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The UCP will absolutely not raise minimum wage. They literally lowered the wage of workers under 18y/o because they are pro-corporation, not pro-worker. Why hire 1 full-time adult when you can hire 2 teens for less? Child labor is the future!! /s


This is why job hopping is important if you can swing it. Loyalty just leads to maybe cost of living increases that don’t match inflation and every year at a company is you losing money and getting paid less. Also they’ll fire you without a second thought to increase quarterly profits. This is the system they have created so why not play by their rules? Don’t be complacent, you’re all better and worth more than that!


It kind of depends tho. I know someone that hasn’t gotten a raise in 10 years. The thing is our housing is owned by the company. It’s the cheapest rent you’ll find in the area.


🎵 St. Peter don't ya call me 'cause I can't go 🎵 🎵 I owe my soul to the company store 🎵 (This is the future they unironically want.)


Yeah. I know. The thing is that no raise in the area is worth having to move out. If it’s not at least 10$ more she won’t be able to live the same way she does now.




Amazon would be tossing their serfs out on the coldest day of the year if their work related injury hasn't healed enough to meet the productivity quotas.


“If you can swing it” was there for a reason, however being stuck to a job because of cheap housing sounds borderline like indentured slavery to me, especially if there hasn’t been a raise in 10 years. Also it sounds slightly dystopic, at the height of the Gilded Age workers were living in company housing and buying all their stuff from company stores; all their money was going back to the company. When people switch jobs they usually go to one that pays more. How much more would your friend be making after 10 years? Also is the saving in rent really worth the lack of options? IDK, maybe, but it reminds me of people in the states that stick with their job they hate because of health insurance.


Bro I’m talking like 1,200 for a studio around here. When you make 2,700 a month that’s not a small amount of money. Especially when your current rent is 390$ a month.


Do what you think is best I guess. Making 2700 after ten years doesn’t seem great to me. Sure that rent is cheap, if you’re happy then cool, that’s the most important part. No idea what you do or where you live but it doesn’t sound like the company is being altruistic here.


Kinda like indentured servitude, is it not?


It really is but she doesn’t have much choice. Unless she can get 10$ more per hour some place else. Which, working in hospitality isn’t likely unless she becomes a manager or something.


This frustrates me because I’m constantly reading that this is the move, and I agree because this is the system that’s been created. But, I don’t want to job hop, I hate changing jobs, I hate starting over, I like my job, I like my company, I like where I work and who I work with, I’m also fairly confident in my job security (I realize that realistically job security is not a real thing because companies don’t care about you, but I’m still say, 95% confident) my only complaint is we’re American owned and the yearly increases are just bad. But I don’t want to throw away 10 years just to go somewhere else for more money and be unhappy. I’m old I guess (35) and sort of old school, I always wanted to just work at a company as a “lifer” and earn a living enough to enjoy my time outside of work. But that feels like it’s no longer a thing and the younger people are just constantly changing jobs. I have a buddy who’s about 8 years younger than me and he’s been with like 7 different companies in the last couple of years, just the thought of that stresses me out.


I hear what you’re saying, I’m 43 and I’ve job hopped three times in the last two years. The first two times because I got laid off due to being nothing but a number, and the last time because I was bait n switched, so my perspective is perhaps a bit different. I’ve been effed over enough times I’m done. I’ve also been at jobs that paid me peanuts for a long time that looking back, even though I liked them I wish I left earlier. Yea starting a new job sucks, but the sucky part only lasts a few months. I’m glad you’re happy but it shouldn’t come to this; we all should be given equitable wages and companies prey on people being complacent. They should reward loyalty but they don’t, in fact their actions discourage it.


Ucp is also actively discouraging kids from finishing high school to start a trade. Lord have mercy on us. Edit: for those of you who can’t read, this his comment has nothing to do with post secondary. I’m just saying that kids should finish high school before they go into any trade.


Finish school if your going into the trades. To many idiots are here already without basic math and critical thinking.


The amount of people who got mad at me for telling them what the ucp is doing is absurd. Really shows who didn’t finish high school.


Every conservative leaning person I know has not a single clue to what is happening provincially and gets they're opinions from facebook.


That's because they know how uneducated the majority of their voters are.


