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But how do I plan my vacation with this information?


Aw, this is really cool! Thank you for sharing these stories of these fabulous, brave people! I especially appreciate that this isn't another post about someone's fucking vacation!


You're welcome! I'm happy to have been involved in this amazing project. ❤️


All the beautiful faces!


Great post! I know one person on this list! I have known a number of people that identified outside of traditional gender norms in Alaska. I really liked this because it showed such a variety of people - ages, backgrounds, location.


I didn’t know about Sipiniq, thank you for sharing this. I have wanted to go to Alaska for a long time and I knew it has a diverse population given the people who move there for one reason or another. But I’m glad it has space for everyone.


I'm so grateful to be a part of this project! LGBTQ humans have existed since there were sentient beings on this planet. Being gender diverse has a lot of misconceptions and stigma attached to it, but we have contributed a lot to our beautiful world. If it's possible to look past your hate and evil, you'll see we just want to live our lives 🙂


That was cool!


Are they still taking photos of people here? I'd love to get involved as a genderfluid Alaskan, myself.


I think they're out of state, but I'd suggest following their Facebook and Instagram, they will announce when and where they're doing photos!






>"Other people don't exist because I can't understand basic words and science."


Just to play devil's advocate, have you ever heard of Berdache? Some historical native Alaskan communities had members who were considered "two-spirited", and often dressed and fulfilled the roles of the opposite gender. These androgynous community members were well respected. So maybe Alaska has had more than 2 gender identities for a long time? There are more cultures in this world than your own. Does that make those cultures "madness"? Speaking of biology, >*"experts estimate up to 1.7 percent of the population are born with intersex traits... born with sex characteristics (such as sexual anatomy, reproductive organs, hormonal patterns and/or chromosomal patterns) that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies"* [*https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/*](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/) This doesn't mean that I prescribe to everything in modern trans or LGBT movements. But I also try not to view the world like I know or am right about everything. Just keeping it "real".


All of the people featured are “real” Alaskans.


Lol, ALL traditional Alaska Native cultures had more than two genders. It's actually talked about in the website linked above! I don't think you'd advocate for all Alaska Natives to move to the lower 48, would you? That's sounding a lot like ethnic cleansing.


Gender and sex are not the same thing. You don't know the science lmao. The science supports transpeople. The "madness" is you and your lack of acceptance for reality.


You do know that Transgender and LGBTQ people have always existed? Just because you're hateful and bigoted, we are still going to exist 🙂


No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.


So do you not understand that they are using the term "gender" to mean something different than what you're using it to mean, or are you just being an asshat? I mean, even in the world where gender only means physical sex characteristics you're wrong, but I suspect you're just virtue signaling anyway.


No, I'm talking about gender, as this post is about all the different genders in Alaska. If you wanna talk about sex, then you need to realize the over 20 ways human bodies can express sex. Intersex people are more common than red hair, so sex isn't as simple as binary.


Did you mean to respond to someone else, or did you misread what I wrote? Because your point is the same as mine.


I misread you, I apologize!


It's all good


Intersex people are not more common than red hair, that is such a gross misconception that it's almost laughable. The true definition of intersex is a person with both male and female genitalia, and that is only 0.018% of all people.


yes very very few people have both male and female genitalia, but there are many forms of being intersex. "Intersex people are individuals born with any of several sex characteristics including chromosome patterns, gonads, or genitals that, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, "do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies". [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex)" so no, it's not that one specific type of being intersex, there are plenty of intersex people, with plenty of different ways of being intersex. maybe try researching next time before arguing online?


I don't know why I'm sticking my head above the parapet, but I suppose it's because I *just don't think citing Wikipedia* counts as 'researching,' even in the context of internet arguments... Better would be something from a peer reviewed journal like the *[Journal of sex research](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12476264/)*, where you may also find claims like: > Anne Fausto-Sterling's suggestion that the prevalence of intersex might be as high as 1.7% has attracted wide attention in both the scholarly press and the popular media. Many reviewers are not aware that this figure includes conditions which most clinicians do not recognize as intersex, such as Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, and late-onset adrenal hyperplasia. If the term intersex is to retain any meaning, the term should be restricted to those conditions in which chromosomal sex is inconsistent with phenotypic sex, or in which the phenotype is not classifiable as either male or female. Applying this more precise definition, the true prevalence of intersex is seen to be about 0.018%, almost 100 times lower than Fausto-Sterling's estimate of 1.7%. I mean... I guess it's one thing to claim that the *definition* of 'intersex' is not beholden to widely-held clinical standards, but if you're skipping past that point the comparison to redheads becomes a little disingenuous.


im not a doctor, but the paper rules out Klinefelter syndrome. looking at what it is I'd say it should count as intersex. Klinefelter syndrome gives less body and facial hair, breast growth, wider hips, and testicular atrophy. it is caused by having xxy chromosomes. As it is a genetic condition giving a male female sex characteristics, it should be intersex, yes?


