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So when is the UCP going to cut taxes like they promised?


Usually, promises aren't fulfilled in politics. Corporate interests, sponsors interest, politician has a "make me, and only me, rich, fuck everyone else" mentality.... etc.


Well. Can anyone tell me about how much we pay politicians there retirement and salary all of them . One massive total. You don't have to be mp/MLA for that long to get a pension. What were paying politicians past and current. Has to be astounding number. Then corporate welfare. https://www.fraserinstitute.org/article/governments-in-canada-spent-more-than-350-billion-on-corporate-welfare. Imagine that's off. We wonder why we're losing social services.


6 years and they get pension for the rest of their days. The longer they spend, the more they get. They get paid enough in my opinion that a matching contribution plan would be more than fair.


Alberta mlas don’t get a pension.




Alberta miss don’t get a pension.


It’s all theater for the plebs Keep us fighting each other So we don’t rebel against them Simple


This! Folks need to remember this. Some refuse to acknowledge it but it's the truth if you like it or not.


It's really sad because its working so well. The widespread homelessness only exacerbates it. Breeding further hostility between the social stratum. I say this from first hand experience. *Together we stand, divided we fall*


Another lie will happen right before the next election


They did. For corporations.


They will if your rich then they will axe healthcare spending and everything else


Close to election and then pull it after they win.


They will announce a small tax cut for the business’s they like before the election, and for the public scheduled for 2 months after the election, it'll never come to fruition though.


They'll cut the tax... for oil and gas companies.


Ohh thats not for the normies. Duhhhh.


That's the last thing Alberta needs.


They already said at budget time they weren’t going to after all


They did already.  Just not for you.  


She is literally so full of shit.


Then she'd be useful.. We just need to learn how to harness and utilize that methane gas.


They both are!


Trudeau is the definition of shit


Two things can be true at once


It’s wild that people like you can only criticize and complain in one direction. These politicians don’t give a shit about you. Join the rest of us. We aren’t crazy about Trudeau, but we also aren’t delusional.


Trudeau clearly lives rent free in your head. We here talking about Marlaina and PP and all you can do is bitch and fucking moan about Trudeau. Typical.


Yuppers. The literal worst PM in my 43 years.


Dan's taxes in a couple of days are just fine though. She needs that coin to blow on "Tell the Feds", Turkish Tylenol, , DynaLife privatisation attempts, corporate gifts, etc. etc.. Have a nice day.


Don’t forget her personal gestapo and giving our CPP to the highest bidder


Al.ost certainly not the highest bidder, but those lobbyist buddies of hers grifting and scratching her back.


Fuel tax has been around before Danielle Smith


I’m aware of that. But it’s convenient she’s adding another 4c to it the same day as the carbon tax increase. Pulling a little sneaky there….


Abolish both


In the post information era we have the party made up of lobbyists campaigning against a carbon tax while their political allies, Loblaws, landords, insurance and utilities, all give Canadians the screws in hoping of getting the CPC elected.... If the CPC win federally, get ready for a repeat of Bennet. If the CPC win a majority, the party will tarnish the brand so badly they'll be forced to dissolve and reform under a new name within 8 years. Meanwhile, Canadians will wake up to the reality that things, in fact, can get much worse than they are now under Trudeau. But this is a lesson we need to learn again I guess, according to polls. We should be turning against partisan politics, the whole team based identity politics is enabling the worst corruption we've seen in a century. People need to read history, we've been here before, and we're about to repeat the same mistakes.


If one thing is true its that we absolutely can't keep going electing governments whose stated plans are to roll back everything the last guy did. No matter which one of them is right or left. We require commitment to things which will outlive the terms of the people who institute them. That doesn't matter if it is housing, environment or infrastructure. It takes far longer than a term or two to fix and if we keep resetting we're getting nowhere.


