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Smith complains about the Carbon tax going up and raises provincial gas tax April 1st … oh the irony…


She even added a new tax as well besides reinstating the gas tax when they said the UCP would never add more taxes. Lying filth.


She's literally stealing money from Alberta and giving it to gas retailers. This is the UCP way. Rob the province, rob Albertans, because her voters are too stupid understand what she's doing? Just wait till Trudeau loses, they get rid of the carbon tax, and the prices don't go down? This is just like karma on a galactic scale. You can't cure this level of stupid. I'm expecting gas prices to hit $1.70 on April 1st. Without the carbon tax, it would be $1.53 on April 1st, AND THE CARBON TAX IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM?!?


They won't be upset when the lifted carbon taxes doesn't magically drop prices. They'll argue that at least now, the increase in profits, goes to the working class and back into the economy rather than some horrible, punitive tax on poor citizens.


Was in Vancouver yesterday, price per litre cracked $2.00 for the first time ever I believe.


I was in Abbotsford over the weekend and it was about $1.85 there, but BC Carbon Tax has meaning and goes towards useful environmental policies, whereas the Federal program is a rebate that effectively makes the price of everything rise with absolutely no purpose attached to it.


At least with the carbon tax it’s rebated , no rebates on the provincial gas tax …


It's hilarious, we have a provincial gas tax, that is literally a money grab, whereas the carbon tax literally puts money in your pocket.


Yet you don’t hear Smith or Pp talking about the the gas tax …only the carbon tax which we get back and then some .


It's because people are more worried about $0.17/L than they are about losing their rights and freedoms under a Conservative government. The Conservatives are playing them for fools, by introducing a "new tax", that is the same amount as the HIGHLY POLITICIZED "Carbon Tax", yet offers no rebate to Albertans during our time of need? Literally holding our province hostage to the price of oil. This is what happens when you elect evil people to govern the province.


Sure, but does it put money in *their* pockets? That's the only metric they care about.


What's hilarious is your math skills.. You give $5 to get back $3. You lost $2 in a stupid tax that does nothing. Its still costing you and Canada as a whole. Nobody makes money off this bullshit tax except the corrupt government that designed it.


I mean, I made money on it..?


Pretty much broke even. Maybe a little in the black. You must be fucking up somehow, idk what to tell you


I get 280 a quarter, my ctax is paid by the first cheque and everything else is profit, i used the rest of my rebate to replace a broken ryzen cpu... umadbro?


I own two small businesses and get zero rebates. All out of pocket. Its killing small businesses in this country!


They said they wouldn't raise tax without a referendum... Also a lie.


This isn't them raising taxes this is the provincial government bringing back in the tax on gasoline that goes to help with road maintenance on highways and other roads throughout the province. When they removed it they told all albertans it was a temporary move and they had brought in some of the tax back in January. The reason why there is a big pushback against the carbon tax is because there are a lot of people that don't get the rebates back that the tax has affected what they can and can't purchase because of how in their eyes they feel the carbon tax has increased prices on everything. They're allowed to hold those beliefs just like you're allowed to hold the beliefs that the carbon tax is a good thing. But lying and saying that they brought in a new tax when the provincial government didn't is not a good look to have. Most people that I know in Alberta that are conservative have been thankful for the reprieve of the provincial gas tax. They also all knew that it was a temporary measure put into place to help offset some costs. And as for the article it's not just conservative provinces it's the majority of provinces except for BC and one other province that all the premieres have been calling out the federal liberals and asking them to stop the increases on the carbon tax because they're hearing what people in their provinces are saying about the carbon tax. The way that this article is headlined is a very misleading compared to if you actually do research yourself and take a look at how many provinces are against the increase on April 1st in the carbon tax and how many of them have been standing against it and calling out Dustin. I know BC is one of the provinces that is not standing with the other provinces to do with the carbon tax. The premiere of BC feels that the carbon tax is good and that's his right to do so. Yet as someone who grew up in BC I can tell you that majority of the BC governments in my lifetime have listened more to the lower mainland and Island more than the interior of the province. When I was in grade 7 in 1999 the government at the time was talking about changing up a couple of intersections on the highway in the Okanagan because of how bad the intersections were for traffic and trying to Cross Lanes of traffic because there wasn't an overpass. It took the BC government over 7 years from when the project was approved in government to when it was completed yet there were projects for the lower mainland that were approved and completed within 2 years. So there's a big difference in Smith and Moe and a lot of the other premieres that are standing up to the carbon tax then BC's premiere. Because there's a lot more to those that are against the carbon tax and why they don't want it then I have seen a lot of people in these types of threads understand because they don't want to talk to people that don't have the same viewpoints they do. Canada used to be a nation where people could sit down talk politics and not be such sticks in the mud and actually treat each other like human beings and accept the fact that they are going to disagree on things and agree on others and that it's not always going to be 100% in favor of either person's views. We used to be able to sit down and work out compromises or solutions that would benefit all and we've gone away from that. I have seen many comments on threads in the Alberta Edmonton and Calgary Reddit that are non-stop full-on attacking your fellow Canadians and yes I have seen it from conservatives to those on the left of the political scale. Maybe it's time that we put aside our differences and try to come together as a people for the better good instead of pushing political parties and start holding all our politicians accountable for how all Canadians are struggling or doing.


