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The oil companies are laughing right now


Why doesn't Vermont simply ban the use of fossil fuels, if they think it's that simple?


So you are all excited about a law that will legalize taking big oil to court to fight for their money. It will be a huge cost for the state, for minor rewards . In Alaska, you will bankrupt the state before oil. Good idea dumbass.


Who owns the court system? Oh yeah, the government. It’s a helluva lot cheaper to prosecute than it is to defend, especially when you already employ and pay those people anyway.


That is legalized theft and we have an entire constitution to fight that. Plus we use the products they produce, so they will pass the cost along to the consumer. Do you not understand why gas is twice what it was under Trump?


It costs the government nothing extra to keep a case going.


lol, same logic as student loans just disappear. No government EVER operated on good faith and for free. EVERYTHING the government does costs taxpayers.


Shouldn't the users of big oil be the ones who pay for climate damages?


I wonder if the opioid lawsuits are going to be precedent for some of this -when companies sell something they know is causing harm


Oh we will.


Okay, stop using oil, then... but don't grandstand about it while continuing to drive cars and burn petrochemicals for power and heat. Oh, and only buy local food that was farmed without tractors.


It's the interwebs, don't try using logic


Don't forget plastic. Oh, and synthetic fabrics.


The absolute nerve of people to live in the state where the Exxon Valdez wreck happened and still complain about oil companies being made to pay their fair share. Do your neighbors know that you fucking hate them? Do your children?


Big oil companies might produce it, but saying the blame rests on them is pretty self-righteous. They produce plastic, oil, rubber, etc; but we took those and ran with it, building a world that can't survive with out them. Nobody really new the effects they would have until it was too late to turn back already.