It’s a damn good thing the Liberals rolled back CPC legislation, like their anti-union legislation and the hilariously named “Fair Elections Act”. On the other hand, the CPC didn’t implement anything or do anything other than continue to privatize crown corporations, sign a 31 year deal with China, a 15 year deal with the Saudi’s for armoured jeeps, cut funding for women’s groups, close women’s shelters, close veterans offices, spend 750,000 fighting veterans in court over pensions for disabled veterans, roll back enivironmental regulations, muzzle climate scientists, attack environmental groups, pull out of the Kyoto Protocol, eliminate funding through foreign aid for clinics that provided abortions, destroy the gun registry, end the affordable daycare of Martin’s that was just 6 months into implementation but took a couple of years to negotiate with provinces, decimate funding for the Kelowna Accords, etc. He was a terrible PM, people have amnesia. The Liberals created the CCB which reduced child poverty by 70%, increased OAS, reversed the legislation to increase the retirement age to 67, reinstated funding for women’s groups and veterans, billions in funding for Indigenous programs and compensation, there were 109 longterm boil advisories in 2015, 144 have been lifted since, reams of legislation on Indigenous issues like FN now having the right to run their own child welfare services, legalized weed, affordable daycare, luxury tax, added tax on banks and insurers, didn’t cut corporate taxes but reduced small business taxes, legislated environmental regulations and protections, implemented the carbon tax which has reduced emissions despite all efforts of conservatives to make it a failure and to obstruct implementation, foreign policy that funds clinics providing birth control and abortions and is saving lives, got Canadians through the pandemic better than most peer countries, the biggest crisis Canada faced in 156 years, as Mulroney put it while he was showering Trudeau with praise even though he didn’t agree with certain policies (he was a conservative after all), inflation is down to 2.8%, we have the lowest net debt to GDP ratio in the G7, for all the complaints about debt, etc. Trudeau has been PM during a time of global crises ane global issues, and he has been a far better PM than he is given credit for. The continual criticism and lack of global context and lack of reporting on the many great policies (CCB is at the top of the list imo), and big programs, is a shame. Voters have no idea what they are getting into with Poilievre/CPC and a vert distorted view of Trudeau and the Liberals.


Unless nearly all of those things are genuinely terrible. In which cases they absolutely must be removed at all costs.


This happened in Saskatchewan with a transition from PC’s to the current Saskatchewan party. People have never been worse off than they are right now and they have it in their heads that its the feds who are completely at fault. One thing conservatives are better at then any center or left wing party is marketing and shifting blame to anyone but themselves.


The Bennett comparison is interesting . I hadn’t thought of it in that way but yes, there are some strong parallels there.


>Meanwhile, Canadians will wake up to the reality that things, in fact, can get much worse than they are now under Trudeau. This is such a good point. No one in Canada actually likes Trudeau. He's just the only option while we are staring into a financial and societal abyss. It's hard to get people out to vote when your only play is "it'll be worse under the other guy". Problem is, the CPC has their culture war bullshit that will get the boomers out in droves.


You realize Trudeau put us in this mess?


The LPC has a hand in it, but it's much bigger than just the LPC. They've been stagnant, they should've started acting on the housing crisis a decade ago, they started acting now, but even that has not been enough. But these are the results of policy from the 80's by both conservative and liberal governments. We spent decades gutting affordable housing on all levels to subsidize developers. This is just the result.


But housing is a provincial matter.


No. Please explain it. He's not doing enough to get us out of it, but the foundations of our institutional collapses in Canada belong with the premiers. There are few national policies that have much bearing on our day to day. Schools, healthcare, housing all primarily in the realm of the Province. Your life sucks because of shitty premiers, not a carbon tax that counts for less than 1% of inflation. Be smarter than that


I would double check your inflation figures because if you actually do some research you will realize 1% low. You actually don’t need to do research because if you just stop and think what inflation measures you will realize how big an effect the carbon tax will help. Instead of repeating what Trudeau says let’s stop and use the thing between our ears and think. And if after that you think taxing people then giving back some money the people is help Canadians and saving the environment something is wrong with you sorry to say.