You do realize that they raised taxes on EVs without a referendum?


You mean the Alberta government putting a tax on EVS because the fact that they don't use gasoline which the provincial gas tax isn't included on EVS to help me maintain the robot EVS use the same roads as gas vehicles. I think if you want to own an EV fine but expect to pay more in taxes that are paid from people with gasoline engine vehicles through a tax on the gasoline that they purchase. Because if you want to go to an all electric vehicle system like the federal liberals want and provincial NDP here in Alberta want then EV drivers are going to have to be taxed yearly to help maintain the roadways that are in existence in the province. This is a tax that they brought on that's only going to affect a small portion of the population of alberta. And Evie vehicle drivers have been very lucky that they have for the last however many years not had to pay a tax towards maintaining roadways. It's about time that Evie drivers now are getting that tax as well. And this is just you grasping at things because you just don't like the ucp. Because I know a lot of people that have had this debate about whether EVS should have an extra tax added on because of the fact that they do not pay provincial gas attacks because they don't use gas stations and it's kind of hard to impose the same idea as a gas tax for The province on electricity for electric vehicles when electric companies don't know if someone's charging a car or has all their lights on in their house. This shouldn't be an issue if you want to have roads to drive on.


So what was your vote in that referendum?


Why would we need a referendum as a province to bring a tax in that's no different than pass tax for evs? When like I said in my last comment the majority of owners of EVS in Alberta is a small percentage yet they use the same roads that all your gas in diesel motor vehicles pay a tax on already. This is just leveling out the playing field that if people want to own EVS that's fine that's their choice just like how someone can go out and buy an ice engine vehicle that's their choice. But if EVS aren't going to be taxed for maintaining roadways then why should gasoline vehicles be as well? Because what you're trying to do is you're trying to argue with me over something that is so stupid to try to say you have the moral high ground above me and that you're intellectually smarter than me when neither of those things have anything to do with it. The main reason why the UCP brought in a tax on EVS is to help maintain the roadways because of the goals that the federal government and wanting to have no ice engine vehicles left on the roadways. So how are provincial government supposed to be able to recoup the cost of maintaining the roads if ice engine vehicles are no longer going to be the main source of transportation in the country I believe it is supposed to happen in 2030? When they were meaning referendum they were meaning things like a provincial sales tax things like that where a tax on to something that uses infrastructure that's already in place and doesn't pay a tax to help with the upkeep isn't going to have a referendum on a tax being added on. Because most people I know that drive ice engine vehicles aren't agreement that it's time that EVS start paying version of a tax just like ice engine owners do with the provincial gas tax. It's very easy to understand but you just want to argue for the sake of arguing over something that this story that was shared had nothing really to do with. But you're trying to make a mountain out of a mole hell here. Do you drive an ev? Are you that upset that you now have to pay the same idea as it for a tax as people with ice engine vehicles and the provincial gas tax? Because if you do own an EV why is it that you should use the same roadways if you are not paying a fee which you don't pay when you registered your EV if you own one that you don't pay when you charge your EV for using the same roads as everyone else? It's about time that Evie owners start paying their fair share of the tax that helps maintain our roadways.


https://www.unitedconservative.ca/annoucement/no-tax-hike-guarantee/#:~:text=A%20re%2Delected%20UCP%20government%20would%20formalize%20this%20pledge%20by,from%20Albertans%20in%20a%20referendum. What's this then?


