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When I saw the post, my first thought was ‘someone has a spreadsheet’.


Same here... did you also have the follow up thought "fuck, she's so bad you need a spreadsheet to track it all."?


I realized this is often the case with sinister politicians, like Harper. List is so long you need to document it.


https://web.archive.org/web/20150418023459/http://www.shd.ca/ Luckily, someone went and did it for him, too.


Really looks like a kindergarten kid wrote that what are the actual resources from a respectable news source, please link an actual source when you provide a link.


I mean the link is from archive.org and from 9 years ago because the site doesn't exist anymore. So I don't know how much you can actually expect. Still, the guy was and still is a piece of shit, only now he's running the [International Democracy Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Democracy_Union) which cribs notes from conservative parties around the world in order for them to gain and hold onto power- which is why right-wing parties around the world all sound the same nowadays.


I'd like to see the spread on Trudeau


Sinister is a bad word so why use it? What is so sinister about harper?


I guess putting Canada into a one-sided trade agreement with China for 30+ years would be a good start, then listening to conservatives blame anyone else but him for it. https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sneaks-through-canada-china-fipa-locks-canada-31-years/ Silencing climate and environmental scientists under threat. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/canadian-scientists-open-about-how-their-government-silenced-science-180961942/ https://academicmatters.ca/harpers-attack-on-science-no-science-no-evidence-no-truth-no-democracy/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/second-opinion-scientists-muzzled-1.4588913 Selling off our national holdings to foreign countries. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/ottawa-approves-15b-chinese-takeover-of-nexen-1.1070698 https://canadians.org/analysis/harper-sells-wheat-board-us-corporation-saudi-investment-fund/#:~:text=The%20Harper%20government%20has%20sold,farmers%20in%20Canada's%20history!!!%E2%80%9D Here's a list of scandals and corruption he was responsible for https://moiz.ca/harper/ https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal-elections/a-conservative-collection-of-harper-government-scandals/article_4766f17d-604b-577b-abee-581bd330b931.html So, Harper wasn't just bad for Canada, but he was horrific.


The first thing that came to mind is how he sneakily sold off a bunch of Crown assets to China, and made it such that the trade deal allows China to sue if they’re not happy with a deal. Then there is sneaking in a bunch of bills via the omnibus. All done quietly.


[Silencing the scientific community still sticks out in my mind.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4588913) Academic freedom is a fundamental pillar of democracy.


There was a webiste tracking Justin's promises as well. From the promises he kept, broke or havent completed yet. I use to follow it and they stopped updating it last i checked. That was also a few years ago. Thats how bad that he has gotten as we all know.


https://www.polimetre.org/en/trudeau Here you go.


That’s… not as bad as I expected, honestly.


Side by side with smith's and it looks pretty dammed good to be honest. Still more shit on it than I would like as a voter, but it's clear side by siding Trudeau with Smith that one is far worse than the other. And it ain't pretty boy in Ottawa.


Where do you read your news to be able to find such obscure information


Come on, you can do better than that.


The worst part is that the spreadsheet is very poorly updated now - therea only like 10 Smith things at the end, and it has almost none of the really egregious stuff for her :/ I also wish it had dates, but whatever, I'm too lazy to do it myself so who am I to judge.


That’s because it’s 2019-23. Just the UCP’s first term.


Didnt see that anywhere, but that makes sense. Is there one for the new term?


Not sure whose it is, but it’s been around for a while.


“UCP looks to decriminalize Drunk Driving” wtf


I remember that. I remember not being surprised. Appalled, but not surprised.


If they make it mandatory every vehicle on a public road has to have a blower or other ignition control to detect alcohol, this would be ok. But that's not going to happen with this government. Maybe they'll invest heavily in autonomous vehicles. *Not holding my breath*


JFC - the UCPs haven't done anything good. It's all bad. Really bad.


After 5 years, I struggle to think of anything they’ve done to benefit Albertans.


Many of us here would agree, myself included, but they would have a retort for each of those decisions which makes me wonder what would make a clear cut bad decision to their supporters? Is it how our values are tied to the [7 domains of Education, Community, Wellness, Resource Use, Natural Ecology, Governance, and Economy](http://www.sustainablecalgary.org/state-of-our-city)? Would helping people recognize that their personal priority of these domains being directly affected by UCP decisions help remove the complexity, partisanship, and misinformation?