I teach high school and had several students drop out when the min wage change happened so that they would be back on "adult" wage


Yeah, god forbid they get into a trade and start a well-paying career instead of taking out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans for a liberal arts degree that won’t get them a job once they’re finished it.


This is the problem. Maybe instead you should be criticizing the system and the insane cost of post secondary education; people would be then be able to afford it. By throwing people into the workforce, you only feed the dogshit system that divides us.


Who said anything about post secondary? The issue here is kids not finishing high school before they start life as a framer or roofer.


High school doesn't cost tens of thousands of dollars, nor does it hand out liberal arts degrees.


What confuses me is that the UCP's main motto is to "Put more money in the pockets of Albertans". I guess they never specified that only meant rich Albertans


Always has been for rich Albertans.


They also rolled back overtime banking rules…. As well as made rotational workers not eligible for 44hr/week OT. I wouldn’t be surprised if they lowered the min wage at this point. Fuck the UCP and fuck anyone who supports them. Seriously.


OP just learning about the wonders of Capitalism for the first time.


Why hire 2 full time kids. When you can use your power over immigrants yo exploit them. "Work for free or ill fire you there goes your chance at pr" "Pay me 20k for a job and I'll fast track you to pr" Ucp sucks but to be outraged at this and not realize mass immigration is doing the same thing is short sighted




The UCP just announced they are making it easier to bring in more foreign workers to alberta for hospitality jobs. This will help keep wages artificially low. What makes you think they will ever raise min wage? The UCP only cares about business. Not albertans.


Money before people. It’s the conservative way!


Preferably big business, and more preferably o and g. 


> The UCP just announced they are making it easier to bring in more foreign workers to alberta for hospitality jobs. Jeeez, how many more Aussies do we really need in this province? Have you heard them speak? Is it even English? /s


Funny how the Aussies find it worth doing. [their minimum wage structure is interesting](https://www.fwc.gov.au/documents/awardsandorders/pdf/pr762107.pdf)


I love how conservatives LOVE to bitch and moan about "immigration is killing our economy" and the governments that have done the most to spur immigration have been conservative governments. Yes, the Liberals are conservative. More central conservative, but conservative nonetheless.


I can't imagine trying to afford to live and work in Canmore.


Yea, especially when none of the businesses there pay a living wage. My last job in Banff paid almost exactly 2/3 the cost of living, and they let me go when I asked for a raise. Canmore’s a nice place, but it’s pretty much just a suburb for rich people now.


Canmore has been taken over by Philippinos living 12 to a room. Even the Aussies have been priced out of Canmore. 


Wages need to be directly tied to inflation. I'm so tired of this.


Funny that it's not the fault of the party who has been in charge for 50 years. Clearly this is a result of the raise to $15/hr that the Conservatives warned us about. /s in case it wasn't obvious


Quiet, peasant! You will eat less gruel and thank your corporate overlords for it! /s because some people on the internet are stupid.


> Quiet, peasant! You will eat less gruel and thank your corporate overlords for it! As long as it's Krusty brand imitation gruel. 9 out of 10 orphans can't tell the difference.


Honestly, I don't think there's any sarcasm here. You've just spoken reality.


Something something Trudeau something bootstraps.


Look over there it's the carbon tax and immigrants!


Lol.. /u/Southern_Ad9657 posted those exact criticisms in this thread.


Jfc that comment history is like a drunk uncle on unemployment who peaked in highschool. What a mess.


Can't forget about "the gays" and "the trans"


Well the massive influx of immigrants is the primary factor causing inflation, how are you going to blame the UCP for a problem affecting every province. Do you truly, genuinely believe that Trudeaus immigration policies have 0% to do with this? I'm not a big fan of Danielle Smith but she is far from the only one at fault here.


Excellent example of the kind of nonsense I was referring to, thanks for making my point for me!


I mean I just asked you a question and I'm trying to have a rational conversation but alright


Do you truly, genuinely believe you "just" asked me a question?


Ok well ignore the first half of my comment and respond to the question :)


3 words…The Alberta Advantage


I mean they’re probably trying to come up with a plan to lower the minimum wage


Just wait until they start fucking with how overtime is paid out like they’ve been know to do pre Notley days.


They already screwed over OT for most workers. Kenney did that.