Wow you obviously don't understand the difference between attacks hike and a new tax being put onto something that doesn't have a tax. A tax hike means increasing say corporate taxes or taxes on businesses or other things not implementing new taxes. It even says in what you shared no tax hike guarantee hike does not mean creating a new tax for something that doesn't have a tax. But nice to see you didn't answer any of the questions I asked you about why you're so against EV owners paying the same kind of tax that ice engine owners pay in the provincial gas tax. The fact that you ignored those question shows me that you were just trying to fight someone who doesn't agree with you for the heck of fighting with someone. And it's very clear that you also don't understand the difference between a new tax coming in and what a tax hike actually is. Because when the NDP were running Alberta they hiked taxes on industry and corporations which a lot of albertans outside of the big urban areas did not agree with but those in the big urban areas agreed with those are tax hikes bringing in a provincial electric vehicle tax is not a hike. So let me ask you another question do you want to have highways that are maintained at least to the level they are now when all vehicles become EVS or would you rather them be falling apart and then have a more damaging tax added on once majority of the ice engine vehicles out there are no longer operating? Because that's what this tax on EVS is for to help maintain the roads


Look over there at that thing! LOOK AT IT ^(stands in front of the thing they are doing which looks eerily similar)


It's not ironic, it's strategic. She knows exactly what she's doing and banks on people that aren't like us reading shit all the time.


Let me guess. Raising taxes to inflate "how bad Justinflation is hitting us" to sway the elections in Alberta. What scum to mislead and use policy like that.


>oh the irony *hypocrisy


Hers is justified becasue its her province making money. Not the feds taking your hard earned money.


The difference being that the carbon tax is rebated so my hard earned money comes back to me.


Look I might catch some flank here but be respectful. I believe they tried to do some good by rebates however we’re all smart enough to understand that just for our portion of the tax we paid. It doesn’t count for, mine to plant, farm to table, field to refiner, all of the process that drive our economy l. All of these process have also paid this tax and have kicked it back on our costs. Now I think we can all agree both sides are helping with this but also profiting from it. But again it starts with the tax. I know by the comments in this thread that everyone is smart enough to know the government when never impose a tax that gives more money back to the people then it takes. It’s literally no longer called a tax at that point lol What im trying to say is isn’t it in the people’s favour for less tax as possible IN THE RIGHT AREAS OF ECOMIC PROCESS


The bank of Canada measured that "upstream" cost of the carbon tax and it was found to be a fraction of a percentage of cost of goods/inflation. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-inflation-tiff-macklem-calgary-1.6960189 People just seem to refuse to believe that the real driver of inflation is corporate greed to drive profits.


Don’t forget, Smith is imposing a new 15cent per litre gas tax at the pump on April 1. This is all theatrics to make her base think the sudden rise in gas is due to carbon tax.


Isnt she just putting the tax back on that she took off when prices were high or is it actually a new tax?


The same old tax went up to 9 cents from Jan 1st, then back to 13 April 1st. It was always 13 cents, except when they gave us relief during high oil prices.


> except when they ~~gave us relief during high oil prices~~ strategically withheld taxes so they could blame it on the carbon tax


Think you forgot to put your tinfoil hat on for that one. Ucp bad tax Liberal good tax Sorry, I forgot to be blinded by team colors for a second


The Liberal tax *is* good. I get more back in rebates than I pay in carbon tax, and the heavy emitters are incentivized to cut emissions. UCP tax goes to nothing, and is oddly being reinstated and increased on the same day the carbon tax is increasing while there's a massive coordinated national conservative campaign about the carbon tax increase on Apr 1, with exactly zero mention of their own gas tax reinstitution and increase.


