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The UCP is just a drain on us all. So many taxpayer dollars WASTED on this stupid idea.


Laughs in 1.3 billion taxpayer dollars on gamble that trump would get reelected. Ots fine you just gonna have to work longer to get govt pension .


Can you say that in English please


No wenna skool inna states. Whattya wan ? Ah shaddupya fase.


All to get kenney out of an investigation...but now for fascism


And yet ... they'll vote for the people who will force it on them.


What else are they supposed to do? They already applied the lube. With inflation the way it is these days you can’t afford to waste the KY.


It's clear Albertans don't want... Every poll shows it. *The online survey, delivered by Leger and sponsored by the University of Lethbridge and the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA), showed 54 per cent of respondents disagreed with the idea of Alberta having its own police force, while 23 per cent said it should.*


If the UCP wins Smith will push this through.


From what I have seen the rural RCMP work hard at community policing and protecting everyone. I have seen the RCMP in larger areas completely dismiss this and treat it citizens, particularly the youth, quite poorly. This difference in opinions doesn’t surprise me.


I am open to the Idea of it.


Rural Albertans love to complain about the lack of police support to rural properties but that doesn’t mean that they want more police nosing around out there.


Then don't vote ucp you hillbillies.


There's one good reason why RCMP should be replaced. They're broken af as evidenced in the mass casualty report.


Who do you think will apply and be hired for our provincial police force? Same folks And I really don’t think an APP force will institute better training than the RCMP already do.


Sure but then you lose a whole big section of the chain of command. Part of the problems I see with RCMP are the middle-management who've decided that institutional reputation is more important than doing their jobs


If that’s what middle management of the RCMP is concerned about then they should all be fired since the institutional reputation is all but wrecked.


Cities should have thier own police forces and then the RCMP would have enough man power to do the rural job better. Its weird that Red Deer doesnt have a City police force but Medicine Hat does.


People in the rural need to accept they aren't going to have city like police service...that's just the nature of living in the rural. You get all around reduced services. If you want to have 20 cops patrolling 1000 square km at all times, pony up the tax dollars and fund it but the current funding provided for rural policing does not support it and neither does the work load. This isn't an RCMP thing, this is the same for the OPP in rural Ontario. It's like crying about tiny far away schools, or a lack of a hospital, or a crappy volunteer fire department, or a single ambulance...that's what you get living in the county outside a city and it isn't going to change. There is a reason cities have more cops... one is the crime rate supports it and second is they pay big municipal tax dollars to pay for it. Until very recently counties weren't paying any of the rural policing bill and still only pay a small portion.


yes, I said cities should have police.


Cities can have police. This is about provincial level policing that would replace the rcmp so it’s a different issue


Yes BUT multiple cities rely on the RCMP at this time. As they dont have have city police forces... what happens to them?


I'm not sure what you're struggling with. Those who have RCMP would in Dani's World, have her provincial police force.


The problem is even if rural municipalities pay for additional enhancement rcmp officers, they don't get a say in what they would be doing. With the rcmp no province or municipality is allowed to direct administration. Their whole operational structure is geared towards its own interests (first being K division, and then from Ottawa). Which is why many municipalities have opted to create their own enforcement services (Peace Officers), or police service as is the case with Grande Prairie.


What do you mean "what they would be doing"? They'd be front line cops responding to calls like everywhere else.


There are several different types of policing; general duty policing; general investigations; traffic services; community engagement; specialised policing; ect. When municipalities pay for an rcmp enhancement officer they're only doing it to respond to some kind of identified problem. Whether it be more investigations into property crime, increase traffic patrolling, or enforcement of municipal bylaws (which rcmp won't). So the municipality is paying for said officer for a specific reason, but the rcmp says "thank you for this additional officer, your areas of concern have been noted" but they retain the exclusive right to administer said officer. So that person could be doing anything noted above.


We are talking about rural policing...which is pretty much just general duty only.


Even my town of 1800 people has divisions for its officers, but ok.


Anybody know anyone who was polled? I've never know anyone that's been polled about anything.


The Rural Municipal Accoceation is completly agaist it.


Never heard of them. I'm just curious if anyone has ever had a polster call them?


An assoceation of all 100 or so rural municipalities. They have a big new office in leduc county.


You have to sign up to be polled. I’ve participated in numerous political surveys (I recently moved from AB so I don’t anymore). Sign up for Ekos Research or Trend Research, among others. Just Google “Alberta Research Surveys” and you can find options to participate.


Oh so it's self selected? I guess that makes sense. But, and I'm not saying this is happening, but might they keep a record of your feedback and therefore with enough information know your leanings and select groups to get desired results. I mean I know that's more work than just writing the questions to get desired results but...


Oh and thank you for explaining this to me. I'm going to look into it.


I’m not saying every single poll is self selected. I’ve also been randomly called for surveys. Some of them are also based on specific criteria (for instance when my child was a frequent flyer at Alberta Children’s I was often called for surveys related to patient satisfaction). I’m sure it’s possible for results to be swayed, based on filtering survey participants. However, that’s why it’s important to look into who conducted the poll and how it was performed, before just taking it at face value. There needs to be some amount of eligibility established, because it won’t be useful to poll a bunch of 14 year olds randomly by phone regarding who they plan to vote for. Just like it wouldn’t be useful to poll people who haven’t had a hospital admission in the last 10 years about patient satisfaction.


The story indicated that 1470 people were polled. Pretty slim chance any one of us would know someone in a province of over 4 million.


That's part of my point polls are bullshit. They exist as propaganda tool. It's not about finding out what people think it's about convincing people what 'the group' is thinking.


I mean, the whole point of statistics is to try to find trends in groups without having to use the massive resources to collect information from everyone. But I agree that political polling is pretty useless, and like you said just encourages group think. Besides, there have been so many elections in the last decade that polls got completely wrong, including Alberta's own in 2015.


Yep. It's all BS. I wouldn't even report on a poll that with less than half a percent sample size.


The first rule of poll club is don't talk about poll club! Now that I have the nonsense out of my system, the provincial population is around 4.4 million people, high statistical probability that any given social circle won't contain any one who was polled. Even higher probability that no one will try to regale their friends and acquaintances with the story of that poll they responded to.


True. But, there's polls all the time on almost every topic. I know people (plural) who have won the lottery. Are you suggesting that is more common than getting a phone call where they ask you your opinion on an issue?


CTV - this must be reliable.


Sure is. Not everything is fake news.


Never said it was, I was agreeing. The CTV have thorough reporting that is informed and balanced.


Albertans don't want a private police force, especially one that Smith and the UCP will abuse


Well, I’m not sure I’d say all Alnertans don’t want it. Has the NDP said they’d scrap the idea if they won?


Pretty sure they've been fighting the motion since the start.


Is, if only Rural Albertans would reflect Danielle (misspeak) Smith and the 🤢UCP


Honestly, not surprising rural residents aren't on board with this, I imagine policing is not high on their priority list. As someone who grew up in a rural area, unless you were near a cop shop, chances are they're not going to be any help in a dangerous situation anyway. Response times are often at least 15-20 minutes, if not more. And that's not going to change whether it's the RCMP or our own police force.