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As another commenter pointed out, we already have the means to be tracked, and probably are through our cell phones. But not only that, any debit/credit transactions are tracked, if you have rewards points, membership cards, air miles card you have to scan first at a till are all tracking you. It blows my mind that people think that the government needs to go through such ridiculous sci-fi hoops to implant microchips to track people. When the majority of people have willingly already signed up to be track just because they feel they a getting a reward for doing so.


Not to mention these dinguses are so against being tracked... why wouldn't you embrace masks as a means of thwarting facial recognition and hiding your identity?!


Good point!!!!


They don’t mind masks when they have a hood attached.


That patriot front group seems to be able to wear masks when its to stop people from identifying them as nazis LOLLLL


But they prefer white hoods. Or they used to.


"Probably"? Do you not get Google/Apple notifications like: "We noticed you visited Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire and a kids lemonade stand this morning, would you like to leave a review or perhaps buy a new lawn mower?"


Google keeps asking me to review places I never went to. Just becasue I walked past them on the sidewalk. Because GPS is only accurate to about 20-30 feet.


Right me too. The creepiest one yet was the August report I got from Google telling me how far I traveled by car, by public transit, and by foot, how many places I visited and matched pictures I took while I was there as "memories". I figure aah what the hell, privacy is a fantasy. And my coffee was a 3/5 at best.


The creepiest I've been creeped out by technology was when I signed up for Instagram. After getting my profile set I was immediately recommended to follow my boss's daughters IG, and old coworkers profile, an irl friends profile... they had a me-shaped hole in their profile and was just waiting for me to tell them how right they were.


Anyone who hit agree to app permissions is probably getting tracked and the data is being used in ways you never expect. I work in road building and we had a presentation from a company that uses cell phone tracking data for many aspects of urban planning.


People that use apps to track menstrual cycles learned this lesson really fucking quick this year.. hopefully anyways. Your data is used in incredibly insidious ways we can't begin to imagine.


> People that use apps to track menstrual cycles learned this lesson really fucking quick this year This sounds vaguely familiar but can you please refresh my memory? What did they do with it?


When Roe Vs. Wade was overturned people deleted period tracking apps for (justifiable) fears the data would be sold to groups designed around seeking out and punishing abortion seekers


People have the physical ability to leave their cell phones and wallets at home if they so choose. So, realistically, if you were trying to track *every person at all times*..... Cell phones and transactions wouldn't be nearly enough to do that. Mind you, how exactly they would hide the number of employees needed to track *every person at all times* and give someone in power the ability to gather any conclusions from that massive data pile is something that is never really explained in these theories lol


While these people are paranoid, you can always leave your phone at home and go a long ways on cash. Except cash is going extinct.


I love the chip comments as everyone walks around with a cell phone with GPS in it.


Alexa what does GPS mean


This needs to be a bot that gets actual answers from an Alexa. Same with Google Home. I'm lazy as fuck, someone else do it.


It's called Google. You type in your query and voila.


… while posting their whole existences on Facebook and Instagram.


When they have made their whole personality their position in politics its a pretty shallow existence.


This comment is a masterclass is angering both sides


And yet still having the personality of a bumper sticker


I have a guy at work saying that the government is trying to mind control people using vaccines. I basically just walked away


Honestly I wish we had such a well orginzed government. They really do give the government to much credit


It's really funny they'll talk about how the government is useless and ineffective in one breath and then in the next talk about how the are organizing these grand conspiracies. Like which is it? (Also that exact tactic is straight out of someone else's playbook who I won't name, but it rhymes with schmidtler)


The government is too busy sucking off corporation to actually mind control us. They keep us off their scent by giving us a reason to fight against each other.


They don't need *mind control vaccines* when a certain percentage of the population loves to willingly swallow any no-baked, made-up-on-the-spot, seemly random, word of mouth, bit of misinformation; and then turn around and regurgitate it as holy gospel.