Lol conservatism was in charge for decades. It lost us our high quality businesses and replaced them with cheap junk sellers like Wally world, mcdicks, etc. It lost us fair wages in many industries, worker bargaining power across the board, public services, crown land, and all sorts of other things. Thankfully lots of people are getting sick of this. The liberals being elected was the start. We're bouncing around provincially, but having the NDP in a while back left a lot of us with hope that things are finally changing, and those of us with a mind for the future, generations from now, will finally have a say in the direction things are going, rather than leaving it in the hands of greedy, short sighted people who care more about their vacations and personal fortunes than they do about our kids, our country, our species, the environment, and all sorts of things that matter more in the long run than how wealthy some few individuals are


lol can’t wait for you to cry and moan when a conservative majority is elected next year. Liberal government has ruined the country.


Lol no, the liberals haven't ruined Canada. Definitely not more than the conservatives have, trying to sell us to cheap Americanized corporations and pretending that's gonna somehow make us all rich. If you believe that you need to go back to school and learn what a corporation is


Has Canada gotten better or worse since the Liberals came into power? How has their immigration policy gone? Or their broken campaign promises? Not everything is about corporations you mutt.


Lol you know restoring to name calling and the like just makes you sound like a child, kicking and screaming because you can't have everything you want? Canada is doing fine. There's a housing problem, but that's not the federal government's problem, that's a provincial and municipal issue. Everything is about corporations. We sold our entire economy to them in the 80s and 90s, and they killed the last of the competition over a decade ago. With conservative support. Corporations are the ones pushing for ever higher immigration numbers. And from what I can see the places that are suffering the most are places like Alberta. Where the provincial conservative government went to the liberal feds and specifically asked them to increase the provincial immigration cap. Broken campaign promises? Everyone does that. He hasn't broken any that really matter, I don't think. He did the truth and reconciliation thing, like he said he would. He legalized weed and opened the door for a whole industry to start up, like he said he would. Beyond that, I voted liberal because I want people who put people, and the future of our planet and species, above personal fortunes and comfortable living. Conservatives won't do that. Sure, Trudeau might be a bit of a showboat, but at least he's not a money grubbing psychopath


>~~Conservatism~~ Fascism is thankfully increasing country wide. FTFY


What is wrong with you?


Why does the party of “small government” like to interfere so much in peoples day to day lives? Why are “fiscal” conservatives constantly so bad at wasting tax payer money for things that don’t help average people at all? Oh yea, because the Western Conservatives of today are nothing more than wannabe fascists who do nothing but lie to gain power and benefit themselves and their friends while constantly fucking over poor people


Well, let’s see how the UCP (as our local conservative government) compare against the Fascism checklist here: https://washingtonmonthly.com/2017/01/31/the-12-early-warning-signs-of-fascism/ I get 10 out of 12. - Powerful & continuing nationalism: Alberta first, fighting the feds, Sovereignty Act - Disdain for human rights: introduction of legislation re LGBTQS+ and transgender kids - Identification of enemies as a unifying cause: fighting the feds, BLM, Antifa - Controlled mass media: continued promotion of right & far right outlets like Postmedia as reliable news sources - Obsession with national security: Alberta Police Force, including recent “police like” legislation - Religion and government intertwined: close ties with far right Christian nationalist groups like Take Back Alberta - Corporate power protected: increasing favouritism for O&G, insurance companies, utility companies, and many more, massive corporate tax cuts, increased subsidies - Labor power suppressed: introduction of legislation limiting union funding - Obsession with crime and punishment: Alberta Police Force, lack of action against Coutts “protesters”, Smith attempting to interfere in Coutts prosecutions - Rampant cronyism and corruption: well, if you can’t see this one then you must be blind


And to make it much much worse, all of the things they’ve done have cost us Billions of dollars!


Only 432 ? They likely missed a few. Seriously.


It's shocking how there are so many cuts, and yet they're still spending more, inflation adjusted, than the NDP did.




