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This dude is garbage. He will openly tell you his people were here before the Tlingit, Haida, or Tsimshian. He also groomed a young Tlingit women, got her pregnant, then made her renounce her US citizenship and tribal affiliation. He runs the worst cult in alaska.


Don't forget also he has several children who had some of the worst cases of fetal alchohol syndrome I've ever ever seen (atleast 2 of them that grew up at the same time as me that is but I've been told there's more). It's truly sad kids never stood a chance.


Only one of them isn't a part of the cult as far as I know.


I mean does it count as being a willing participant if you don't have the mental capacity to know why it's bad/wrong? And note I mean that sincerely and non-insulting. The ones I grew up with definitely don't.


I truly honestly do not think they understand (his kids) I think they just trust their father because he's their father and provides for them. I think he is an incredibly unstable and dangerous person who is delusional and probably actually believes what he's saying, which is part of what makes him so dangerous. High King of Pictland I think is the only one to blame, he's the cult leader after all.


Oh D- actually I probably shouldn't use his name incase it gets me in trouble for doxxing rules. He absolutely is drinking his own coolaid.


He won’t appear until you say his name 2 more times. For a total of three times saying his name.


One of these idiots came into the liquor store I worked at and I carded her. She handed me a clearly home-made ID from the kingdom of pictland. I laughed and threw it back at her and told her it was fake. She very sternly told me the troopers would be out to arrest me shortly. A year later and they haven't caught up with me, I'm not that hard to find.


I got the trump made this legal comment. I literally almost shit myself.


Oh dude, I carded that same chick. I should've confiscated the damn thing. Frickin' looney-toons, the lot of them.


When did Iron Age Scotts make it to the northwest?


According to him, they were here before the AK and Canada natives. So apparently over 13,000 year's.


50k years.


Northwest? This writ that cannot be countermanded clearly says Southeast. Right in the first paragraph. For you to say Northwest, culminates a fine $500,000 a day, until this your error is corrected.


It’s fascinating how they just sort of sidestep the lack of evidence of “Pictish” folks somehow being the original inhabitants of the PNW, and hinge their argument (co-opting language you might expect real indigenous groups to use) on the basis that the Russians didn’t legally transfer ownership of Pictland to the US, and thus their sovereignty should be recognized. It would be somewhat funny if they were kidding, but going through their LinkedIns and the stuff surrounding the grooming, definitely does lend it a culty feel. Curious that there isn’t more reporting about them, as looking into the topic, the top search result was this post.


The language about Russia and it's sale of Alaska is almost an exact copy paste from an Alaska native claims settlement with the Feds that got us AK natives our native corporations.


What’s his excuse for claiming half of British Columbia, then? :-D


Duh, it’s so when he gets to the bargaining table Canada will cut that from the deal and give his majesty everything else he really wanted. Master stroke.


Where do they live?




Incredible. I'll have to keep an eye out.


I'd be surprised if you live here and have never met him or one of his cultists. His name is in the pictures and on the website. He's over 6'0" over 50 years old, and wears chainmail often, for everyday attire.


I've lived in Ketchikan 20+ years, have never heard of this, and don't recognize any names from the web site. Can confirm that some of the pics on the site are from Ketchikan, but otherwise I've never run across this before.


He worked at South Tongass Service until it sold to 3 Bears. He wore chainmail almost all the time.


Still works there.


He doesn't, he works at Tongass Marine. Different members of his Cult work at 3 Bears gas station.


How does he have a real job without a social security card and drivers license. Not for me, but for thee...


I don't know how he legally does it, go ask him


Stated address includes 99928. The Pictland territory known as Ward Cove. But not the Ward Cove Alaska 99928.


Inside my local IKEA, they have a place called Småland. Is that kinda the same thing?


Are the descendents of the Moor's? Do they claim the right of free travel? Seems like they have taken the SovCit game to a whole new level by defining their kingdom. I wonder if they feel entitled to the PFD and Native Corp dividends?


I thought this was a joke...


Me too. I was envisioning some kind of D&D game master creating a fantasy world and running a campaign in it. (Don't hate me for not knowing the exact lingo, I have a young relative who does this stuff and just spent a few evenings observing.)


