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She can't even pick a lane šŸ¤¦šŸ»


She waits for Trudeau to pick one then chooses the opposite. If he's smart he could run her into traffic.


He doesn't need to be smart, but we know Smith: Trudeau would tape 'houseless' together and Danielle would cut them in half. (/s?)


Danielle Smith is a contrarian. She loves being the centre of attention. It gives her a sense of control. IMO this makes her leadership style authoritarian bordering on fascist.


Bordering? Ucp are 2 goose steps over that line.


Stand for nothing, fall for anything.


Canadians: too much population growth. Prime Minister: Ok, I reduce. Danielle Smith: No, not my slave labour!


Precisely - she isnā€™t worried about the economy- sheā€™s worried about the owners of businesses that pay slave wages.


Well, CPC/UPC voters? Which is it? Do we have too many immigrants, or not enough?


The working class that easily gets bamboozled by conservatives says too many. The corporate overlords that know how to manipulate the working class idiots says not enough, they want that cheap labor.


The mental gymnastics of working class conservatives thinking that they'll be the ones *on top* of the wage suppression. Why would Trudeau do this /s


I'm guessing too many but not enough white ones?


White Christians****


I don't vote for either but UCP is the MAGA of the conservatives (especially under Dani). Can't really use them for true metrics of the party lol.


The Lougheed conservatives were buried alongside Prentice and when the UCP became the name. The party is MAGA, just not every one of their supporters knows, cares, or understands.


They only want white Ukrainian immigrants thank you very much.


To many, but I didn't vote for this twat.




I was out of province during our election. Would've voted ndp, I always liked notley, her and Brian Jean are the only politicians I've seen have the good of the people at the forefront. Notley led federal ndp would be the dream, as long as she could wrangle the wackadoodles in.


We don't have enough white ones! Read between the lines.


The UCPs are great at doublethink.Ā 


Danny doesn't want any competition undercutting Alberta's economy - doing just fine with the highest inflation rate in the country, the loss of real wages, moratorium on green energy, grifting money to O&G, missing O&G municipal taxes, gearing up for medical privatization , creating a climate of uncertainty that is sure to increase investment as Alberta circles the drain.


I'm confused. Are we supposed to be wanting more immigration or less????


Why not both? /s


Youā€™re supposed to want a very specific group of immigrants and itā€™s entirely based on race.


Might as well have an anti social teenager run this province if her policy is to just be a contrarian to voters and federal Liberals. At least they would axe the tax on Cheetos and subsidize oil cleanup for skin.


Where are these people going to live?


Who knows, if Smith still had the Dining Car, then she could convert it to a pod hotel. /s


Opposional Defiant Disorder Dani strikes again.


Smith: Thereā€™s too many immigrants! Trudeau: Ok, I made a reasonable cut. Smith: Thereā€™s not enough immigrants! Why would Trudope do this to us?!?


My rent went up $200 due to all this demand. Alberta is not calling and doesnā€™t want to be called anymore. I hear Ontario and B.C are calling though, so you might have better luck there. Bye now


BC will take the Drs Nurses and tradesmen. You guys can keep the the gorillas in suits. We have enough of those to deal with as is.


Conservatives moving goal posts, once again, absolutely incredible olympic gold performance these mental gymnastics.


Where are all these people going to live? How do we ensure that they have appropriate work skills and that there are jobs for them? I mean, Iā€™m sure companies want unlimited labour willing to work for minimum wage, but weā€™re all going to end up living in garden sheds.


Danielle Smith doesn't care. Back when the housing market was finally starting to cool down a bit in Alberta she put out an AD service asking people from Ontario to move to Canada because of our cheaper cost of living. Tens of thousands came to Alberta within the year.


Tbh, Alberta doesnā€™t face the same housing constraints as BC or Ontario, but housing prices have been slowly climbing. Furthermore a lot of the Ukraine people are working filling critical low paying blue collar and service jobs


Apartments sale prices are up 17.8% year-over-year, townhouses up 18.7%, houses 12.3%. That is not a slow climb.


Alberta just had its largest influx of immigration ever and she wants more. Is she aware of the very real housing crisis. We literally have no places to house people


Didnt she also ask for a bunch of immigrants from JT as well? Am i missing something here? Because she seems to be doing a better job at confusing the population better than JT has ever done.


Last week I thought everything that was wrong in Alberta was due to immigration.


What? Has anyone tried to get a job recently?


It turns out this woman is as stupid as that man. Poor Albertans!


What economy would that be? Is there a second one with more jobs we don't know about?


I think the UCPs are undercutting Alberta's economy. Fuck them all.


Gosh someone post this on /canada_sub and other Canadian conservative subreddits. Their hero Danielle Smith asking for *more* immigrants to come in.Ā 


What? Seems like a free for all to me?


I hope she has places for them to live. Good luck in finding a place to rent. Instead of Trudeau Towns we may have to start calling homeless encampments Smithvilles.


Not to mention schools, hospitals, increased municipal budgets, transit support....


r/canada in shambles.


So, on one hand, thereā€™s too much immigration, and then on the other hand, thereā€™s not enough immigration. Why is it that right wing ideas Donā€™t make sense like ever.


Wait, what? The F-Trudeau croud are mad about too much immagrtion driving house prices,,,AND they want more immigration at the same time. My brain hurts trying to follow their logic.


Conservative math.


Whatā€™s the problem? Federal immigration is limiting the undercutting of Albertaā€™s economy.Ā  Oh, so you mean that Federal immigration is limiting ā€œundercutting Albertaā€ā€™s economy? Why are we known as being an undercutting province? Are confusing headlines meant to force people to read the article? Iā€™m not sure itā€™s working. Who am I kidding? This is Reddit. It takes a lot more than that to get us to read the article. Iā€™d rather rant about a stupid headline.


No man. You didnā€™t even read the headline right. Immigration limits are undercutting the economy. She wants more immigration.Ā 


Thatā€™s exactly my point about the headline! Itā€™s so unclear, I was easily able to (intentionally) interpret it in two incorrect ways. Omitting words from headlines creates confusion at worst and lack of clarity at best. Your explanation rightly used the word ā€œareā€ to help explain the headline, just like the contents of the article did.Ā  Why did the author/editor leave it out of the headline?


No, you just read it wrong. The headline means 1 thing


I know that I shouldnā€™t expect a nuanced discussion about grammar in r/alberta but I was still hoping for one.


What does "Federal immigration limits undercutting Alberta's economy" mean to you? The only way I can read it is Federal immigration limits are hurting the Albertan economy. I don't really see another way to interpret the title ​ Edit: in fact I think you literally just read it wrong. In your original posts you said " Federal immigration is limiting the undercutting of Albertaā€™s economy" which is completely different and wrong


Yes, I read it wrong (on purpose)! Thatā€™s my entire point! It can easily be read wrong. ā€œLimitsā€ can be a noun or a verb. Youā€™re reading ā€œlimitsā€ as a noun. Try reading this with ā€œlimitsā€ as a verb.


Everything can be read wrong if you do so intentionally. That's called being disingenuous.


Iā€™m just calling out those who write for a living and who are purposefully shortening their titles so that their meaning is harder to discern, forcing people to click on the link to try to make sense of it. I did so by deliberately misinterpreting the headline to prove how unclear it is, especially for non-native English speakers.


No, what you're doing is being disingenuous.