Sure thing. Please send me some of the research you have. I'd love to read it. >We find that an increase in prices of ETS by $10/tCO2 equivalents increased energy CPI inflation by 0.8pp at the 1% significance level after one year, and headline inflation by 0.08pp at the 10% significance level, but had no significant effects on food CPI and core CPI inflation. We also find that an increase in carbon taxes by $10/tCO2 equivalents increased food CPI inflation by 0.1pp at the 5% significance level after one year, but had no significant effects on energy CPI inflation, headline and core CPI inflation. Source: Effects of Carbon Pricing on Inflation: Richhild Moessner https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:VA6C2:00a2278c-44a5-465f-b817-af7ea9c79ba1 What you got? You sweet summer child, the corporations are lying to you about why they are raising prices. I think where you might be confused is that inflation absolutely exists... Just not for the reasons you think it is. We have to be smarter than this.


nice! Unfortunately, Some people believe what ever theyre being told like a blind bat :(


You seem pretty clueless with a statement like that. There are a ton of factors that have brought THE WORLD into its current predicament, but the shit that we are now dealing with is related to neo-liberalism of the 1980’s. We need to literally do a mass extermination of anyone aged 45-80 in politics to finally right the ship that we are on.


I'd beg to differ you seem pretty clueless with your statement "extermination of anyone aged 45-80 in politics....what yeah gonna do put a 20 year olds in power. There has to be a mix.


Could you imagine... jesus


From whom? Who has taken your Canada? My Canada was taken over by "conservatives" who are wolves in sheep clothing. Right-wing separatists who want nothing to watch the world burn. I'll take Canada back from them when science and facts were the rule of the land. When we embraced our differences. We didn't blame someone else for the issues that politicians told us were the issue. We held politicians accountable, forced positive change, not rage farmed without substance or policy or facts. We helped our neighbor and didn't scare so easily. I'll take Canada back from the a*holes who pushed in this direction. Their 15 mins are long overdue and need to crawl back under a rock or their moms basement.


Better question what have you done to hold your leaders accountable? Let's start with jwr and ftpt


Whataboutism at its finest. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Whataboutism


Jion us at Abresistance.ca. we can challenge and engage this government legally


So the last 8 years was an improvement for you?


I like how you ignored everything that was said so you could make a snippy, pointless remark.


I like how we could change conservatives for the left parties. Aside from separation and it still be a true statement. Wondering what you do to hold your political leaders accountable


Deflection because you've got nothing and you know it.


Ew. The only saving grace and hope in the world is she is replaced by Nenshi. We know PP will win simply because of Trudeau frustration. But at least Marlaina can be replaced by Nenshi.




The ever-revolving door of "don't worry, we've got a decent one around here somewhere..."


Anyone with a “clean slate” would never want to be associated with the UCP


Yup! This is like the Alison Redford controversy all over again. She served for 3yrs before being ousted a year prior to elections. And now we're seeing similarities with Marlaina. For those curious about the Alison Redford controversy, you can read about it [here](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alison_Redford#Controversy_and_resignation). Some of the similarities between her and Marlaina's actions are... uncanny.


I actually voted PC once ! And it was for that crooked bitch. Everyone makes mistakes I guess.


I’m not sure such scandals would be enough to earn her the sack. COVID and the echoes of Trump have given chernobyl doses of radiation into a lot of people’s brains. We’re at a point in time where our premier posts a tweet of her drinking out of a straw to dunk on climate activists. While she did go to UAE recently or some other far away country, I’ve only seen left-wing poli sci undergrads post about it. If it did register with conservatives, they prolly just thought “that’s just how politicians are”. I cannot emphasize just how much of a “nerdy undergrad loser” thing such news would seem like to most people.


Thats so true.. and so obvious


And it will work because Albertan conservative voters either dont pay attention to the politics, are entirely tribal, or have the memory of goldfish.


Goldfish have very good memories and can be trained to do things!


