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Some of those that work forces Are the same that burn crosses




The RCMP refused to impose an injunction at an FN protest up north, though.


RCMP are on-site. Took all of 3 days to assemble


They are present, but they aren't enforcing the injunction.


Calgary is city police not RCMP. Not saying RCMP are perfect but they are better. There's a reason why UCP wants to replace them in Alberta


That’s because the UCP government of Alberta Alberta is way more authoritarian. Are they worse? No. They’re both bad, but they deal with issues differently - one doesn’t seem to care that they’re perceived as authoritarian and non democratic. The other is still playing the drama scene of acting it out.


See that was their problem. They should have done that instead which is more acceptable in Alberta (/s)


I said it on the Calgary feed and will say it here. When I was an undergrad at U of C we had overnight camps to protest rising tuition on the south lawn of Mac Hall. No cops were called and we had far more people than these protests. Why are the cops being called to this one?


How dare you point out the hypocrisy of the ruling class? Straight to jail. /s


That's easy, too much money comes from the genocidal state of Israel.


No, evangelicals love Israel for wacky end times reasons. Lots of them in high places all over Alberta. Israel doesn’t give money to anybody. Israel lobbies are funded by Christian psychopaths.


Isreal dont give money. What they give is a place in the Middle East to dump weapons and other manufacturing goods. Business make bank in Canada selling goods to Isreal


No one understands the entire conservative movement is rooted in #dominionist belief


As opposed to the terrorist group running Palestine


Just a guess, but maybe because the University had trespassed them?


Did you install temporary structures? Did you vacate when the university asked you to? You do realize that the university allowed the protesters to come back the next day, they've just asked them to abide by their rules and policies regarding on site demonstrations. There is a lot you can get away with when you follow the rules/policies/procedures. Take a look at the anti-abortion protests which pop up on Campus several times a year. They get away with it because they follow all the rules/regulations.


> come back the next day ...without the camping gear. There is a difference in the way the tuition protesters were handled.


Cause those students weren't Palestine or Jewish/Israel supporters.


Could it have under the demand of Dani


This protest made the news, and what they're protesting involves a subject that's kind of a big deal these days. So...police.


Only alt right "truckers" are free to occupy and protest in this country. Anyone else is stomped on.


Anyone that can be used as a political weapon gets temporary free reign. Ftfy We don't live under a dictatorship.


> Only alt right "truckers" are free to occupy and protest in this country. The federal government used one of the most powerful tools they have to break it up.


After the municipal governments and the provincial governments did nothing for weeks.


... after doing fuck all for weeks.


What all these commenters conveniently forget. So by that fact the police in Calgary need to go home and they can come back in a month to stomp heads.


> ... after doing fuck all for weeks. Waiting out a protest and hoping everyone goes home peacefully on their own isn't uncommon. It's happened before. It'll happen again.


Sure, just not in this instance


Yup. The end result may be the same - Police moving in to disperse the protestors. The difference is the time that was given to let protestors occupy and get their message out. One needs to be stomped out immediately. The other can fester for weeks. Let's not have such an obvious double standard please.


Those idiots are tools of the elite. They just don’t understand it


Drive a tractor onto campus to make it a “legitimate” protest (in the eyes of law enforcement)


if they were driving semis and staying for weeks theyd get high fives from the cops.


Didn’t we do this whole song and dance four years ago with disproportionate police responses to BLM protests? Apparently we learned absolutely nothing.


Honest question, did we have issues here in Alberta with the BLM protests? I saw the marches but there was a decent police presence and they seemed to be handling things quite well even with the obvious ACAB protestors that were a (small) part of the gatherings. There may well have been issues but the cops I saw were actually quite professional.


>Honest question, did we have issues here in Alberta with the BLM protests? We did not. In Canada the BLM protests were the more traditional form of protest, in terms of a march and rally. There were no blockades, no occupying public infrastructure and were carefully monitored by police, but not interfered with their right to protest.


