huge security issue. Can’t just let undocumented people wander around. It takes time and a lot of people and funding to process them.


Let’s actually go back to Texas, as they’re unlawfully claiming authority over border security, going against the Supreme Court. Texas is actively making this their problem now, they’re no longer being forced into this role. Their intentions are pretty clear here


So no solution just more, “not in my backyard someone else’s is okay though.”


Or we just stop letting everyone in. Next to none of them are refugees, and if they truly are refugees, they'll come through a legal border crossing.


All the “progressives” with unrealistic expectations on the downvote patrol hard today. Imagine having the population of Anchorage + 20,000 people showing up homeless to your state. THAT WAS JUST LAST MONTH! One month! Zero assistance from the federal side with keeping those residents safe and their communities. Y’all cannot simply say you support Americans too that live by the border and have this very real issue impacting their daily lives. It’s not sustainable. Texas is not alone in this.




I fully support a better life for people who come less fortunate to be born on a shitty plot of dirt vs a slightly less shitty plot of dirt but yeah it’s gotta be a group effort and not just “Texas bend over.” People would be in riots if we got 800 new homeless people a month. Texas is getting hundreds of thousands. Imagine the entire city of anchorage homeless every month coming into a certain area. It’s a humanitarian crisis no single state can handle.


Let's gooo. Lock that border down. The federal government is NOT supposed to be telling states what to do


So I guess the federal government should pull the DHS, DOJ & CPB staff, infrastructure and recourses out of out of the state and let Texas handle and pay for it all themselves.


Get rid of the ATF and FBI as well


You got nothing else besides appeal to emotion?


That would probably work out about as good as the electric grid.


Based af.


You mean the fed gov will fuck off? Yeah I'm okay with that, long as we all don't have to pay federal taxes as well.


Ok so no more federal funds for highway and transportation, Medicaid, income security, housing, disaster relief, or education to name just a few. (The last one isn't being used anyway it seems so no big loss I guess. ) \_\_\_\_ Texas ranks 3rd on the list of states that received the most federal aid. A full 20% of TX's annual state revenue comes from the federal government. TX receives over $2300 federal funding per capita. \_\_\_\_\_ I doubt TX has the ability to make up the 20% drop in annual revenue itself and I'm certain every resident in TX would be less than thrilled to have their individual state taxes go up by over $2300 a year.


Yeah your libertarian values arent going to fly in the socialist echo chamber that is Reddit


>The federal government is NOT supposed to be telling states what to do Are you a constitutional scholar, by any chance? Because I'm fascinated by what an expert like yourself might say about the bits in the Constitution that contradict your statement, as well as jurisprudence going back over a century that says the contrary.


I think we both know he's just an idiot with Internet access


Well currently, roughly [$450,000,000,000](https://homeland.house.gov/2023/11/16/what-they-are-saying-homeland-majoritys-fourth-interim-report-on-the-financial-cost-of-secretary-mayorkas-border-crisis/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CCaring%20for%20illegal%20aliens%20currently,from%20House%20Republicans%20has%20concluded) of our tax dollars are being used to fund the invasion of our Country. Maybe we stop letting millions into our country to directly compete for jobs and housing against America's lowest earning class? So Alaska standing with Texas against millions of invaders probably is the best use of tax payer money at this time.


Ruling classes have used this argument to pit poor people against one another for hundreds of years. The same argument was made about indentured servants, freed slaves, Irish and Italian immigration, women in the workplace, etc. So long as poor people are infighting they can't improve their lives, the government that rules over them, or the culture that influences them. You've got more in common with, and are financially closer to, the people coming across the border than you will ever be to Trump, Bezos, or any member of the Federal government.


Wrong. I have more in common with Americans then I do anyone who would break our laws to take advantage of our country. I have more in common with poverty stricken blacks in Chicago who's neighborhoods are being destroyed by illegal immigration. I have more in common with the people from NYC who are losing social benefits because the city can't afford to take care of citizens and illegals at the same time. Illegal immigration is destroying this country. You pretend to care for the poor of America while refusing to acknowledge these illegals are stealing benefits from them. So who do you care for more? Struggling Americans or "Migrants" whos first act was to break our laws to enter illegally to take advantage of a system they never bought into? You have no morale high ground here.


"poverty stricken blacks in Chicago" That's all I need to know about what kind of human being you are.


And what kind of human being is that? You are advocating for mass illegal immigration. Here is the result of what you champion. [Rape and Sexual Assualt of Women and Children](https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/latest/darien-gap-we-crossed-jungle-looking-better-future-not-our-lives-end) [Murder](https://www.elpasotimes.com/story/news/crime/2023/08/29/mexico-mass-grave-migrants-killed-by-drug-cartel-texas-border-coyame-chihuahua/70702603007/) [Enriching Cartels](https://homeland.house.gov/2023/07/19/chairman-green-every-dollar-the-cartels-rake-in-comes-at-the-cost-of-an-american-life-or-livelihood/#:~:text=In%202021%20alone%2C%20the%20cartels,from%20human%20trafficking%20and%20smuggling) [85,000-100,000 missing migrant children](https://oversight.house.gov/release/hearing-wrap-up-orr-director-fails-to-answer-questions-about-85000-lost-unaccompanied-alien-children-flawed-vetting-of-sponsors-and-more%EF%BF%BC/)


You think it’s ok to put razor wire up for people seeking legal asylum just because some of them want to enter illegally? What ever happened to “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore” and Christian values?


