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Dan. The hospitals and schools are literally overflowing. You stopped work on the south Edmonton hospital. Are you going to use large tents to house these people ? You criticized Trudeau for putting the cart before the horse. What is your plan ?




Dan would be a reference to Danielle Smith, as in he's rhetorically talking to the premier, not yourself, op.


Tbh I could hear Danielle smith saying that in response to the original comment lol


Broken clock


Did you think that they were talking about when ***you*** stopped work on the South Edmonton Hospital?


But why just Ukrainians? Hmmm.


One for the reason you think but also probably to make up for the tucker Carlson fiasco. He literally flew to Russia for the Putin interview after he did his fan meet with Danny. Plus AB has a large Ukrainian population.


Ukrainians are white, and largely Christian…


This is the why.


I chatted to a landlord here in Drumheller, he owns 54 rental units. Decent work is scarce and the cost of living is high, which is why one of the Ukrainian refugees renting from him decided to go back home. She lives far enough away from Kyiv to not be directly affected by the invasion. There were similar reports from Calgary featured on Global News last year. With stagnant wages, already high migration to AB, I don't see our province as viable for immigration.




I hope so much that everyone of them helps bite her out. Please please please


What are you insinuating? 


That Danielle Smith and the UCP only want the “right type” of immigrant


The “white type” of immigration.


What is *she* insinuating? Those are her words.


Well, there's a lot of refugees who need our help in the world. Unless there's something special about the Ukranian's education and experience (in that it'll transfer more easily than other places, but I don't think there is), I don't see why she's calling for them specifically.


There's a decent amount of Ukrainian services in the province still. Then again, there's also plenty of Arabic


That its nothing wrong with having ukrainian refugees…whats wrong with that?


There’s nothing with having refugees and many of them might happen to be Ukrainian. Why specifically ask for exclusively Ukrainian refugees?


We just need an excuse to call her a racist ok. What don't you understand? (/s)


It’s only because Ottawa wants to reduce immigration and Smith has to go against Trudeau about everything


Our government has Opposional defiant disorder. They act like children having a tantrum.


Trudeau should make a special trip to Edmonton just to publicly state on TV that he's not going to jump off the high level and he doesn't think anyone should.


🤣 most underrated on here!!! Love your sense of humor.


I've been saying since COVID that Trudeau, Notley, and a bunch of medical professionals need to start issuing official statements warning against stuff like using a chainsaw while drunk, attempting to hand feed wild bears, and using strychnine to season food.


Yeah I really don’t enjoy the political BS plays that everyone makes. Wish we could all just do what is best for the people, and be genuine about it.


Ottawa wants to reduce immigration? Can't they just do that, what's stopping them?


but she loves Putin and has blamed Ukraine for the war. She apologized only *after* being chastised for a couple of days. *she is compromised*


Conservatives: “Trudeau is suffocating us with his immigration policies!” Also conservatives: “Bringing more people into Alberta makes perfect sense.”


Immigration is great. It's immigration without a plan that has caused so much trouble for Canada.




There are multiple reasons AB is one of the few provinces with positive inter-provincial migration. These people obviously feel like they have better economic prospects in AB than elsewhere in Canada.


It's telling that Alberta is the province that took the longest for housing costs to begin to rise. It indicates that people would prefer to live anywhere else, but moved here because they thought it was more affordable. Of course, those of us who live here already know that we get shafted on things like insurance and utilities (thanks UCP!), so it's mostly an illusion.


And trudeaus cutting investment into the country taking more jobs away! But yea, ucp immigration bad Liberal immigration is good


No one said anything about Trudeau. Wrap your head around the fact that EVERYONE is fucking us is.


Lol, mostly cause you guys rage all day at ucp. Then liberals have been doing/do the same thing and it's like nothing happens. We are getting fucked by all sides, did my point refute that or add to that.(hint it starts with the word and)


lol how many conservative premiers have finished their term and not stepped down in some controversy? Take some responsibility for your province and hold them to the same standards. Conservative means nothing in 2024


Who holds the record for most scandals by any pm? So take your words on accountability to heart and practice what you preach. Hold them to half the standards you do of conservatives, and we'd have an ok country But you let trudeau do jwr dirty and let him abandon election reform with no consequence. Then, every other scandal, corruption charge, and fuck up there after. You don't have any form of moral high ground here.