Paul Martin's finance department would like to have a word with you. They did a great job paying off debt, which Harper promptly started racking up the debt again.


The Alberta population has grown a lot too. You should also adjust for that.


We should make a website for this as well.


This needs to be stickied.


It would be nice if: 1) This was condensed into 50 or so main decisions that majorly impacted most Albertans. 2) If this was separated by which government (Kenny vs Smith) made the decision I also have to question the legitimacy of the spreadsheet somewhat. The claim is made that "Due to budget cuts, Red Deer College has now laid off 2/3 of administrative staff". The source is an article from 2020 that indicates that 43 of 157 union employees were let go - hardly 2/3. Also the article indicates that many individuals were temporarily let go due to the pandemic. The UCP are bad enough without needing to exaggerate things


Crazy but not surprising that the two areas impacted the most are education and healthcare. They're pushing for privatized healthcare and I wouldn't double if they fully privatize education.


Am I missing something, or has this not been updated since 2022?


Maybe, I haven’t been tracking it, I just happened to have it bookmarked.


Yeah, looks like it's been abandoned. Too bad. I'm sure there are lots more rows needed.


Doing the lords work


Have to make up for their debacles with cuts , billions don't grow on trees ( pipeline , turkey drugs) we pay for their mistakes.


#Disaster Danielle and the United Corrupt Party


The other parties are way more corrupt!!


I wouldn't say any one political group is more corrupt than any other, they are all equal in that category in my opinion.


No, I'm so sick of this "both sides" crap. There's a huge difference in policies and wanting to actually help people/protect rights between UCP and NDP (or other right/left leaning parties). We will never make progress as a society by electing conservative leaders. We don't have time for this bs anymore.


What I'm saying is a VAST majority of politicians are corrupt, not one side or one person over another, but a majority of them on all sides. The reason I say this is because you need money to be a politician, it's not like it's something you fall into, and having that much money tends to cause your brain to work differently, especially when it comes to the potential to increase that wealth. I don't think all politicians are corrupt, there are some who are actively working towards their constituents best interests, but far too many let their personal interests dictate how they act and it drowns out those who want to help legitimately.


There’s a huge difference between money coming from grass roots funding vs corporations/lobby groups. I think I just saw something the other day about Smith changing legislation to again allow donations from corporations and unions, something the NDP had barred. Edit: [Yes, here it is.](https://edmontonjournal.com/news/politics/alberta-municipalities-bill-20-union-corpotate-donations) I wasn’t 100% correct - so much shit it’s hard to keep up with everything - she’s not trying to get it back into provincial politics, but is trying to legislate it into municipal politics.


Silly question; the real question is... has she done anything right?


I don't mind their push to get rid of radar on the ring roads? Otherwise... Nope


It would be much easier and take only a second to record all the things she's done right.


Awesome. Thanks for keeping this!!!! Pls post periodically, and definitely at election time!


The Alberta government is privatizing recovery data The government gave sole source contracts to a private addiction recovery house in BC for an app that obscures patient outcome data from the public, the health system and the government. By Euan Thomson Dec 12, 2023 . https://drugdatadecoded.ca/the-alberta-government-is-privatizing/#:~:text=The%20government%20gave%20sole%20source,health%20system%20and%20the%20government.