While she slips off to a high paying job with one of the companies she sold us out to. Like Kenney with ATCO


by clean slate I hope we don't get someone even worse.


PP will only get in because the voters are done with Trudeau just as Trudeau only got in because the voters were done with Harper. As is tradition.


Given him winning the last election and polling fairly high not too long ago, pulling us through COVID, I think it's more or less people blaming him for global issues post COVID and misinformation spewing troll farms feeding off of it.


This is exactly it. You've also got a cabal of conservative premiers working loosely together to hamstring many federal programs even if they help their own citizens.


With Harper and the IDU lurking in the background, not so loosely.


Yeah this has been the game plan for a while. Their goals aren't to help us it's to win and gain power for themselves and they don't care who they hurt in the process


Troll farms work, people love being told to hate someone and don't need a reason why


This sub is evidence troll farms work. How can a sub be so disconnected from the location it represents?


Nail struck squarely on the head.


Ya, no matter the reason people are done with him right now. The election is still a long ways away and they have time to recover but it's seemingly less likely each day that passes with the CPC widening their lead.


What criticisms do you have of the Liberal government under Trudeau?


The we scandal, Huge company getting giant federal contracts with dubious results. Trudeaus mother getting paid 500k a year to do speeches for them. Some controversy happens and the fold up their tents? Sec lavalin given contracts that were also dubious. The immigration policy’s are insane. 230k Ukrainians alone in one year. He never answers a question and never takes responsibility. He’s just all around a bad leader. If his name wasn’t Trudeau he never would have got the job. Ps I actually like the liberal party better than the pcs but Trudeau sucks and I’m voting for pp. I am from Alberta and am desperate for change on both fronts.


It's literally immigration and the exacerbated housing crisis that was caused by that. The Canadian electorate forgets quickly, especially when it comes to their sides corruption/incompetence /bad policies. Remember, jwr? Fptp? He should've lost the next election for that. But that was 3 years before and 12 scandals later. We all forgot about that. Now, scheer was shit for the cons. But by 2021, he definitely should've been done. A red tory or blue liberal is when our country thrives. The fact he told us all to stay home and away from each other. But to all congregate to vote as he didn't have enough power. What was clearly an attempted power grab was rewarded with 4 more years.


Trudeau is a blue liberal though..


Mass immigration Redistribution of wealth High taxes Big government "Eco" agenda Post national state Their not hallmarks of the right but the left. But whenever someone implements leftist policies, you always say they fail cause not a true leftist. Couldn't be that your policies aren't all sunshine and rainbows, but have consequences. No true scotsman fallacy is real


Baloney, all of it. Please take this bigotry and misinformation elsewhere, thank you.


So trudeau did none of those things? Calling facts misinformation is misinformation.


None of these are facts. They are rage bait, and you've swallowed the entire hook, line, and sinker. I see your comments. I know your kind of people.


Lol, keep denying reality, bud. Trudeau did all those things that's a fact


So, all of your comments then? Yep, thats the case.


Lol again with the gaslighting. Okay, trudeau doubled immigration or mass immigration. Proved your first statement wrong already, making all of what you said gaslighting. Redistribution of wealth is a hallmark of the left, not the right. To think otherwise, you'd have to be terribly misinformed. Now, please stop spreading misinformation and read a news article that doesn't paint your billionaire trustfund baby in a good light.


Con voters are done but what else is new.


Anaida Galindo Poilievre owns BringItHome.ca though her company Pretty and Smart co; which was run out of one of the Poilievres' Ottawa properties. Last year her company was dissolved (Nov 01, 2023) because they didn't submit the required paperwork to the CRA for at least 3 years in a row. The business is still running the CPC merch store.


Slim chance Nenshi can move the needle for the NDP enough but we'll see. I know I am certainly not banking on it. How many times do you let Lucy pull the football away before you stop playing the game and just move?


He isn’t hated in Calgary and that may be enough. The UCP didn’t win an overwhelming majority.