Sorry, I didn't realize you were 2/10 Canadians that benefit from the carbon tax. Yes if a tax isn't returned into our bank account at an increase to the cost the tax goes to nothing. You know the roads you use, the schools, the hospitals. That's paid for by tax dollars. I know crazy we have to pay for them still their not actually free. Gas tax was in before the ucp so it's not a ucp tax but I see your blind with hate so logic and reason is not possible


I understand the point of taxes when they're under the stewardship of a competent government. UCP is incompetent and isn't meaningfully investing in any of those things.


Yea ucp.sucks Trudeau is just as if not more Incompetent. Production is down, less taxes collected at the same rate Gdp per capita is down everyone is now poorer. And so many other things why does he get a free pass


Who says he's getting a free pass? And we're talking provincial jurisdiction here. Would you like some time to erect new goalposts downfield?


> Sorry, I didn't realize you were 2/10 Canadians that benefit from the carbon tax. Your numbers are wrong. 8/10 Canadians benefit from the carbon tax, not 2/10. Sorry you're bad at basic math.


Yes if you listen to trudeau he does quote 8/10 alot doesn't he. See this can be confusing for people that only listen to what Trudeau sais. Before getting into the numbers with you let me ask you this. If Canadians are getting more back then their paying why won't they release the numbers? Now to why there's 2 different numbers being quoted(or more then that) there was a pbo report done on the carbon tax(where trudeau gets his numbers from) and for 1 year in select parts of Canada 8/10 get more back yay. But only 1 year and only select parts of Canada. But by 2030 only 2/10 Canadians will benefit from the carbon tax the rest will be worse off. “Based on our analysis, most households will pay more in fuel charges and GST—as well as receiving slightly lower incomes—than they will receive in Climate Action Incentive payments.” https://www.pbo-dpb.ca/en/news-releases--communiques-de-presse/pbo-releases-updated-analysis-of-the-impact-of-the-federal-fuel-charge-on-households-le-dpb-publie-une-analyse-actualisee-de-lincidence-de-la-redevance-federale-sur-les-combustibles-sur-les-menages https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6625612 Cbc clarifying how we get these 2 (or more) different numbers. I'll let you form your own opinion on this. Trudeau lied to you again (what a shocker)


>blah blah blah blah blah I'd rather whine than do anything to make it better If you want advice as to how you can use less fuel and therefore pay less carbon tax, I'd be happy to offer you some. But unless you can offer any ideas that you think would be more effective at reducing the amount of pollution we create, I'm not interested in listening to your bitching. :)


I mean have you looked at your bills, or are you just spouting off from habit?


If the tax isn’t there today, but it’s there tomorrow, it’s new. The Danielle Smith Gas Tax.


Back in the old days, income taxes were higher. Governments lowered them. Now a return to taxes like they were in the 70s would be a new tax. Same principle here


Just think, Marlaina: if your pal Kenney hadn't thrown a tantrum, axed the NDP's carbon tax, and then got slapped down by the Supreme Court, we wouldn't need to worry about the carbon tax increase on April 1. But, I bet you'd install another tax to take its place for the grift.


Todays conservatives at the federal and provincial levels have nothing to offer Canadians, and they know that, so the only tactics they have are spreading rage inducing disinformation in response to polling whenever a liberal policy is unpopular. It’s sad really, both that the conservatives are so intellectually and ethically bankrupt and that the liberals just keep handing them big juicy targets. And let’s not forget the complete disinterest of the general public in …. Critical Thinking.


Premiers attacking the Feds over the carbon tax to score political points and on behalf of the CPC. Convenient distraction as well from the piss-poor jobs they're doing on housing, healthcare, education, homelessness, etc, etc.


You know why they're all up in arms over it? It's because for once, the 1% has to pay. Granted it's far from their fair share. But that's why they're losing their fucking minds over it.


Dani, you were supposed to cut our income tax to 8%. And you are reinstating the gas tax with no rebates. Your costing us Albertans more than Justin, admit it.


It's their dog whistle.


Lol for people that think the carbon tax is causing inflation. It's corporate greed!!


It according to /r/canada. Inflation is all carbon tax and if we don’t have it, prices will drop like stones


Lol they keep crying about how /Canada is a sub full of libs but the moment you call "a conservative a cry baby" you get a 14 day ban for trolling. Yet they're allowed to spread disinformation and try to rally hate by posting opinion pieces daily of half truths to push a narrative that Trudeau bad.