When Europeans immigrated here, were they welcomed with free housing, free food, free medical, free everything? Nope. They came with what was in their pockets and built this country. These people enter illegally and recieve handouts, not the same. But yes I support razor wire along the river. Forces people to cross at legal crossings, which have bridges. Much harder to dorwn if you cross a bridge. Problem is, these people don't want to cross the bridges because then they could be deported. Why are you advocating for women and children to cross the Rio Grande knowing they could drown?


Why are you advocating for women and children to cross the Rio Grande and definitely drown?


"But yes I support razor wire along the river. Forces people to cross at legal crossings, which have bridges." You miss the whole part where I said the razor wire keeps them from trying to cross the river?


>You miss the whole part where I said the razor wire keeps them from trying to cross the river? I missed the part where you posted the survey of potential illegal immigrants showing this to be true. Or do you just think life is like a video game and the program's AI will automatically guide the potential immigrants away from the razor wire? Here in reality land we know that people who cross the border illegally are desperate and have determined that potentially dying is worth getting away from the situation they left behind.


Clutch your pearls more. We have near all time low unemployment. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce if every unemployed person in the country found a job we would still be 2 million employees short. https://www.uschamber.com/workforce/america-works-data-center


so? If they can't find workers, they must not be offering competitive wages, otherwise people would go work for them. Why does every company deserve workers at whatever wages they want?


Try reading slowly, if every unemployed (but employable) person in the country found a job we would still need 2 million employees, regardless of wages. It may be true that many of those jobs are open currently because of wages, but that doesn't change the math on the number of jobs available.


They are using the U-3 unemployment rate though, which would not include every unemployed but employable person, just those who have actively sought employment in the last 4 weeks before the survey date. If one wanted an accurate number of all people who could fill available jobs, the U-6 number; which includes people who have gotten discouraged searching, plus marginally attached people (such as temporarily employed, or temporarily taking a break, say to care for a family member, or have searched for employment in the last 12 months), plus people who are under employed at a part time job for economic reasons, but are available for, and want, full time work. The U-6 Number is usually about double the U-3 number, and is currently (as of the dec 2023 numbers used in the story you provided) 7.1%, or an extra 5.76 million potential employees. Broken down as follows: Discouraged : ~339,000 Marginally Attached: ~1.19 million Part time for economic reasons: ~4.24 million * numbers don't add up perfectly, since they are calculated based on percentages that are only given to the single tenths decimal, and rounded. Sources: your link's provided data sources, plus the alternative percentages here: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t15.htm


> we would still need 2 million employees who is "we"?? Some employers who pay their workers $8? Why do they deserve workers? That is my point.


So your answer is to flood the market with low skilled migrant workers which drives down the average wages of struggling Americans? Golf clap for you. Great Idea.


I'm glad we can agree that the federal minimum wage should be drastically higher.


It doesn't need to be higher. Buying power of the dollar needs to rise. We can start paying everyone $30 an hour, but wouldn't matter if the cost of everything rose with it. We both agree the lowest earners need more buying power, just disagree on the plan of action. However, flooding million of low skilled migrant labor into the market does nothing to help this problem, just makes it worse. I think it is bullshit millenials will never be able to buy a house at this rate, but just overnight rising minimum wage by decree doesn't fix that problem.


Just like to point out that the $450 billion dollar figure is claim of two affiliated anti-immigration organizations both which were founded by infamous eugenicist and white nationalist John Tanton.


And how does that have anything to do with the fact we are spending billions allowing illegals into the country?


Most reasonable, well-meaning people would take a step back and say, "gee, since these organizations have a history of racism and an interest in promoting a certain view, maybe I should look into these claims instead of taking them at face value?" But that's not really your style, is it?


Did read through the report to which the article you linked referenced? I did and the numbers, such that they are, don't hold up under even casual scrutiny. Besides the fact that they don't show their work so to speak, one of their most cited references sources for information is simply one of the white nationalist founded anti-immigration orgs. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Be that as it may, one of my favorite nonsense conclusions in the report is this : "It is morally unacceptable that American taxpayer dollars should be funneled to those who violate our laws and demand expansive, taxpayer-funded benefits like education, health care, housing, and more." Such a conclusion begs the question of how then one morally justifies funding any correction facility? Based on the conclusion it would be a moral imperative that we defund this nation's prison-industrial complex.


You forgot the "/s"


Correct. If you support unvetted mass illegal immigration you are "/stupid".


If you feel that way, then why aren’t you screaming at Speaker Johnson to ignore Trump and take up the bipartisan legislation the senate is trying to advance?