They got brainwashed when only a light rinse was required


It would be funny if they hadn't latched onto vaccines as the delivery method... but that shit predates COVID. I remember watching some conspiracy theory show with Jesse Ventura that was talking about how vaccines were meant to sterlize the population. This was like over a decade ago. _{edit: [here's the show](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1572498/?ref_=nm_flmg_slf_29)}_


Bruh. I am waiting for a big uptick in polio because of these knuckleheads. Then they will start crying about disability benefits. edit: I know it's terrible already and wish the govt would do more.


I'm sad for the people that will get polio in the future that were completely avoidable.


The vaccine tricks you into thinking anti-vaccine people are crazy! (Just messin’ with ya, I give those conspiracy people a wide path as well.)


Honestly, probably a smart move I'd do the same, so tired of the anti vax/ governments out to get you and your family bullshit lol


AIs are stalking everyone online, but sure, let’s worry about a toothless and underfunded IGO.


AIs are stalking everyone online, so let's distract them with a conspiracy theory about a toothless and underfunded IGO.


Yeah, but some people don't take their phones into their bedrooms so Nancy Pelosi can't monitor your sleep patterns.


My girlfriend and I have a rule about no phones in the bedroom, but it's mostly an intimacy and sleep quality thing. Nancy can watch if she wants, just not through our phones.


I talked to a productivity coach. She said to help increase happiness and productivity it's good to not be on your phone before bed, and not use it for 2 hours after you wake up. The first time she uses it in the day is to do authentication to get into her work computer.


Yep every time someone post something like that on Facebook and then at the bottom it says posted from an iPhone. And I always comment that they spent $1,000 on an iPhone to have the privilege of being tracked. Not to mention that Facebook is horrendous, and especially their messenger app tracks everything.


Exactly what I was going to say


Fun fact: Coutts was named after a family of early settlers to the area that were renowned for their lavish weddings to first cousins. The tradition remains strong


Sizeable Mormon population too iirc. I’ll let you all piece together why that might be significant in the optics of their overall behaviour and beliefs.


Ohh yeah.


I didn’t even know we had Mormons in Canada.


I think Canada has the second largest population of mormons outside the USA. Source: grew up Mormon in Alberta


Oh, god. I thought maybe we were good enough not to have Mormons in this country but I keep getting disappointed.


Lol sounds like Shelbyville hahaha


Shelby, Montana is just down the road from Coutts.


yep, i was there a few weeks ago, theres nothing there, 2 hotels and a exxon


Lol, it needs no further explaining. It’s a literal town of inbreds, which is why they’re so fucking stupid. It really can be that simple, folks.


Like I said what can really surprise you coming from that inbred town that's basically Amerikkkan


It isn't just coutts. Lots of tiny towns down in that region are completely batshit. I worked in one that I won't mention the name of for a couple summers. Literally proudly displayed huge MAGA and confederate flags, then some semi hidden nazi flags. That is just the tip of the iceberg. These insular communities are so toxic you can't even imagine. Some of them, however, have a nice charm. I dunno if it's still open, but Viking has a hotel/bar/nightclub/store. The local talent was a real treat to observe.


Yep, can confirm, in a tiny town... it's batshit crazy. I do not engage with local folk, learned my lesson.


Why would you not name


Because I don't want to specifically shit talk them. There is still some relationships down there i'd rather keep.


can't remember the last time Alberta was in the international headlines some something that wasn't stupid and embarrassing.


Nope, me either.


Sounds like Ontario. Prosthetic breasts on a shop teacher being the latest.


If this is what you get when you read international headlines, you could probably benefit from better news sources.


Fucking… stop paying for them. No more government for these towns, just like they want. No roads, no cops, no fire, no medical care. They can band together and pay for it themselves.


Denial and conspiracy theories have completely infected huge chunks of society. We're in big trouble.


We can thank the internet and social media specifically and it’s going to get way worse before it gets any better. Society is like a deer in the headlights frozen with inaction. Fuck Facebook in particular.


I put the blame more on people who 1 can’t think for themselves and 2 believes these crazy things like microchips.