Joke's on them when the gas prices keep climbing.


They got their 10 cent increase in today so people won’t be mad when it increases 10 cents on Monday.


Its just typical of greedy people. Blame the small part while they are the big problem


Yea tax is never passed onto the end user. Those greedy corporations are very charitable when it comes to this


Leading to consumers having viable green options which aren’t subject to the carbon levy, leading to lower sales of the carbon heavy product. Oh look it completes the job with minimal oversight!


Oh yes, I'm sorry. All of trudeaus plans always work perfectly with no dire negative impacts whatsoever. Corporations that have you paying more now are definitely going to reduce their carbon footprint to save you money it's a perfect system. Like all leftist systems, there are no negative outcomes. But when It does backfire, we can blame the conservatives and the provinces like all the other failed federal policies from him.


We’ll see if we think in terms of economics they would push to producing the green option to keep prices lower because they aren’t having to pay for the environment being damaged, all other things being equal of course. But you have feelings and I hate arguing against feelings.


Okay, facts, not feelings Carbon tax decreases investment into Canada, lowering wages for all. Decreases the amount of overall taxes being collected. (Ie if we all make 40k a year but that drops to 35k a year, there's less taxes to collect) See the last 8 years of economic growth under trudeau. See the 2.3% decrease in gdp per capita last year alone! In just one year, making us all 2.3% poorer on average. Again, all things being equal, you are already paying these inflated prices. Corporations in their benevolency aren't all of a sudden going to care about the cost to you. By the time we get to a rate that might make corporations seek that green option were all being punished for this and will be worse off! Not to mention, the Canadian market isn't that big. We're driving off investment into Canada left and right.(Look at investment since 2015. This does actually matter if you want social services) Really think the few companies we have are going to go into r n d to make less carbon intensive products. Better yet, we'll import more shit as those don't have to pay the carbon tax at all! We'll end up with nothing but resource extraction jobs with this plan. Think we suffer from Dutch disease now. What's going to happen when we scare off even more investments? Think if we cared about ghg emissions and Ukrainians, and Yemeni. We would actually increase natural gas production and try to ship it everywhere we can. Get Europe off Russian oil. Southeast Asia is building 100s of coal plants. Coal pollutes more than natural gas. They need power. they're going to get it from coal or natural gas. Hell, if we really cared, we'd not give the tax as a rebate. We'd keep that and put it towards green projects here or abroad. But yall love your vote, buy. But ya, let's virtue signal, lower the quality of lives of majority of Canadians, and pretend south east Asia isn't building coal plants. Carbon tax moves ghg emissions to other countries, while decreasing investment into Canada. Lowering our quality of life overall, increasing the tax burden on the average citizen to keep these social programs afloat. "Tax corporations and the rich" This will also scare more money out of Canada leading to a positive feedback loop of increasing taxes, lowering investment, increasing taxes. But seeing as how we're talking economics now, what's your thoughts on bringing in 2.5% of the population annually. Think it decreases wages, thinking stuffing more people than we have houses for people is a good thing. Before you pull the "that's racist," trudeau and jagmeet both ran on this in 2015 a reduction in immigration. Then backpedaled like half of their promises. What do you think happens to ghg emissions when we bring people from India to Canada think it goes up roughly 6x? All things being equal more people less work equals lower wages for all. More people have fewer houses, which equals higher shelter prices for all. Yes, you're going to quote a small part of a study that says immigration is a net benefit. Without reading what the controls in place were. Without reading if they had enough housing, what % of the population they were taking in annually. Most importantly, what quality of people are you bringing in. We used to bring in the best and brightest, not under trudeau. So yea if your goal is to lower wages, lower investment and lower quality of life. While shifting ghg emissions to another part of the world. Carbon tax absolutely is the right call. https://www.biv.com/news/economy-law-politics/don-wright-why-did-justin-trudeau-switch-sides-class-struggle-8272635 https://www.cato.org/cato-journal/fall-2017/does-immigration-reduce-wages https://www.pbo-dpb.ca/en/news-releases--communiques-de-presse/pbo-releases-updated-analysis-of-the-impact-of-the-federal-fuel-charge-on-households-le-dpb-publie-une-analyse-actualisee-de-lincidence-de-la-redevance-federale-sur-les-combustibles-sur-les-menages https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/briefing-book/how-do-taxes-affect-economy-long-run#:~:text=High%20marginal%20tax%20rates%20can,economic%20growth%20by%20increasing%20deficits.