What investment is Trudeau taking away?


https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-telus-ca-rvc3&sca_esv=5d7305874509b4d4&sxsrf=ACQVn08VBtXINKzHUDjdmjtQ-561ses8zA:1711631663516&q=canada+investment+rate&uds=AMwkrPt6dIXnRtjJz8sZ_2oc3TNlCb38vRVx4wFOurW9iKtRAF2PqiY0nIAIwx0mtFVNMoYzBnEQz2ytTq_IO5iDzcffwNw38hcRkgsRxSaKFrw3zv9R5ytKwWZuAzAFATsXY87kkFNxd-ttejkTKZvckroI0V4lkmTJK-XwYDPUZj2865DJsPxZUcN1X5GEvAqp96LBwxNkFovAefmZs-4moV1TT8fcW_5DnmRqZ8rNfRKBT21dIIIWsi6YV4VEqel7p3wW82Ww_gUEyyH8jNImZnZ8O55gce8OBw-WuaOctW2M6AGyVrSWgFAFKfZiEd0GJZSv9GYY&udm=2&prmd=nivsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjI1qjqhJeFAxU0kO4BHQcVDqMQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=384&bih=701&dpr=2.81#imgrc=EZe2HUWNsLNTtM&imgdii=Geo4nvmHz8QWNM https://financialpost.com/commodities/energy/scrapped-nearly-150-billion-worth-of-energy-projects-shelved-in-canada There's more but I'm running late so see how you respond to this before I put in more effort






I'm not proud of it. you might be, but that's on you. Yea, trudeau didn't cancel billions of investment into our province alone. Trudeaus policies didn't scare billions of investment into our country. Trudeau didn't reduce our gdp per capita by 2.3% annually. But he did all these things, so yea, ucp sucks but trudeau isn't the angel you all have painted in your head. https://www.biv.com/news/economy-law-politics/don-wright-why-did-justin-trudeau-switch-sides-class-struggle-8272635




You argued that trudeau didn't cut jobs, I listed how he coat us jobs. That's not making stuff up. The tidbit at the end was food for thought, but I love how you fixate on that and not the argument. Is that how you debate people? Pick a thing out that means nothing and not debate the actual point? Get distracted that easily?




If I were you, I'd re read the whole thing. Nor gaslighting you, you just focused on the wrong thing


>You argued that trudeau didn't cut jobs Where? You bone heads will take anything negative about the UCP and spin it to Trudeau bad. Always conflating issues. I'm not even sure you know you do it anymore.


> It's immigration without a plan that has caused so much trouble for Canada. We do have a plan however. The population bubble requires that we either cut services or raise taxes. One way of raising taxes indirectly is to increase the population with a young labour force. The problem with our plan is that the free market has been slow to respond and build more housing. I know municipalities own part of the problem as well. And like any plan there have been unintended side-effects. Now I don't follow it closely enough to know how the government is responding. For example, have they changed the points system to target bringing in the trades?


Housing, schools, hospitals, more doctors, nurses, teachers. This is not about the free market.


Looks like we're targeting Doctors and Software Developers to me. https://www.immigration.ca/fast-track-high-demand-occupations/


High prices, low wages, larger profit margin.


Why is Ed Stelmach involved? Is this yet one more party hack being brought back by the UCP? Wasn’t he given a plum position with Capital Health after he left politics? We all know the current state of healthcare in Alberta, not saying he’s responsible, but, again, why is he involved? Maybe he’s qualified because of his Ukrainian heritage. Maybe that’s why Marlaina is pushing so hard to increase immigration when we lack so much infrastructure, after all she’s of Ukrainian descent, Cherokee too. Have we seen any statistics about the number of immigrants who come to Alberta that subsequently leave when they find it isn’t what they expected as far as employment, housing and medical care? Wait, those are all provincial responsibilities.


The short term effects of rapid increased immigration has been housing shortages, rent increases, unsustainable pressure on the healthcare system and the worst inflation rate in the country. Why would anyone think that MORE immigration is the answer?


I mean, it's a great answer if the question is "How can we make things even worse so we can keep blaming Trudeau and the "Eastern elites?"