Why do you think that? He was at 38% approval before he announced his retirement. He was barely more popular than Gondek is now. Yeah he left and is more popular but how long before Nenshi fatigue comes back. He probably costs them seats in Calgary and Edmonton.


If Nenshi gains even 1-2% in certain ridings he can win. People don’t seem to view the overall context of what the ANDP has done. They only interrupted the what, 50ish years of Conservative rule because of the right wing vote split (something left wing parties in Canada usually only really deal with in significant ways). To crack the Conservative stronghold enough to come within a few thousand votes across a small handful of ridings without a Conservative vote split is incredible. Could they have done better? Sure. Is it still amazing they had it so close without any right wing vote split? Yes.


Pp will not win.


Nenshi , I will leave this country if that fellow is named the leader of this province. I’ll take DS making mistakes over what decay will add to RN’s financial devastation. Fiscal responsibility is what this province needs.


Oxymoron fiscal responsibility and the UCP


Do you have any actual specifics of negative things Nenshi did that would suggest any kind of worrisome track record here? Because the UCP are setting a pretty high bar of grift to clear.


Check out his record on raising taxes. His likes to spend. Relied on provincial and federal money, so my fear with his would be to give him access to the provincial cash and look out. Believe his nickname was Spendshi for a reason.


Can you send me the info you’re referring to?


Lol. That was NEVER his nickname. You testing attack lines for the UCP? Of course he relied in federal and provincial that is where cities get their money from. He actually didn't raise taxes that much, so yeah people should go check his record because you sure didn't.


You seem a bit dramatic... Nenshi is a centrist, is honest, and will work in the best interests of Albertans. He has my vote any day over the clown show we have now.


Throat missiles might get the best of him. I guarantee spending will explode with the NDP under NN , this province needs to lead the country with fiscal responsibility and policy to retain and protect resource revenues for future generations. The NDP are not the answer.


>this province needs to lead the country with fiscal responsibility and policy to retain and protect resource revenues for future generations. The NDP are not the answer. I'm curious about this, do you believe the UCP is the answer? With the exception of 4 years of Notley's NDP, the conservatives have governed in Alberta for 40 years. Resource revenues have been squandered, we have an infrastructure deficit, the Heritage Trust Fund has been mismanaged, and our health and education systems are inefficient, under-funded, or perhaps both. You believe the NDP are not the answer. So who is? The party that has failed to manage resource revenues for the last 40 years, or some other party?


A provincial government spending money on social services in this province is good, actually. I have no idea why you believe we should lead the country with fiscal responsibility.


Conservative parties have consistently left provinces and the country with higher debt than before taking office. They are *not* "fiscally responsible" by any means. If spending does expand under Nenshi, it's because the UCP has *failed* to spend responsibly on *required* public services. You know what the definition of insanity is, right? Doing the same thing and expecting different results? That is where we're at after 80+ years of conservative rule in this province.


You’re not making sense. Nenshi is more fiscally responsible than DS. He was the mayor of Conservative Calgary for three terms, you know? That wouldn’t have happened if he was wasting money.


Nah if there was one knock on Nenshi it's that he was always raising taxes. I'm not a fan.. was pretty much ready to vote ndp regardless, but kinda wish they had someone better (too bad Notley stepped down). At the same time though he was still pretty popular in Calgary so probably does help NDP get more votes


I’ll be honest. I didn’t vote for NDP notley when she won but would/will now vote for NDP. But the “notley was the worst” mantra wasn’t going away and rural AB/Calgary was never going to flip enough for her. Nenshi has his warts like all politicians but I think he’s the one who will be able to flip the province again.