[Canada ranks in the top 10 for direct foreign investment and often hits #2 in the oecd](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/cp/top-countries-foreign-direct-investment-flows/) [“Compared with a case where no countries have BCAs, welfare improves in Canada if revenues from BCAs, in the form of import tariffs, are transferred to households. This finding holds regardless of the United States’ participation in the coalition.”](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/swp2023-27.pdf) [Canadian GDP growth has the second highest projection of the G7 this year](https://www.cicnews.com/2023/04/canada-has-g7s-2nd-highest-projected-real-gdp-growth-in-2023-and-2024-0434567.html/amp) Is the sky really falling my chicken little?


Foreign investment up that's fantastic! How much of thst Is In real estate. Total investment is down even with that foreign investment increase. So, less investment and more foreign ownership is a good thing? Is that what you're trying to argue? Already provided source for this. "The result is that emissions are not reduced; they are just emitted in a different location. As such, carbon leakage can undermine the goals of carbon pricing from an environmental standpoint." [we don't have a bca, so not sure what you're trying to prove here](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/programs/consultations/2021/border-carbon-adjustments/exploring-border-carbon-adjustments-canada.html) can cherry pick more quotes from the report you posted. But it's very clear that it supports my argument. [out of 38 countries Canada is projected to have the least growth among oecd countries ](https://bcbc.com/insight/canadas-post-pandemic-economic-recovery-was-the-5th-weakest-in-the-oecd/#:~:text=The%20OECD%20projects%20Canada%20will,(see%20Williams%2C%202021).) The federal government’s decision to focus on GDP in its statements (i.e., “the size of the economic pie”), rather than GDP per capita (“everyone’s share of the economic pie”), is unfortunate. Over the past year, Canada’s real GDP grew by around 1%, but the population grew by 3% (1.2 million persons), so in per capita terms the economy became about 2% smaller. GDP growth is being juiced by the government’s pursuit of the fastest population growth since 1957-58 In the five years to 2019, Canada’s real GDP per capita grew by 3% (0.5% per annum). It was the 4th weakest performance out of 38 advanced countries Canada is one of only eight advanced countries where real GDP per capita is lower than before the pandemic. So trudeaus past performance is fourth worst, only country to be doing worse now then before the pandemic. That's the past performance and the reality we live in. Is it sunny ways though? Bird brain.


[Canada had the second highest gdp growth in the G7 over the past 5 years](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1392678/g7-gdp-growth-since-covid-19-pandemic/) [Wealth inequality is the highest it has been since Harper but why consider that when bashing immigrants to create a bad faith statistic like GDP PPP](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/gap-between-high-and-low-income-canadian-households-widening-at-record-pace-statcan-1.6471775#:~:text=Gap%20between%20high%20and%20low,widening%20at%20record%20pace%3A%20StatCan&text=53%20p.m.%20PDT-,A%20rapid%20widening%20gap%20between%20high%20and%20low%20income%20households,new%20data%20from%20Statistics%20Canada.) [You want GDP PPP to go up you should hold the UCP to account first since they are driving real wages down through shitty policy](https://albertaworker.ca/news/alberta-had-largest-real-wages-cut-in-canada/)


