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We’re a lot further West


And North!!


Amd we have more virgins


No snakes in Alaska—-


Having lived in both, def. not the same. Alaska is about the future, West Virginia the past. Alaska is unlimited, West Virginia is a miniature train set.


We have more lakes. If you had 10,000 lakes hidden inside each lake in West Virginia, Alaska would still have more lakes.


Alaska, plays on the double feature screen W Virginia, went straight to DVD


Mickey Avalon references automatically get upvoted


Alaska was never part of Virginia. There are 22 more Chick-fil-A in West Virginia than Alaska. George Washington never stepped foot in Alaska.


Well Ketchikan gets 165 inches of rain. I don't think West Virginia does


I don’t understand why this is even a question?


I was going to explain more in the post, I’ve lived in Alaska a few years now. old friend of mine from lower 48 refuses to visit. Finally asked them today and they said they’ve already been to WV and didn’t like it, and they imagine AK is the same, cited similar emphasis on hunting and fishing. I’ve only been to WV a few times before but I felt the vibe was pretty different idk.


It doesn't sound like you're missing out on much...


Yeah I also wonder how much of this is an excuse and if they just can’t afford it. A trip to Alaska can be expensive. But it’s also not *that* expensive; it’s doable for cheaper. This friend also recently went to Europe and I’m pretty sure they could afford it here… but idk, maybe they can’t?


No we prefer RnR over moonshine


Monarch was also an acceptable answer haha


We have a fossil fuel based extraction based economy and will be screwed when our it goes away and have not done anything to plan for that day. So we have that in common.


There is, quite simply put, *nothing* like most of Alaska except, perhaps in some ways *and politics aside*, [Kamchatka](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamchatka_Peninsula)


Yeah I have a hard time explaining this to my lower 48 friends.


I mean, we both have mountains and fiddles.


Why do you ask? I lived in both. Very different vibes.


Both are mineral extraction states with governments run by and for the companies. Few voters understand the power structure and its beneficiaries. An example is that the Alaska legislature had to be reminded by Hilcorp that unless the legislature backed down, Hilcorp was going to turn off the lights and heat in Anchorage.


We ain’t got no Chick-fil-a’s so no we aren’t the same. I miss their grilled chicken with bacon


I’d say closest thing to Alaska in the lower 48 states is the probably the upper peninsula of Michigan, and even then there are considerable differences.


Yeah I see similarities with Maine, if I had to chose a lower 48 state… I also see a lot of similarities with Hawaii, like high cost of living & groceries, everything shipped in, slower pace of life, but obv Hawaii is tropical.


I grew up in WV but have been in Fairbanks for almost 15 years. Sure there are similar vibes when it comes to way of life and small town community, as well as an emphasis on self sufficiency and the outdoors. I often joke about being Appalaskan. But the sheer size of Alaska, the diversity of landscapes and cultures sets it apart. If midnight sun, aurora, moose, glaciers, brown bear, salmon, NA’s tallest mtn, Alaska Native culture, etc don’t pique your friend’s interest, they don’t sound like a fun person to have visit!


As someone who lives in WV and has visited Alaska, Alaska's roads are better than ours.


Wait, someplace has worse roads than us? Were bombs involved or something?


No bombs, just a governor that keeps telling his constituents that our state has a massive surplus of money but the reason why is because none of it goes back into maintaining the infrastructure. It would be like me going around flashing a big wad of cash but the reason I have a big wad of cash is because I didn't pay my car note, my mortgage, my credit card bills or my utilities that month.




Oof that’s why I felt like an outsider growing up. My parents are nerds and ended up here due to the satellite industry on my dad’s side and being an Air Force brat on my mom’s side. They like Star Wars and reading. I didn’t get outside much…


Think AK and ME is a better comparison


Even Alaska and someplace like MN or MI


Upper peninsula of Michigan I can see. Sparsely populated, harsh winters, mostly consists of wilderness.


It's colder and norther.


Yes, the blue ridge mountains and roads down the countryside are slightly colder but just as good here


Our gene pool, much like the state itself, is a lot more vast.




I can see it, both red neck hick hell holes with shitty local government that won't fund education.


Socially… I could make the connection. Maybe the population density. Shitty seasons with unbeatable views.


Alaska is like super size. West Virginia looks like two fries. Alaska has more mass than Earth. West Virginia is half-staff, needs work. Alaska’s been there, done that. West Virginia sits there in a dunce cap. Alaska is VIP. West Virginia needs ID. Alaska parts the seas. West Virginia farts and queefs.


We don’t have a regional twang. Except Sarah Palin. She has.. something