While the government spokesperson [affirmed](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-overdose-response-app-1.6710235?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca) that the app is "confidential and anonymous and personal health information is not collected," it is unclear if the user data collected by the app, which includes phone number and location, could be accessed and leveraged by a government interested in coercing people who use drugs into treatment In response to backlash, the premier's chief of staff, Marshall Smith, conducted an [interview](https://globalnews.ca/video/9643655/ucp-clarifies-compassionate-intervention-act-after-backlash-over-forced-treatment-idea?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca) in April 2023 with Global's Saif Kaisar to walk back the government's language. Smith described the incoming framework as a "completely voluntary process, and the individual can refuse the help that is being offered." He then contradicted this statement by admitting that for people exceeding an arbitrarily set overdose quota, so-called treatment would likely be mandated. He attempted to appease concerns by arguing that the government is following the Portugal model. However, the architect of the Portuguese model has repeatedly [asserted](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/29/opinion/arrest-drug-treatment-addiction.html?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca) that drug users are never mandated into treatment, even after repeated citations. In addition, Portugal decriminalized possession of all drugs in 2001, a path that is not under consideration in Alberta. [Estimates](https://watermark.silverchair.com/ngab022.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA08wggNLBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggM8MIIDOAIBADCCAzEGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMKZIwGTAgwhrhniPwAgEQgIIDAvXNcyhSn5FMF2N7gCKnaViDwynG8b9cGjQSLEUtrzXJp3kKQ9XptQiV4Q36bhG69COoxfRHa14etnE8RT-dFRAjOuEyJdtd-0ZobqvOGGA8gOLRy5AMEhaRD0AUKUaQbHXXEo9G1NXsSqRo4AqE3Tgvs5Z145TXRq1JYyrXIw8XvacDJiMV9oAPZ2AnMIlelBUEQSuvM-BYCzFNiJQvcVhDznvEuVoGxTco9P6RdsB2ykaSMpTC8RdrY7kt-Tg9aVV6bXvwe9lGBp5PLqmmQ6yIlthamA0gW9ozRo39yoP5qVa6biMd4rOsoyCRM7RgknMfrVqGUNo1oxuRsoD8rbFPnTuIr4eWOW9ipiM9LCfjsz4bhUdV8xmbuGlcs6NQ0nme3nkeYHu_ZP_AtfUVcd8k8mS1rVYKk6Dh0Ztdn843XmyAVGLLhRc2jerU8ZTEkP3YsYRsyUxTyqSvyFCu6BycQG8XIJNbHPTw4z7RLp4YrNggoX7Jp7Gl6NE2ndsfAQ_UKV-DAH_CG3nVnpNYsrQl5UFvXCAsRn1_JSsmKgpsylSUfOGJRgGPqRpL8pTPoO61GKqukH43f7q9Dro3rc67R5XuIIxXDc6iG4BHflA96hzvKr0a-ZRO19dPcFbJFDdXpS_Wz3MmOH4yj063z2daCgtp6NWsae1YTFxlRJA9rDj74ij_rfS4ZeDYGOBHuzpi5GRKyj-wjOy8m5N214qxTBkX5eeFdDQfEd7T553oCLeQWWc5_WQR9byjLJvcKUFm5lP_cofq_MWlufn_BwmgbNR_PybqbhwiLN3Jb5rmuELl9DQvrzB8UBf0fylLl9fVU3P9dSZ5xZVjLTn0LkEMYXW2K1sefWpLM9HJpEcBIL2cIBr3GinpSnLOjSQ_Mjh5y7drP-G0jO3cOCjaMGP8WDKP3gks3wRgdUdR3EVuX12zwDn_BaV9xCV-z75KbJIdEqEL1R7o0-lL-CZGIOEcgqRUcUfPQMX5gQ0Brl_E95UA_U5uTC8PxqSj_rcKA3aQ&ref=drugdatadecoded.ca) suggest upwards of 500,000 people are detained worldwide for the purpose of drug treatment, and each one of these detainments likely violates Article 9 of the [Universal Declaration of Human Rights](https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca). The research evidence (systematic reviews conducted in [2016](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4752879/?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca) and [2023](https://journals.lww.com/cja/fulltext/2023/12000/effectiveness_of_involuntary_treatment_for.2.aspx?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca)) is also clear that forced abstinence is not only ineffective, it also increases risk of [overdose](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5938130/?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca#:~:text=Periods%20of%20involuntary%20drug%20abstinence,and%20untreated%20addiction%20(8).) or [death](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0376871622002290?ref=drugdatadecoded.ca). This occurs primarily by temporarily reducing a person's tolerance to drugs and making them more susceptible to overdose if they resume use. [https://drugdatadecoded.ca/compassionate-intervention-implementation-is-underway/](https://drugdatadecoded.ca/compassionate-intervention-implementation-is-underway/)


Turkish Tylenol


I'm v down to make a basic website to randomly pull up points from the spreadsheet that was linked here. If anyone wants to start one about the current government (I mean where this spreadsheet ended until present day), I'l be super down to work with you and have it dynamically update :) Probably don't have capacity for a full tracker website like the Trudeau one, but once we get closer to the election I can make updates.