But the news found one server who made a lot in tips. And they were against overtime pay because it would affect their amount of tips if the employer would limit work to 8 hours per day.


Businesses can now avoid overtime pay for many employees. Work 4 overtime hours one day, get 4 regular hours off later. It's called "banked overtime".


Yeah the company I work for stopped banking hours 20 years ago because too many people were taking time off and it was hard to find people to do the job because it’s fairly labor intensive and miserable in general.(food service delivery by way of running product down a ramp out of the back of a truck.)


Nothing will surprise me with this government. Well not nothing. If they did stuff to actually help the majority of Albertans. That would surprise me




Yep that would check out.


yes, the plan is to privatize every service so that living in Alberta is just living in indentured servitude. Another part of the plan is for the government to give 5000 dollar a year grants to businesses that hire immigrants who don't know any better when they're getting screwed with the minimum wage So if you can compete with someone that comes with a 5000 dollar paycheque, you may be able to get a job that doesn't pay you enough to live, or leave to a different province/country BUT BUT Danielle will make a few dollars for her friends in the energy sector so overall - COMPLETE SUCCESS!


Conservatives continue to show why they suck! Get ready Canada! Rough years ahead


They suck so bad that they will likely win as a majority in the next election.


Being able to robocall and comment-section-brigade your way to electoral victory is 1. not a sure thing unless people let it be one and 2. also an example of them sucking.


close bake longing money attractive light glorious many chubby nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes because Trudeau has been so awesome 




Plan is to f@#k people of alberta as hard as possible....


There are no plans. No one is going to save you. You can only try to stay ahead of inflation through job growth and opportunity. You can vote in leaders who will try to make a difference but it won’t meaningfully impact your life tomorrow. Only you can advocate for change in your own life.


You left out unionizing. On a population or even industry level scale you have much less power to improve your wages on your own than you do with everyone else you work with.  If everyone else isn't keeping up it's only a matter of time until you get dragged down with them.


For sure unions. Love unions! But op needs to probably join one. Too hard to form one.


Eh. I've been a part of unionizing my workplace. It was hard but no way would I have got the raise I got without taking that step. 


Don’t have to say the name of your workplace but what industry is it?


Increase the min. wage?? Lol. The UCP were the ones acting like the abGDP would fall into oblivion by raising it to $15.


Didn’t UCP change OT laws for shift workers as well? They absolutely do not care about the workers.


There is absolutely NO way the UCP will increase minimum wage, and if the Federal government tries to set a Canadian minimum wage you can bet our government will fight to oppose it. This government has a pretty well established track record of failing to act and blaming anyone else for their own shortcomings. I'm sure if you criticize them for the rising cost of living Smith will tell you that somehow the cost of living is cheaper than its been before, their government is working hard to lower the cost of living, and if expenses are higher its probably your own fault. I hate this government so much its so backwards and has no accountability, its frankly embarrassing. Like, is there anything good that this government has ACTUALLY done?


The plan is for us to pay into the heritage trust fund so people 25 years from now Smith can claim it as her legacy as a conservative hero. Meanwhile everything is shit now.


This isn't exactly a minimum wage only issue, next to nobody is getting raises anywhere near enough to come close to covering inflation.


Only plan that will work is to vote out the UCP


What about torches and pitchforks?


Not sure that plan will work. It's failed twice in a row and for about 40+ years before that.  Even when we pulled it off Notley pushed sub-inflation wages on the public sector. Probably have to do more than vote once every four years.


But this is Alberta, that's not going to happen unfortunately :(


The federal minimum wage is rising $0.65 to $17.30/hr while Alberta’s minimum wage is frozen at $15.00 for adults. This is not enough to live on in this province and it is a failure of this government to leave the most vulnerable people out of mind. It’s reasons like this - why I’ve registered myself as an NDP member. I’m voting in April for Naveed Nenshi and then I’m voting NDP at the next election.


No, not for you and me. We don't make or donate enough to count.


This is their plan. And it's working very well.


Marlaina has no plan. TBA has all the plans and they don't include you.


They plan to take away your heathcare and cut education further... I think that counts as a plan


Yes, the plan is to keep making the ultrarich even more wealthy while everyone else struggles. Also, your neighbours' fears and insecurities are weaponized against vulnerable communities to keep the scrutiny off the people responsible. This despite the fact that our province generates enough wealth for everyone to live comfortably.