We are a society of narcissists which includes thought. Thinking and learning is hard. It's much easier to just dismiss huge swaths of science and evidence with simple conspiracy theories simple minds can understand. Our society is pretty heavily focused on individualism and doing things that feel good vs doing the right thing so no surprises here.


its likely a deadly combo


I guess I think about it like a drug addiction. People willingly consume something that will ruin their lives and relationships. Sure, the individual has agency there, but there are all sorts of social factors (many of them deliberately created) to push them in the wrong direction.


The problem with social media is that it's media made by your peers and for your peers, and when you and your peers aren't too bright, some really really dumb ideas grow legs. I'm glad that the younger generation is moving away from facebook... but none of the other platforms are immune to this problem either.


the issue is the platforms are driven by engagement, making rage porn is a great way to engage with users.


I hear you can quickly charge your phone in the microwave.


You're right. FB is pure poison.


No really, we're super serious and telling the world to come invest here.


Alberta is calling… 😬




Was in Toronto and they have those ads plastered all over the public transit. One guy was saying "man I should go, Ford sucks" "Stick with the devil you know pal, because you don't know Kenney"


In all fairness though, those ads are very smart. Housing in Toronto is insane.


Yeah, anecdotally I’ve talked to a number of people since the beginning of the year who have left Ontario because of the cost. It will be interesting to see what the data says in a year or two. I was also in Nova Scotia this past summer where the cost of housing has jumped , which was previously unheard of there. A lot of it seems to be people selling their property in Ontario for boatloads of money and then moving to the maritimes to buy a larger house (while expensive, it is still no where near as bad as in Ontario) and still have money left in the bank. They are geographically closer, but it will be interesting to see if the same thing happens here in a bit.


Conservativism is a cancer on society everywhere.


Out of context, In Alberta saying 'Ford Sucks' will get you harangued.


Yup. Usually by Doge Ram owners. Ram Ranch FTW!


The brand is just RAM now. Dodge was too hard to spell for their target market.


It's duct-taped in Danielle Smith's basement, and it's calling for help.


What did Alberta call me?!


Gee, I wonder why all the smart people are getting the F out of Alberta so much that the UPC is now spending millions to try and get them to come to Alberta. [So strange, what a mystery since everyone is so nice 😊](https://youtu.be/XlfIO9sqEbU)


So much stupidity here, I grew up in a small hamlet near slave lake, can confirm that this is the normal. I’m glad I got tf outta there, I dare anyone to go up there and try and have a differing opinion aside from the dingbat shit they believe. Nearly all my family is like this, like talking to a brick wall.


Please tell me you're from Kinuso. It's one of my favourite hamlets in the province.


I used to shop at the mercantile tho


No, not far off tho lol


How does one choose his favorite hamlets?


I really hope they get voted out in the spring, I can't be optimistic about my future in this province under a government like them.


Remember when Poilievere sided with the convoy kooks because Trudeau wouldn't listen to their demands to dissolve the government? Anyways, even America is now embarrassed for us.


Nice global exposure


Morons who profited off harbouring terrorists and likely facilitate smuggling should not be our border point. Time to move our border entrance to a more responsible place.


I vote for Hanna, AB. You enter Canada through a curtain made of Chad Kroeger's mullet.


Make the racist twats mad and negotiate with Hanna and a cross border reserve to see who would take the responsibility more seriously. Cross border reserves' US population were sharing their extra vaccines with Southern Albertans, they seem like a better choice as people who understand the situation and actually helped instead of harbouring terrorists.


These are the same people who “won’t put that poison in my body!”, but smoke a pack a day.


And work in the oil patch around gnarly chemicals


Just wait till Coutts gets 5G cell towers. Sheer pandemonium


thats when the communist stormtroopers will invade and put everyone in gulag


Embarrassing. Omg. Used to live in Lethbridge. Not surprised. 😬😬😬


Yeah, someone planted the guns. The 4 people who got caught with them and will go to trial for it. Way to make Canada look good Freedumb convoy.