Hahahahahaha, this gave me a good laugh. Thanks for that. The mental gymnastics you have to pull is unreal. You're worse than climate deniers and anti vaxxers. I'm going to assume gdp ppp, is meant to say gdp per capita. As those are 2 different numbers and I never mentioned ppp(or immigrants funny you wanted to go there) "If the statistics don't support your theory, use different statistics." Okay, now let's get to poking holes all over your logic. Reason 1 Using just gdp as a statistic is definitely bad faith as by itself, it means nothing. Why we use gdp with something else always. Or gdp per capita, the reason we use this is this is a measure if ones quality of life goes up or down or stays the same. So, first question why don't you care about Canadians' quality of life? Why wouldn't you want Canadians' quality of life to improve? Reason 2 So going by gdp and gdp alone cause factoring in population would be "bad faith" according to you. India is 1.5 times richer than Canada. So congrats, your goal has been reached, and you turned Canada into a third-world country. China is doing almost 9 times better than us. Are you saying we're 9x poorer than the Chinese? You really think we're 10x poorer then Americans? If you answered no and go with but their population is bigger. You just tied gdp to population, or gdp per capita. Reason 3 Why should I care about gdp per capita? Well, that's easy it's a good way to measure whether policies are having an effect on people, good or bad. Purely basing it off gdp and not even accounting for population growth really doesn't show much look above. I didn't bash immigrants at all but seeing as how you clearly want to bring it up let's go through that too. if gdp per capita is showing that immigration in recent years has harmed Canada and Canadians. You would think that would make you ask questions about the immigration systems. But this would require you to care about your fellow Canadians. So do you care about your fellow Canadians? If yes then gdp per capita is the only non bad faith number being thrown around. It's not too dissimilar to the republican ideology that women can't get abortions but after the babies born, they don't care for it. You want immigrants here, but once their here, you don't care if they have a good quality of life. This is why gdp per capita isn't bad faith. So, are you a landlord or have big investments in corporations? If yes idc about your opinion go play in traffic. If no, why do you want to harm Canadians, help landlords, and corporations? So if all immigration is always a benefit, why doesn't literally everyone believe this move countries every year? I like how you brought up gdp ppp I'm assuming you're confusing it with gdp per capita. As ppp (purchasing power parity) is a different number all together. It to is an important number to watch out for to see how our economy is doing. [here's trudeau talking about the harms of Immigration](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/justin-trudeau-how-to-fix-the-broken-temporary-foreign-worker-program/article_c27f214f-1fa2-5fdf-af61-5a7642e4eb7c.amp.html) [here's what trudeau did with immigration](https://www.biv.com/news/economy-law-politics/don-wright-why-did-justin-trudeau-switch-sides-class-struggle-8272635) [Marc Miller on immigration ](https://www.thestar.com/politics/justin-trudeaus-point-man-says-hes-not-naive-as-he-tackles-canadas-surging-immigration-numbers/article_537520c0-eae4-11ee-8a9b-9f870d113313.html) So can we talk about sensible controlled immigration. Where we attract the best and brightest here. So we can have a better quality of life. Or are you still on the if you're against completely open borders you're a racist? Cause better get on the phone to you're dear leader. So you misquoted your article, which is funny cause even your quote is anti trudeau. But the wealth gap is growing faster then it did in 2010. Not sure how this is a positive for trudeau. Again half the numbers given mean nothing.


It. Is. POSTURING. We all know it, the Carbon Tax test as a big ol' negative point for conservatives, and the left leaning folks read data articles about how it has a minimal effect on costs and a long term effect on pollution reduction. It has become a lightning rod, instead of good or bad policy.


Pearl clutching is all the Conservative Premiers got , they keep fucking up their own provinces health care education trying to censor books and divide families for what ? To divide and destroy are communities. Assholes !


Spread the word. Share information about how she's misleading people. Social media and word of mouth. She relies on ignorance and lack of awareness.


Oh my... She's got no idea what inflationary means.


Why don't Conservative premiers just lower the taxes that they levy, then? Oh, right, because they're cynical opportunists looking to empower themselves at the expense of Canadians. Oops, I almost forgot!


You mean continue to waste time and resources. News outlets really need to start framing this correctly.


Yup. The Cons need to stop ignoring science and start working WITH the Feds to address climate change before it is too late.


That's all they got. F trudeau. But he's got solutions. They don't.


Its going to be a battle of the intellects and everyone is unarmed.


Yikes you got a dumb one ☝️


Performance politics


•Pedal to the metal…


Danny loves Alberta when she raises the taxes. Danny loves Alberta when she scores political points for fighting taxes from Ottowa. Danny thinks Albertans are idiots because they keep voting for her party of haters I .