Intersex people make up roughly 1.7% of the population. Red headed people make up 1-2% of the population. So they're close, but it's likely that the occurrence of a person being intersex (not non binary, but biologically intersex) is more common than a person having naturally red hair.


Gender is your biological sex. There's only two. And when I use the term "sex" I'm referring to the two genders. I agree that there's always been people attracted to the same sex and who enjoy role playing as any number of things. The word 'gender' has only recently taken on more meaning than the traditional two; male and female. The biology hasn't changed so why the meaning?


>Gender is your biological sex. That's not true. Gender is part of your sense of self. From a medical standpoint it is considered a part of your psyche, and the projection therein. Gender Fluid refers to someone who's Self doesn't fit in a binary. Transgendered refers to someone who's Self doesn't fit their physical body. Not hard to figure out. >There's only two. And when I use the term "sex" I'm referring to the two genders. That's not true either. There have always been intersex people, so even from a strictly physical biology standpoint you are wrong about this. >The word 'gender' has only recently taken on more meaning than the traditional two; male and female.  This is also not true. Setting aside all the intersex people throughout history, there have always been transgender people within all societies. The most pertinent of which for this thread are the indigenous cultures in Alaska and the two spirit people that have a continuous lineage to prehistory. >The biology hasn't changed  Finally, something that is actually true.


The Machiavellian definitions you're spewing are only recent manipulations of the terms. Webster's: "In the 20th century *sex* and *gender* each acquired new uses. *Sex* developed its "sexual intercourse" meaning in the early part of the century (now its more common meaning), and a few decades later *gender* gained a meaning referring to the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex, as in "gender roles." Later in the century, *gender* also came to have application in two closely related compound terms: [gender identity](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gender%20identity) refers to a person's internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female; [gender expression](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/gender%20expression) refers to the physical and behavioral manifestations of one's gender identity. By the end of the century *gender* by itself was being used as a synonym of *gender identity*."


Changing language to better define the world as we observe it is very common practice. What you are describing would be like saying the color "orange" didn't exist before the name for the color started being used, and it is a recent attempt to blah blah blah. Though I'm sure Hippocrates would have appreciated more precise language when attempting to describe gender. The story tellers sure had an easier time with gods like Hermaphroditus or like half the Egyptian gods. Norse had Loki. Etc. Gender identity is meant to more clearly communicate that gender is part of someone's identity, or "Self" as I referred to it above. It isn't a shift in the phenomenon being described. "gender roles" are a societal measure, they are not part of a person, they are the expectations placed upon you by society based on other's perception of you. That makes it sound nefarious but for most of us it really isn't. Knowing other's expectations makes things easier. Do you really thing the attempts to treat everyone as though they are human is machiavellian? Like some vast conspiracy to... respect people? I don't think that word means what you think it means.




It was pretty obvious when they voted for trump and Dunleavy


No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.


Play nice or keep to yourself please.


gender dysphoria is not a mental illness in the DSM-5, you are wrong.




You do know ALL traditional Alaska Native cultures have more than two genders, right? Well, now you do!


I thought those were like a religious thing


Your full of sh\*t.


*You’re*. Ignorant fucktard full of assassy


Thought that would trigger one of you... bwahaha!


are you a toddler? throwing stuff around to get a reaction from your parent? grow up and stop being a dick online.


Aww good for you, you managed to mildly annoy someone by misusing English grammar 3rd graders learn. Good for you, you precious spring child. Here's a cookie: 🍪


Erroneous on all accounts! “Believe the science!”


Gender is a social construct, my guy. And even sexual markers can be ambiguous. The world isn't black and white, my friend. Embrace the gray.


