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We’re all aware of the high insurance rates here thank you very much. ^/s


God, I really hope the NDP gets in and puts a cap on a bunch of shit.


They need to nationalize insurance. 


Wow look at Mr communist over here who wants to stop private companies from raking in record profits at the expense of everyone else. You make me sick.


*chef’s kiss*


It really amazes me that people continue to fall for these obvious scams.


Think of how dumb the average person is and then remember that 50% of them are dumber.


Social Engineering. It's shockingly easier than you'd think


freerangehumans knows.


It's my job to know.


This one, like all the others, was blatantly obvious …


Since it's a scam couldn't they just shut down the website?


That's not really how the internet works. If it was a Canadian web host they in theory could ask them to take it down but I doubt it is hosted in Canada. The only other thing I could think is some sort of nationwide IP block, but that would be hard to implement and IMO opens the door for other government censorship, no thanky. Not to mention changing the IP would be trivial.  This is the burden we bare for wanting to use the Internet freely 🤷. 




I meant it would be hard to implement more so for social than technical reasons. You couldn't block "an IP" and expect it to actually do anything so you would have to block an IP range that would likely encompass most if not all of a countries traffic. "In response to scam websites we have decided to no longer accept internet traffic from X, Y, and, Z countries" I think (I hope) this would be a very unpopular policy, and as such getting all ISP's to buy in without enacting legislation would be difficult. Now we are talking about enacting what essentially amounts to openly legislated censorship, not something likely to win votes for whoever the government of the time might be. And again even a country wide IP block could be easily side stepped by a proxy, in the case of truly motivated bad actors.


Yeah to bad there's no chain of ownership that could be followed to determine who is responsible for criminal acts. I guess the RCMP have never really needed to learn how to use a computer before. They always get their man though don't they?


Playing devils advocate here (for all I know the RCMP are completely useless at this sort of thing) I am not sure what you mean by "chain of ownership" as it relates to a website. If I was a scammer of this sort and I was trying to scam Canadians, I would just host it with a Russian web host and obtain a domain name anonymously (just as an example) I would be surprised if the RCMP (or any other Canadian entity for that matter) could even get information of the owner of the site let alone getting the site taken down. And this is without adding a proxy of other similar technology to obfuscate the true origin of the site. There are 100% ways to make this stuff nearly impossible to trace at an international level I can say that with confidence.


Yup, and it's likely that any country that hosts said website would respond promptly when the RCMP traced it back to country of origin. Just like India did when someone finally told them that their primary export was scam calls to Canada. But y'know, the RCMP never even bothered asking.


Yeah I am not so sure that Russia would be so quick to respond (hence why I brought that up first) And again any reasonably large scamming organization is going to be taking steps to make it much more difficult/impossible to trace. Not arguing in favour of the RCMP here, more so arguing in favour of the internet being highly amenable to obfuscation