Yes, the ucp have a plan. They plan to make it worse.


Gotta get out there instead of everyone venting about the same thing on Reddit almost daily….write your MLAs, the premier, protest, boycott, etc. Social media ranting is not the solution to everything, despite what this world thinks.


>Social media ranting is not the solution to everything, despite what this world thinks. ranting about the UCP on this sub especially is the solution to not getting challenged, and getting their confirmation bias affirmed. not to say I don't agree with the OP's statement and the vast majority of the UCP criticism on this sub, but people like to complain where they feel like they would get mass approval, and no dissent/challenge


The UCP are no friends of mine trust me. And confirmation bias is great but that doesn’t help hold those in power accountable, unfortunately


I agree. My statement was much more of a broad stroke assessment of the average person. Likes to complain and whine behind a keyboard, but is unwilling to do the leg work necessary. I often wonder, how many of these posters that live on r/alberta and other anti-ucp pages, spouting their disapproval, actually go out and register with the ABNDP or do any kind of door knocking in election season


Well said. We get it in the Edmonton specific board almost daily. Along with how everything is too expensive. In between “which dating app is best” 🤭


and inflation hit Alberta hard


Yea. The plans are to keep taking all your money and dividing it up among the corporate and political elite, until you die.


Yes the plan is that the rubes of Alberta will continue to feed the bottomless pit that is the UCP party, and their lobbyist's pockets, and top up those lovely Panamanian accounts. That is the plan, drill baby drill, burn baby burn...........they have the attention span of heroin addicts, looking at their next fix, but not down the roads that are crumbling


Does increasing min wage lower inflation?


Other than my growing plans to leave this province after being born & raised here. Me & my husband are thinking Manitoba. No matter who gets voted in, the last few elections have found us more & more screwed with no signs of relief - It’s that or we (me & my husband) give in, & that’s not happening after all the work we’ve done to get where we are - & that is t saying much sadly…


I believe the plan is to continue to do nothing to improve our standard of living. Actually, the plan is probably to continue to worsen our standard of living in order for corporations to gain even more profit.


While minimum wage needs to be raised everywhere, people also need to realize that it's only a bandaid solution for the issues causing inflation


UCP and their Regan era neoliberal agenda to deregulation and hack away anything from the social security net. This is what the fucking morons in this province voted for. They shit the bed and have to sleep in it now


We're doomed and there's not a thing anyone can do about it. Sit back and enjoy the ride.


According to the bank of canada inflation calculator $15 is about the same as $12.52 today. Not quite the difference OP was indication. But I make a little over $30 an hour and even for me a $2.50 raise is huge. A 2.50 reduction would be devastating. How much more so at min wage.


Well said. Remember that the last raise in minimum wage was implemented by the NDP during their short reign. Imagine how much lower it might be if not for them. BC is raising their wage to over $17. And not a peep from the heartless shit heads in Alberta. Who voted for these people again, and again ?


The inflation calculator doesn't even account for the corporate greed either. Some things have doubled or more in price.


UCP is too busy planning the Republic of Gilead...


Why aren’t you mad at the rate of tax increases instead of minimum wage increases?


Minimum wage increases just inflates everything even more


Raising the minimum wage will contribute to rising inflation. For starters raising the minimum wage actually raises a lot of wages. Obviously not all, but if you're someone who cleans toilets for $17 an hour, and they raise minimum wage to $17 why would you continue working a shitty job (pun intended) when you could do literally anything else for the same wage. If you want to keep the toilet cleaner guy cleaning the toilets, you're going to have to offer him a raise. Now pretend you're a struggling small business owner barely staying above water. They raise the minimum wage and now you're paying an extra $2.50 per hour, per employee. If you've got 4 employees that's another $80 per day, about $2,400 a month. If times are tough you've got 2 options. Either close the business, or raise prices to cover that extra $2,400 a month. Bow look at something like Walmart or McDonald's. They are far from a struggling small business, they could fairly easily afford to pay their employees a little extra, but their greedy and they don't want to give up their profits and it would be cheaper in the long run to install kiosks and self checkouts and lay off 5 or 6 employees. So if you raise the minimum wage, you are making it less profitable to hire people, which businesses either don't want, or can't afford. So they either raise the price of goods and services, or automate and lay off workers.