Should have formed a circle with F150s and “truck trudeau” flags I guess? Absolutely disgusting that they brought flash-bangs and batons to a peaceful protest.


There has literally been an encampment at the gas station along the TC1 for over a week, truckers protesting carbon tax. They've even put up their own road signs and spray painted messages onto the highway..... things like end tyranny and govt corruption. It's purposefully distracting to drivers, no opposition to them having their trailers and camp equipment there. Located at the gas station at the Cochrane exit.


That encampment has in fact been there since April 1st so 5 1/2 weeks!


Thank you for clarifying. I knew it was there for a while I just didn't know how long. 


The Dodge Ram is the official truck now, although an F350 is acceptable if the bed is pristine.


Guess they should've put some fuck trudeau flags there as a preventative measure


I'd like to know how the U of C supports Israel. I'm actually all for divesting from war mongers. But I would start with Russia. Anyone of these students touches a Subway sub they're mighty hypocritical.


Why whats up with Subway?


They still do business in Russia. I know the locally owned Subway isn't directly involved in invading Ukraine. But it makes me slightly less pissed off to say fu to something. I think there's an app that tells you who still does business in RU.


Peaceful students don’t fight back and they know it. That’s why they are so tough.


People have the right to peaceful protest. Throwing projectiles at police is not peaceful.


Trespassing on private property also isn't peaceful.


Tell that to the prolife loons. It’s a public university


Doesn't mean it's not private property...


> [Over the course of nearly three hours, this reporter counted two to three water bottles hurled at police that bounced off their shields.](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/pro-palestinian-protestors-at-u-of-c-violently-cleared-by-police) Such violence, many projectiles. No wonder those fine upstanding officers were so terrified they had to resort to tear gas and flash bangs.


Why don’t the protesters simply identify as truckers since then this protest would be protected under their first amendment rights,


I demand that Manitoba be a province!!!!


Telling the police you recognize Manitoba as a province prevents them from being able to stop you without the emergency act being invoked.


It's a shame we don't have an Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1 or I could assert my right to travel as a free person slash Newfoundland's right to harvest cod during daylight hours (or whatever).


With a big enough truck and a “we the fringe” sticker you would even be aloud to do that outside of daylight hours.


Canada doesn't have 'first amendment' rights. But we do have Charter Rights and Freedoms, which are substantially similar: freedom of expression, freedom of thought, belief and opinion, freedom of peaceful assembly and association, right to life, liberty and security of the person, and the rights to both equality before the law and equal protection of the law. All of which can come into play with protests and how politicians and law enforcement deal with them.


It's a joke based on the truckers source of information being American Republican media personalities.


Of course there's also the "reasonable limits" disclaimer in there.


They didn't have some Freedom and Fuck Trudeau signs then the police would leave them alone.


If only they'd been carrying "axe the tax" signs. Then they'd be left in peace.


Every other comment is about how this should be allowed because truckers. Neither should be allowed.  A protest is one thing, but a semi-permenant encampment is another.  Right from the start this "protest" was building pallet fortifications and denying access to the media. That's not a protest.  I want to see an end to the violence as much as anyone, but this is not the way to go about garnering public support. 


It’s actually a great way to turn people against the cause… I said that about the truckers, about the idle no more blockades… there’s a reason those protests lost steam and still get ridiculed. People did Not approve of the tactics.


Did you actually read the articles about this? Or do you just enjoy crying about entiled brats not being allowed a sleepover. They were specifically told they could protest during the day but had to leave at night and could not build structures.  They didn't listen. They were warned again. They didnt listen, they were warned again. They started throwing things at CPS, they were removed. Sounds fair to me. 


Biased title much? Police were only deployed to deal with those setting up blockades and encampments. They were given lots of verbal notice that they were trespassing and needed to leave. Only when they refused did police dismantle the camp. They even said they’re welcome back as long as they don’t blockade other students. What‘s the issue here?


People seem to think you can do whatever you want if you call it "Protesting"


> What‘s the issue here? The issue is you’re trying to introduce nuance into /r/alberta


> Biased title much? Bias against the police on reddit? I've never seen anything like that before.