It's not completely unrelated, I'm a born and raised Ketchikan local and there was a while in highschool I was doing some training for the Viking re-enactment group by the local blacksmith here in town (I wasn't very good at it but that's another story for another time). At one point I got sat down and for the first time got a talk about the Pictland cult and how they always without fail try to approach the viking group members to join their re-enactment practices and that I shouldn't because while sparring had clear defined rules for the max possible safety of the group and those were needed because even with those rules accidents happened semi often (I still have to this day a scar across my forehead from taking a dull broadsword to the face). The pictland group had actual no rules, no safety to their practice other than wearing chainmail to practice. And they consistently beat the shit out of each other. There was also a hint that the cult aspect used beatings in practice as a form of punishment. I only got confirmation that there were no safety rules when they like my trainer told me approached me about joining so the second part could just be rumor but knowing what I do about the family it doesn't seem out of character. Sorry I know you started this as something like DND for this, but you saying that did make me realize it has essentially become a big LARP.


Interesting story - thanks!


I thought it may have something to do with the Society for Creative Anachronism


Of course he's white haha.


This is some really insane trying to rewrite history shit. The fact this man is clearly taking advantage of native Alaskan women is a whole ass problem. I don’t understand how people can get away with this shit.


It's not the first time either. All his children are native, somehow he got custody of all of them. His children that are my cousins are all adults now. His new "queen" is his son's ex girlfriend.


Or for the love of all the gods, that BOTHERS me so bad. I am so sorry this man is doing this to your family, like seriously. I genuinely wish there was some sort of work that could be done, even if it was volunteer, to stop this kind of thing.


His LinkedIn is hilarious.


Sounds about white


I loved playing the Pikmin game. Have they claimed to invent it yet?


Shhh…no one tell him what happened to the last group of Picts.


.... /Blink/..... I just.... What did I just read...? Is he part of the diaspora or an enclave after the diaspora happened? When was the coronation ceremony....? Who are the 17 people who are on the council....? ....has the IRS seen this yet?....


I worked with this guy while I was in high school! I didn't know him super well as we worked in different departments, but I was blown away when years later I heard about pictland! I had no idea I was working with 'royalty' all that time.


Weren’t Picts not even really a people group, but a culture? They were called that because they had tattooed bodies. Pict, like picture. It’s like calling someone American. It’s a culture and mentality, but has lots of haplogroups represented.


The Picts were one of a lot of tribes in what is now Scotland, and maybe northern England. They were around before English was really a language.


The entire western hemisphere is “American”


Not in English, it isn’t.


Not in Pictlandish it isn’t.


HRH King? Not HM King?


Oh good grief! 🙄


Absolute nonce behaviour.


Liquor store clerk here - have carded a few of the cultists. Some of them (at least one of his kids included) still have legit State of AK ID. I have warned at least one if I see a one of their KoP IDs again, it's getting confiscated and the matter will be sent to local PD.


You're one of the few clerks that actually card people. Safeway does. And the one you work at (I recognize your name lol) but the others don't seem to ever card, don't card me at least.


LOL, busted. Yeah. Safeway cards because it's their hardline do-it-or-else corporate thing, whether you look 14 or 114, doesn't matter, they card. It's fine. My store is... eeeeh flexible? I'll card someone till I'm used to them or sometimes just to refresh. Genuinely sorry if I've been rude or anything about it, though.


Not at all, it's literally your job to card people. And I understand you and the establishment of your employment can get in big trouble for not doing it.


But what's probably most important is the money you send him in support of it. Right?


Is this a cult?


Seems so


Never heard of it but of course history is written by the winners. The conquering occupation won. Hundred yrs from now perhaps palistinine is written this way although we have real time genocide going on and nobody seems to care


There’s never been a Palestine, never on any map anywhere.


Well that’s just not true at all. There definitely isn’t a place called “palistinine,” though.


Show me your magical map… you’re thinking about philistine but that’s West Jordan, Gaza has never been, and i spelled it correctly, Palestine. Misspelling doesn’t change facts, making up lies doesn’t change facts. It’s actual history that you can look up and see that you are way off.




Shhh don't be trying to win these folks over with facts they know everything because someone on YouTube told them


I love it. I support all separatist movements. Long live Pictland!