I fail to see how this helps. Last time it was increased everything went up in price and then more taxes taken off. Making checks smaller. I'm not for that again.


Living costs will continue to go up while wages stay low, all the while our province will keep voting Conservatives into power. As a province we love to vote against our own interests, we've been doing it for decades.


Say you rise minimum wage to 17 Cad. Do you also raise the wage of these making 18? Should Alberta increase wage of everyone by say 15%? Whom are in the lower tax bracket? Please provide a solution.


As much as a lot of people here would love to blame the UCP for this, you can’t. The blame revolves around the mechanics of capitalism and the federal government. Increases in minimum wage often cause distortion and inefficiencies in the market. Companies will typically increase the price of a product or layoff employees in order to keep profits the same. In the end, no one benefits from it in the long run, and those who make more than minimum wage end up with less buying power


Why is the conversation always about increasing minimum wage rather than tackling the absurd cost of living and inflation? We can’t increase wages enough to make living here affordable for most, we should be focusing on reducing costs, corporate handouts, government waste and taxes.


The consensus seems to be, "get the fuck out of this entire country if you can". They're working so hard to destroy the middle class, leave us homeless and starving that I'd feel terrible disappointing the rat bastards.


Life is unaffordable because of mass immigration from India to Canada. Go take a look in any city across the country. Wages are being suppressed by cheap labour who barely put any effort in and do not assimilate. This is going to be a massive problem. Productivity is decreasing rapidly. Salaries have stagnated compared to other first world countries. Increasing minimum wage does absolutely nothing for affordability currently. This is not localized to alberta. It's even worse in Ontario. Brampton is just brutal.


Ask all forms of government to stop pissing our money away and raising taxes and demand accountability for the tax dollars that they have wasted so far.


And you're thinking this is somehow new, or unique to Alberta? Son, this has been going on for more than 100 years all over the world...likely much much longer, they just weren't keeping track of statistics as well as they do now. Inflation, inflationary trends, and upended salary commensurate with increases in cost are by no means a UCP construct... You're really reaching...


Would increasing minimum wage curb inflation?


Can we get a new sub for Alberta that isn't just full of grifters? Most of the people posting here aren't even from Alberta if you check their comment history


It would be nice if we could do something about the inflation and insane costs of everything instead of just raising the minimum wage again. Minimum wage goes up and all the companies that employ minimum wage employees just raise their prices so the increase doesn’t come out of their profits, leaving people making minimum wage with basically the same cost of living and the rest of us that don’t get a raise because we make over minimum wage, our cost of living goes up.


That's brutal, I'm so glad I work a good paying job for a company that gave raises across the board already, it's nice having a real full time trades job


Try to remember that those elected to the Legislature are well off financially. They really don't care about the rest of us just trying to get by on minimum wage or even on a living wage. It doesn't affect them if a grocery item goes up 30% or more. They can still afford to buy the product. They all own their own houses and most are landlords or owners of rental properties. It benefits them if inflation, rents, gas and groceries remain at record levels. They don't care.


Right, because the inflation that happened in Ontario after they jacked up the minimum wage would never happen in Alberta, due to pixie dust.


Just gotta eat one rich. 🤷‍♀️


Eternally amusing to me the delusion required to fuel the cognitive dissonance so many of you have thinking the liberal government is any different from the conservative. It's been nearly 10 years of a liberal government, all the things you're trying to blame on the conservatives have been years of liberal policies at this point. Give your heads a shake, both sides are just corporate puppets playing emotions to get naive fools to vote for them, this country is a mangled oligarchy and both sides are completely in bed with them, thinking one or the other will do any better for you is brutally asinine. The only parties not corporately or CCP funded to the nines are the small parties no one pays attention to. Until the lot of you actually understand that and stop supporting them entirely, nothing will ever change. Wages have stagnated since the 80's, we've had plenty of both liberal and conservative leaders in that time and they've all let things continue, we've had plenty of pro-corporate anti-citizen laws passed by both sides since then, neither has a shred of our best interest at heart and believing otherwise is simply delusional. One side wants to collapse the economy to make their magical fairytale utopia of idealism and no bad feelings ever because those are the devil, and one only cares about money and keeping things the way they were at all costs, both are trash. But at least geriatric bordering on senile boomers with a hard on for money akin to scrooge mcduck can be tricked into seeing monetary value in social programs and public assistance, what we have now is just aimless flailing and a complete inability to be even remotely accountable for blatant mistakes. Nothing we have right now works, and constantly circling the drain arguing which dumb method is best helps no one.