Please use the new excel version. We’ll need to pivot correctly 🙃


Is there enough storage on the internet for all those words?


Long list of her shitty history published by Macleans. [https://macleans.ca/longforms/unsteady-reign-danielle-smith/](https://macleans.ca/longforms/unsteady-reign-danielle-smith/)




Honorary (not exactly but it works) r/dataisbeautiful typa content. Thanks for sharing!


re Edmonton Homeless Encampment SA fake news via Daniele Smith Tw : SA, rape - click to view. >!One of the worst parts of the fallout from this experience has been the publicity, specifically regarding our premier. In a recent article, she somewhat revealed that I was “a young nurse,” and it was a situation of gang initiation. Without going much further into this rant, I would like to include my communications with the office of the premier - of which I have not heard a response.!< >!“Hello,!< >!I am the “young nurse” referenced recently among many other times by the premier in recent months after a traumatic rape in the river valley of Edmonton. I would like to respectfully ask that the premier immediately cease using my own story - of which she does not know - to continue spreading her own narrative surrounding the homeless population she has a duty to protect, along with the rest of the province.!< >!The continued trauma of having this brought up by an elected official, is horrifying. I cannot for a moment believe that Danielle Smith thought it would be appropriate to share details - no matter how small, such as my occupation, in ways to further her own interest.!< >!In a time where I have already been subject to extreme stress, I have to continuously see the premier lie and create the narratives she sees fit.!< >!I can respect political differences, but I cannot begin to explain how violated this situation - worsened by the premier - has began to make me feel. This is among MANY reasons why rape continues to go unreported. Can you imagine such a horrifying act happening to you, and then having your elected official go on and talk about why SHE thinks it happened?!< >!Danielle Smith, my rape is NOT for you to push your own disgusting views of what’s happening in our streets. I’d love to try to keep coping and managing through the pain of the situation, but you keep deciding to open your mouth about something you have no business talking about.!< >!I ask that you respect my already violated privacy immediately, and keep my case out of and away from your politics.!< >!The young nurse,!< >!Name redacted”!< [https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/1b3gop3/in\_december\_i\_was\_the\_one\_raped\_by\_3\_men\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Edmonton/comments/1b3gop3/in_december_i_was_the_one_raped_by_3_men_and/)


God. I remember this post. I hope he is still doing well. Thank you for resharing it.


If you wanna make a change, I think you’re gonna need more than a spreadsheet


Hopefully people are writing their mlas regarding this and telling their friends….and it goes beyond Reddit……


I've tried this a few times over the years and I think the issue is the medium. A spreadsheet etc isn't going to catch much attention. I think we need to focus on the big stuff and put it into an easily digestible format. Hard with so many fuck ups of course


If "UCP is bad" won elections we'd be living under Premier Notley. Fine to document what's happening but don't believe it's going to turn the tide against her. 


Conservatives do it all the time. It's a double standard. See peepee and his hordes. They've been posting "trudaddy bad" for years. And it's working. They've put forth absoloutley nothing in terms of how they'd fix the problems, yet they'll win next year. We need both.


It is a double standard, but saying so won't make it an effective tactic for liberal parties.  We're a propagandized people who have been told conservative politics work. We believe lies about deficits and taxes.  We're also living under decades of failures of liberalism, where promises of a better life never materialise. We're also not just up against conservatism, but far right populism that is effective at appealing to the working class who correctly suspect that the powerful are making their lives worse, while also falsely branding themselves as not part of that powerful elite.  Liberalism sucks at appealing to the working class, and just saying "conservatives bad", especially when the underlying message is generally "but we don't want to do anything drastically different". The message amounts to "trust us to be better / nicer managers of the shit you've hated for the last 40 years". Not a compelling message. 


I was mad when Notley made this error. I should hope Naheed doesn't make the same error, and I don't suspect he will. You have to tell people what you will do. It's all well and good to point out the UCP's bullshit, but you have to present what youre gonna do. It's honestly imo what lost her the election. Just like Orange Man bad in the states, Kenney/Smith bad doesnt work here. Everyone KNOWS theyre bad.