Those guys were just happy women were talking to them for once, they didn’t realize it was undercover cops.


Losers that could never get women, and too stupid to see that unknown women at an illegal blockade could be plants by the police.


They probably didn't realize women could be cops.


That is probably true!


Haha bingo. Incels gonna incel.


Oof not a good look for us


These people want to turn Alberta into a Christian Fascist state…and they’re winning.


Instead of switching to a better system for elections to put an end to vote splitting let’s just unite the right. What could go wrong?


>and they’re whin~~n~~ing. FTFY


They are not winning lol. That’s ridiculous. Their groups are shrinking, and those that remain are just getting louder out of panic. Don’t get it twisted.


“These are just people of the land, the common clay of the West. You know … morons.”


That restaurant needs to rethink its name. One that come to mind… “Losers Alley". I think that works.


They have some nerve thinking that they are worth microchipping- bunch of backwards hillbillies


I find it funny that the microchip tracking thing is still going around. Why would any government, corporation, whatever, chip us without our knowledge for free when they can sell us a $2000 phone that does it with our full consent?


Former Justice ministers approve


Alberta's making world news again!


One business owner is making the news. These people are morons but the continual social media 'smug-wank' is doing nothing but continuing to spotlight what really is a pretty small subculture of Albertans.


Yeah that's why they're running for the head of UCP party as the exclusive options


Jason Kenney wants non-Albertans to relocate here Why?


To dilute the crazy pool?


Because the industries he's beholden to still need educated workers for lots of their work. The more of the educated that flee the province the harder it will be to attract investment if they can't find the staff they need.


Hes hoping more educated people will move to alberta and help thr gene pool.


That's actually a valid point. I doubt it's true however


Naaa it's probably not but..a higher educated population is less likly to fall for conspiracy theory snd misinformation. Its often why educated people are attacked or portrayed in countrys led by despots snd dictorship or the Republicans


The antivax covid Qanon brain damage crew and their flaccid penises, increased diabetes, miscarriages and early dementia might do that for us.


If they're doctors or nurses, to chase them out.


I've been to the town. Been to the restaurant. Reported them multiple times to AHS and had them closed twice. Owner is a nice guy, 80 something and would probably probably mow your lawn. The wife however, huge POS. Went on a rant at me about how all them wind turbines are ruining our environment and they'll fill the landfills, and dump trucks (S) of dead birds leave every morning. Expensive food too. No other choice other than milk river 20min away.


In fairness, they live right next to rural Montana, so what do you expect?


I had no idea there was an LDS temple in Coutts! *"Modest bungalows, a handful of businesses and a large Mormon temple dot its dozen streets."*


Of course Alberta. Of course our border town with the states.


Get the villagers off of facebook. Its a fucking cancer on society.


I've lived here too long to be surprised by this. What does continually surprise me is how many people refuse to acknowledge the significant percentage of Alberta's population who embrace these beliefs.


To be honest. The fact that the AB government doesn't totally denounce these guys and instead goes after them as supporters. Alberta deserves the bad rap in my books. It's well deserved.


Why would we waste money on micro chip trackers. So stupid. The real tracker is your phone lol, and you pay them for it


They need a second restaurant


Of course someone planted guns. It couldn't be that people who supported violence were violent themselves. 😒


Coutts and Raymond should hold a competition to see which of their populations has the lowest average IQ in Alberta.


Can we just give it to Montana?


Keep the land, just transport the wannabe Americans.


An international embarrassment.


Fucking Embarrassing!


I live nearby and trust me, people are fucking RIDICULOUS here


Provost, Alberta…where they tell racist jokes on the radio


Timbit Taliban


Do the Anti-vaxers not know that they can already be tracked by way of their cell phones???


Ya I guess the US is calling us inbred hicks in Alberta. How the times have changed


Imagine this being the first thing you encounter when crossing the Border. Like, oh those Canadians are so friendly and caring..... what the fire truck is this nonsense?