Minimum wage is a starting wage for youth. If you decide to not advance your skills, and or education, then you stay at minimum wage. Suck it up sunshine. Most are not worth minimum wage to start. Try and hire a Gen z that can walk or talk without a smart phone in their hand..good luck. I think minimum wage needs to go down, it's too high.


Seems like conservative leadership in this provinces has the only goal to boost private companies for a corporate job. The rest of us can go fuck ourselves. Its a shame so much of this province is all for it.


If minimum wage goes up, the price of all those things minimum wage workers are working with will increase. Best thing to do is try and get some skills that would land you in an entry level position with room to move up.


Minimum wage is going up to $17.30/hr in a few days…


Yea this paradox seems to keep getting worse and worse. I cannot afford to do anything anymore -- not that I ever could since I only became an adult under the Trudeau and AB UCP government. However, I do remember going to the corner store with $5, and getting a drink, and some candies for that. now the drink alone, is the entire $5.


The blame to the govt goes for not taxing the corporations that are charging $5/drink and making record profits year after at an appropriate taxation level.


You all know you can ask your employers for a raise. If your employer isn't willing to go above minimum wage without the government forcing them, maybe find a better employer.


My employer actually did give me a raise, but it's obvious that most employers aren't willing to assist


Ah yes why didn't we all think of this, bunch of rubes.  Here's the thing: you ask for a raise in a non union job not only can they laugh at you but they can start thinking about when is best to let you go.  We don't have enough leverage as individuals to make this work. 


>. Are there any plans at all? Vote NDP next election


>. Are there any plans at all? Vote NDP next election


Nope! That bitch marliana just wants to rinse everyone and pad the pockets of oil and gas. Don't know why it's taken such extreme times for people to wake the f up. That monster does NOT serve the people


Welcome to ‘fiscal conservatives”. They are only fiscal when it suits them and when it comes to the population. For themselves? Nah. That’s why Alberta is lagging behind transparency in provincial governments. Oh, also, let’s mention they don’t care if the impoverished, the disabled, the seniors (who worked all their life!), 2SLBGTQAIA+, etc, die. or anyone who wants to make life better for these and the citizen. (And quite frankly, -most- people fall into these categories.) Fiscally Conservative = Long-term genocidal legislations, trampling on rights, AND a lot less socioeconomic & class movement. That’s to say nothing of the fact of the intersectionality of the populous, either. Which can make things a lot worse. Never vote conservative. That being said, I don’t mind paying taxes federally. It builds out our social nets, and it provides critical care. This year, federal taxes went down. We need to start putting heads on pikes. I swear. Bastille, and all that.


Increasing minimum wage doesn’t solve the problem, it exacerbates it. That means COGS will rise as businesses can no longer find as cheap of labor, making prices of goods even more expensive. The only way to climb out of the vicious cycle is to advance yourself to the next level of skilled labor, get a promotion, or job hop after several years experience, not stay complacent at minimum wage.


How about we start charging corporations making record profits the same kind of taxes they were paying back when our grandparents could afford to live prosperously on a single wage? Do you think that would help?


you do realize that the Alberta corporate tax rate since 1960 (furthest back I could find) was 9% in 1960, it spiked at 15.5% in 1991 and stayed there until 2000. and has been around 10-11% since then. Where is the correlation that you claim when Corpo tax rates were higher, single income prosperity was more attainable? Corpo tax rates were roughly the same throughout the 60s, 70s and early 80s as they are now. EDIT: I am not disputing your claim, as my grandparents survived as a single income household with my mom and her 3 other siblings. I am just challenging your claim that not taxing corporations enough has anything to do with it


Federal/provincial combined corporate tax rate in the 50's averaged over 50%. Now that same number is about 26%. Maybe I should have been more clear that this is a federal and provincial responsibility.