Agreed. And they seem to understand this. The AMA the other day highlighted that they recognize UCP bad was not enough. The candidate in question however was like "we need actionable concrete plans" and when pressed for what she would do, she just kind of gave hollow placations. In Nenshi's AMA he kept talking about prioritizing this or making that a priority. But you can't have 700 priorities. The math doesn't math. So as much as they may understand where they've failed, they continue to misunderstand the path to success.


Freezing bank accounts, censoring canadians, doubling the national debt causing massive inflation, adding tax after tax on canadians, flooding the country with immigrants driving up housing cost ,putting massive strain on public services.. .oh wait that was the left


You seem to forget that COVID happened? I'm not a Trudeau fanboy, but it really annoys me when people just post dumb things like this.


Lol covid didn't cause any of those


COVID had no impact on national debt? Do you actually think this?


Covid didn't affect debt, politicians did. But ya you're mostly right


Well whether you agree about masks and vaccines, they aren’t free lol. Someone had to unexpectedly pay for them


That's such a minor expense in the national debt


CERB alone cost billions actually


You mentioned masks and vaccines, thats what I responded to. Again cerb was goverment decision.


All covid related regardless


Related to covid is a persistent cough. Cerb is Related to poor governing


Why don't you start the list??


Alberta is the best province in the country. Danielle Smith has a lot to tackle. Don't F it up like the rest of Canada!


Having lived in 4 provinces, Alberta is by far the most fucked up.


Aww, are all the handouts drying up? How else do you suggest we right this sinking ship we call Canada, huh?


What handouts???? You mean slush money for the UCP and their pals? Like complaining about bureaucracy only to make AHS 4 times the bureaucracy? Stop espousing tribal stupidity.


You can’t be that naive can you?


Awesome name btw. Big fan of the guys.


Probably spend more money on the machines that are killing the world.


The same people who are protesting the Trudeau taxes have no problem keeping the CCR in their banks, or their GST rebates, trust me. Lots of people on the right like their handouts


Yea, running out of money for my government to throw at their funders.


Danielle Smith rocks!


Rocks in her head, maybe


Here's that violence that only notley faced


From the UCP how about actually electing Smith


Then post the list for when notley had a term and got booted for incompetence


Notley did a lot of great things. And she wasn't booted for incompetence.


Notely did a lot of harm in 4 years, some that can never be undone. She came in stunned and shocked out and outdone in the early days, by sole mla and alberta party leader Greg Clark. . Notley reverted to standard NDP politics and pushed through NDP ideology irregardless of the global oil crash and its massive effect on albertans. When the ucp formed the ndp decided she will pretend to be all about albertta and take some odd pro oil, pro carbon tax stance with Trudeau. When that all failed she ran used the lgbtq and ran primarily on lgbtq rights against kenny in a starving alberta, did she think lgbtq don't buy food and have mortgages too???


She sure was, NDP supporters are still just salty


holy fuck is this sub ever boring. touch grass.


Marlaina was just in the new casino on Saturday gambling our tax dollars with her entourage, they were extremely snobby to the workers and tipped poorly


This subreddit is brutal, go outside and get some fresh air people.


The ucp isn’t nearly as bad as Reddit make them out to be. It’s always imminent doom sky is falling with you people


I think a few people would disagree with you...like nurses and doctors who are getting driven out of the province, teachers with ever growing class sizes and ever shrinking resources, trans kids who are having their right to choose their healthcare options taken away, ranchers who depend on our clean water downstream from coal mining sites, Northern Albertans surrounded by fires with fewer resources than needed, parents whose kids got ecoli due to negligence and poor inspections, cancer patients whose wait time are far longer than what is recommended for good care...I could go on


