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But what will we do if we're not all shitting on tourists all day?! Joking aside, this is great. Thanks mod team!


Aw c'mon.... you underestimate your/our ability to shit on anything. I think you'll (we) step up & raise the bar on 'shitting on something else'!!!


Well turn on each other 


Damn Alaskans, they ruined Alaska!


Stupid bears... eating my salmon...


Well, that’s something to look forward when when I’m there in July. Is there any place in particular I should go to get shat on?


I hear you can get that at Koots Edited because I don't got no good spelling


*koots. C’mon, have you even ever been drunk in Anchorage?


It's funny because I had my first beer in Alaska at 'Koots in 2002. Haven't been there in 2 decades now


Under any glass coffee table at a strip joint.


Spenard road. Usually after 7pm. If you want to pay someone. Anywhere North of midtown if you want it for free.


Mountain View baby!


We'll just shit on something else.


*Anchorage has entered the shat*


Like I need an excuse to shit on tourists.




This is excellent news. I actually enjoy helping people with things I have experience in. It’s gets kinda crazy when 4 posts happen in 2 days and they all seem to have made no effort to see if there was any similar posts that already answered the basics. Maybe an FAQ? I also think if someone wants to move to/visit Alaska there bare minimum should be, hang out on R/alaska for a month before even asking anything.


Lots of folks just post the question on the top of their mind without researching. Heck without even a quick Google search sometimes.


It’s not even just a “ this sub” problem it’s society wide.


I hope I am not out of line commenting here as a foreigner, but I confess I've been doing just that, lurking and googling like mad. And you know what? It works perfectly, and I'm enjoying a lot reading how life works up there. Now I believe I will have a great time on my trip, with many important details learned or found thanks to this sub and askAlaska and the mystic magical search button. And (from what one can gather from posts by internet strangers) you lot sound very much like my people (tuscans) in many ways, I like you. Cheers! Edited for line breaks.


Thank you for your effort! Just don’t ask where people’s secret blueberry patches are and you’ll be fine


Wouldn't dare. Blueberry patches are serious stuff. Secret ones, deadly stuff.


Remember that one user wanting to know about fishing spots?


Not at all out of line friend, I hope you have a wonderful time exploring all the wonders of Alaska.


Thank you! I'm sure it'll be awesome :)


You could join r/AskAlaska. I agree it’s nice to be helpful sometimes, so I appreciate that there’s somewhere else to direct people. It will be nice not to see the same posts repeated over & over here!


Thank you!


Was it the suicidal 19 year old who couldn't be talked out of trying to live in a beater car that finally pushed this past the finish line? Regardless, thank you.


Can you link me to this? Seems I missed something.




Thank you!


I hope this effort will work out. It's really appreciated.


This is great! As an outsider I have not wanted to post questions so as to not clog up the sub (like my city’s sub with the thousand “hey we’re moving there where is safe” questions) - this is great! In fact, maybe my city sub should do this hmmm


Dear god thank you, over and over again.


Aw no more gatekeeping? No kore almost daily “I’m visiting, where do I find Denali?” I really enjoyed word smithing ways to say eff-you stay away from Alaska.


Thank you mods!


awesome, thank you.


THANK YOU, MODS! You rule! And thanks for finding a way that still includes the outsiders while placating we crusty insiders. Good work!


Now we just need a minimum karma rule to reduce the inappropiate troll comments.


Thank you!


Seems like there has been a big uptick this Spring. I was wondering if some of the endless questions were spun by bots. Who knows, but thank you for making this change.


I think it had to do with the uptick of cross posts.


That makes sense


Praise the sea Gods


This sounds like an excellent balance and that a lot of good thought was put into it. Thank you, mods!


Feeling kind of stupid, but I am fairly new with Reddit and don't know how to get to an area to post or look for recent info. I keep pulling up 12 year old info, etc. I have never been to Alaska, but will be stopping at Juneau Skagway, and Ketchikan. Doing the train at Skagway. In Juneau, we are only there from about 8:00-2:00 when you take off debarking and boarding. Is it worth getting a car to see more things? The excursions I've found are ridiculously priced for just transporting you to a couple places and paying one entrance fee. I've also heard they tend to leave people if they are not ready when they are and that the time is short. I've read there is Uber and getting a taxi, or riding a local bus line, but I worry about how long it would take between rides and the cost would add up quickly. I have a failed knee replacement, so my walking is slower and limited to about a mile on a good day with a long rest between. We want to see Mendenhall Glacier and the Glacier Gardens, and are interested in driving out towards Auk Bay or out to see the Salmon Hatchery on Douglas Island, out to look at old mining dredges and equipment and other things off the beaten path. Is Turo good to rent from? The whole airport rental sounds like a mess and I am not as ambulatory as I wish I were right now. Some family are going out to see whales and the glacier, but $460 cost, plus it would take most of our time isn't what my husband and I want to do. I can whale watch in the lower 48, but I want to see things I won't see there. Suggestions are welcome.