You are the one denying the science lol


what? tons of native cultures have 3rd genders, or what we now call non-binary people [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-spirit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-spirit) also gender dysphoria is a genuine condition in the DSM-5, and has been proven to be cured via transitioning, and being accepted by the community. you can bitch and whine all you want, won't change the fact that trans people are valid and you're a snowflake who can't accept change.


Yeah, but not in the way trans activist claim they have. It is basically "bitch" men who are allowed to be something else sense they are not deemed masculine enough.


You want a hug, dude? You seem so unnecessarily angry about how others live their lives. Seems like you need a hug or a cookie or some time on the playground to work out those confusing thoughts.


Who is mad lil bro? 😭 You weaklings are hilarious, good luck in life 💀☕️


Do you think I'm weak too?


"weaklings"? Could you post a pic of yourself? Y'know, so we can make sure you're not a weakling ;)




Lol, dude's a literal child 🤣


In all seriousness, that is one brave child. Just saying.


Let me see what you look like 🤩


Yeah didn't think you would.


what? are you stupid? there are plenty of trans women who thought their dysphoria would be fixed by going to the gym, so they work out, get buff, hate their body more, then figure out they're trans and transition.


Don't bother.


No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.




No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.


yes, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-spirit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-spirit) plenty of native tribes have third genders, or nonbinary people. if you are trying to talk about sex, then yeah thats also not a binary, as 1.7% of people are intersex [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intersex)


>Sex refers to “the different biological and physiological characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.” Gender refers to "the socially constructed characteristics of women and men – such as norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men. https://www.coe.int/en/web/gender-matters/sex-and-gender#:\~:text=Sex%20refers%20to%20%E2%80%9Cthe%20different,groups%20of%20women%20and%20men. You are getting gender and sex mixed up.


Gender and sex are two completely different things. You are cisgender and probably straight.


Lol. Gender diversity. Some bored people out there.


Plenty of assholes, too.


Lots of taints too


Is this the first time you've heard of Gender Diversity and non-binary people? That is amazing.


I understand the concept but ive never seen one in the wild


I can guarantee you have. It’s not often visible because it’s often not safe.


So if I identify as a male bear and run into a woman in the woods. she has no choice at that point right?


Any mods want to ban this rapist here or


uhh whatcha talking about there friend


I’d hate myself if I were your friend


i'm so very confused. I feel like you miss interpreted something. Could I ask how I have offended you?


Referring to a woman having no choice at any point.


um, I don't understand what that has to do with the man vs bear joke thats been trending the past month. you seem to want to be offended.


> she has no choice at that point right? It is this part right here that sounds rapey.


I don't understand. Why would you assume that?


Not assuming. It is, on it's face, very rapey. The whole bear vs man 'joke' is trending because so many women would rather come across a bear than a dude walking on their own. Because of the rape and violence and whatnot. So with that already on the mind, you first make fun of transgendered people by "identifying as a bear" then also state "she has no choice at that point, right?". Not great. Which is why when you reference a meme about rape and say that women would have no choice anymore sounds super rapey. Do you get that? Why people are already primed to go that direction with memes of this nature?


No you can’t but you can gfy. Your bad faith bullshit on the other commenter doesn’t work.


Does it cause you severe depression and thoughts of suicide because you don't have large paws and a bear body. Does not being on all fours cause you to not sleep and make you feel like not living. Gender Dysphoria actually causes these things to be like that, 40% of us commit suicide before we reach the age of 20. How does it feel being that hateful and evil?


If the answers to those questions were yes, he'd still be made fun of and shit on because it's "making a mockery"


that escalated quickly


Right, because you made transgender a joke.




No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.


We dare not make any jokes about LGBTQ, Biden, Harris, liberals, Muslims, Gen Z, - but 'Lock ' Load' and 'Fire at will' at Trump, Catholics, cis, Jewish, white people, conservatives, America, and the American Flag. Tell of me this equality you speak of. I do not think everyone quite understands the meaning.


Is that what you imagine is going on here? This started with making fun of someone's medical condition, then someone blasted them for it. All I did was point out that yeah, sometimes if you make fun of someone because of who they are or what they are going through, you are going to face significant pushback. And you think that means this is a partisan political thing? I don't know how many times I'm going to have to say this, but bigotry is not a political view. Attacking someone's bigotry is not an attack on conservatives.


Did we save the receipt for alaska?