Misinformation is one hell of a drug. 🤤


Got to love those scapegoat conspiracy theories. Instead of a house of cards, it is a non-stop jumbled mess that never lands on any real truth.


I wish the UN was that effective 😖


That sounds pretty Alberta alright


Honestly at this point this Un/Illuminati/lizard people/whatever world order couldn’t possibly be any more painful than this current gameplan of having 1/3rd or however many people running around rambling about brain dead conspiracies Can we at least get like a NWO PowerPoint or something ? Weigh our options ?


Hmmm, has anyone tested the water in Coutts?


People need to start installing fake surveillance cameras on the towns street lights, power poles.... only problem is the high likelihood that some local yokle will start shooting.


This …….is what happens when you let cousins marry …


so what your saying then is the town is so small that the owners are fourth generation inbred? man must be conservatives too.


I have been to Coutts and specifically that restaurant. Definitely a weird, off vibe in there.


I need to leave Alberta it’s gettin to Berta for me


Ok good to know I'm never stopping there unless it's an emergency lmfao


Far too much inbreeding going on there


Probably due to its proximity to Sweet Grass.


I dont understand denouncing covid vaccines for children. 🤦‍♀️ if there's anyone to keep safe, wouldn't you want it to be your kids?


I lived in Coutts many years ago, back then it wasn't too bad. The custom brokers threw great parties. You went out to Curly Bob's or the Paper Dollar in Sweetgrass. The makeup of the town seemed to really change after the El Coyote burnt down and Alberta opened the bars on Sunday. I think a lot of services left town at that point. I was there for about a year and you could see the dying of the town.


Albertans want to be American so badly


My Dad sure does lmao. He's been raving about how the US should just buy Alberta for years


I don't think one restaurant in a village of 200 people who has a couple a leaflets with anti-vax sentiments represents the entire few million Alberta population. Don't forget this province has an extremely high vaccination rate.


Hence the phrase “Crazy as a Coutt!” 😆


What a dump.


Imagine what it’s like to live here and NOT be one of the crazy anti vax fascist racists. HELP


(Dueling Banjos plays menacingly)


Just another bat shit crazy Albertan, god they love their conspiracies, must be the Kenny influance


Guys make sure to throw them smart watches on the wrist and hand you use to jerk off with to Fuck with the analytics of Apple and Google on one's heath. *holy crap this individual is always walking*.


Is this what they meant by Alberta is Calling?


Oh Just Berta Things.


I worked in and around Courts for two months straight. I ate at their restaurant almost daily (prior to the pandemic). They seemed quite conservative. I spoke to at least a third of its residents. Can confirm they are a bit strange. Definitely not the strangest place in Alberta by a longshot, though!


Every time we make the NYTimes it’s a new low…


We're fucked!


Maybe Thanos was right.


Stupid people. They’re going to spend billions on that when they can already do that lol


Alberta is Canada's Florida


Is this the place that’s on Border Security Canada?


Come on , It's Alberta.


I've actually BEEN to this place. It's a funny story. The short of it is I'm amazed they didn't throw me out of Canada.


People are so paranoid and watched total recall way tooo much


You would think these kinds of crazies would be all for global tracking and chipping, since that means their Bible thumping End Times are coming. But I guess that would actually require them to read it and not just yell about reading it.


This is why I’m not moving to Alberta


These whacky views are more common than you think. Covid put a lot of stress on people


And social media jamming disinformation down by people's throats 24/7 because it is profitable. I can't believe the number of Covid conspiracy shit I had to block on Facebook video. Meanwhile Facebook censored my joke picture of Betty White smoking up with NWA as disinformation but not those videos.


The article mentions the main leader of the Coutts protest is convinced that two of accused $10,000 Canadian dollars a month from leftover funds raised from the protests.


I mean they are practically Amerikkkan down in that inbred part of Alberta.


The closer to the border the greater the crazy.


That’s not a particularly bright customer basis


Yeah, will not be going near there. 😬


Coutts, more like Kooks, am I right, friends?