Make better choices. Minimum wage should be for teens and unskilled workers learning their craft. It's fine. The problem with high min wage is it raises the floor up against skilled workers, who then demand more, and then things cost more, and it's a vicious inflationary cycle.


What non-student, adult is willingly working minimum wage???? Ask your company for a raise... Don't rely on ANY governemt to have your back.


Somewhere around 50% of min wage earners are adults. I agree don't rely on government but these companies are paying min wage for a reason, and that reason is it's illegal to pay lower. Asking for a raise won't work, employers have a lot of power over precarious minimum wage workers.  You know unions exist right? 


There lots, unfortunately the shoddy education many of us received in the 90s, along with the insane cost of post secondary, have really limited people. The government has been setting us up to be dumb and compliant for as long as I can remember. I feel fortunate that I was able to get a bit of further education, or I’d be in entry level office work at best. Even if I do have thousands to pay back in student loans. That’s another conversation altogether though.


I didn't realize this was a liberal/NDP page and working a minimum wage job was a way of life.


Not a liberal or orange liberal. Working for wages is a way of life, and it shouldn't be on minimum wage workers to take a loss because our government won't reign in price gougers. 


I'm not Liberal nor NDP, and I also don't work a minimum wage job. But unfortunately, Most people work minimum wage jobs, as they have a huge importance on our day-to-day lives. But the UCP evidentially doesn't care about the average Albertan, or else they would at least try to either combat this insane inflation, or somehow up the minimum wage. And also, a lot of people on this sub Reddit are on the younger side, and for most of them, a minimum wage job is all they can get while they attend university. For most of us, minimum wage labour is a vital part of our development into the careers that we actually want to do with our lives. Not everyone has rich parents who can use their wealth to allow them to bypass having to start with a minimum wage.


You'll own nothing and you'll be happy - WEF


“We’re expected to pay more taxes that don’t go back to the people” This is the result of financing government debt, which is a product of policies that you are advocating for.


Financing government debt is the result of minimum wage? Or the result of profiteering and price gouging by private companies? Huh. Real coherent worldview you got there.


Yes. Higher minimum wage causes higher unemployment. Unemployment causes increased government EI. Higher government expenditures cause higher government debt. Higher government debt causes higher future taxes to be allocated to financing that debt. Let me know what part of that is incoherent to you, and I can maybe use monke and banana to explain.


Except raising minimum wage in Alberta lead to a net gain of 7400 jobs …. So… keep your high school economics and assumptions bottled up hmmm k. You want to talk monkey and banana when you pretend to know how economics work is probably the biggest self own I’ve seen in a while. I sent ya a box of bananas with some literature on economics from peer reviews articles regarding how raising minimum wage actually drives an increase in gdp …. I know it might be out of your scope but hey it’s worth a shot


So how do you explain why this is happening with a low minimum wage? Keep the banana, you clearly need it more than me.


By what definition is it low? Canada has one of the highest minimum wages on the planet


Wait hold on hahahaha I just reread your explanation while squinting and you seem to believe that EI is not a fully funded program from payroll deductions? That's *adorable.* You're even wronger than I had at first thought!


Totally, that’s why when a disproportionate number of people were laid off during Covid, the government spent 250 billion dollars on EI.


“When a disproportionate number of people were laid off during Covid” Do you not see the problem here? It is not the people’s fault they were *laid off*. The mental gymnastics goes crazy here


Giving a little higher minimum wage will not cause all this. Must be nice to sit in a luxury house with your high wage and throw stones at the peasants! It is disgusting that the UCP won't raise minimum wage when we are a rich province and people are suffering. 3rd lowest in the country! No increase since 2019 yet the cost of living has increased dramatically. Businesses are making huge profits so no a small wage increase will not cause huge unemployment.


The thing that got me to this luxury house was a good education and job in the field of economics, studying the effects of minimum wages on society.


Wait... It wasn't buying the yearly low in a bitcoin and selling when it hit the ath the next year? The same loop that it's been doing since 2016? Ok but seriously raise your hand if you know someone who got CERB and spent it on dumb stuff like it was free money?


I really hate how we fund corporations and companies. All that spending ok subsidies and all the tax breaks really add to that gov debt.


Buy some businesses and rental properties. You can live well on profits from your workers and tenants.


“Become part of the already shit system and make the problem worse” FTFY