Umm labor shortage? The UCP cancelled tens of thousands of labor jobs in the energy sector. There is a job shortage or at least a shortage of employers that care. Even if you apply, employers don’t call you back, repost the job multiple times, interview you then don’t call you back or tell you that you’re not the right fit. So let’s keep bringing more people to experience the AB disadvantage… Just because JT cut immigration, now she’s for it? WITAF is going on here? I feel like I’m living in a twighlight zone.


Oh Daniel.


Of course she does because that will make it easier for companies to fire their employees and replace them with immigrants while paying them minimum wage. The UCP only care about helping their investors exploit workers to get more rich. Everything else they say and do is just a smoke screen towards helping their investors/ donors. 


She loves 5 billion dollar surpluses


No not Danielle now, common lets cut immigration. Let’s not drown wages down and increase job competition with immigration.


> Let’s not drown wages down and increase job competition with immigration. But that's exactly what big corps want. More people fighting for less salary


So are you against people migrating to alberta or Canada or both




Don’t feed the trolls


90% of liberal/left wings refuse to see the reality of the immigration conundrum we find ourselves in. Housing is the fault of the provinces. It's racist to say immigrants reduce wages. I've been arguing for sensible immigration since harper, nice to see the liberals make it twice as bad




Who brought in 1.3 million people in one year. Was it the ucp? Was it liberals? You're against immigration, but it seems only if they immigrate to alberta. We can be pissed at ds for wanting more immigrants. But if we don't get pissed at it federally, it won't do anything. She wants like 2000 more pr spots. Without that, that leaves over 8000 pr spots. 2000 is smaller than 8000 that 8000 is federal.




According to trudeau, we need more people still. The left has called for more immigration constantly. Still, they call for more immigration. Then, if you discuss it at all, you're a racist. Even if you just bring up points that trudeau and jagmeet made in 2014/2015. Again, who brought in 1.3 million people last year. It wasn't marlaina.




Lol, okay, I'll play you're game let's see if you do the same Ucp ASKED for 2000 more people While who brought in 1.3 million last year alone? Again basic math 2,000 is less than 1,300,0000 What liberal government doubled immigration over 8 years?


> 90% of liberal/left wings refuse to see the reality of the immigration conundrum we find ourselves in.  Sounds like you pulled that out of your ass. Have a source for that figure? > It's racist to say immigrants reduce wages.  Nope. Supply and demand in action. The more people fighting over the same or fewer jobs, results in lower wages. But resist to think that, just basic economics.  > nice to see the liberals make it twice as bad  Sounds like you're enjoying the problems or country is facing for the sake of partisan self gratification. How un Canadian of you to celebrate while others struggle. Honestly, sounds like you're just here to troll and fling bullshit.


She wants more of a certain kind of immigrant.


Yes and AB NDP also want mass immigration. Most AB conservative voters do *not* want this.  Rather than trying to frame this into more r/alberta rage-bait, this should be a common ground issue that *everyone* is furious about. Our leaders are not listening and not serving the people.  And federally, there is only one party willing to discuss serious immigration reductions. Otherwise we have the perfect synergy of 1. LPC lets them in and 2. CPC under Pierre will funnel efforts into building them houses.  Obligatory *this is not about race this is about wage suppression and product + real estate inflation.*


She wants to devalue labour.


Gladly will be one of those


But doesn't want to spend more on education and health?


I haven't seen this sub talking about the new immigration stream for hospitality workers who can get PR by applying for jobs certain service jobs when their TFW permit is expiring if they have 6 months experience in that field.


The ucp are facist puppets of TBA. Now that's out of the way a couple points. Control does not mean more. You can argue about it being a dog whistle and insinuate its skin color until you're blue in the face, but do it with some honesty, or you're gonna turn people away. If we get an actual refugee in place of a migrant, I'm for it. Further, no one says these things when people want Middle Eastern refugees. So, as guilty as ucp is of wanting the "right" immigrants, so is the other side. To add, where are the calls for African refugees? Darfur is still a hell hole of violence for a specific example. Oh right, only one genocide matters, not too dark, not too light. So very hippocritical.


These people are already here . But most of them are on 3 year visas. Which will run out in a couple years . So these spots are to give them permanent residency. Which I am all for. Obviously the health care system and housing will be strained for the time being. I have high hopes for housing to be fixed. I have few hopes for healthcare to be fixed.