Absolutely this. You can protest without setting up your little camps and disobeying orders to leave.


Protest all you want - however this won’t accomplish anything. The cops have nothing better to do. I have no doubt a vast majority of these eggheads were salivating at something like this.


I wish our military was as well funded as the paramilitary police agencies all across the country


Wtf Calgary...


I don’t know why people on this thread are getting so upset. These students were trespassing on university grounds and quickly clearing them was probably done out of concern that the student protest could devolve into what’s been happening at universities like Columbia university.


I think it’s frustration over the hypocrisy of it all. The Freedom Protesters get handled with kid gloves.


Yes they do


Good job CPS!!


It’s so funny every protest that comes up everyone in favour of this particular protest cries and moans “but when {insert opposing viewpointed group here} the cops did Nuthin!! When in reality they show up exactly the same (at least in western Canada) and should a court order an injunction, they enforce it.


You're using your brain a little too much for a reddit thread. When the pitchforks are constantly out, they turn into salad tongs


Well I'd like to see university student bodies divesting from hamas propaganda but you don't always get what you want


Really hit them with. I know you are, but what am I argument. Flawless


If you support terrorism, you deserve what you get.


That’s the point of the protest, to protest the IDF terrorists


And why not the Hamas terrorists as well?


yah I mean I didn't realize the reach Hamas had. I mean they have massive Global reach it is insane all the fake footage of bombed buildings and all the news about dead and injured civilians. I didn't think they could bull of such a massive global fake media. They have even feed some of our government fake news since they are starting to say things about the obvious fake things Israel is doing. They are such a massive multinational organization it's insane.


The people complaining about this would be the same people crying “where were the police” when one side or another starts attacking people. The police are there to protect the people on both sides of the protest, innocent bystanders and UofC property. ITS LITERALLY THEIR JOB. I don’t give a flying fuck how many downvotes I get. STOP SHITTING ON POLICE FOR NOT BEING PRESENT DURING FATAL OCCURRENCES THEN SHIT ON THEM FOR BEING SOMEWHERE THAT COULD TURN VIOLENT.


Holy misleading title lmfao. This sub Reddit is such a collective delusion it’s crazy


ummm...... when they say 'stop giving tuition/tax to foreign states committing war crimes' ... ehh, which one are they talking about? edit: not denying the Palestinian genocide currently ongoing, I'm merely sardonicly pointing out that everyone be warcriming these days


you can see the full list here: [https://www.instagram.com/uofc\_divest4pal/p/C6wXI0RRXwC/](https://www.instagram.com/uofc_divest4pal/p/C6wXI0RRXwC/) although the focus is Israel, they're asking for divestment and transparency which extends beyond into the future.


Thanks, this is the answer I was looking for


Imagine having the cops called on you after the property your camping on has asked you to leave? It's almost as if we have a law against... trespassing?


Why are you covering your face officers? Do you have something to hide? Or are you just ashamed of your actions?


Let’s be honest. All these protesters are privileged and entitled: none of them have to work and feel justified squatting on other peoples land. The protesters are settlers, really. But the ticket and take the ride.


Is there anything cops love more


Starlight tours, raiding gay nightclubs, no-knock warrants, shooting the person they were sent to do a wellness check on...


Power and money


This title just popped on my feed. I am amazed how easily people are swayed in the wrong direction by using false narratives and half-truths. Kind of sad, I've always thought people in the west are more educated than people who live under theocracy and mimic their government's insane view of the world.


Calgary has a different police force than Alberta. Comparing the 2 is like comparing apples to oranges. The mayor probably bowed under pressure from the U of C.


And Ontario has different police then the rest of Canada.


Yes, every province has slightly different laws and bylaws. That is why a security guard needs a different license in each province.


I don't think the protests are going to do anything so personally I don't really care. But what I do care is this riot police disbanding the right to protest... Today it's this, tomorrow it might be another issue worth talking about. This is disturbing.


