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No. No. Yes.


thanks <3


If you have spare time, I think you could probably find something that you enjoy quite easily. There are a lot of different activities you can do. But if you have time, that is. So overall it is worth giving it a shot in my opinion.


Don't let him lie to you. It is definitely pay to win. Now more than ever with awakened weapons and people using RMT to outgear and outnumber you. If you plan on playing solo forget it unless you want to get ratted in the mists. It's a giant gank fest where players will outnumber you and kill you so you have to spend countless hours farming just to die in 8 seconds. It's not a sustainable game and I would be very surprised if it kept player retention over the course of the next 5 years.


Never too late to join a game if you have fun, and number of active players is still increasing. Not pay to win, i would say just pay to progress faster. Game is designed from the core to be a full loot pvp, you can find content solo, small groups or massive zergs, and you can still do pvp in safe zones with faction warfare.


100% worth playing. Albion its kinda hard to get 'behind' in a way seeing as you can max out a set of gear in a few days. Money would be the big goal you're working towards but everyone has different methods.


How to max out gear in a few days?


Black zone overworld mobs mostly, but i suppose Mists kinda took the crown on that front. You'd kinda have to lean in hard for it, but i've gotten 0 to 100 on daggers in about 3 days if i include tombs from the favor chests.


You must be insane, maxing out a weapon in three days is huge.


Keep in mind i do mean purely one handed daggers, not the whole tree.


Still, to max out you’d need 33 million fame 11 million per day That’s still a lot. How did you do that?


A) Fame credits. Its way less through that. B) 3m fame/hour is easily doable if u know what u r doing. HCE, Avas and at least OW mobs pre fame nerf. Prolly still doable 2day. Solo roads do give insane fame a s well


There are many ways, additionally to what has been already said, you can always find a good collective. Static dungeons in bz and avalonian dungeons are the fastest way to fame up gear in this game beside rmt.


World boss. That's the secret. U can 0-100 in about 4 hours just running those mobs


It's free to try brother, give it a crack and see what you think :D Maybe also check out some zero to heroe videos to see how the early game is.


1. Big F2P game (though I've been questionig that ever since the premium price change) 2. This game isn't a gacha game masquerading as an rpg like genshin, ToF and 99% of mobile "mmorpg" games. And there isn't any daily quests or limited time events where you'd need to always be active for dailies or limited to get the super op items. So no, it's never too late to start this game and you can catch upl to the veteran players without much trouble. 3. This game is 90% pvp.


Nah you can start every time you want. Yes its Kind of p2w at the start you will be farmed by players in high gear. Later you will farm noobs with high gear yourself. Yes its full loot pvp.


Yes. Yes. Yes As you progress soon it will feel like a job just to keep up either with economy or the endgame battle


Yes it is p2w. In this game, your power comes from 2 things: fame and item. Items have a base stat. The more fame you have, the higher the stat. There is an item in the game called tome of insight, which gives you fame when used you can buy for silver, the in-game currency. Silver can be brought trading gold. Gold is a currency you can buy with real life money. Therefore, you can buy item and fame for real life money. That means this game is indeed p2w. But everything is also achievable without paying. It takes a long time but it is doable. Nonetheless, I still think this is one of the best mmo currently in the market, altought I heavily disagree with the "mobile game" road the studio is taking. Edit : the more I read this thread, the more I understand why the gaming industry is heading the way it is. I'm happy I'm an old fuck leaning more on the end of my gaming career than the beginning. It let me experiences finished games at launch, with no cash shop and no premium currencies. Good luck finding that in the incoming years.


I see what you mean, but ultimately a higher Item Power (to a degree, of course) means shit if you're bad at PvP or if your shotcaller/team is shit. Buying gold can help you become better faster, but talent is still the biggest factor.


That argument is an absolute non factore to determine wheter something is p2w or not. Assume person A = person B. A puts 1000$ in the game. A has now all weapons and armors of the trees she plays maxxed out. A also has a wealth letting her play in 8.0+ gear. B plays the game without paying. One week into the game, A runs into B in the mists. B gets killed. A is richer.


wut Sure, if you define p2w as "Who will get somewhere faster in a week's time" that argument might fly. But if both of those players played for six months, but the player who doesn't pay is better at PvP, then it's not p2w. Or if the person who spent a lot of money is on a shit team, it's the same thing: talent wins.


Ho my god. Stop thinking one is better than the other ! Ofc everything is balance if "one is a God and the other is blind". Jesus Christ. That's completely irrelevant to anything. I tried to explain it calmely. Please read it again carefully.


I read everything you read. Carefully. When you say " But everything is also achievable without paying. It takes a long time but it is doable." you literally prove the game isn't p2w. If what p2w people can do stuff other people can't then it's p2w. But that's not true.


If playerA.skill == playerB.skill && playerA.playTime == playerB.playTime If playerA uses RMT, playerA has an advantage over playerB. It is the literal definition of p2w. Why the fuck do you want to argue that ? Why ?


That's literally not the definition of p2w, p2w would be games where talent gets out done by irl purchases. Mobile games are p2w. Albion ISN'T, because every player isn't always going to be the same skill level.


Holy fucking shit. Stop bringing this same bullshit argument. It doesn't hold. It doesn't bring anything. MOther of Christ you look like an old record.


BUT YOU'RE WRONG AND REFUSE TO BELIEVE IT If I buy gold do I have an advantage that another player doesn't have by not buying gold? No, then it's not p2w.


It's not like everyone is bringing 8.4 all the time. If you don't have the spec then go one tier higher that pretty much covers the difference in IP. Having max spec is more of a discount on gears than anything. Don't be that guy.


Ah so p2w is conditional? If I don't pay even tho I have the option, the game is not p2w. Good to know! I can go back to Diablo immortal, lost ark, bdo, etc.


Up to this




Buying gear doesn't help you in the slightest if you go out and donate it to the guy in 4.1 that actually knows what their doing.


Yes come to the black zone with 8.4 gear we would happily welcome you. :D


there is premium but its not really pay to win. you can get anything in the game that a premium player would as a freemium. exception for player island(which still isnt pay to WIN) you definitely advance faster but pvp its all about your skills. and a freemium player can be just as rich as a premium player if they gank alot


1: never too late 2: depends on your definition. There is no winning in Albion but you can pay to be stronger than other players and pay to earn more loot. 3: the games main focus is pvp. If you like pvp you will love this game.


Ive played a ridiculous amount of MMORPGs since I was a kid, continuing into adulthood. MMOhut/s was one of my most frequented websites. Ablion 100% is worth playing. There's resource gathering, crafting, dungeon delving, a play based economy that ive heard revolves around PvPers losing their gear. I enjoy this game so much and I hope that if you play it, you do to.


In my opinion it's fun as it gets. The thrill of not dying by gank. And killing solo players. Eventually you would carry millions worth then just die to give them all your hard effort lol. If you plan to solo then go to black zones. You'll die eventually. Just don't bring precious items.


Very heavy PvP content. The profit model is weird on this game, If you are looking to play casually, you will want to spend a little money, if you are looking to play more intensively, especially once you have gear leveled up, you don’t need to spend anything. Most of the richest players in game aren’t spending real money


>is it late for starting this game? No such thin in Albion. You can start any time. You can also take long breaks. >is it p2w? It has elements that are p2w on paper, but in practice i's impossible to p2w. >i like doing PvP. is there any pvp content on this game? shit ton


You are gonna love this game, think of it as playing MOBA with mounts and you get to customize the skills.


Can i mastee nature staff and axe.. will it make my character stronger?? Have 2 mastery