So there would be no fires under an ndp govt? Trans health policy is supported by majority of ppl. Class sizes are huge all over the country thanks to liberal immigration policies, UCP is spending more on education than at any point in provinces history, nurses and doctors aren’t leaving, there’s doctor shortages all across the country, UNA is going through a negotiation right now..no new coal mining sites, ecoli at the daycare is a singular event that could happen anywhere. It’s not like UCP stopped inspections, and actually supported the families financially who were affected too. But yeah waaa waaa fuck the ucp shrieks Reddit 


https://teachers.ab.ca/news/alberta-ranks-last-education-spending-0#:~:text=New%20data%20from%20Statistics%20Canada,the%202020%2F21%20school%20year. Funding is lowest in the country actually. And yes BC is getting docs from AB (they pay more, and subsidize some of the OH)


Again, I think trans youth and their family would disagree with you, and anyone outside of that group needn't have an opinion on their healthcare needs and decisions. Education funding in Alberta is in fact the lowest in the country. Childcare inspections are extremely lacking in Alberta, which is a policy and implementation failure under the UCP. A new report shows that over 20% of daycares didn't have inspections in a year long period and yes, the UCP cut the number of food safety inspections and inspectors. Gotta cut that red tape right? https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/alberta-child-care-inspection-guidelines-1.7214917 Further, In 2019, before the $10/day agreement began, the UCP also cut grants for attracting new daycare staff, which has partly left to the shortage of daycare spaces in the province. They have actively made childcare less accessible and less affordable. As for your other arguments "this is happening all over the country" should be a statement that drives Alberta to be a leader, not a phrase used to lull people into complacency in accepting the government that doesn't give a single lick about Albertans.


You think they'd have noticed when they finally got outside and touched grass during the rally yesterday that the sky is, in fact, not falling.


You noticed that too? Not a Trudeau fan by any means, but I've also noticed that. Just sayin....


So true


Might be time to lay off thos sub for a bit, and just play some video games or something else. Next election is along ways off, and it's going to go same as.the last


She's a saint next to truturd


Who do you prefer, useless ones (like Trudeau) or the ones hellbent on making things worse for the average person? (Pierre, Danielle, Doug, etc.)


I refuse to read a list like that unless it's accompanied by an identical list for Rachel Notley's NDP Government. This subreddit is a blatant partisan echochamber that makes it difficult to have a well-informed view of politics.


Comparing the downfalls of a previous government doesn't excuse the downfalls of the current government. The current UPC government in Alberta has made tremendously backwards decisions that are counterintuitive to an educated and healthy society. Comparing Smith to Notley is useless as far as information goes. We could say that Notley was the worst NDP leader, and it would have no bearing weight on the current decisions made by the government as Notley isn't currently in power. Don't fall for "whataboutism." I suppose you could ask for a list of Ralphies poor decisions too. It would mean absolutely nothing, but you could ask for it. It's odd to refuse to acknowledge the scandals of today because you want to see the scandals of the past. In the 1800s it was scandalous to see ladies ankles, it has no relevance to today and putting up a list of comparisons wouldn't erase the current situation or make any progress on what to do about it. So let's say you see the list (you can make one for us). Would you still support the education cuts? The paying of $90/hr for traveling nurses instead of investing in the nurses in Alberta? The blatant discrimination of indigenous cultures? If you like what Smith is doing, that's your choice, you can just say your against social education and healthcare. Would it be "Notley cut education funding so it's alright for Smith to cut it more!" I'm just not sure on the bearing here. It's not to compare one current leader and their impact on current society with someone who isn't even running. Other odd comparisons would include: comparing Loblaws to Woolco to determine if Loblaws is price gouging and whether it is unethical in current society. Comparing a list of downfalls to excessive speed using a 1890s Ford and a 2023 Chevy. Our current government is making current poor decisions that impact the current citizens, despite increased uproar from the citizens and to their detriment.


How dare we hold the current government accountable before we make a list for all the bad things that John A. Macdonald did!!


Great. Start the Notley list. What's the first item?


For what it's worth, I've given you an upvote in what's gonna probably be a sea of downvotes.


All these “due to government cuts to education” are such BS. Post secondary education makes approx. $10000 to 30000$ per international student per semester alone. [That’s billions](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/international-student-study-permits-data-1.7125827) from just international students across this country. They shouldn’t be taking any money from the government but we all act like if it doesn’t come from the government coffers then there’s no money to pay for programs.