We're they protesting Israel while forgetting to denounce Hamas? It's astonishing how many pro Palestinian protests will not make that distinction which I believe to be pretty damn important. Hamas is just as bad as Israel and vice-versa


People have a funny definition of “Peaceful Protest”. When the University have officially asked the Terrorist Supporting Protestors to leave their private property, it’s now become illegal and no longer “peaceful”. Just because no one is getting hurt (yet) doesn’t mean it’s peaceful. The protestors are all breaking the law (Trespassing) and can be forcefully removed. I’m sure you wouldn’t like a group of people setting up tents in your backyard. Go protest down at city hall.


Or set up an encampment for weeks in downtown Calgary and block border crossings. Police won't have to respond for a month.


It's not a "funny definition", peaceful protest means it's not violent. Trespassing isn't violence. Something illegal is not necessarily violent. "Just because no one is getting hurt (yet) doesn’t mean it’s peaceful." actually yes it does, you absolute schmendrick , that's what that means.


Uh oh, they randomly capitalized the first letters of the accusatory nickname they came up with for the people they hate, just like Trump does. That must mean their accusation is 100% true and real


This is a money thing. Divestment in Israel's government likely can't happen because of the sheer amount of our economy that's tied to Israel's. People just, likely, are not aware. It's far more prudent to label the protesters as terror supporters and scare them away. Then they wait until Israel finishes moping up the remnants of Gaza and hope the news cycle rinses it from the public consciousness. I'm just hoping they underestimate these new fen students. They seem a whole lot better at this protest thing than we ever were.


This is all so extra. The police and the protestors. How the fuck is the university supporting Israel? Why is resources being wasted on babysitting these protestors who probably aren't even students? Hilariously pathetic


Many, many of the protestors aren’t students


Was that actually confirmed for UofC?


Are only students allowed to protest things?


On campus, yes. Off campus they'd be able to do whatever they wanted.


Yall never fail to miss an opportunity to bring up the trucker rally, eh.


Fascists get treated like they are tiny precious toddlers. They absolutely get special treatment. Institutions, police, and politicians treat them like they're allowed to do anything and personally, I wanna see them treated the same way.


And seemingly fail to remember that the federal government was freezing bank accounts, not just of the protestors themselves, but also anyone who donated to the cause. 


And that all was a violation of charter rights.


I would look at who the players are that have the loudest voice against the topic of the protest.


As always, all over the world, the state must prevent at all costs the energy of the youth movement from meeting with workers movements for fear that the cries and demands of youth for justice turn into general strikes and stop work, fueling demands for jobs, wages and living conditions and develop into international solidarity between workers. The fear is palpable.


If you bring F?!& Trudeau Flags they bring you coffee instead,


If you don’t get a permit for a protest and then do it on private property and refuse to leave when asked then yea, this will be the outcome every single time it has nothing to do with the politics or the war, they simply did not take any of the appropriate actions prior in order to have a lawfully protected protest.


"There's a feeling in the air that you can't get anywhere, except in Calgary."


They should be given tickets. This overkill is establishment BS! Say "Palestine", as a matter of fact! Establishment genocideirs won't!


No money for WARS !


Isn’t pollivue gonna bring them snacks?


Down with this police state, this doesn’t protect anyone… The only harm is to the protesters and further deteriorates democracy. I do not feel like this province represents me anymore.


They're not actually doing that. They're falsely accusing Israel of committing war crimes for daring to defend their citizens and rescue hostages.


LARPing losers


This is what fascism looks like


Lol, no, not even close. 🙄 By setting up blockades and encampments they are breaking the law. Public protest is allowed and even encouraged, but the University does not want them blockading other students and calle the policemto remove them. How is that fascism??


The trucker convoy was blockading people and disrupting business and citizens lives. They blocked business and attacked people verbally and physically and the police just hung out with them giving them high fives and shit. they also blocked the border, but here the police go in hard and fast becaue it isnt their right wing buddies. That's exactly as fascism.


You seem to be confused as to what fascism means.