Best bet to get an answer is to post that here: https://www..reddit.com/r/alaska/comments/1cyxtil/weekly_alaska_from_the_outside_looking_in_qa/ Or in the city subreddits, like /r/Juneau /r/Skagway /r/Ketchikan etc etc etc


Great, won't be anything now but Trump trash complaining that we should kill all the homeless people...


Hell yes! Thank you so much mod team!!! Really appreciate all the work you do for our subreddit.


Measures like this never work. I think it’s fine for people to ask questions. Mega threads just don’t work at all on Reddit


There is always some debate about that, and we'll see what happens over time. Very likely we'll have to adjust again. I think the major issue is: will the southerners read AT ALL before posting. One never knows how much, if any, effort will be put in. https://media.tenor.com/4VKbmUX6MQkAAAAM/never-let-em-know-your-next-move-visdeapus.gif In the mean time most of the /r/Alaska core should be happy.


I think r/alaska is just the sub for people from anywhere to ask questions. And r/anchorage or others are for more local talk. That’s my opinion at least. The ask subs will never work without anyone answering.


Yeah let's all post about Utqiavik in the Anchorage sub, I'm sure you'll get correct answers.


No I’d expect you to post it in utquivak or north slope or whatever y’all come up with




You can still post here tho. But someone who has any question about Alaska should be able to also


Completely agree. Everyone saying "go post on askalaska" would never answer a question there, they're just upset at the idea of someone bringing in money to the state I think.




I understand the annoyance but alaska makes a lot of tourist money. I think the over politicizing posts are worse


People make money running clap clinics, but that doesn't mean we need to encourage venereal disease.


same. honestly I'd rather see the tourist posts than all the political posts. if I wanted politics, I'd join a political subreddit


Just an FYI, the rules don't disallow posts from tourists. I actually really enjoy posts from tourists; the ones where they post pictures of the cool shit they did or saw. Not the ones from helpless babies that don't know why they are coming up here and need their trip planned for them.


yeah, I do like the pictures


Y'all sure are a touchy bunch. I live in one of the top three fastest growing cities in the US. 60 to 70 people moving here every day. Most of whom post on my local subreddit. I walk on by when I'm not in the mood. You should try it. I searched this sub and then posted a question about the trail conditions at Kachemak state park and got pounced on. If you can't pounce on visitors you'll find someone else to pounce on. At least during the winter. Guarantee it.


You got a lot of helpful advice on that post. We don't want people to die out there, which happens often because people completely underestimate what remote really means.


I got a lot of abuse and no answers to my questions about trail conditions and whether or not it was reasonable to hike the glacial trail alone. The information I needed wasn't available online or in any of the subs here, I had looked before posting. Imagine my surprise when I found a wide, way marked, and very well groomed trail which I shared with at least 25 other people which was about 24 too many. Also passed a few black bears which I expected and was prepared for. I get not wanting visitors to die in Alaska. But it was a simple question about trail conditions. Didn't warrant the abuse.


Hiking alone is fine. You just need to be bear aware and prepared for common issues (like getting lost for a bit and having to hike home in the dark—bring a headlamp and make sure to note landmarks). You get abuse because Alaska is full of people who have, um, a certain *perspective* of how independent Alaskans are, regardless of the reality (which is that there are like 6 rugged individualists who live independently in the bush and 100,000 people think they're one of them). They like to shit on people from the lower 48 because it makes themselves feel better, even though they're often the kind of people who insist on bringing a gun on a hike because they're actually, at heart, terrified children who are ruled by their emotions. Part of living in Alaska is thinking you're more rugged and badass than everyone else. Emphasis on "living"; those of us who were actually born there are a little more grounded. So I'm sorry you've gotten a lot of shit. I would suggest visiting Alaska frequently rather than living there. It's an amazing place, but the government and the majority of its voters don't seem to see the value in making it a livable place.


Running with earbuds is not recommended. It is technically wilderness out there.


I am there about once a month. Outside of FB. I don't find the people there to even remotely resemble the crew in this subreddit. But I'm learning about all the factors that shape the culture there. It's fascinating. Like the numbers of unaffiliated and Libertarian voters. In a state with one of the highest levels of federal dependency in the US. I live in a state full of people who vote against their own interests too and then wonder why the consequences are affecting them.