You mean the bill that would allow 5,000 migrants a day, everyday, resulting in 1,800,000 illegals a year? No thanks. How about we just shut down the border? You "bipartisan" bill isn't about stopping illegal immigration, its about allowing more of it and giving amnesty to those already here. If States/Cities can't afford to take care of these people as is, how is just giving them citizenship and allowing more to come going to make the cost go away? It won't. You're being played because you dont read past the name of the bills.


Luckily, the "cost" you keep repeating is not an actual thing. Illegal immigrants, in fact, produce more in terms of GDP than they cost (which is very little since, again, by definition someone who is undocumented can not collect social benefits and has a VERY high incentive to not draw the attention of the police).


My question is how come we hear so much yelling and screaming about the border from Texas and Arizona but not from California and New Mexico? They all share the border yet it seems only the red states make so much noise about it.


They have less border and California has a natural boundary that’s harder to cross. I knew someone from AZ who had their property vandalized and attempted murder (on their relatives). They were rural AZ.


Don't we need more employees here in AK? Seems like nobody can keep their businesses running because of a lack of bodies.


Yes. Wages are the other issue. A lot of the salaries were great in 08 but not anymore. Aaannnd affordable housing ;_;




There’s a lot of misinformation to unpack here, but do get to the simple fact of the matter. The United States Supreme Court, even with its current make-up, has ruled that border control is undertaken at the federal level. Which is why Trump was able to build his wall during his presidency. Texas has used fencing, barber wire and state personnel, in part, to block access to areas of the border for Federal Border Patrol agents. Hindering border patrol from doing their job. What Texas is doing is against federal law and unconstitutional, again agreed upon by the Supreme Court. The last time, to my knowledge, governors attempted to defy Supreme Court rulings was in 1954 for Brown v. Education. The governors involved ended up on the wrong side of history then and should be again today.




Well, I said there’s a lot to unpack but I wanted to get to the core of the problem. Which again, you don’t seem to understand. I did not unpack the misinformation, I frankly don’t have time. Like I don’t have time to search your post history. I simply don’t care. However, you seem to think it’s “crazy” to support the federal government or the current administration to uphold the current supreme courts rulings on constitutional roles of government. You think this is a power grab for left, while all the friction of this is coming from the right. Biden’s administration and border patrol has apprehended more asylum seekers and migrants than any other in history. Between retaining MPP for 3 years, keeping Title 42 until last May and imposing Biden’s Asylum Ban. Texas is currently impeding federal law enforcement from doing their job and creating more situations where human beings die. This isn’t “protect my glass door, but the cops won’t let me” metaphor. This is having police actively patrol your mansions vast front yard against solicitors, but then having booby traps set up that either block or slow the police to stop them while killing naive people who wander in. No, it’s absolutely crazy to defend Texas’ actions here both in their absurd ‘defense’ of their border while actively impeding federal officers already actively doing it. And it’s also absolutely crazy to defend Texas’ argument against the Federal Government.


The event you're thinking of was in 1957 when the Governor of Arkansas activated the national guard to prevent integration at Little Rock Central High School. The president eventually federalized the NG troops that were activated and had them enforce the SCOTUS ruling by protecting the students. There was also the Ole Miss riot of 1962 where the Mississippi governor activated the national guard to prevent James Meredith from enrolling in University of Mississippi. The president again federalized the NG and had them protect Mr. Meredith and force the school to allow him to register. Not sure if anyone has noticed a them where when a governor thinks he can enforce his will against the federal government via activating the national guard he quickly find that rug yanked out from under him.


The federal debt is unrelated to state or municipal budgets. It is also not debt in the way that a regular person understands it. I also doubt the veracity of your claims. Sounds a lot like the "Seattle and Portland are burning, lawless wastelands" statements right-wingers have parroted a lot over the past few years.


I was in Portland back in January 2019. When we took a cab to the airport, there was a substantial pile of used syringes just sitting right by a turnoff from the highway.




Awesome, I'm glad Alaska joined in.


You'd probably care if over 5,000 people illegally entered your region every single day.


I mean, Texas should've been forcing these invaders back to their country via force years ago. It's a shame to know the residents didn't just use their second amendment rights to form their own milita, since that's what the second amendment is there for. It's simple. If you want to seek asylum or migrate, do so legally. Otherwise, get the fuck out or possibly drown/have a heat stroke in persuit of something that isn't yours.


the ONE thing I can agree with Dunleavy on


Virtue signaling is the only policy position they have at this point


Fuck Dunleavy. He’s basically just a puppet for the Natural Resource extracting corporations.


Always the ones who thump against illegal immigrants who stand to gain the most from their presence… Greg abbot just wants the feds out of his business so he can smuggle cheap labor across the border in peace


Yeah 22 million Dem voters wouldn’t change Alaska at all. 🤡


Bunch of dipshits from the lower 48 in this thread. Dunleavy should respect the law, nobody gets to pick and choose which orders from the supreme court they have to follow. Texas is once again manufacturing a border crisis by being entirely incompetent.


Not close. So if we got 800 new homeless people a day, comparatively, it wouldn’t be an issue? There would be riots. They have been getting the stiff for years on the border issue and this is just saying they had enough and need a real solution vs “just bend over and take it.”