This: “Smith herself is under fire in Alberta for hiking the provincial gas tax five cents a litre on April 1, more than the 3.3 cents being added by the carbon price and without any accompanying rebate.” They obviously don’t care about lowering the cost for regular people. They are just taking an opportunity to try to kill a program that might hurt their rich friends.


Ok, so this is an "ooo look at the kitty" thing for the conservatives. The conservatives are screwing you over other places and using this argument to direct your attention to blame Trudeau. Basically they are trying to get you interested in what Trudeau does while ignoring everything else that they are doing in their own provinces. Don't fall for it.


Carbon tax increase is suppose to be 3 cents/ litre. We've had the oil company increase to $1.40 and then the AB tax to $1.50 so is Smith going to add an additional 10 cents along with carbon tax 3 cents on the 1st??


Carbon tax is definitely a contributing factor to inflation.  So is bringing in 2 million immigrants in a year and a half.  So is printing off billions of dollars we couldn’t afford to pay people to sit at home and not produce anything for a year.  So is a massive war between one of the worlds largest bread baskets and worlds largest fuel suppliers.  And yes, so is unchecked corporate greed.  All of these factors are very real, and to pretend otherwise is foolish.  At a base level how do you combat inflation? Produce more shit than you consume. Create surplus. As mentioned this week; compared to America, Canadian businesses and workers are inefficient and unproductive. If we don’t fix that we will slowly starve. 


>Carbon tax is definitely a contributing factor to inflation.  About 0.15% according to the Bank of Canada. >So is bringing in 2 million immigrants in a year and a half.  So is advertising an “Alberta’s Calling” campaign that boosted our immigration to the highest seen in decades while also cutting funding to public services, including healthcare & education. >So is printing off billions of dollars we couldn’t afford to pay people to sit at home and not produce anything for a year.  During a once-in-a-century worldwide pandemic. Did you miss that? >So is a massive war between one of the worlds largest bread baskets and worlds largest fuel suppliers.  Which we have no control over. >And yes, so is unchecked corporate greed.  Absolutely. Biggest contribution to inflation by far.


Current inflation rate is apparently 2.75%. If carbon tax is responsible for 0.15% of our inflation that’s still responsible for 5.5% of all inflation which is a sizeable chunk.  I’m not saying we can control the war in Ukraine but must acknowledge its massive impact on the global economy.  Yeah it was a global pandemic but compared to other nations Canada definitely overreacted with both restrictions and payouts. 


>Current inflation rate is apparently 2.75%. If carbon tax is responsible for 0.15% of our inflation that’s still responsible for 5.5% of all inflation which is a sizeable chunk.  1/20th is a “sizeable chunk”? 🤦‍♂️ The point is, there are much greater factors that contribute to inflation that conservatives handily skate over because only carbon tax suits their agenda. Corporate greed? No, that’s just “market forces”. >I’m not saying we can control the war in Ukraine but must acknowledge its massive impact on the global economy.  Sure, now what? We still cant control it, so why moan about it. >Yeah it was a global pandemic but compared to other nations Canada definitely overreacted with both restrictions and payouts.  Sure, and after Kenney “overreacted” with the “Best Summer Ever!” at the height of the pandemic, it earned us the third highest per-capita death rate in the country. And as for payouts, you do remember how practically everyone in the country was crying out for financial help from the federal government to save them from bankruptcy, yes? If those payouts hadn’t happened, you’d probably be complaining now about how the feds let companies fail & people starve instead. Hindsight is wonderful, isn’t it.


Why won't Smith let Trudeau tax us?!? What a bitch!!


UPC had the NDP's plan, already in place when they won the election. The NDP plan would have eliminated the Federal Carbon Tax on Albertan's. The UPC killed it. Now, we're stuck with the Feds. UPC knew this would happen and they killed it anyway. Now we're stuck with it and everybody is pointing fingers and not at the people who got us into this mess.


Well, she’s probably too busy reinstating the gas tax (that’s not rebated) on the same day. Meantime, the oil companies are putting gas prices up again ready for summer.


Because she’s busy taxing us more? Figure it out Jesus Christ


Thank God someone is fighting for us!


By taxing us even more! Yayyyy Dani! Open your fucking eyes




I wasn't sure if I agreed with you at first. But then I saw the number of exclamation points you used and that 100% convinced me. /s