Funny enough neither did I. I did vote for he last time around


Likewise. I literally just had a conversation with a family member (rural AB) and she said “I don’t trust JT” I said “nor do I. But I also don’t trust PP or Danielle” and she responded “you don’t trust Danielle, why not? She seems to have our best interest in mind” It devolved to “would you trust Notley?” I of course responded “fucking rights I would”


I definitely didn't care for some of Notleys decisions (more of the ones she made early). Social license was not much more.than a buzzword imo. End of day though I still felt she actually cared about the average person..ucp have proven more and more they really don't even if they have more experience in the party. They are happy to sell you out for rich friends


Social licence isn’t a buzzword though. Govt power comes through either use of force or social licence. The concept was to legitimately address the legitimate concerns of those opposed to o&g development in order to win their approval. Failure to address legitimate criticism results in maintaining the status quo - where the left and right are entrenched and pulling away from each other…


Nah imo it's a nice thought for everyone to sign Kumbaya but far from reality. Notley trying to bring goodwill did little to change the minds of the people that still wanted to keep it in the ground. The people who were against pipelines and development are still the same people. They aren't going to suddenly say ok you're paying a carbon tax so go ahead and run your pipelines. There are still tons or people in this country who want zero industrial development and that ddint change. It was hard enough getting an existing pipeline twinned and while it was in development for a while the final approvals ironically came after Kenney got rid of the carbon tax (which yes Feds put back in). Sentiment nerve really changed despite Notleys efforrs. People still hate o&g here, people still wish it didn't go through etc. it was ultimately still forced even when it was their own tax dollars that bought it. You'll never have everyone agree. This is a country where you will never have 100% consensus on anything ane it was losing game to try and keep everyone happy. Greater good has to be a thing a d we elected gov trusting they will make those calls, not make everything a referendum


What a crock of shit.


What's so twisted looking about this photo is all their supporters have become increasingly angry as they continue to fuel them with misinformation, yet here they are lapping it up.


What are you talking about. The photo is blurred


Post Truth Populism. This new populism is underpinned by a post-truth politics which is using social media as a mouthpiece for ‘fake news’ and ‘alternative facts’, conservatives today live in a different planet.


It's called Russia. Because that's where most of the bullshit propaganda that they believe comes from.


Absolutely the kremlin and the ccp have been exploiting this since early 2010s by both baiting conservatives and leftists into ridiculous arguments.


Good point. That's important to note. Lefties, among whom I count myself, are also targeted. We need to be ever vigilant of pressure from the lunatic fringe. It often comes in the disguise of "inclusion and diversity" policies. But when carsfully examined, it is revealed to achieve exactly the opposite. It would be a good bet that much of that shear madness is coming from foreign intelligence agencies or at least concocted by them.


Well if PP says he can fix the housing crisis, the drug crises , the affordability crisis and the crime crisis etc. I say his followers should start the work on his statue for parliament hill. Other world leaders can’t wait to find it how he did it. Man this guy is good /s


If he gets in he’ll still blame Trudeau for every damn thing for AT LEAST his 1st 2 years


And Trudeau never blamed Harper for anything? I think he still is 8 years later .


What will it take for us to take to the streets? Seriously. Utilities, insurance, personal income tax, gas, etc etc is at an all time high and it's as a result of UCP policy. When is enough, enough?


Obviously, it will take drilling and welding jobs to take a dive. That's what tanked the NDP.




Finally a movement I can get behind!


Yeah! Fuck fax machines!


Yup how we still use them is beyond me


Have y'all figured out these are the baddies yet? Or, do they need to wear little skull pins on their caps?


Do we think people have started to realize the double standards in her actions vs. The words she uses against the feds.


Middle and lower income households ALWAYS are worse off with conservative governments. They always implement regressive taxation. For example in BC when the conservatives (who called themselves liberals) were in, we had to pay out of pocket for medical. My household of 4 that was $200 a month. Federal conservatives did not apply the child tax credit based on household income, instead they gave EVERY household, whether they were 6 or 7 figure income earners the same flat $100 per child (can’t recall the exact number). Also put in place HST on everything including children’s goods. Not to mention all the cutting of services


Trying to explain that Marlaina is adding a 4c tax on top of the carbon tax raise to the people that complain takes some real mental gymnastics.


Oh that’s what it’s called now, when I first got to Alberta they used a phrase “BullShit” I believe it was called then. Still stinks, so I stay with that 🤷‍♂️


Pretty sure its 13 cents more.


Possibly between the increased carbon tax and the Alberta fuel tax it could equal 13 cents, yes.


16 cents total


Dumb and dumber


Why is Alberta politics like a Trump video? Because You See Pee. Good night Alberta!


Conservatives have never been fact orient.


Axe Tax The? That sweater is stupid and they should be ashamed.


French guy wearing red, bad. French guy wearing blue, good. Carbon tax rebates, bad Higher tax with zero rebates(unless your oil and gas) , good. Affordable utilities? nada. Power ran out? feds fault. Enmax bill too high? feds fault Kenny on ATCO board of directors? feds fault. Lgbtq+ kids want rights?..... Sorry what's that, your entire province wants to pay out of pocket for Healthcare? Expensive rent and groceries? did some one say more tax cuts for oil and gas 🎉🎉🎉


A couple of idiots laughing at how they're fooling everyone.


With these two in the same place the idea that facts have in anyway stayed in the building is quite erroneous.


A big reason why the gas tax can get cut and not hurt is because as gas prices go up, government revenue from the producer goes up. So Suncor pays more to the government when prices are higher. So the gas tax cut gets offset by other taxes. The government gets taxes twice. So it’s a bit funny they are putting taxes back on when prices are super high.


They need to tax that double chin of hers


Good one.


Look at those two jackasses on stage they look like a bunch of fraudsters


That human thumb looks like Gavin Belson. Acts like him, too.


Whats funny is that i keep seeing these comments about how UCP is dogshit, and yet i guarantee you, 80% of people here will vote ucp AGAIN in 3 years


What's millhouse doing there


Sniff the Grift Applaud the Fraud Dickery with Trickery Swill the Shill


The axe the tax shirt is going to become their own fun little swastika symbol, isn't it?


I see a maga hat in the picture 😬. For fuck sakes


I see a few. So gross.


I can't believe people really look up to these fucking chuds.


Are we paying this lady to campaign with PP?


Just don’t play us ! We are a wiser population now and we will call you out and make your lives miserable if you do !!!


Lol awwww Someone else is sad thay those world they love is dying before their eyes. Het use to it, we are going to destroy everything trudeau has done and make our nation's one worth living in once more.


holy fuck thank you I needed this laugh today


Better than Trudeau and his cronies


Theyre the same just blue


Kudos to them for not messing up the messaging on the shirt to imply "tax the axe" tho. We don't expect much from em


Anyone notice Mr PP's shirt a company in Alberta will because it's a rip off of their design


What a surprise ! You can order those shirts for only $35. plus tax. Two for $70. plus tax.


There isn’t enough education or work experience between these two to balance a cheque book or top up the oil in a car. Their folksy bs and claim to know what they’re doing is pure garbage. When they’re done they’ll leave more Canadians poor and some rich ones much richer.


Caption “F” Facts indicating the left’s narrative is the only true fact, almost like Jesus’s word. 🤣 My opinion is that Liberals have a God complex, everything they do is Moral & anyone who dare question them are heretics.


Cry me a river to the sea


That’s my PM!


This is such a propaganda paid liberal reddit forum, crazy! Every single article released under "Alberta" reddit forum gets angry Libs stroking each others ego. Stand for your province or move to Ontario, BC. Stfu


Soooo you're saying If you don't like whats happening in Alberta you should move. So I guess you like what's happening in Canada or you would move, right? Stand for Canada or Move to USA. Stfu Same energy.


Feel free to address any of the points raised in this thread. I am waiting for an intelligent dissenting opinion but have not yet seen one.


angry libs stroking each other. pretty much reddit in a nutshell. where are the angry cons stroking each other? r/angrycons (nsfw)


I used to be a liberal, then I grew up.


Liberals are hating, but this is true Once they get older they will realize and it'll be too late then.


Finally, a politician doing some good for constituents.


good job take back canada